Home » In a move that should surprise no one, Christine Blasey Ford now says that she won’t testify until the FBI completes an investigation


In a move that should surprise no one, Christine Blasey Ford now says that she won’t testify until the FBI completes an investigation — 53 Comments

  1. That’s it. Game over.

    While I strongly suspected this entire imbroglio was a leftist set up, this development confirms the same. Not only is it merely a smear campaign, it is a clumsily orchestrated one.

    I think it’s pretty clear what happened. Neither Ford, her lawyer or Feinstein expected the GOP to endorse Ford testifying. They expected a brief acknowledgement of this bizarre accusation but nothing more; followed by a Thursday vote as planned. Such would not have been unreasonable.

    And then…the Left could shriek about how the callous misogyny of the GOP. They would likely recycle the idiotic “war on women” slogan from 2012.

    But, the GOP called their bluff. Kudos to the President and the Judiciary members (yeah, even Flake) on the strategic move.

    Ford’s craven dodge, combined with Feinstein’s half admission, lays bare what really is going on here. There will be plenty of spin, as always. But, advantage GOP

    Now, time for game, GOP. Keep the offer for Monday testimony on the table, but no further accommodations or concessions!! When she doesn’t show up, take some quick testimony from Kavanaugh. And then, HAVE THE DAMN VOTE!

    It looks like Flake is on board, so don’t lose your nerve, GOP. The rest of the week, we will see liberal politicians, activists, journalists, pundits, professors, celebrities wailing and breast beating, cajoling and threatening. White noise! They have nothing but bluster.

    Do not hesitate. Have the vote.

    Neo rightly criticized those angry souls who insist they’re done with the GOP if they cave on Kavanaugh. I’m largely a “yellow dog” Republican at this point. I’ll be contributing to and voting the entire GOP ticket in November (of limited importance in my deep blue area) come what may. But I will be mighty disappointed and angry if there’s any wavering on Kavanaugh now,

  2. Sen Collins has suggested that Kavanaugh’s and Ford’s attorneys be allowed to ask questions of the two before the Senate begins its questioning. Powerline suggests this is brilliant, and I think that is correct.

    If Ford turns this down, as she is likely to do, it gives Collins immediate cover for staying the course, extending perhaps to Murkowski as well.

    Which leaves Flake. Don’t get me started.

    BTW, it occurs to me that there is a horrible irony in Feinstein’s handling of this. By waiting until after the formal questioning was over, she effectively put her hand over Kavanaugh’s mouth so that he could not speak. By playing this to the crowd, she turned up the noise so that his complaints could not be heard.

  3. ACE: Breaking: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Says She Won’t Testify Until The FBI, Which Has Already Declined to Investigate Her Non-Federal-Jurisdiction 37 Year Old Allegations, Completes Its Investigation, Sometime After a Democrat is President

  4. Investigate what exactly?

    Ford says she can’t remember where, or when, or even what season of the year the attack she claims happened happened in, nor does she remember if there were any witnesses, and she never told anybody about the supposed attack at the time it supposedly occurred, only “recovering” the memory that such an attack occurred during a therapy session in 2012.

    Again, what is the FBI supposed to investigate?

  5. The two-way fake is now established.
    -When the vote is nigh, scream that there needs to be testimony.
    -When the vote is delayed and testimony offered, withdraw and whine about other things without testifying.

  6. Ok…let’s look at life from both sides now…

    President Trump clearly continues to have the upper hand. He wants Kavanaugh voted in, & even though it seems unrelated, the document declassification made all the Ds go shaky…so Ford went shaky & that’s all of that. We’ll see the new justice seated within the month.

    BUT…the Ds will have, like they have with Justice Thomas, thrown enough fecal matter around the room to forever look at Justice Kavanaugh as fruit of a poison tree…He’ll forever be suspect and every R president will see this same stunt on every Supreme nomination. Get used to it.

    Let’s pray President Trump gets another 1, 2 or 3 more opportunities to play this dance over the next 6 years. 😉 I like the way he’s handled it.

