Home » Mueller: one smart fellow, he felt smart


Mueller: one smart fellow, he felt smart — 18 Comments

  1. The latest wrinkle is the parameters of Mueller’s investigation are ultra-ultra-top-secret — up there with Obama’s college transcripts apparently — therefore the most unleakable information in the free world.

    This strongly suggests Mueller has thrown snake-eyes so far, thus the need to keep the witch hunt’s objectives as open-ended as possible, while Mueller at al. scramble to find something, anything to pin on Trump.

    Or at least keep the investigation casting a cloud over the Trump administration through the mid-terms and maybe even unto the 2020 elections.

    I’m disgusted. The good news, I believe, is more and more Americans are seeing through Mueller.

  2. Ya know, it’s funny how all those involved–Comey & Mueller, then Sally Yates, Samantha Powers, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe–all initially came highly recommended by the MSM–and even by FOX–so that, when they first burst into the news, we were told that each one of them was an honest, dedicated servant of the people, with a sterling record, and lots of accomplishments to their names–fine fellows all–only to find out, over the months and years, just how checkered their past records had actually been, and what unscrupulous actions they might have or had been involved in.

    Take, for instance, Mueller, and what his knowledge of and role might have been in the Whitey Bulger matter, when he was the Assistant, then Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston who supervised the FBI there during the 1980s.

    Beginning in 1975, Boston mob guy Whitey Bulger became an FBI informant. Among other things, Bulger murdered at least 13 people, and over the course of two decades the FBI covered for Bulger, and blocked and frustrated every attempt by local police and prosecutors to arrest, prosecute, try, and jail him.

    Reports are that four innocent men–men that the FBI and the DOJ knew were innocent, withholding exculpatory evidence–were framed for one of those murders that occurred in 1965 so that it wouldn’t be ascribed to Bulger, and the FBI’s informant could remain free.

    According to reports, Bulger remained free and on the run for decades, and Bulger was only finally caught in 2011, while the four rotted in prison for more than 30 years, and two of the men died there.

    It is reported that, while these innocent men were in jail, Mueller wrote numerous letters to their parole board recommending that they not be paroled, or be given clemency.

    So what did Mueller know, and when did he know it?

    So bad was this deliberate frame up and miscarriage of justice that, when the remaining defendants were freed and sued, in 2006 they and the families of the two men who died in prison won a $101 million dollar settlement from the government.

    Information about the Bulger matter had been known or suspected, and reported on, in a number of publications/places and, when Mueller was being considered for Special Counsel, all reporters who were filling us in about Mueller’s background would have had to do was just refer to these stories, but, they never did.

    So, most of us, I’m pretty sure, never knew about them and, thus, judged Mueller’s suitability for the job in a state of deliberately manufactured ignorance.

    Moreover, this was only one of several other very questionable past actions/associations/involvements by Muller that we were never told about until the die was cast, and he was appointed Special Counsel, after which news about these incidents slowly made their way into some news outlets.

  3. I’m not sure that it’s a matter of Mueller feeling so smart.

    Rather, it’s more a matter of him knowing that should he fail, then the whole rotten Obama-Clinton-Kerry-Rice-Holder-Lynch-Rhodes-Brennan-Clapper-Comey-Rosenstein-MSM house of cards comes ‘a tumblin’ down, tumblin’ down.

    So he knows he MUST NOT FAIL.

    And desperation engenders error.

    To be sure, the wretched structure should have all come tumblin’ down ages ago.

    But they were all TOO BIG and too important (and too smart) to fail.

    (Moreover with the media riding shotgun, who could have even entertained such an absurd notion?)

    Plus, Hillary was supposed to win (a cert!), which would, of course, have meant that absolutely none of this would have seen the light of day.

    Just another reason to hate and despise Trump…

    (Or actually a reason to thank him…and those who voted for him.)

  4. Terrible old joke embarrassed me at ten years old when the dad of my best friends, twins came in and said, “Is he a smart feller or a fart smeller?” and I thought it was about the funniest thing I ever heard but to embarrassed to laugh.

    Until I was at school next day telling it myself.

  5. All I can say is that if I was on the job for a year with that kind of staff, and that kind of budget, and had nothing to show, I’d be unemployed.
    And if my boss had not dealt with it by now he’d be terminated also.
    Due diligence and responsibilities.

  6. so that, when they first burst into the news, we were told that each one of them was an honest, dedicated servant of the people, with a sterling record, and lots of accomplishments to their names–

    Muahaha. Who actually fell for that con?

    People think they are immune to propaganda because they “know” the MSM are biased. That doesn’t make you immune to the Art of Propaganda. Americans continue to underestimate the power of evil and the Art of Propaganda.

  7. Slightly OT…been catching snippets of HRC’s “What Happened?” Tour Down Under…press is fawning all over her & calling The President all sorts of bad names…but no one is asking any questions about her decision-making going into & out of the role of SecState or how her campaign managed to miss such a “slam dunk.”

