Home » Et tu, Sweden?


Et tu, Sweden? — 11 Comments

  1. ” The article quotes a Swedish social scientist as saying, ‘people do not feel at home culturally, they doubt that we are on the right track.'”

    I think one key element that people fail to understand (although they should after Obama) is that the leftist national leaderships are embarrassed by and despise their own people and wish to replace it. I believe the copyright if there ever was one has expired concerning Berthold Brech’ts great poem about the East German uprising. in any case I quote it under the doctrine of fair use:

    “After the uprising of the 17th June
    The Secretary of the Writers Union
    Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
    Stating that the people
    Had forfeited the confidence of the government
    And could win it back only
    By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
    In that case for the government
    To dissolve the people
    And elect another? ”

    The fad of hating “old white men” is proof that Marxism never went away. It just redefined itself as post-modernist identity politics. But the Bourgeoisie oppressors are still the heterosexual white christofascist men, and the proletariat are everyone else. If you are so bold, Neo, catch a dragonfly. Then bend it’s abdomen (tail) around to it’s mouth. It will consume itself. That’s what we are witnessing.

    Swedes say that when they complain about how the leftist social engineering is destroying Swedish culture, the pols say there is no such thing as Swedish culture and if there were it needs to be destroyed. Our own leftists are no different. The symbol of the Democratic party shouldn’t just be a jackass. It should be Pancho Villa raiding Columbus, NM, riding a jackass.

  2. The progress of anti-nativism is a concern in Sweden, Syria, Libya, and globally, and can be traced to social justice adventures (e.g. elective regime change, trail of tears, immigration reform), a pernicious diversity or color judgments, and Planned Parenthood or evolutionary reductase a.k.a. dodo dynasties.

  3. “… as best I can tell the party really does have neo-Nazi roots”

    Neo-Nazi, should these pale democracies fail to correct their drift, is where Europe is heading and should that happen it makes a population purge all the more likely.

    We need to hope that the ballot prevails. If not it will be many going to the wall in a Europe whose interlopers are also armed far beyond the dreams of a Warsaw Ghetto resistance.

  4. Their leaders–who, I’m sure, have taken steps to make sure that they and their families are very well insulated from and protected against the violent and destructive results of their policies–have sold out the native peoples of the countries of Western Europe, and it’s just too late to reverse things.

  5. “the conflation of one immigrant group (from the Balkans) with another (from the Middle East). Both may have been predominantly Muslim, but previous refugees were European, well-educated, and Bosnian for the most part, from the former Yugoslavia. A very different group from the recent arrivals.”

    Very true from my experience. About 10 years ago when I was in the Army Reserves, my unit was deployed to Kosovo for a year with the NATO peacekeepers. The ethnic Albanians, which made up about 80% of the population, were Muslim, but very secular. Most of them seemed very Western in their dress and attitudes. I never saw a burqa the whole time I was there.

    I live in the Detroit area now, and hijabs and burqas are very common here.

  6. Stockholm is no longer a destination for us, which is sad because it is a beautiful city. Our Swedish friends have left the city and now live full time in the cabin they own about 100k from the capital. They resent being labeled racist for opposing the refugee flood. This will only drive more voters to the right.

  7. “In 2004, Jens Orback, Sweden’s Minister for Democracy, Metropolitan Affairs, Integration and Gender Equality, said this on Swedish radio: Quote: “We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”

    Perhaps the most famous Abraham Lincoln quote is about deception: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

    Sweden has for a number of years now been the rape capital of the West: “Sweden: Rape Capital of the West”

    “Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.”

  8. Apparently if you fail to send flowers the next day, in Sweden, that’s rape. There’s even a joke in the other Scandi countries. If a man has any interaction with a woman that isn’t perfectly friendly, “In Sweden, that’s rape.” Ask Julian Assange.

    But the capacity of the Swedes to pretend that the sky isn’t blue if it might make one of the immvaders look bad is amazing. If one of them claims to be under 18 it enhances the chances of asylum greatly. So there are stories in the press about some guy who looks 22 holding his teddy, and another with a guy who has beard and mustache, clearly a foot taller than his rivals, winning footraces at his middle school.

    And of course, the other day some chick refused to sit down on an airplane because some guy was being sent to Afghanistan. She’s in treatment now for injuries caused by patting herself on the back. He’s in Afghanistan, because he was flying there voluntarily.

  9. I was visiting Sweden in the 90s when the bulk of the immigrants were from the newly freed countries like Latvia and anyone who opposed it was being called racist. I enjoyed discomfiting the Swedes I met by asking: How could it be racism – they are white folks just like you and me? They would answer; “You know what we mean.” I would reply that I was from the US where we knew what real racism was. It is clear the particularly Swedish version of waterproof political correctness is still the ummmm…dominant paradigm, but thankfully losing ground.

  10. It is ironic that the nordic countries are, simultaneously, the most politically correct in denouncing anyone resistant to immigration while being, themselves, the least prepared to assimilate new immigrants.

    Over the last thirty years, or so, Finland accepted several thousands of Somali refugees. What could go wrong with that? Well, it turns out nearly everything. In spite of incredible generosity on the part of the Finnish government, the Somalis have persisted in being… well… Somalis.

    They live in government provided housing, which they always manage to destroy because they don’t know how the heating systems or plumbing function. They attend schools to learn to speak Finnish, but don’t actually learn it. They mostly spend their time in the parks collecting cans and bottles which they can sell for cash. Even while being geographically dispersed within the city of Helsinki, the Somalis are isolated socially. The Finns are scared of them, but pretend they are not.

    It is not a happy situation for anyone.

  11. The political right may have roots in anti-Semitism but the political left has roots in anti-Swedenism. Which of those do you think is a worse problem in Sweden?

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