Home » Fourth generation warfare against Israel


Fourth generation warfare against Israel — 40 Comments

  1. Steve Walsh: because they are Jew haters.

    Has anyone noticed that the Arabs in the West Bank are quiet? Jerusalem is right in their midst. Why’s that?

  2. Hatred for Jews is deeply embedded in European culture and ‘islamic culture’. Jews, in general, are highly successful at whatever they put their hands and minds to. For arabs not sitting on oceans of oil, the success of Israel in economic affairs increases their hatred. Personally I side with Israel 100%. Arabs earn a goose egg.

  3. I know plenty of people who swallow them hook, line, and sinker, and believe the Israelis are cold-blooded baby killers.

    Which is why there are no Palestinians in either the West Bank or Gaza. Wait, what? there are? oh.

    Has anyone noticed that the Arabs in the West Bank are quiet?

    I thought they were supposed to protest today? it is relatively quiet, tho.

  4. The Jews are a unique minority. The Ashkenazy (Israel’s elite) rate highest on the IQ scale. They are one of the world’s wealthiest minority groups, if not the wealthiest. They were the tribe chosen by God to manifest judeo/christian virtues, which according to T. Jefferson are the most ethical yet achieved. Israel is a wildly successful nation and has made the desert bloom within a region of endemic poverty.

    A minority perceived to be superior by the majority will always engender a degree of hostility by those most threatened by inner comparison to that perceived superiority. Insecure people need a scapegoat and derive reassurance by justifying their bigotry.

    The surrounding Muslim nations are humiliated by Israel’s success, which Israel achieved without oil wealth or even much natural resources. And did it through war after war after war, while also enduring repeated guerilla warfare and terrorist attacks…

    Europe lies to itself that but for the Jews, Muslims would live and let live… it too must have its scapegoat, as cover for its moral cowardice.

    Nor are the Jews blameless, aggressively overcompensating in reaction to exclusion is a common human failing. So too with appeasement, a common survival tactic when a minority perceives itself to be highly vulnerable.

    Finally, consider the Seven Deadly Sins; the Jews inspire ENVY which offends the PRIDEFUL that leads to WRATH…

    Given all of this, how could the Jews not be hated above all others?

  5. Is it really as simple as envy and jealousy? I don’t doubt you but that just seems so superficial. I guess I expect people to be better than that.

  6. Ari Fleischer tweets:

    No violence in the West Bank. No violence in Jordan. No protests in the Arab Street. Only Hamas. Only a terrorist group that urged its militants to attack Israel. Terrorists who refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist. And this is how the NYT covers it. Shame.”

    But the human sewage at the New York Times has no shame only their ongoing vileness.

  7. Ehud Barak spoke at the Women’s Republican Club in Manhattan last night. (I didn’t attend but was at another event in the building.)

    In the ladies’ room afterwards, there were some liberal types, and one was saying grimly that “today is a dangerous day,” referring to Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Another one agreed, and I asked her politely, in temperate tones, what her opinion was, and she said, “Jerusalem was supposed to be a neutral city. This makes it more likely that there will be war.”

    I replied, still using my mildest tone, “Well, the Jews have been saying ‘next year in Jerusalem’ for 2,000 years, and we wouldn’t dream of declaring Mecca, for instance, a ‘neutral city,’ because it’s so central to their faith.” She blinked at that, as if it had never occurred to her.

    I didn’t engage further, but I could have added that it seems Weird that only the Jewish state isn’t allowed to decide where their capital is. No matter how vile any other nation is, they Do get to decide what their dadgum capital city is. It is exhausting, refuting lies and misinformation with these folks.

    But in Jerusalem, they had a party alright. Great post about it on Breitbart, with videos of people dancing in the streets.

  8. steve w,

    As we all know, humanity is capable of both the deepest compassion and the shallowest of behaviors. I suspect God choosing the Jews as the most suitable for his plans lies at the heart of the animosity. An awful lot of people harbor deep hate for the Lord.