    Today’s excuse was, “Trump spent 10 years on TV being the ‘fixer’ who fired everyone who didn’t get the job done & the voters believed he could be that guy in the White House.” Or something…interviewer just lapped it up…sheesh…lost all respect for that guy.

    Back on topic…I think Barry up above is on the money. Mueller knows the corrupt 0-administration jenga tower will totally collapse if his “collusion muh Russia” witch hunt fails…so in his desperation he makes mistakes like in their complacency all the 0-corrupt-o-crats made mistakes & left evidence lying around for folks to find.

  8. press is fawning all over her & calling The President all sorts of bad names

    People said I was insulting Trum by using a name they didn’t like or agree with.

    It’s not much difference in this Red vs Blue fight. By adopting Alinsky’s rules, how are people who fight against Hillary any better than Hillary.

    The Wicked Witch of the West started out the same as other Americans. Just a little bit of Alinsky and she became successful, and it got worse from there. That’s because Lucifer was the teacher of Alinsky.

  9. Ed Bonderenka Says:
    May 15th, 2018 at 8:42 pm
    All I can say is that if I was on the job for a year with that kind of staff, and that kind of budget, and had nothing to show, I’d be unemployed.
    And if my boss had not dealt with it by now he’d be terminated also.
    Due diligence and responsibilities.
    * * *
    That the firings never happen explains why our government is a morass of incompetence — every department is like Mueller’s staff, on steroids.

  10. Thou Shalt not Insult the Prophet of Islam. There is no Place for those who Insult Islam and the Prophets.

    That’s how it starts with the ALinsky freezing and isolation. Just because I advise against learning from Lucifer, doesn’t mean I lack an understanding of my enemies.

    That the firings never happen explains why our government is a morass of incompetence – every department is like Mueller’s staff, on steroids.

    Only the Deep State is allowed to fire who they want. Your elected politicians are included, but not always given that power.

  11. Aesop: Look at what I found in the archives.

    Those who have been sent among us by the Federal Government as officers were men who did not care for the people. They have always manifested a great anxiety for the gold and silver, but none for the interest through this community. Now, this should not be so with us; our desire and labor should be to learn the principles of integrity–to live up to our covenants made in the house of God. If we do this, no power can overcome us, but we shall prevail.

    I have passed through a great many trying scenes.


    Now, you all know pretty well how the Lord worked it with that army which the United States Government sent here to scatter this people to the four winds of heaven. They sent their minions to make war with the house of God, and he took the battle into his own hands and kept our enemies at bay.

    ……..In this country the North and the South will exert themselves against each other, and ere long the whole face of the United States will be in commotion, fighting one against another, and they will destroy their nationality. They have never done anything for this people, and I don’t believe they ever will. I have never prayed for the destruction of this Government, but I know that dissolution, sorrow, weeping, and distress are in store for the inhabitants of the United States, because of their conduct towards the people of God. Then the judgments will go forth to the nations of the earth. I have an understanding of these things, and I sincerely hope that you comprehend as clearly as I do. If you do, you will strive to prepare for those things that are coming upon the earth in these last days.


    American history, not quite what public education were told.

    The funny thing about digging up all these archives is that many of these people have very strange cultures and ideas. And the job of a Re-Searcher is to figure out the facts of the primary witnesses, from the revisionism of national histories, filtering out for private biases. Utah was far away enough from the secession states for this to act as a control group.

    Understanding CW1 is a requirement for understanding Civil War 2 USA style.

  12. The reputations of various prominent figures within our political class are being written down, just like the assets of MF Global, AIG, and Lehman Brothers.

  13. Herr Mé¼ller In s previous life would have certainly been an Einsatzgruppen Commandant and looks like he was born to wear a SS uniform and likely goose-stepped in uterine.
    However while he keeps exposing himself as a cross between Reinhard Heydich and Inspector Clousesu, he gets to ruin peoples lives and bankrupt them in the process. I do hope that Manifort and Flynn et always get to personally sue his and his Eichmann WeiséŸmanns Nazi asses( not the government like Hatfill did) but their personal asses.

  14. Avi Says:
    May 16th, 2018 at 12:43 pm
    Herr Mé¼ller In s previous life would have certainly been an Einsatzgruppen Commandant and looks like he was born to wear a SS uniform and likely goose-stepped in uterine.

    America imported enough mind control Einsatzgruppen guys via Operation Paperclip. You don’t need Mueller for that.

    Reinhard Heydich

    They call it gang stalking now a days in America. A variation and upgrade from SWATing.

    Mueller and the FBI are just tiny pawns in the Deep State arsenal. Wait until you see their big guns and elites.

  15. America imported enough mind control Einsatzgruppen guys via Operation Paperclip. You don’t need Mueller for that.
    Emet , aval they only joined Herr Mé¼ller und WeiéŸmann.

    I wonder how many yiddin Herr Mé¼llers family killed?

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