Home » Andrew C. McCarthy on the Obama adminstration’s belated concern about Russia


Andrew C. McCarthy on the Obama adminstration’s belated concern about Russia — 7 Comments

  1. One of the many reasons to watch Tucker on Fox is that he often reminds his viewers that the media’s obsession with Russia is a distraction from the many dangers to our republic posed by China, which is, in the long term, of far greater consequence as a threat.

  2. The Russia/Trump collusion charge is simply
    c r a z y and to believe it with all the information available, one would have to be mad or evil. The boys in the Kremlin were crying in their vodka on November 9, 2016.

  3. For nearly a century we’ve been trying to tell he dems that the Russians are the bad guys.
    Now. Finally. Is there anything Donald Trump can’t do?

  4. The issue is NEVER ‘the issue’ for the Left.

    Activist leftists in the know and Congressional democrats KNOW that the Russia collusion story is “a big nothing burger”. It’s just a convenient club made up of innuendo with which to lull the gullible voter into thinking that with all the smoke, there must be some fire there.

    It’s about hindering Trump’s administration with distraction and depressing voter turnout for republican candidates in 2018 and again in 2020.

  5. For years the media has mocked any American who said the Russians were dangerous, but their eyes have suddenly been opened when the Democrats needed a boogeyman.

  6. https://libertyunyielding.com/2018/05/26/reminder-what-we-know-now-about-trump-russia-and-surveillance-fbi-knew-in-2016/

    (lots of good analysis precedes this final section)

    “Surveillance by data retrieval is a powerful tool. When we contemplate the role of Stefan Halper, we need to keep in mind that the FBI already knew quite a bit about whom Trump campaign members were in contact with — and what Russians and other actors in the Russiagate drama were doing and talking about — long before Halper’s first contact with Carter Page at the Cambridge symposium in July 2016.

    The surveillance information, in fact, shaped the Halper outreach to the campaign — not the other way around.

    Beyond Stefan Halper, if there was another, more closely connected confidential informant in the Trump campaign, that individual was also operating in an environment of broad and detailed FBI knowledge about (a) Russians, and (b) Team Trump’s communications.

    In all that surveillance, no one ever came up with anything to hang on Trump. With the exception of Manafort’s money-laundering and fraud from years ago, no malfeasance involving Russians (or Ukrainians) has been found among Trump’s campaign associates either.

    And the FBI didn’t find that out last month, or in early 2017, nor did it find that out after October 2016, or even after March 2016. The FBI has known that from the beginning, and each day along the way.

    Basically, that means that the Obama administration decisions made in March or April 2016, or July or August 2016, or November or December 2016, were never about an “investigation” at all.”

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