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Show me the Republican man (or woman)… — 25 Comments

  1. It’s hard to believe this is serious. According to the LI link, Hillary Clinton insists that the FBI should figure out what “boofing” means (from Kavanaugh’s calendar). And also Democrats, among whom the NC State associate professor is numbered, want to verify, maybe to the pint, just how much beer Kavanaugh drank as a teen and college student.

    It seems to me that at least half the male population drank too much in college, and a fairly large percentage of the females, too. Are they all disqualified from high office despite excellently conducted adult lives? Is this where we want to go?

  2. Kate:

    Much more than half the male population drank a lot in college, and female too. I seem to recall a recent president who did a lot of drugs in high school and college.

    But remember, he was a democrat, so it didn’t matter. The left only wants to “go there” for Republicans. Democrats can drink, drug, and philander.

    The hypocrisy is stunning. But nothing new. What’s new is this focus on high school. Then again, it’s not all that new. They did it to Mitt Romney. It wasn’t about drinking, because he didn’t drink. It was about teasing a fellow classmate in high school.

  3. And of course in one of the funniest ironies of our time the evil Trump has famously (and brought it up today) never drank alcohol. Just like Hitler they say!

  4. I Have tried to be relatively neutral on the substance of the major claim against Kavanaugh, preferring to focus on what the moral and legal implications might be were it somehow demonstrated to be false.

    Now, someone else pipes up. There, I read that having been at a party, the college aged Kavanaugh was insulted by another male, and that he responded to this insult by throwing his beer in the man’s face; which says Chad Ludington an erstwhile acquaintance of Kavanaugh’s and now a professor at North Carolina State, resulted in an altercation which “led to the arrest of a mutual friend.”

    With this fresh revelation, I can now say that saving some circumstance in which he is proven to have raped a woman, Brett Kavanaugh has my full support.

    Had he responded by punching the guy’s lights out and breaking his nose, he would have done better. Had be decked Chad Ludington as well, I would go even further and suggest he be elected to the Presidency of the Republic. Two terms.

    But then Kavanaugh is only human after all, and cannot be expected to be perfect; especially given the hothouse conditions and generally emasculated social circumstances he was forced to grow up in.

  5. Fanatics are incapable of appreciating irony. So too are most liberal/leftists incapable of grasping just how Pyrrhic a ‘victorious’ defeat of Cavanaugh will be for them.

    Napoleon once observed, “never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake.” The democrats, in their fanatical anything-goes-opposition to any constitutionalist jurist have awoken Lindsey Graham and, surely other establishment Republican congressional representatives to the actual nature of their democrat colleagues.

    In being willing to “die upon this hill”, democrats are exposing their fanaticism. That fanaticism prevents them from seeing just how close to the precipice they stand.

  6. Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes. Georgetown University Distinguished Associate Professor Christine Fair

  7. Alan Dershowitz is right again. “But this is no longer about who would make the best Supreme Court justice. It is about the most fundamental issues of fairness this country has faced since the McCarthy era, when innocent people were accused of trying to overthrow the government and had their lives ruined based on false accusations, while being denied all semblance of due process or fairness.”


  8. I happen to think that this whole Kavanaugh confirmation battle has been very revelatory of the Democrat’s true attitudes, and of the depths they are willing to go to to defeat an enemy, in aid of retaining or regaining power.

    I had pictured many of these Congressional and other Democrats as being pushed ever Leftward by an ever more radicalized and vocal minority of their constituents, who were incited, aided, and abetted by a whole host of primarily Soros funded think tanks and organizations.

    Soros’ intent obviously to cause as much chaos, conflict, and violence as he can here, as a way of destabilizing the U.S. and our political system, in the same way he has very successfully destabilized several European countries; Soros believing that such chaos, violence, and destabilization increases the chances of Leftists gaining even more power, and being able to carry out a “fundamental transformation” of the U.S.

    But, what I have seen on display, what I have observed is not reluctant Democrats being pushed ever further to the Left against their wills, but rather Democrats who are all for it, who—despite generation’s of lip service—when it comes right down to it, really care nothing for our Constitution, for our Bill of Rights, for the Rule of Law; they are quite willing to run roughshod over all of them, just abandon them, in their quest for power.

