Please bear with some technical glitches that should be fixed soon
You may have noticed some slowing down of the blog loading time, and also you might be getting some error messages. Generally, though, you can still get here and comment here.
It appears to involve a sudden Bing crawler attack. If any of you have any suggestions to offer about that, including why it would happen, please do.
My host is working on the problem, and I hope it will be fixed soon. Till then, please be extra-patient.
How to deal with a sudden Bing attack:
Yes, you have my personal guarantee.
Once again it’s taken a whole day for me to read your site let alone comment; one error message after another.
I have to laugh. I’ve been getting “database error” messages. When I refresh the page, it clears up. In the big scheme of things is that so bad?
Nobody was killed.
Waaaahhh!!! Both peanuts and chocolate give me migraines. No can do.
It seems better. Yesterday I could read your posts after multiples refreshes but I could not comment. If this comment appears, it’s working this morning.
Is it a coincidence that it occurred this week ?
Is it a coincidence that it occurred this week ?
Maybe just the new site but hmmmmm.
I am ignorant on the subject, except for the last 10 min. of research and skimming. On the off chance this might help:
It sounds like your host server should be providing a robots.txt file in the root folder on the host. Directives that control the behavior of the crawler should be contained in this file.
You are correct—that’s what the host is supposed to be doing. But they want ME to do it. I have zero idea how to do it myself. It’s absurd that they won’t do it, when it would be quite easy for them. They are worthless, and I’ve had it with them, but it’ll take a bit of time to migrate to a new host.
Wow! You know your situation best. However, the task might be simple enough that somebody else could conceivably do it for you for free.