    The real mystery will be what shakes out when (if) the docs are released unredacted. What small “Art of the Deal” thing does President Trump know is there that he wants us to know but can’t tell us outright? And what impact will that have in the swamp? Will it shut down the “muh Russia” nonsense? Or is it something even bigger that drops the hammer on say the Clintons or Kerry or…?

    Oh yeah…llike has been noted…Have the damn vote!

  7. I just hope the GOP in the Senate will “cowperson” up (gender correctness run amok here) and proceed with the vote, after publicly excoriating Feinstein, and the other Dims who played a role in this despicable charade (I started to label it “black comedy” but chickened out).

    Feinstein should suffer for her disgusting attempt to ruin an upstanding man, and his family, in the pursuit of political expediency. This episode should define her legacy if nothing more substantive can be directed at her. And, of course, nothing can because she is a United States Senator, and de facto a member of the “nobility”.

  8. With regard to the Kavanaugh vote, when the Dems lose Flake you know they’ve jumped the shark.

    Assistant Village Idiot above notes Collin’s suggestion and, along with Powerline, calls it brilliant. I wonder what has been going on behind the scenes. It seems like the Republicans are using a political jiu-jitsu which the Dems were totally unprepared for. It’s almost as if the President’s combativeness is contagious; perhaps, just perhaps, the Republicans now begin to recognize that they needn’t be perennial losers.

    I realize that this is not over yet so we’ll see, but this has to be a major issue for the Dems. This tactic worked before (William Jacobson predicted a last minute “Gloria Allred appearance” over at Legal Insurrection), but suddenly the Republicans seem to have a spine and the Dems seem to be seriously outplayed (again, it’s not over yet). What in the Hell do the Dems do now when the next justice, most likely one of the liberals, is replaced? If Kavanaugh is confirmed, I suspect this is a new game.

    We owe Senators Grassley and McConnell and The President great debt of gratitude.

    Further good news although this is a state victory, note the following post at Instapundit (@ 10:57 pm):

    “Voters elected political newcomer Pete Flores to the Texas Senate on Tuesday, flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years and further bolstering Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections.”

  9. “Feinstein should suffer for her disgusting attempt to ruin an upstanding man, . . .” [Oldflyer @ 12:21 am]

    She just might; she just might lose her re-election bid in November. Her handling of this situation has been so bad that her own leftist constituency could turn on her with the prospect of electing leftist Kevin DeLeon. We shall see.

  10. Assistant Village Idiot on September 18, 2018 at 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm said:

    BTW, it occurs to me that there is a horrible irony in Feinstein’s handling of this. By waiting until after the formal questioning was over, she effectively put her hand over Kavanaugh’s mouth so that he could not speak. By playing this to the crowd, she turned up the noise so that his complaints could not be heard.
    * * *
    Brilliant – I knew this was a TV movie plot, but you have raised it to cinéma-vérité level.

  11. T:

    Let’s not forget that McConnell, and the GOP, hung tough on the Garland nomination long before Trump was POTUS. I’d like to see them get some credit for that.

  12. No problem!

    “Professor Ford, this is Agent K. What was the date of the incident?”
    Ford: “I dunno”.
    Agent K: “Where was it?”
    Ford: I dunno.”
    Agent K: “Thanks, and that concludes our investigation.”

  13. If you want to know why your Democrat friends and family are so virulently opposed when you try to discuss political events with them, try looking at things through their eyes:



    “Facing the real prospect that their long-sought fifth anti-abortion Supreme Court justice might go unseated, and President Trump’s growing legal exposure, the Republican Party is charging into election season with a two-fronted disinformation campaign, in a desperate effort to salvage conservative control not just of the Court, but of Congress and the White House as well.

    Specifically, they are maximizing confusion about whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl when he and she were both high school students, and about the legitimacy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. And they are advancing both goals with naked abuses of power.