    These Democrats are very dangerous people, people without principle or ethics who should have no place in government, who should be kept away from having power over anyone.

    People who should be voted out of office and replaced by people who will cherish our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law, legislators who actually care for the people they represent and their interests, concerns, and well being.

    These Democrats on display are not those people.

  9. “Brett Kavanaugh testified the other day that he might never coach girls’ basketball again,” sports reporter Erik Brady opined. “He shouldn’t – at least not until further investigation has concluded. The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around.”
    USA Today Suggests Brett Kavanaugh Is a Pedophile

    “We know that Judge Kavanaugh has not been truthful in all questions presented to him by the committee we also have serious doubts about his personal life as relates to problems with alcohol, gambling and credit card debt, and the burden of proving his innocence remains in response to several allegations of sexual misconduct. – National organization in their letter to Congress

    What is the reason for the secrecy? We submit that it is because there is more bad news about this nominee. That not even the painful recounting by the survivor of an alleged attempted rape by a drunk Brett Kavanaugh and the witnessing by Mark Judge is sufficient to convince the Committee’s leadership that a more complete FBI background investigation should be conducted. Nor has the additional disclosure of a serious sexual misconduct incident against a woman during the nominee’s college years prompted a call for further investigation. The committee need not be reminded that the alleged attempted rape is an unreported crime that remains open to prosecution.- National organization in their letter to Congress

    a paragraph of demands followed by
    Failing those actions, the committee must disband efforts to confirm Brett
    – National organization in their letter to Congress

    After a paragraph of three litmus test claims that kavenaugh had revealed in some way his actual position priori any case on abortion/Affordable Care Act, because of quotes by a third party (Trump) about his musings on the court and what would happen, without any actual evidence that kavanaugh has agreed, disagreed, or even mused himself – and claimed

    “Trump outsourced his constitutional duties to two right-wing special interest groups: the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation.” AND “Judge Kavanaugh has passed these litmus tests, or he wouldn’t have been nominated. If confirmed, he would vote to undermine women’s control over their own bodies and sabotage accessible health coverage for millions of people, disproportionately impacting women, people of color, people with disabilities, and low-income families.” – The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

    HOWEVER the best, maybe should instead go on the Chutzpah category is
    Political Mind Games: The Kavanaugh File

    My research shows that their mind games often target our doubts and concerns in five domains:

    Vulnerability: Are we safe?
    Injustice: Are we being treated fairly?
    Distrust: Who can we trust?
    Superiority: Are we good enough?
    Helplessness: Can we control what happens to us?

    and this

    But in recent days, we’ve seen them turn to these methods in an effort to quell the controversy generated by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s credible allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Let’s consider several examples:

    Using the medical community to set oneself up as an authority in that one can determine, from a distance, without interview, veracity in a claim, and find it credible…

    this man needs to not only get a nobel prize, but to also sit on the nobel committee as it picks the next communist despot or fascist mass murderer as person of the year

    So, too, in the Kavanaugh context. For instance, Gina Sosa of the GOP argued, “Tell me, what boy hasn’t done this in high school?” Similarly, Christian evangelist Franklin Graham claimed, even if the allegations are true, “There wasn’t a crime that was committed.”

    what they said is irrelevant… has no bearing… means nothing… you could say it backwards and spit pea soup while spinning your head and it still nothing…

    Maybe, WAPO beats it
    A former sex-crimes prosecutor analyzed Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh. Here’s her take. [its Fairstein, they left out her political credentials]
    “I stand to believe there’s no such thing as a ‘he-said-she-said’ case,” Linda Fairstein, former chief of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s Sex Crimes Bureau, told The Post. “As a prosecutor, it’s your job to break down every minute of the encounter so that details on one side pushes the facts over the edge.” [this is a 35 year span]
    right after the above:
    details that have the ring of truth and inconvenient facts that are subtle signs of credibility [newspaper adding titbits to point out the psychic network is on the job]
    Wigdor also mentioned that Ford voluntarily took and passed a lie-detector test. “While not admissible in court, they’re used by various governmental agencies, and many people believe in their abilities,” he said. [people also believe they been abducted and have sex with aliens]
    The vast majority of sexual abuse victims delay disclosing what happened.