    Might not this also apply to the Jews? “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely…”

    We all know that if the Muslims abandoned their hate, there would be peace but if the Israelis ever put down their weapons, there will be genocide.

    Islam’s “fruits” define it.

  9. The reporters on the scene from the MSM are ignorant low lifes. If they did the tiniest bit of research they would learn that Hamas proudly acknowledges that it is Muslim Brotherhood, which was the Arab wing of the Nazi Party prior to and during WWII. Their great leader Amin al Husseni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, elected unanimously to be its head after the war, was wanted as a war criminal for his activities in support of the Nazi cause. The most infamous was the organization of the Muslim Bosnian brigade of the SS that massacred Christians and Jews in the Balkans.


  10. When Obama went to Egypt in 2009 to give his infamous speech, he insisted that the Muslim Brotherhood be invited over the violent objections of the Egyptian government. Later when the MB took over the government, he and HRC said nothing when they began persecuting the Copts, but they were quite vociferous and upset when the current government overthrew the MB. Think about that.

  11. The Gaza-Israel border appears to be nothing more than a barbed wire fence. Time to build a wall.

  12. Notice the Gazans are not demonstrating at the Egyptian border. They know the Egyptian army would just machine-gun them down in droves. No fools they!

  13. People used to make fun of people that talked about Fourth Generation Warfare: especially ask keyboard warriors.

    Guess who the joke is on now.

  14. I’ve been reading up on some ancient history lately. First, consider Israel in a geographic sense: it is slightly smaller than places like New Jersey or New Hampshire. Second, its location makes it susceptible to invasion and conquest from more powerful states that may be located in larger geographic areas, like Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Mediterranean. The ancient Kingdom of Israel was most successful when its neighbors were all in periods of relative weakness.

    Since that time, the area has been variously conquered or held by the Babylonians, the Persians, Alexander the Great and his successors, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabs, the Crusaders, the Egyptian Mamluks, the Ottoman Empire, and finally the British Mandate after WWI.

    The modern state of Israel has so far been successful in its own defense. However, the underlying problems of geography and population size still remain, the same factors that were relevant to how often this area changed hands in the past. A strong military needs space for staging and logistics, without which it is vulnerable to bombs, missiles, and sabotage. A modern country needs water resources, not only for people and agriculture, but also for industry.

    Over time, the initial advantages that modern Israel had to defend itself may diminish as its neighbors grow, and as it lacks the ability to maintain a relative level of strength with them. Even now, modern Israel has been in existence for a shorter period of time than the Crusader states. The Crusaders lacked the manpower to hold onto their territory, and soon realized that the best strategy to successfully control the Holy Land most often meant conquering Egypt first, and only then going on to Jerusalem.

    In the coming decades, it may be more interesting to look at population sizes and water resources in modern Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, to see what may develop. Beyond that area, a hostile military force may not need more than a large number of dumb missiles to give modern Israel a hard time.

  15. As the Gaza situation now stands, Israel is losing both the moral and the mental levels of this 4GW battle.

    Huh? It’s the exact opposite.


    The NPR audio is at the link.

    …The incendiary kite, designed to catch fire, was decorated with “writing claiming Jerusalem for Palestinians” and with swastikas, the primary symbol of Nazism.

    “Why do you put that on there?” Inskeep asked.

    “The Jews go crazy for Hitler when they see it,” the Gazan said.

    “The Israelis know that people are flying kites with swastikas,” Inskeep said. “They know this, and they use it to discredit you, to say this shows you’re bad people. What do you think about that?”

    “This is actually what we want them to know, that we want to burn them,” he replied, according to Inskeep.

    The Gazans can’t help themselves, the are so consumed by hatred. They want the world to know they want to burn the Jews, just like the Nazis. They’re really not good at the mental/moral highground thing. Come to think of it, with 0 Israelis killed or wounded they’re not at all good at the physical level as well.