    In the Senate, Republicans believe the path to confirming Kavanaugh now runs through preventing the public from reaching consensus about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Kavanaugh assaulted her in high school. We know what Republicans are up to because we know what a good-faith process would look like.

    Republicans are trying to make such a truth-seeking process imposible. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has invited only Ford and Kavanaugh to testify publicly, and scheduled a hearing for next week, before investigators could conceivably complete a thorough background inquiry about this incident. Moreover, to prevent details of such a background investigation from becoming public after rigging the hearing, Grassley promises that “the FBI is not doing any further investigation.”

    Ford brings more than just her word to the table, which means her version of events remains, for now, more persuasive than Kavanaugh’s. But Republicans are manipulating the process to maximize the likelihood that the truth remains unknowable—that the inquiry devolves into competing but unverifiable narratives, so that Kavanaugh can not be disqualified, and Republican senators can be bullied into confirming him before the midterm elections.”



    “Christine Blasey Ford’s courageous decision to attach her name, face, and voice to her credible claim that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when the two were high school students sets the stage for a morality play that will distill Republican politics more clearly than anything since Donald Trump became president.

    After Blasey Ford went public on Sunday in an interview with the Washington Post Senate Republicans tried to bluff her back into silence, by calling on her to testify publicly, but on a schedule so accelerated they believed she would decline. Blasey Ford has instead accepted.

    Kavanaugh has, likewise, agreed to return to the Judiciary Committee, where he has promised to dispute Blasey Ford’s claim entirely.

    One of them will be lying under oath, and Republicans would have us believe it’s the unknown psychology professor with everything to lose, rather than Kavanaugh, who has been angling to join the Supreme Court for most of his career, and shown a willingness to mislead the Senate in order to get there.

    It must be said that this controversy doesn’t simply weigh one person’s credibility against another’s. The evidence we have tilts against Kavanaugh. Blasey Ford told people in her life what happened, including a therapist who took contemporaneous notes, years ago. When she was deciding whether or not to come forward, she submitted voluntarily to a polygraph examination, and—for whatever it’s worth—she passed. Kavanaugh, by contrast, has nothing more credible to offer than his tainted word.”

    * * *
    The bolded section segues to this:


    “Kavanaugh’s accuser is probably well on her way to being canonized by her fellow California progressives for making a high-profile accusation against a Republican judge. Kavanaugh has been cited in liberal publications like the New Yorker as a potential Supreme Court nominee since 2012, if not earlier, making him a target of potential smears for years.

    Kavanaugh’s accuser may have been aware of the Hill precedent and the benefits one can reap from making unsubstantiated accusations of wrongdoing against a Republican judge in a progressive region. In northern California, where she lives, you can still see cars bearing 26-year old “I believe you, Anita” stickers on them, a small fraction of the number of cars that once bore such stickers in the 1990s.”

    (FWIW, In one of the many articles I read today, an editor for some academic journal noted that a paper by Hill had recently been declined on grounds of lousy scholarship.)

  14. I am guessing that the Democrats have been working with Ford since late last week preparing her for a public hearing, and realized that they were dealing with a lunatic that couldn’t stand up under even modestly incisive cross.

  15. I say, let her be questioned by the FBI. Let her take another polygraph administered by them. Let there be consequences for false or frivolous accusations and waste of resources. Yeah, I didn’t think so.

  16. It is an attempt to run out the clock.

    I know professors, thus I know hey are extremely busy with research, teaching, grad students, conferences… it would take weeks for the FBI and Dr. Ford to arrange schedules.

    And if that doesn’t run out the clock, if the FBI is able to “investigate” before then, what then? As it stands now, we have only an accusation. So the “investigation” would begin there. What then? The FBI would be dispassionate, professional, and probing (NOT a pun). They would ask questions, follow-up questions. They would ask highly detailed questions meant to fully flesh out the event.

    Then Dr. Ford would accuse them of “revictimizing” her with an “interrogation” she asked for.

    Which is just more running out the clock.