    “It’s one of the most common features of child sex abuse,” Meltzer said. Most victims of child sexual abuse fear retaliation, that they won’t be believed or that their family may be angry. There are often very intense feelings of shame, guilt and humiliation. [what does what children do have to do with a woman who is many years older than 35? and regardless of that, that has nothing to do with veracity]
    “Another reason children don’t disclose is because they are sometimes threatened or pressured to keep it a secret,” said Meltzer, adding that although it may not apply to Kavanaugh and Ford, it is nonetheless a common reason. [nice… throw in a totally irrelvant thing that is common, having nothing to do, and know that people CONFLATE what they read when they arent as smart as others and remember this was just thrown in and you have to remember that about this fact and not include it]

    the nation is dead…
    long live feminism!!!

    and if you dont know why, maybe THATS what should be the discussion

  10. Snow on Pine: “But, what I have seen on display, what I have observed is not reluctant Democrats being pushed ever further to the Left against their wills, but rather Democrats who are all for it, who—despite generations of lip service—when it comes right down to it, really care nothing for our Constitution, for our Bill of Rights, for the Rule of Law; they are quite willing to run roughshod over all of them, just abandon them, in their quest for power.”


  11. Kate on October 1, 2018 at 7:04 pm at 7:04 pm said: since the McCarthy era, when innocent people were accused of trying to overthrow the government

    well, first of all, we conflate what he did with what HUAC did… and we do NOT add in what we know today AFTER things like Venona…

    look at a list…
    Owen Lattimore tops it, and he coined the term “McCarthyism”… but we all dont want to read what Venona and other archives eventually said…

    The Venona project was a counterintelligence program initiated by the United States Army’s Signal Intelligence Service (later the National Security Agency) that ran from February 1, 1943 until October 1, 1980.[1] The purpose of the Venona project was the decryption of messages transmitted by the intelligence agencies of the Soviet Union During the 37-year duration of the Venona project, the Signal Intelligence Service obtained approximately 3,000 Soviet messages (only a small fraction of which were ever decrypted)

    the signals intelligence yield included discovery of the Cambridge Five espionage ring in the UK and Soviet espionage of the Manhattan Project in the U.S (project ENORMOS / ???????? ???????) for the Soviet atomic bomb project. The Venona project remained secret for more than 15 years after it concluded, and some of the decoded Soviet messages were not declassified and published until 1995.

    why did it end?

    Most decipherable messages were transmitted and intercepted between 1942 and 1945. Sometime in 1945, the existence of the Venona program was revealed to the Soviet Union by cryptologist-analyst Bill Weisband, an NKVD agent in the U.S. Army’s SIGINT

    These messages were slowly and gradually decrypted beginning in 1946 and continuing (many times at a low-level of effort in the latter years) through 1980, when the Venona program was terminated

    the problem with this stuff is that its only actionable in terms of agency and so forth, but not actionable in legal ways as there is no way to question the 2nd hand information from such information aquisition

    so you knew there were people there, and you also knew who they were, but you could not say anything or in many cases act on anything, because you were listening in for 37 years…

    in this paragraph your going to find some female thinkers, but the feminists wont celebrate them!

    Hallock and his colleagues, amongst whom were Genevieve Feinstein, Cecil Phillips, Frank Lewis, Frank Wanat, and Lucille Campbell, went on to break into a significant amount of Trade traffic, recovering many one-time pad additive key tables in the process.