    Nor is the ham-handed mainstream media attempt at manipulation effective either. The harder they try, the more I believe my lying eyes.

  16. Steve57

    “This is actually what we want them to know, that we want to burn them,” he replied, according to Inskeep.

    The Gazans can’t help themselves, the are so consumed by hatred. They want the world to know they want to burn the Jews, just like the Nazis.

    Golda Meir nailed it.

    We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”

    Judging by those flying kites with swatstikas, that will be a while.

  17. The survey is enough reason on its own to abandon the Democratic party. I left long ago, but the left has become so anti Semitic that there is no other moral choice. So no the Pals are not winning the moral war either. And the shift in policy by Trump toward the Sunis and their tacit support of Israel is already changing the ground under the Palestinian’s feet. I expect the static situation we have seen since Oslo to finally move on. I agree with Yankee that it is small and hard to defend patch of ground, but I believe that if anyone can do it, it is the Israelis. I like the fact that they feel they are able to use air power to attack Iranian advance positions in Syria. At some point Hezbollah will shoot all the missiles they have built up at Iran’s behest, and then we will find out what else beside Iron Dome the Israelis have up their sleeve to counter Iran.

  18. steve walsh asked:
    May 15th, 2018 at 3:20 pm

    Why do they hate Israel, Israelis, and Jews so?

    Because it’s a religious obligation to hate the Jews. Actually Muslims are commanded to hate all unbelievers because Allah hates all unbelievers, and a Muslim’s first duty to Allah is make Allah’s enemies his own and to hate them. This is why the Abraham of the Quran is not at all the Abraham of the Bible.

    Surah 60:4

    There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, “Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah . We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone” except for the saying of Abraham to his father, “I will surely ask forgiveness for you, but I have not [power to do] for you anything against Allah . Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination.

    As an aside, this is what makes the Eid al Fitr greetings that Bush started after 9/11 and Obama continued so appallingly stupid. They don’t get their ideas about Abraham from our Bible, they get them from their Quran. So in essence Bush and Obama were confirming that Muslims are right to hate us.

    “Three great Abrahamic religions” my….butt.

    In the Quran, when Allah singles out someone as an excellent pattern for the Muslims it is no mere suggestion. Muslims will pattern themselves on that individual if they wish to enter Jenna, Islamic paradise. So Abraham is the pattern for Muslims when he vows to have animosity and hatred for his own father and family forever as long as they refuse to worship Allah alone. But he is not the pattern when he tells his father he will pray to Allah to forgive him. By that Allah means to tell the Muslims, “Don’t you dare do this.”

    But the Ahl al Khittab, the “people of the book” who are primarily Christians and Jews who the Quran confirms have received divine revelation (hence “the book”) Allah has an even stronger, seething hatred.

    Trying to read the Quran is, as one Islamic scholar put it, “purgatory.” It’s incoherent. Surah is equivalent to a Biblical chapter, and ayah a verse. Surah 1, the Fatijah prayer is extremely short, but then it’s arranged by length more or less. Surah 3 being the longest and the final Surah, 114. the shortest. So one Surah has absolutely nothing to do with the surrounding Surahs. And within each Surah it will abruptly change subjects with no transition, and while it has stories similar to Biblical stories they have no beginning and no ending. They begin in the middle and then abruptly cut off. There is only one complete story in in the entire Quran (Surah 12, Joseph of he coat of many colors). Which is why Muslims insist that the Quran only exists in Arabic. But that’s not true because even the 15% or so of Muslims worldwide who read and speak Arabic they can’t read 8th century classical Arabic. And even Muslim scholars are forced to admit that the Quran is simply unintelligible; they can only decipher 80% of the Quran. The real reason the Quran can’t be transliterated into other languages is because it can’t even be understood in Arabic; it’s untranslatable.