    How about the Judiciary Committee Republicans clear four hours Monday for Dr. Ford to come forward and make her case. With a caveat that they will go behind closed doors if she shows up and requests it.

    Then, let them sit there for four hours with the eyes of the nation focused on a quiet chamber, with no witness, just a microphone and chair. Let Sen. Grassley use “respecting the witness” as a way to shut up Dems who would use Dr. Ford’s time to grandstand to earn political points.

    Just a quiet chamber, an empty seat, and an unused microphone.

    Then it’s over. Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed. And the Democrats just damaged themselves before the Midterms.

    Note: last week I was thinking that President Trump just lost the midterms for the GOP with his childish Twitter rant about the study of deaths in Puerto Rico. I think the dems have wiped away the damage (and memory) of that with their own childishness.

  17. “Can she have her practicing license revoked please?”

    I don’t believe she has a clinical psychology license. She teaches, not does.

    There is an interesting rumor that Feinstein got the same letter from her accusing Gorsuch of the same behavior when his nomination was pending. He went to the same prep school as Kavanaugh and his mother was also a prominent person, head of EPA. Maybe, if something did happen to her then, she cannot remember who it was. Remember, her therapist did not have a name. Plus the number of boys changed.

  18. @Aesop – I could only read half of that essay you linked. I’m gonna have trouble letting that go. The person writing that is a skilled PR operative, not interested in truth, but only in what can be made to sound plausible. The Voice of Saruman.

    I would fisk it, but I’m on a different blood-pressure regimen and I don’t want to take risks.

  19. Mike K, the Gorsuch story appears to be rumor. I’ve seen no confirmation at all. But Blasey did scrub all her social media before her name went public, possibly to remove her unreliability from public view.

    The FBI doesn’t do primary investigations of state criminal matters, and especially not thirty-six years after the alleged event. The calls for an investigation are merely to burn time. If Flake, et al., are seeing this, then it’s over (I hope).

  20. Neo,

    With regard to Garland, I believe I have noted my appreciation of McConnell and Grassley on this blog in prior threads. If I am wrong, then let me acknowledge them now. In many ways their willingness to delay Garland was even more impressive because it was done with a potential Hillary nomination looming on the horizon. Did they know something that we did not?

  21. AesopFan’s 1:27am comment demonstrating the way the progressive “laity,” so to speak, are seeing this is significant. Feinstein et.al. may be cynical and knowingly dishonest. But the progressive base is absolutely sincere in believing the stuff in those posts assert. In their very sincere view, which in their mind is entirely based on fact and reason, Republicans and conservatives are monsters, pure and simple. Here’s a further bit from one of them that Aesop didn’t include:

    “…ruining Blasey Ford’s life might help them achieve a 40-year goal before voters are given another say.

    That’s why they will stoop to unimaginable depths in the coming days. It’s also why the pushback must be relentless. Republicans embraced a sexual abuser, then another, and now a third, in order to erode all women’s bodily autonomy for a generation.”

    A progressive friend of mine said on Facebook a while back that Republicans/conservatives are operating in a different reality. He’s right, in a sense that he didn’t intend.

  22. Mike K, the Gorsuch story appears to be rumor.

    Oh, I know but until I saw that I had no idea that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh went to the same prep school. There were no names in the therapist records, plus the number of boys changed.

    I suspect this is a recovered memory. That recovered memory thing was getting very popular with psychologists who were under pressure from managed care at the time. Then Gary Ramona won his lawsuit against Western Medical Center and malpractice insurance for that therapy got canceled. Recovered memory therapy vanished like a light switch had been turned. It was pretty common in therapy for alcoholism at one time.

  23. No date or time.

    No place.

    No physical evidence.

    No corroborating witness.

    No Federal crime (actually no crime at all as far as I can tell).

