Home » Trouble among the Swedish literati


Trouble among the Swedish literati — 7 Comments

  1. To completely eliminate sexual assaults I propose to have all male babies castrated at birth. Extinction of the human kind is just a small price to pay to achieve the glorious goal of absolute gender equality.

  2. I don’t know how many people realize that the Nobels are generally distinguished between the hard Nobel Prizes (the hard sciences like chemistry, physics, medicine, etc.) and the soft awards of economics, literature and the peace prize.

    The soft Nobels are given out of Oslo (Norway) not Stockholm (Sweden), and although I don’t know anything about the composition of the two committees (are there two?), note that the controversies over the past thirty years have been associated with the soft prizes.

  3. Dave:

    This isn’t just about sexual assault, or behavior by males, or one person. There are many other aspects and charges.

    Also, the accusations that do concern sexual abuse and harassment go back many many years and this was a sort of open-secret Harvey Weinstein situation rather than something milder. And his behavior was embedded in a culture of entitlement and arrogance on the part of many., both men and women

  4. T:

    Click on that first link I gave. It’s all about Sweden and the Swedish Academy. Here’s Wiki:

    The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel; the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature; and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded not by a Swedish organization but by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

  5. a culture of entitlement and arrogance on the part of many., both men and women

    #MeToo #SecularReligion

    Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. The gendered differences between the sexes do not elevate women to angels or demote men to devils. #PrinciplesMatter. Judge men and women by the content of their character, not the “color” of their skin.

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