    But in a way it’s comical. There are repeated passages in which it confirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Torat (Torah) and Ingill (Gospels). But if you’re Jewish you realize it’s completely at odds with everything from Genesis to Malachi, and if Christian from Genesis to Revelations. Whoever wrote it had no clue that the Quran was 180dg out from the “Torat” and “Ingill” and thought the Quran conformed to the prior revelation. Perhaps because there wasn’t an Arabic Bible until the late 7th century, and it probably wasn’t widely available for another century. And by then it was too late.

    Essentially until the Arabic Bible was widely available the Muslims accused Christians and Jews of misinterpreting their scripture. When they found out that text of the Quran contradicted the actual text of the Torat/Ingill they accused the Jews and Christians of changing their scripture (which was rediculous, and the manuscript evidence proves it).

    Basically, the Muslims expected Christians and Jews to
    welcome Islam with open arms. When Christians and Jews judged the Quran by their own texts, as the Quran commanded them to do or else they are “no better than rebels (against God) the Christians and Jews rejected Muhammad as a false prophet. Hence the special enmity Allah had for Christians and Jews.

    Surah 98:6

    Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.

    Got that? We are the worst of creatures. We are worse than unclean animals such as pigs and dogs. We’re lower than cockroaches. And between Christians and Jews, Jews are worse.

    Surah 5:82

    You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah ; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.

    Now it doesn’t help that both Christians and Jews are far more successful than Muslims. This helps explain the Rotherham-type”grooming” gangs across Britain. There they are driving infidels around in their taxis or serving infidels kabobs and waiting on them at their tables. It’s supposed to be the other way around. So the only way to set the world right is climb on top a teenage infidel girl and rape her.

    But I digress. Allah hates Christians and Jews. But Allah hates Jews more, and therefore so do Muslims.

  19. “…sleeve…”


    (If it must come to that.)

    Unfortunately, AFAIK, it’s not exactly a pin-point solution.

    (And of course the MSM and their cohorts will have a field day with that….)

  20. The so-called Palestinians are of two varieties:

    Arabs from the east, Arabs from Egypt.

    The very term Palestinian was ginned up by the Romans, centuries ago.

    It ALWAYS meant the Jews living in Israel.

    You’ll find this usage even straight through the 1950’s.

    In ARABIC, Arafat NEVER self-identified as Palestinian.

    Such a sobriquet was use exclusively for the naive Western Press.

    This is the crowd that flew in from J-school and flew back to New York.

    Hamas and the PLO/ PLA can’t possibly agree on a combined government, EVER. They are tow entirely separate sub-critical ‘nations.’

    In fact they are nothing but ‘put-ups’ launched by the Arab ummah.

    They can’t possibly stand on their own.

    They are perpetual ‘charity’ ( ie basket ) cases. Without Israeli largesse, Gaza would fold up. ( subsidized water, for starters )

    Gaza is nothing but a pumped up, former, Egyptian military post. It’s a political fiction// contrivance. Check out its deep history.

    In 1948, virtually NO ONE was living there. No-one.

    If anyone had foreseen what was to come, Gaza would’ve been rubbed out right then and there, with the Egyptian garrison fleeing back home.

    As for the West Bank, that’s the ACTUAL heart of Israel. In ancient times, every Jew lived in the so-called ‘West Bank’ — because that’s where the water was.

    The sole and only reason that the kibbutz started out in the shadow of the Golan was because it was BARREN LAND… universally deemed utterly worthless by the Arabs then living. Some idea of just how worthless it was can be gleaned from the photo archives. Yeah, it was a desert.

    It took an insane amount of human toil to convert that wasteland into fertile soil — from a society that was previously alienated from farming. (!!)

    So it’s absolutely no surprise that Zionists are heart set on reclaiming classic Israel.

    BTW, the ancient term ‘Judea’ referred explicitly to the southern wing of the so-called West Bank.

    The ancient term for the northern wing of the West Bank was ‘Israel.’

    One of the biggest events in Jewish history was the political unification of Judea with Israel.

