Home » Pardon them: D’Souza, Stewart, Johnson


Pardon them: D’Souza, Stewart, Johnson — 14 Comments

  1. She was convicted of process crimes which do not exist in New York law or exist but require discrete triggers (e.g. signing a written statement to which you expect a jurat to be attached) and are treated as misdemeanors. They probably shouldn’t exist in federal law. I have a lot of suspicion it was some prosecutor / sociopath looking for another notch on his belt. Pardon away…

  2. I betcha if you looked under the rock of Patrick FitzGerald’s tenure as U.S. Attorney in Chicago, you’d discover a great many mephitic creepy-crawlies.

  3. Which reminds me of the perfect description of the entire Trump-Russia probe, “Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.”

  4. Paul:

    That’s a great one. And yes, I know the reference.

    G&S were geniuses.

  5. Free Blago! It will drive the msm crazy… well, a bit more crazier.


  6. But, neo, isn’t your referral to the Mikado the unforgivable sin of cultural appropriation? I only ask because as a Naval officer I was stationed for seven years in Japan.


    Someone Called This Girl’s Japanese Tea Party Racist, But Then This Japanese User Stepped In

    In my seven years in Japan I made some very good Japanese friends. Can I not wear the clothes they gave me as gifts? I think anyone reading this knows how I’m going to respond to this attempt at intimidation. I’m going to dig those gifts out of the box I have hidden in my closet and march around in them.

    Funny how this only works one way. Nobody complains about cultural appropriation when it’s me fixing up the Japanese with upates to their Aegis destroyers. But I put on a pair of geta an it’s the crime of the century.


    I don’t even like them. But if they piss all the right people off I’ll wear them until my feet fall off.

  7. Eric Idle playing Koko – The Lord High Executioner – is a definite must see for any G&S fanatic.

    Both acts are online. Use your favorite search engine to find them.

    “I’ve got a little list …”

  8. Their sentences violate their civil rights. One, their sentences are cruel and unusual (e.g. disproportionate). Two, individuals of the same class and statutory offense are not treated equally. They were prosecuted under what is now established as Obama’s standard of political congruence (“=”), which is a progressive condition and wholly unconstitutional. Well, perhaps under the twilight amendment that legalized abortion rites and establishment of the Pro-Choice Church.

  9. Then there is Ruddygore, where Sir Ruthven’s ancestral ghosts ask his pardon for subjecting him to inconceivable agony for not committing his required daily crime.

    Sp pardom us, so pardon us, so pardon us or die!

  10. It seems most presidents are ashamed of pardons and so issue them as the leave office

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