Home » The focus today is on James Clapper


The focus today is on James Clapper — 18 Comments

  1. Deep Plunger is still on the job clearing the accumulated matter in Water Closet.

  2. Clapper & Brennan have risen to #s 2 & 3 right behind HRC as people I want to see wearing those one-size-fits-all orange jumpsuits. Parasite SOBs.

  3. Clapper is the Deep State’s Reinhard Heydrich to Brennan’s Heinrich Himmler.

  4. This all traces back to bho. It is not shocking that the members of his (mis)administration are criminals and lairs. They believed hrc would win and their crimes would be covered up. When that failed they tripled down on their criminal behavior believing they could destroy djt.

    So far all they have accomplished is to prove they are decietful liars.

  5. Just as “a fish rots from the head down”, so too does everything trace back to bho. Count on it.

  6. “I made a mistake,” Clapper said. “I didn’t lie. I was thinking about something else, another program.”

    To the FBI this is indeed “lying” and they will prosecute you for it and see you imprisoned.

  7. This America land of the brave voted in Hussein. Now they need Trum to save them from themselves.

    Amis aren’t going to do much to fight evil. They didn’t flip the table and chess game when Hussein was killing babies with post birth abortion and they won’t stand up and do anything when the DS gets rid of Trum, dead or alive.

    Boiling frogs works better on humans than on frogs.

  8. Rachel Maddow interviewed Clapper last night with her entire program devoted to him and his book. As you can imagine she gushed praise in every breath since he asserted that Trump wouldn’t have won without Russian help. However, despite her deep partisanship she very cleverly brought up something that undercut Clapper’s little story.

    She mentioned that in cases of corruption and alleged collusion like this one, the motto “follow the money” usually leads to the conviction. Clapper agreed wholeheartedly but had to admit that the Russians really spent very little money. At that point you could she a certain satisfaction in Maddow’s face, a smile that said your assertions are paper thin and mostly bullshit.

    A week or so ago she had a similar encounter with Stormy Danials lawyer, Michael Avanatti. He had appeared repeatedly on all of the leftist cable news channels, but for whatever reason this was his first appearance on Maddow. She was polite but her body language said she was disgusted with her subject. And as with Clapper she asked several questions that put the porn lawyer on the spot. Her smile at his answers was condescending and forced.

    Maddow’s problem is one of hypocrisy because she knows that the accusations of collusion and pay to play being thrown at Trump apply in spades to Hillary Clinton. No matter how hard she tries to paint a picture of corruption to discredit her ideological enemy it pales in comparison. And the poor thing is too honest and intelligent to evade the knowledge.

  9. It is so similar to Watergtae. Once things start coming out the web of conspiracy just keeps unravelling. The charming Obama, unlike the less charming Nixon, kept his paranoid political skullduggery well hidden. Having lived in Chicago in the late 60s I was concerned when I learned that Obama’s senate opponent had tanked when his sealed divorce records were leaked. That is just soooo Chicago. I hoped it was as direct as Obama actually getting them leaked to win the election, but what bothered me was that the difference between Chicago and NY (my family home) is that the corruption is more direct. They go right for the jugular in the Windy City. In NY you get the death of thousand cuts by building inspectors and health officials if you don’t make nice with city hall. Once Obama got in there was the EPA harassment of Gibson Guitar Company – they just confiscated and held millions of the company’s guitar making materials and sat on it. A bit more NY style, but a worry. Then the response to 2010 was to use the IRS to disadvantage the Tea Party and we were back in Chi town. The tragedy is that both Nixon and Obama had the political capital to be effective presidents without skulduggery. The opportunity Obama missed was to use his great charm and personal popularity to do what the far less charming Dubya did after the 2006 election or Bubba did after Gingrich and company got in back in ’94. Recognize he had to work with the opposition. Personally I think Obama was not at all inclined to do that because he was and is an ideologue – a new new left or neo Marxist red diaper baby who really was out to fundamentally transform America. His overreach is having quite a backlash and his paranoid Chicago style tactics are helping to wreck the Marxist project. Trump is a great wrecking ball, but if we are to reclaim the American alternative to socialism and identity politics we are going to have to dig much deeper into the layers of culture that Jordan Peterson is addressing. That is deeper even that going back to the founders and Enlightenment values. It wont be easy with so much of the culture firmly in the hands of the Marxist Zombies. That is what ideology does to humans, turn them into the walking dead. It happens on the right too, but Marxism really is amazing in that it keeps its appeal no matter how bloodily it fails. No one claims Naziism only failed because it wasn’t done properly.

  10. Frederick Says:
    May 23rd, 2018 at 7:12 pm
    “I made a mistake,” Clapper said. “I didn’t lie. I was thinking about something else, another program.”

    To the FBI this is indeed “lying” and they will prosecute you for it and see you imprisoned.
    * * *
    Only if you are one of Them and not one of Us.
    See: Anyone else’s security felonies vs. Clinton’s oopsies.
    However, the treatment of McCabe is promising.
    Would Mueller really drop the hammer on his other buddies, or is he going to be side-stepped by the IG/DOJ direct connection?