  24. It is a sin for Kavanaugh if he doesn’t file a defamation lawsuit against this lying lunatic self righteous sociopath who colluded with the democrats to ruin the name of a good man for political reasons. Lying unhinged liberals need to be taught a lesson or no men are safe if liars making false rape accusations don’t suffer the gravest punishment allowed by law. Now any woman with ill intent can allege a man whom she had never met of raping her. Gee has any evidence surfaced that they have met in person? remember the story about Tucker being accused of sexual assaulting a woman he had never met, this is the same deal. What’s up with socialism? What’s in it that causes people to completely lose their minds, it has the same power as the virus in zombie movies.

  25. Lying unhinged liberals need to be taught a lesson or no men are safe if liars making false rape accusations don’t suffer the gravest punishment allowed by law.

    I think the old adage about wrestling with pigs in mud applies.

  26. Dave:

    No defamation suit can be filed, for several reasons. The first is that he is a public figure, and he would have to meet the very high standard that goes with that. Can’t be done. The second is that even if he were not a public figure he could not prove that his accuser didn’t sincerely believe this occurred.

  27. T:

    You may indeed have praised McConnell et al in the past for their Garland approach. I was speaking somewhat generally, plus in this particular thread you had written “suddenly the Republicans seem to have a spine.” I was just pointing out that now and then they have shown a spine before.

  28. They told us to believe the woman because she told her friends right after the incident.

    They told us to believe the women because that many women from different walks of life couldn’t be colluding together to lie about the same man at the same time while able to provide similar stories.

    They told us to believe Roy Moore’s accuser because she was a Trump supporter too, a Trump supporter would not make a false claim against the man Trump supported.

    They told us to believe the woman because she has nothing to gain.

    Any valid reasons we should believe this Trump hating sociopath this time besides that she is a woman and liberal urban legends said women never lie about rape?

  29. Kavanaugh needs to sue Christine Blasey Ford, Dianne Feinstein, and everyone else involved in this smear. If necessary, evidence of their crimes should be manufactured. Bankrupt them, ruin their reputations, put them in prison. That’s what the Democrats have been doing with the complicit FBI leadership.

    If Republicans don’t fight back, then there will be no end to this. Eventually we’ll end up with a left-wing authoritarian state. The days of the rule of law are over. It’s become nothing more than a question of who will win, and I have no respect for polite surrender.

  30. “I think the old adage about wrestling with pigs in mud applies.” [Mike K @ 11:47 am]

    Couldn’t disagree more.

    “Who steals my purse steals trash; . . .But he that filches from me my good name
    Robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed.”

    Why would anyone think that this doesn’t warrant an active defense? By active defense I mean first you stop someone from doing this and then you make sure they will never want to do it again. That is hardly wrestling with pigs; such people do this only because they can get away with it.

  31. So feminists and women want to reduce our legal system to one of always believe the woman, and always make the man guilty…

    MGTOW anyone?

    Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) told men to “shut up and step up” when it comes to Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault accusation. Asked whether her being one of four women on the Senate Judiciary Committee impacts the Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings, Senator Hirono says, “I just want to say to the men of this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”

    “Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed,” Hirono said. “We cannot continue the victimization and the smearing of someone like Dr. Ford.”

    drop all prerequisites…

    didnt you ever see Victoria Secret underwear shows? women are really angels

    well. i would stay far away from people wiht this attitude…
    you will never get a fair shake (like the JUDGE i had on record telling me i have no rights!!!)… and other things…

    Men Going Their Own Way

    see if kavenaugh was a MGTOW man, he would never ever be at a party, he would not allow himself to be alone with someone who didnt take a lie detector, and a battery of psych tests to know whether she is a wacko that may point fingers.

    any men here want to share the wacko that nearly ruined their lives stories?

    Men SHUT UP!

    SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): I think we all know when something is not fair, when something smells. This is so patently not fair to her and what really bothers me and gets me so angry that the White House is victimizing this person. Why don’t we get that out there? Why should we participate in the victimization of someone who has the courage to come forward? And she is under no obligation to participate in a smearing of her and her family. That is why I am very clear about what needs to happen. But at the same time if the Republicans go forward with their plan to railroad this fast-track as they have so many other nominations, I expect the members of the press to talk about how unfair that is. I don’t think that is editorializing, that is laying out the facts. I expect that from you guys…

    HIRONO: I expect the men in this country and the men in this committee because we all signed on to this letter to demand an FBI investigation. But really guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: just shut up and step up, do the right thing for a change.