    A young Meredith Gardner then used this material to break into what turned out to be NKVD (and later GRU) traffic by reconstructing the code used to convert text to numbers.

    bottom line:
    messages show that the U.S. and other nations were targeted in major espionage campaigns by the Soviet Union as early as 1942. Among those identified are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; Alger Hiss; Harry Dexter White, the second-highest official in the Treasury Department; Lauchlin Currie, a personal aide to Franklin Roosevelt; and Maurice Halperin, a section head in the Office of Strategic Services.

    the Venona transcripts identify approximately 349 Americans who they claim had a covert relationship with Soviet intelligence, though fewer than half of these have been matched to real-name identities.[29] However, not every agent may have been communicating directly with Soviet intelligence. Each of those 349 persons may have had many others working for, and reporting only to, them.

    The Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA, housed at one time or another between fifteen and twenty Soviet spies

    For want of me the world’s course will not fail:
    When all its work is done, the lie shall rot;
    The truth is great, and shall prevail,
    When none cares whether it prevail or not.

  12. “[The] secrecy system has systematically denied American historians access to the records of American history. Of late we find ourselves relying on archives of the former Soviet Union in Moscow to resolve questions of what was going on in Washington at mid-century. […] the Venona intercepts contained overwhelming proof of the activities of Soviet spy networks in America, complete with names, dates, places, and deeds.” – Senator Moynihan as chairman the bipartisan Commission on Government Secrecy [est. 1995]

    “A balanced history of this period is now beginning to appear; the Venona messages will surely supply a great cache of facts to bring the matter to some closure. But at the time, the American Government, much less the American public, was confronted with possibilities and charges, at once baffling and terrifying.” – he Moynihan Commission wrote in its final report

    The dearth of reliable information available to the public—or even to the President and Congress—may have helped to polarize debates of the 1950s over the extent and danger of Soviet espionage in the United States. Anti-Communists suspected many spies remained at large, perhaps including some known to the government. Those who criticized the governmental and non-governmental efforts to root out and expose communists felt these efforts were an overreaction (in addition to other reservations about McCarthyism). Public access—or broader governmental access—to the Venona evidence would certainly have affected this debate, as it is affecting the retrospective debate among historians and others now

    – wikipedia

  13. If you are old enough and did not realize 50 years ago, who the left is, well what took you so long?

  14. I’m hoping that—after having seen the Democrats on display and in action at the Kavanaugh hearings and before and after them—an increasing number of people are, as the saying goes, “waking up and smelling the coffee.”

    I’m hoping that every uneasy one of them—may their tribe increase—is doing a little “thought experiment” right about now, and picturing themselves at a hearing, in a similar spot, in front of this scurvy Democrat crew and, in some way, standing between them and the power they apparently so desperately crave.

    Realizing that this crew would do anything–anything–to get what they wanted and, if it involved destroying the person in front of them to do it, they would do so in a heartbeat, bleating all the while about how fair and honorable their actions were, how what they were doing was “for the people,” and perhaps even more importantly “for the children” who, in point of fact, they couldn’t care less about; for these Democrats its all about themselves, and always has been.

  15. Snow on Pine on October 1, 2018 at 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm said:
    I happen to think that this whole Kavanaugh confirmation battle has been very revelatory of the Democrat’s true attitudes, and of the depths they are willing to go to to defeat an enemy, in aid of retaining or regaining power.

    * * *
    The Flake Maneuver finally pushed John Hinderaker at PowerLine off his collegial dunce stool, after some reflection (and I say that as an admirer of all the Fab Four).

    Compare his posts right next to each other.

    “They’ve agreed to a one-week delay. Too bad, but it won’t do any harm as long as Republican senators pay no attention to the hysteria to which they will be subjected for the next seven days.”

    “That is the Democratic Party’s message. And we have learned from the Christine Ford fiasco that accusations don’t require corroborating evidence. A single wacky, false allegation will negate decades of hard work on behalf of the American people.

    By smearing the ultimate Boy Scout, the Democrats signal that they are determined to go lower than anyone has ever gone in American history. They intend to deter normal people from serving in Republican administrations, or accepting appointments from Republican presidents, or, ultimately, from identifying themselves with the Republican party. Given that strategy, the fact that they are smearing a man of obviously sterling character on absurdly flimsy grounds is not a bug, it is a feature. The fact that the Democrats’ smears are so patently false is ultimately their main point.