    At that time, the ‘non-West Bank’ was virtually devoid of habitation. No water.

    Tel Aviv is what it is because of WATER. Today’s population is so massive that Tel Aviv has to have water brought in in grand style.

    Gaza was a lousy, rotten, salty water hole… back in the day. The kind illustrated in the film ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ as filthy and disgusting. Gazan water — straight from the well — is virtually undrinkable. Hence, the entire population there is utterly dependent upon the society that they are attacking. (!!!)

    If they achieve ANY military success — within DAYS — Gaza will simply have no water at all.

    Which makes me wonder, why have the authorities not turned off the taps?

    If I were calling the shots, I’d simply lay down the law: go go crazy, you get no water, none, none at all.

    It’s not as if Hamas is actually paying the water bill.

    As for Europe ( Merkel ) Jew hatred is STILL THERE.

    All I can say is: “Run for your lives!”

    ( Even the weather is better in Israel. )

  21. “Fourth generation warfare” is not the right term, using terms wrongly makes us all dumber…

    like racism cant really exist prior to the knowing of the concept, so as a formal concept, fourth generation is not all that known and its very old

    Fourth-generation warfare (4GW) is conflict characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians.

    The term was first used in 1989 by a team of United States analysts, including paleoconservative William S. Lind, to describe warfare’s return to a decentralized form. In terms of generational modern warfare, the fourth generation signifies the nation states’ loss of their near-monopoly on combat forces, returning to modes of conflict common in pre-modern times.

    The simplest definition includes any war in which one of the major participants is not a state but rather a violent non-state actor. Classical examples of this type of conflict, such as the slave uprising under Spartacus, predate the modern concept of warfare.

    i brought it up in detail a very long time ago (ie. i am way ahead i can now just reference back posts all set and ready for referencing)… when i discussed the new war doctrine of the PRC

    we have moved way beyond “fourth generation” which was what i was trying to let you in on…

    We are even past “Unconventional Warfare”

    listening to that statement as a headline makes me think of the old germans with the weimar pikes on top discussing the future..

    someone didnt get the memo… or care to read it

    Unrestricted Warfare

    Under this doctrine, all the things you discuss and more are formalized as actions to be kept below the level of response… economic warfare, visiting deseases by immigration, mercury in cfl lamps causing brain damage in children in homes instead of leds, and on and on and on and on, categorizing enything negative to the opposition to be a weapon especially when millions of tiny cuts cause them to bleed without being able to do much about it without compromising their ego

    Artfldgr Says:
    October 7th, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

    Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

    here is the funny funny part…

    here is my post warning you a few years back that i was warning you 6 years back!!!
    very very slow to learn what the new doctrines we are following are
    too busy trying to fit them into old ideas that no one even bothers with but historically like the battles of Boudica

    Artfldgr Says:
    July 15th, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    what we are in now is — Unrestricted Warfare
    see Artfldgr Says: March 17th, 2010 at 7:20 pm
    [warned you over six years ago!!]

    a quote:
    Obviously, proceeding with the traditional definition of war in mind, there is no longer any way to answer the above questions. When we suddenly realize that all these non-war actions may be the new factors constituting future warfare, we have to come up with a new name for this new form of war: Warfare which transcends all boundaries and limits, in short: unrestricted warfare.

    the communists may not invent much, but they do invent new war machines, new ways of using people, and new means of harming enemies without any moral compunction…

    it links back to a long post you let me have that tried to explain how war doctrine has changed since you last took a llook and is constantly evolving… and is basically the same as this post and the one a few years ago… all the same… ignored

    March 17th, 2010
    Those “self-executing rules”

    War in the age of technological integration and globalization has eliminated the right of weapons to label war and, with regard to the new starting point, has realigned the relationship of weapons to war, while the appearance of weapons of new concepts, and particularly new concepts of weapons, has gradually blurred the face of war

    Does a single attack count as a hostile act or not?