  32. Neo:
    No defamation suit can be filed, for several reasons. The first is that he is a public figure, and he would have to meet the very high standard that goes with that. Can’t be done. The second is that even if he were not a public figure he could not prove that his accuser didn’t sincerely believe this occurred.

    If that is the legal status what is stopping conservatives from returning the favor to democrats?
    PS: Okay sorry I forgot we don’t have the MSM to help us push the lies

  33. Neo,

    I realized it was a general statement; took none of that as pointed criticism. For my part, just wanted to redress a possible oversight. Lord knows McConnell, Grassley and many of the Republicans have taken quite a bit of flack over the years for collapsing when the battle got tough, they certainly deserve and should receive high praise especially in these circumstances for standing their ground.

  34. He is a supreme court judge… what hope would YOU have?

    “It’s great that you don’t think there’s any misogyny in your world, but I think if you talked to these men for long enough you’d find there were some pretty sinister ideas about women buried somewhere beneath the surface.” – Feminist Society’s senior member as reported by Natasha Devon

    anything men like about women, is now “RAPEY”
    yes, thats a word…
    it was used in an article:
    Why “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” became an annual controversy about date rape and consent

    But when you listen closer, the song’s lyrics also seem, well … a little rapey. The guy ignores his date’s protests and badgers her to stay, which feels a lot like sexual coercion. At one point the woman asks, “Say, what’s in this drink?” — which is pretty alarming to a modern audience that understands how roofies work.

    yeah, nothing like using a drug (Flunitrazepam) which had yet to be invented decades AFTER the song…

    In the same article, I dared to suggest that we should take into account men’s feelings and viewpoints on key feminist issues. “Men have had their voices heard for FAR TOO LONG! IT’S OUR TURN!” came the online battle cry, as though even garnering some male opinions would be a threat to womankind’s empowerment, so toxic and self-serving they would inevitably be. – Natasha Devon

    indicating that they will impose on men evry fantasy they have been taught men have done to them in some form of wacked out crazy sexual revenge….

    and you (don’t) wonder why the soviets discovered feminism exterminates the populations that adopt it?

    Feminism has, in its socialist incarnations, have always claimed women were victims, and always victims and perpetual victims… not only that, but they are also perfect and never lie, except for when made victims…

    a victim needs a villian to have meaning…

    The ONLY way women get to have meaning [see victor frankle] is the same way nazis did.. the Nazis leadership painted to the people that they were the victims of the jews cheating, control, oppression..

    what part is different? including the parts about extermination?

    if this was not a valid desire of the LEADERSHIP
    why havent they distanced themselves and said such things were wrong?

    “Population of men should be reduced to 10%” quote of the founder of “Gender Studies”, Sally Miller Gearhard

    they erase waht they said, but they do not remove the people that said it

    at what point in the fantasy oppression of men to women, did men want to exterminate 90% of the women… in waht point of the fantasy of oppression did the left want to exterminate 90% of the jews? (in both cases OR MORE fits, if you read the feminists talking about sharks asexual reproduction and inducing it as a way to have female only society… )

    here is a feminist debating that subject! (and some even fight for selective abortions)

  35. Remember the “Joke”?
    Imagine a world without men. A lot of fat, happy women and no crime.

    thats a deluded self image if women think that about themselves and ignore all the stuff they do to each other… (like the woman that cut a baby out of another pregnant womans belly to have her own… yeah, happy fat women with no crime, for what, one generation?)

    I am arguing that a substantial decrease in the global male population (for numbers sake, let’s assume a 40-60% decrease) would offer many societal benefits (I’ll primarily be focusing on benefits in the Western world.)

    This is purely hypothetical, let’s assume a disease pops us that permanently reduces the ratio of male to female births.