    The Democrats are telling us: Republicans, beware–if this can happen to Brett Kavanaugh, it can happen to anyone. You’d better go quietly and cede power to us.”

  16. Another good point by Steven Hayward, about FBI background checks.
    No way they missed any nefarious perfidy by Judge Kavanaugh, unless the Dems want to add bribery to the charges.
    Where were all these accusers during the first SIX investigations?

    “Which brought up a memory from about a decade ago. I’m sitting around my house on a lazy Sunday afternoon when I respond to a knock at the front door. An FBI agent. He wanted to talk to me about my neighbor, a very senior FBI agent whose top security clearance was up for renewal. …
    And the agent asked several questions about . . . alcohol consumption. Did I ever observe him drinking? Where and in what context? …

    The point ought to be clear: With six previous FBI background checks of Kavanaugh, unless the FBI is unusually incompetent (possible, as we’ve seen in the whole Trump campaign saga), testimony of overconsumption would very likely have come up before. And some of Kavanaugh’s accusers on this point, such as one of his freshman year roommates at Yale, have obvious motives for lying about him, as it is well established that they didn’t get along.”

    For good measure, add this one:

  17. I hold no brief for Ellison, and PowerLine and others have continually contrasted his situation (subject of accusations of sexual assualt) with Judge Kavanaugh’s, but the case against him may fall apart because of the accuser refusing to produce evidence she claims to have (a video rather than therapist’s notes). What interests me is the rhetoric used in the story.

    APNewsBreak: Attorney: Ellison abuse claim unsubstantiated
    Yesterday [that would be, I suppose, 9-30-2018; why can’t people just use dates in their, um, dateline?]

    “Monahan said she had video footage of the incident and leveled the allegation just days before a crowded Democratic primary for Minnesota attorney general that Ellison went on to win. But she declined to turn over the video during the investigation conducted by attorney Susan Ellingstad, a partner at the same Minnesota law firm as Charlie Nauen, the top lawyer for Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor party.
    [Ellison’s party, BTW, not that there’s any conflict of interest there — but the Dems keep reminding us the FBI works for the WH (stop laughing) and that’s proof the investigation of Judge Kavanaugh will be rigged]

    In her report , Ellingstad noted Monahan’s shifting rationale for refusing to produce the video footage, including that it was lost, on a USB drive in storage or that it was too embarrassing and traumatic to release. Ellingstad also wrote that Monahan would not allow her to view the footage privately, and that Monahan’s sons — who claimed to have seen the video — declined interviews.

    “An allegation standing alone is not necessarily sufficient to conclude that conduct occurred, particularly where the accusing party declines to produce supporting evidence that she herself asserts exists,” Ellingstad wrote. “She has thus repeatedly placed the existence of the video front and center to her allegations, but then has refused to disclose it.”

    * * *
    But when Judge Kavanaugh’s supporters use the same language to cast doubt on Ford’s accusations, that is somehow illegitimate.

  18. Artfldgr on October 1, 2018 at 7:31 pm at 7:31 pm said:

    HOWEVER the best, maybe should instead go on the Chutzpah category is
    Political Mind Games: The Kavanaugh File

    “Using the medical community to set oneself up as an authority in that one can determine, from a distance, without interview, veracity in a claim, and find it credible…”
    * * *
    Interesting hit piece, with absolutely no hint that both parties were running scripts that fit his five domains.

    I quit reading the PT years ago, for the same reason I dropped Smithsonian and American Heritage: I got tired of having non-stop leftist talking points in my “non-partisan” reading.

    I note that the comments to the article could have come out of the keyboards of our own group, as they 99% disagreed with the author.

    “Coaching the witness, much>
    Submitted by kalki on September 25, 2018 – 7:10pm
    >>we’ve seen them turn to these methods in an effort to quell the controversy generated by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s credible allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

    Huh? Why did you sneak that word “credible” in there? This is so unbecoming of someone who was a president of social responsibility (presumption of innocence being the bedrock of social cohesiveness) that this undermines *your* credibility.

    The internet is the great equalizer – you just got peer reviewed!

