Home » The NY Times is homophobic


The NY Times is homophobic — 18 Comments

  1. Instapundit asks, “Why do ‘liberals” always fall back on homophobic jokes when someone disagrees with them?”

    Stephen Colbert could not be reached for comment.

  2. It’s a bromance cartoon intended to make Angela Merkel jealous. As for the Gray Entity, it ain’t now and never has been a lady. Éminence grise is more like it.

  3. Just to clarify PA Cat: An éminence grise (French pronunciation: ?[emin??s ??iz]) or grey eminence is a powerful decision-maker or adviser who operates “behind the scenes”, or in a non-public or unofficial capacity.

    The NYT remains the eminence grise for the tenured members of the Deep State, Democrat Party loyalists all. And in the case of Brennan, a lying commie; his ascendancy proves the existence and power of the Deep State over us all.

    We live in an authoritarian society already, whether we have a Hussein or a Hillary at the helm or not. The Deep State marches on!

  4. The NYT—that intelligent, sensitive, caring, decent, truth-pursuing, liberal organ—is absolutely certain that for the sake of morality and the sake of the country, it must keep the “24/7 Hate” going strong.

    It is a moral imperative. (Hence, lying, obfuscation, misrepresentation and—even!—abysmal taste are all permitted, all justified in pursuit of what has become a necessary goal, a holy purpose, a sacred crusade.)

    For we all know that the ends justify the means….

    Yes. Gotta keep the intelligent, sensitive, caring, truth-pursuing readership frothing at the mouth with unceasing venom, invective and disgust aimed at Trump and anyone that dares support him (or seems to support him; or, if not support him, defend him; or, if not defend him, then not openly criticize him).

    As the NYT—that “flagship” of journalism—along with its MSM confederates, promotes a purported higher level of morality, pushes “truth to power” and preaches resistance to whatever offends their sense (and definition) of morality and ethics.

    And no, they could not possibly be wrong, given that so many of them are decent, caring, sensitive, and supremely intelligent people.

    Thus the liberal inquisition MUST continue: the hatred must be intensified, the defamation and degradation of their opponents (an ethical imperative, once again) must be prioritized, the childish, adolescent ridicule of those they disagree with must continue, the “virtuous” tantrums and paroxysms of vituperation must be assiduously cultivated, promoted and encouraged—for all the right, moral, and patriotic(!) reasons…

    …as the Left descends into mass, self-righteous, apoplectic insanity.

    (While calling it “morality” and “patriotism”.)

    Might one hope that “they” (some of them? many of them? most of them?) will, somehow, stop and take a deep breath?

    Take a look at themselves?

    And step back from the brink?

    Know, however, that the NYT and its sister “moralists” in the MSM will do everything in their benighted power to make sure that this does not happen.

    For them, the “24/7 Hate” is the only “moral” thing to do. The only “ethical” way to act.

    For them, the “24/7 Hate” is the only way to “save” the Republic(!).

    As the liberal delusion marches on, eradicating every vestige of decency and humanity in its wake.

    Though, once again, for all the “right” reasons.

  5. “…fun to watch…”

    Sorry, no.

    It’s horrifying (though there is, indeed, more than the occasional absurd—tending toward head-shaking, humorous—moment…)

  6. Who, at the Times, had the bright idea to let this trash see the light of day? Have they no idea how poorly this reflects on them?

  7. They are horri bad drawers. In no way comparable to Chinese, Korean, and japanese pros and amateurs.

    A culture’s popular mainstream art is generally the shortcut path to determine whether beauty exists in that culture or not.

  8. Caricature – look it up. A caricature isn’t considered bad art or confused with representational art by most people. It is intentionally distorted, as the NY Times is.

  9. Yea, but at least they don’t publish Mohammed cartoons. Now, THAT would be insulting.

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