    Main points:
    Many societal ills would be greatly reduced. Our prisons would be less full (assaults and murders would take a nosedive), and the market for sex trafficking would be greatly reduced, seeing how it’s client�le is composed of almost exclusively men.

    Conditions for women would improve. Due to a dearth of male workers, girls would have a higher likelihood to be prepped for higher paying math/science/technology jobs due to a need to fill them. This would give women more economic power and enable them to be less expendable, making conditions for ill treatment less likely.

    [because men are less expendible? men are the expendible/disposable sex, even this fantasy says so!!! – artfldgr]

    Men would have a larger pool of women to choose a one-night stand, lover, or life partner from, which would
    1.) likely lead in greater marital/sexual satisfaction due to a higher capability to “date up” their social ladder and ability to choose from a wider variety of options and
    2.) decrease the demand for prostitutes, which would further destroy the market for sex trafficking.

    [except that women are hypergamous and think nothign of trying to steal the man, and if there are so few… why, oh why, would he bother with most of the women? why would he marry? women would hate him more than the men they hate now!!! -arfldgr]

    This wouldn’t cause too much harm for women, since they are more sexually fluid it’s not far fetched to believe more would be entering into homosexual relationships.

    [hey ladies, is she right? is THIS what your looking forward to in the new society they are going to make once they have stalins power? -arfldgr]

    And seeing how we no longer live in a society where people engage in life-long monogamy, many women would still have a strong chance of having a male partner at some point in their life.

    [so you reduce the number of men by how much, and think that the women will be happy to share the few men left and be happy? yeah, thats why men who appear at the emergency room with a steak knife in the shoulder dont get to claim abuse… -artfldr]

    The media would provide more shows marketed to women that don’t center around their relationship to men and children (Birth Story, Say Yes to the Dress, etc.) due to fewer women focusing their lives around relationships to men and their children, creating less demand. This would further empower women to do something more with their lives than solely aspire to become a wife and/or baby machine.

    There would be fewer accidental pregnancies, and more planned pregnancies (think gay couples.)

    This would lead to higher amounts of children being born into homes where they are highly valued and invested in.

    [you mean like the gay couple that had the misfortune of having a boy and spending their time abusing him from birth onwards cause, well, he was the enemy and how could they let hi mgrow up and make them victims?-artfldr

    Not only would this help contribute to a healthier, more stable population, it would also decrease the population, easing the pressure we put on our environment. We’ll have to decrease the population eventually and learn to function in an older society, this would contribute to the process.

    her recipe is the end of civilization..

    they really think that if they disarm, throw away their disposable men who die for them, hate them as the villians of eternity in which all must die or else women will never be safe, will lead to a utopia in which each womans PERSONAL FANTASY will come true..

    cant wait..

    no wonder they are taking on the law of the land… if they win, how could any man who is innocent and in any place they want be safe from them? i guess we are going to return to the old days where we had chaperones and so on… maybe electronic ones now… everyone spying on everyone… or maybe we wont, we will just see the men convert to islam… then when enough of them do, what happens?

    all good… its what THEY want..
    and they told us men to shut up
    so give them what they want

  36. If Ford refuses to testify Monday, call for the committee vote immediately, followed by a vote in the senate. I think even Flake has urged her to testify Monday. That gives him cover to vote for Judge Kavanaugh.

    This is a time that Republicans set aside their personal interests and do what is best for the future of the country. If that means the senate reverts to the D’s, so be it. It’s going to happen sooner or later anyway.

    But Judge Kavanaugh will be seated on the Supreme Court.

    The Supreme Court will continue to be the legislature of last resort for the democrats. Judge Kavanaugh will at least keep the balance neutral, avoiding the worst instincts of the left to legislate by court.

    This reaches beyond Roe. If Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal across the country. But the battle will be in the legislature, were it should be decided– at a level that allows citizen’s voices to have more impact.

    This is the time for congress men and women to defend constitutional governance.