    Submitted by Kelsey Biggs on September 26, 2018 – 8:51am
    Will you be writing an article about Democrats and their shady tactics? Thank goodness we have a court system that is designed to take in all facts and evidence to come to a fair judgment. The public forum, while providing a healthy discussion about hot topics, should also be balanced. This article is not.”

    One of the author’s 2 supporters.

    “Supreme Court nomination dilemma
    Submitted by Jessi on September 26, 2018 – 8:30am
    For all the above article’s commenters: Why all this shock, defensiveness, and confrontation regarding this latest news? This is a nomination for the Supreme Court for goodness sakes!

    That’s the point.

  19. You know how much I enjoy comment threads on blogs; it’s kind of a poor-man’s sociology class, where you can skip the leftist indoctrination if you want to.
    Here’s a sample from the LI post Neo linked:

    fscarn | October 1, 2018 at 12:43 pm
    “Kavanaugh initiated a fight that led to the arrest of a mutual friend”

    If true, there’d be a record of that arrest/detention. Find the record, learn the identity of the arrested, question him.

    TX-rifraph | October 1, 2018 at 12:54 pm
    Like I care about somebody’s juvenile and college behavior.

    I do care about ADULT behavior like HRC, Waters, Flake, Warren, and all of the other Dems and swamp creatures. The Dems can stop now. There is NOTHING they can do to lower my opinion of them further.

    Edward | October 1, 2018 at 3:55 pm
    I’ve read he was top of his class in HS, Yale and Yale Law. There is no way that can be done and drink to the excess being alleged. To be at, or near, the top of your class (even in the land grant college I attended) eliminates spending that much time mind numbed and suffering from “Beer flu”.

    MAB | October 1, 2018 at 4:08 pm
    … or going to parties. I still remember sitting in the library working on my Masters at 10, 11 at night while friends were out partying! There was no time except for studying, going to class, writing papers and occasionally sleeping!

    Matt_SE | October 1, 2018 at 5:58 pm
    Thank you, Senator Flake. This has turned into the somber, serious reflection that we all knew it would become from the 1 week delay.
    * * *
    On the “throwing beer” allegation, there was a fight in a bar which doesn’t quite match up to the accuser’s claims, but if you think the FBI didn’t already know about an actual police incident (and there’s no indication Kavanaugh was charged with anything), then you are too far gone for help.


    “Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was questioned by the New Haven Police Department when he was a junior at Yale University, following a contentious incident at a local bar where Kavanaugh was blamed for throwing ice on another man….The report does not list any arrests, and it appears that no charges were filed.

  20. Another of the commenters linked this report, which indicates where the Dems really want Kavanaugh’s trial-by-innuendo to take place.


    “Committee investigators have actively pursued a number of tips the committee has received regarding the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, though the committee has not been able to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing by Judge Kavanaugh. One tip was referred to the committee by staff for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I).

    While Whitehouse referred the accuser to a reporter, the committee took the claim seriously and questioned Judge Kavanaugh about the allegations under penalty of felony. Judge Kavanaugh denied any misconduct. After the transcripts of that interview became public, the individual recanted the claims on a social media post.”

  21. What many people have been saying, from a guy with street cred.


    “I know women who have been sexually assaulted and who have not gotten justice. All I have is their side of the story, and that has been enough for me to believe them — because I know them, and I know their character, and thus I believe them — without any reservation at all.

    Professionally, I am representing multiple women in this situation – at a deep discount – because I believe in their right to tell their story without being sued for it. …
    But, I *also* know men who have been falsely accused — by vindictive lying women. I have seen at least two men’s careers destroyed by false accusations made for personal gain and vindictiveness.

    I know men who have faced the real prospect of prison for a completely made up story by a woman scorned.

    So, when you ask me to “believe women,” I can tell you “I do, very much so.”

    But, I am not prepared to believe anyone uncritically. …

    It is easy to imagine the woman who has not gotten justice — because she is much more common. We probably all know a lot of women in that situation. I refuse to discount their experiences. I’ve stood by their sides, professionally and personally, and I will continue to do so.