  11. Lorenz Gude Says:
    May 24th, 2018 at 12:43 am
    The tragedy is that both Nixon and Obama had the political capital to be effective presidents without skulduggery.
    * * *
    Nixon was on his way to the Presidential top-ten when he got bushwhacked by Watergate; although it did reveal some striking character flaws, the burglary itself was business-as-usual in DC, as we are painfully discovering.
    Obama had great potential, but (as you say) that wasn’t really his goal or agenda.
    He could have been not only the first black President, but a significantly good one; or at least, if he had been mature enough to have patience, he would have reached his goals without the backlash and the Trump of doom.

  12. It would be nice if there were some agents at the CIA et al. who are as anxious to blow whistles as the ones at the FBI (who still have not been officially heard from, but I suspect the IG interviewed at least some of them).



  13. Wow! Clapper leaked the dossier? And the proof is hiding in plain sight within a declassified report?

    This makes Jeff Sessions’ and Christopher Wray’s job easy. Surely Clapper will be getting the Michael Cohen treatment very soon!

  14. Lorenz Gude Says:
    May 24th, 2018 at 12:43 am
    It is so similar to Watergtae.

    it is similar, although not for the reasons people usually have after getting their information from the MSM propaganda dominated news service.

    Nixon was on his way to the Presidential top-ten when he got bushwhacked by Watergate; although it did reveal some striking character flaws, the burglary itself was business-as-usual in DC, as we are painfully discovering.

    Mark Felt denied for decades that he was the source of the leak and said so to multiple FBI authorities and bosses and investigators.

    Later on when he needed extra book deal loot for his relatives and descendants, then he decided to come out of the Cold spycraft tradecrafted closet.

    Lying to the FBI is only a crime if you get caught and if the FBI wants to catch you. Otherwise, Nixon is seen as a crook for hiring ex Cia and FBI who think wiretapping a building is a good idea because Mark Felt the supervisor of COINTELPRO trained them to do so. But it is Nixon’s plumbers that went to jail and nobody at COINTELPRO went to jail, and those who might have, were pardoned. COINTELPRO was the tool favored by Hoover and Democrats like FDR, to spy on Republicans in order to get some dirt that they are communists or traitors, to Purge Them. People called it a “burglary”, because back then even the Deep State didn’t want people to know that Richard Nixon’s CIA/FBI Plumbers, were breaking in to setup wiretapping equipment and that is why the DC police called in the feds. Calling in the feds on the feds, would usually get the feds to cover it up.

    That’s how District of Columbia works. The MSM narrative hailed it as a patriotic civil servant who wanted to blow the whistle on illegal movements… Hah. Amis, so gullible. Everybody and their uncle was spying on the White House, Pentagon included. Just look up JFK and why he got so mad at the military industrial complex generals for trying to gin up another Bay of Pigs… except this time on American citizens inside the US of A.

  15. And now lying liar & spy-er Clapper is a member of the MSM (contributor on CNN). John Brennan joined the NBC/MSNBC family in February. They can skip the leaking part altogether and deliver the leaks directly — and get (legally) paid for it!

  16. Was you ever bit by a dead bee?

    –Walter Brennan character in “To Have and Have Not”

  17. As a former Naval intelligence officer I can’t tell you how much I want to Clapper perp walked into a federal prison. He and Brennan and Comey.

    The Office of Naval Intelligence’s lane in the road can best be summed up as monitoring and reporting on foreign naval r&d and naval activity in both the strategic and tactical sense. It simply was never in our lane in the road to involve ourselves in domestic elections. The same can be said for the other four of the five armed services intel organizations. We simply wouldn’t have the authority, experience, or insight to tell you how, if, or how much foreign governmental interference could have on one of our elections.

    Then I could eliminate the other remaining twelve members of the USIC one by one. The National Reconnaissance Office, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. R. U. Kidding. Me?

    But in fact the politicized, weaponized FBI, CIA, and DNI openly violated the law an public trust.

    In fact, the liar Clapper testified before the Senate in January 2018 that there was no way the USIC could assess the impact of Russian interference on our election. Might i remind you, Soviet/Russian interference in our elections have been a constant since the original October revolution. And these idiots don’t know to guard against it?

    I had no problem when I was serving if the aviators tried to zing me. “Naval intelligence, isn’t that an oxymoron?”

    I’d respond by saying, “You mean like ‘alert pilot?'”

    But this is far beyond the amount of abuse I signed up for. Especially this close to the anniversary of the Navy’s victory at Midway; Nimitz considered his Intel advantage to be the equivalent of an extra carrier battle group. Up until now I never had a reason to feel ashamed. Not like I expect special respect before the 76th anniversary but it does drag me down.

    Had I known I’d end up working for these liars and whores I would have never entered the business.

  18. “…I never had a reason to be ashamed. Not like I expect special respect before the 76th anniversary but it does drag me down…”

    I clearly had nothing to do with the victory at Midway. What I meant was, my profession was a noble one with a noble history. Again, nothing to be ashamed of. Until Brennan, Comey, Clapper, et al.

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