  37. Elizabeth Warren will save her..

    U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, drew criticism Tuesday after sharing a clip of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh discussing his days at Georgetown Preparatory School. The editing of the clip seemed designed to fuel the fire over the sexual misconduct allegations against the judge. In the short video posted on Warren’s Twitter page, Kavanaugh is heard speaking at Columbus Law School at the Catholic University of America in 2015 about his school years. “But fortunately we had a good saying that we’ve held firm to, to this day,” Kavanaugh says in the video

  38. if you read the hayes tilden thing i have put up…
    which no one reads (or else they would comment, you cant read and not do so)
    you would get the same clear image of democrats in the late 1800s that your seeing now… they are not any different than long ago, other than electronic media foils and flubs their best moves from prior to that.

  39. “if you read the hayes tilden thing i have put up… which no one reads (or else they would comment, you cant read and not do so) . . . ” [Artfldgr @ 2:17pm]

    1) “they would comment, you cant read and not do so” Thinking much of ourself, no?

    2)“which no one reads” Perhaps take a hint and adapt.

    I stopped reading your comments some time ago. It’s sad really because you occasionally make some very insightful and profound points from a very unique perspective. For the life of me, though, I’m tired of wading through lengthy stream-of-consciousness posts rife with misogyny, victimization, and arrogance just to find them.

    It’s a cost/benefit thing.

  40. Assistant Village Idiot on September 19, 2018 at 9:37 am at 9:37 am said:
    I would fisk it, but I’m on a different blood-pressure regimen and I don’t want to take risks.
    * * *
    I’m not on high-blood-pressure meds yet, but if this goes on…..

  41. Artfldgr on September 19, 2018 at 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm said:
    Elizabeth Warren will save her..
    * * *
    Lots of hits on search, so I just grabbed this one.
    * * *
    T on September 19, 2018 at 2:32 pm at 2:32 pm said:

    I stopped reading your comments some time ago. It’s sad really because you occasionally make some very insightful and profound points from a very unique perspective.For the life of me, though, I’m tired of wading through lengthy stream-of-consciousness posts rife with misogyny, victimization, and arrogance just to find them.

    It’s a cost/benefit thing.
    * * *
    Yep. I mostly just scan the longer ones now.

  42. Via a commenter at Conservative Treehouse — FWIW


    “1. OK.

    Something very strange is going on.

    Holton-Arms, the exclusive girls school of fraud #ChristineBlaseyFord Blasey (class of ’84), has WIPED all their online yearbooks, within the last 24 hours.

    3. Then we have this bizarre letter with more than 200 signatories from students b/w 1967-2018, all supporting Blasey-Ford and expressing their ‘belief’ in her.


    The majority would never have even met the fraud. This ISN’T normal.

    5. Even more mind-boggling.

    The letter above was written by a student who left the school in 2005, one Sarah Burgess.
    6. Here’s Sarah – now working for a leftist NFP, The Camber Collective, once known as Switchpoint LLC.

    7. Here is Sarah’s last entry on Linked In (5 days ago).

    Who is a leading Californian House of Reps supporter of Planned Parenthood?

    Anna Eshoo – the Rep who Blasey-Ford gave her letter to, back in June/July.
    [can’t copy the graphic here; Sarah is congratulating the new head of PP]

    8. Who is the #1 target of Planned Parenthood?

    Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

    What are the chances that Blasey-Ford’s scrubbed social media history is FULL of links to Planned Parenthood – and perhaps one Sarah Burgess & Anna Eshoo?

    More than 50/50? I’d bet good money on it.”

  43. AesopFan, either links to PP, the Women’s March, and so on, AND/OR a lot of weird personal reflections which would make her accusations now look very questionable.

    My own theory is that among the 65 women who knew Kavanaugh back then and signed a testimonial to his character are a few women who remember Christine and will start talking about what she was like back then. This could be ugly. She should have thought about that sooner.

  44. Kate – Ford wasn’t thinking of anything other than her own desires.
    And that is a character trait that doesn’t change much from adolescence.

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