    But, don’t ask me to discount these guys’ experiences either, and don’t ask me to uncritically believe anyone – because I don’t uncritically believe anyone about anything.

    Don’t try and tell me that false accusations don’t happen. And, don’t try and tell me that they are statistically insignificant. Because every woman who is assaulted is not a “statistic,” she’s a person — and every man who has had to face a false accusation is a real person as well.

    It was not ok when women were blamed for being attacked. It was not ok when women were afraid to come forward. And it was not ok when they were told “get over it,” or whatever. It still happens — but it wasn’t ok when that was the norm.

    But be careful how far you want to push that pendulum — even if you’re a survivor. Because you may have a son one day, who has that pen shoved in his hand, and who looks at you and says “mom, I really didn’t do this, but I’ll see you in two years, instead of 20, if I sign. And everyone here believes her, uncritically.” “

  22. It’s becoming important to put dates on everything, because this story is changing so rapidly, but Prof. Jacobson makes some good points.


    Weak Republicans deprived us of a victory, even if Kavanaugh eventually is confirmed
    Comments Permalink Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, September 28, 2018 at 9:00pm

    “The result of the Flake-Murkowski-Collins capitulation is that Democrats get to claim a victory because they fought and stalled and bullied and attacked and forced Republicans to retreat, even if Kavanaugh is confirmed. That’s what their base demanded of them, and they delivered.

    Lindsey Graham electrified, excited and motivated us with his spirited defense of Kavanaugh at the hearings. This could have been the moment when the rise of the blue wave began to slow and recede.

    Maybe I’m overly pessimistic, and Kavanaugh will get confirmed in a week.

    But it won’t be the same. We’ve been deprived of the victory we deserved even if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Instead, we’ve been humiliated by seeing our representatives forced to retreat, apologize, capitulate and crawl past the finish line.

    And if they don’t make it past the finish line? All hell is going to break loose.”

    * * *
    Remember that rolling promise by the GOP to just give them another win, and they would fix everything — promptly flushed down the tubes after each election.

    This commenter at LI remembers:
    MaggotAtBroadAndWall | September 29, 2018 at 9:33 am
    I don’t know if they are just venting, but I’ve seen a couple of people on Twitter say that they are giving up on the GOP and won’t vote in Nov.

    One said the GOP has the House, Senate, and Presidency, and a nominee for SCOTUS who is so squeeky clean he’s passed 6 background checks, and now they can’t get him across the line based on uncorroborated accusations from when he was a teenager a third of a century ago.

  23. Some LI comments, some amusing, some serious.

    MrE | September 29, 2018 at 12:28 pm

    TheAbidingDude | September 29, 2018 at 2:23 pm
    Cool your jets, peepz. First off, the FBI has exactly one goal that is to be achieved at all costs: safeguard the FBI. If they “find something” at this juncture, they’re going to have to admit THAT THEY FRAKKED UP **SIX** FRAKKING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS prior to this one.

    Would do wonders for their credibility, amirite? Oh, FFS, it wouldn’t. So they’re going to say “no evidence, kthxbai” no later than Tuesday. (Wednesday if they have a mandatory training day on Monday.) If that means throwing the Democrats under a bus, the FBI will merely note that they went crunch like everybody else.

    Arminius | September 29, 2018 at 8:26 pm
    You’re right, of course. But the FBI can service both their bureaucratic needs and the needs of their Dem masters by simply dragging this “investigation” out interminably. They can announce on November 7th that they got it right the previous six times, and there’s no evidence Kavanaugh committed any crimes.

    And then the Democratic-controlled Senate can take up his nomination, if he hasn’t withdrawn by then or been assassinated.

    * * *
    gonzotx | September 29, 2018 at 12:09 pm



    by Jim Hoft September 29, 2018
    “According to CBS, one of the last persons that Senator Flake spoke with before his announcement that he wanted another week before voting on good Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court was none other than corrupt Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein –”

    * * *
    If you add two outlets which are routinely castigated by the opposing side as fake news, do you average out with something approximating the real facts, or just get alternate facts?

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