    Can using financial instruments to destroy a country’s economy be seen as a battle?

    Did CNN’s broadcast of an exposed corpse of a U.S. soldier in the streets of Mogadishu shake the determination of the Americans to act as the world’s policeman, thereby altering the world’s strategic situation?

    And should an assessment of wartime actions look at the means or the results?

    Obviously, proceeding with the traditional definition of war in mind, there is no longer any way to answer the above questions. When we suddenly realize that all these non-war actions may be the new factors constituting future warfare, we have to come up with a new name for this new form of war: Warfare which transcends all boundaries and limits, in short: unrestricted warfare.

    and they went on…
    which [of many kinds of unconventional] means, which seem totally unrelated to war, will ultimately become the favored minions of this new type of war—“the non-military war operation”—which is being waged with greater and greater frequency all around the world?

    Trade War
    Ecological War
    Financial War
    under this you could have discussed soros stuff

    After Soros began his activities, Li Denghui [Li Teng-hui 2621 4098 6540] used the financial crisis in Southeast Asia to devalue the New Taiwan dollar, so as to launch an attack on the Hong Kong dollar and Hong Kong stocks, especially the “red-chip stocks.” [Translator’s note: “red-chip stocks” refers to stocks of companies listed on the Hong Kong stock market but controlled by mainland interests.]

    People here dont even make distinction to such “red-chips” even existing in your discussions
    discussions of a world that doesnt exist any more in terms of old definitions and in terms of leaving out things that DO exist in the real world. Or even that war has changed..

    old generals talking about old fights and cant see how things have really changed
    because they are not changing, but endlessly trying to interpret things in the old way inthe old understanding or else what? they dont undersand? no. they make themselves not understand…
    because the new concepts cant be put into the old ideas beause the old ideas had parts like morals and things cooked in that are, after 1917, completely gone but in social echo and as the old die, the new have no such limit from hell

  22. Wang Xiangsui (王湘穗) is a senior Colonel in the People’s Liberation Army:

    Unrestricted warfare dictates that no country is capable of defeating a superpower such as the United States on its own terms, but outlines that such superpowers could be weakened through unconventional means, including manipulation of banking systems, control of the media, and control of natural resources.

    wake up..
    your OLDER than you think

    Unrestricted Warfare (超限战, literally “warfare beyond bounds”) is a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People’s Liberation Army, Qiao Liang (乔良) and Wang Xiangsui (王湘穗). Its primary concern is how a nation such as China can defeat a technologically superior opponent (such as the United States) through a variety of means. Rather than focusing on direct military confrontation, this book instead examines a variety of other means.

    Unrestricted warfare replaced that old other..
    they are not visiting the old other on israel
    they are visiting the new paradigm
    sorry if oldsters dont update their catalogues
    but been saying taht abotu all kinds of things from revealed documents, archives that changed the history you thought you knew and more

    but i guess its safe to wrap yourself in the lies you grow up with
    not me… my family found that doing that got you killed by the new regime whose ideas and methods are precisely geared to undo the minds of the people hanging on to the past paradigms…

    its a mental arms race bubelah
    and we are losing as our smartest are not being born
    our society is bing torn up by the ideologies that tore up our enemies and our enemies knowing what got them to be so stupid, apply that to us, and without the ability to step back from the chasm

    sadly, i sent a harvard paper comparing the two feminisms
    the US communist version (which harvard openly accepts is the current one even if the rubes dont), and the russian one… the major difference is that what the russians did to prevent the bad end, was prevented in the US, and so, we are on that and will NOT be allowed to konw much till too late, which is why you can look it up now.

    Its too late…
    war on this level is so subtle, the victims do not even know they are victims and wont beleive it… they are way too smart to be fooled never realizing they ARE too smart NOT to be fooled!!!!!!!
    today is no whites allowed campus day…much like no jews allowed… repeating the known past is easier than inventing a new future…

  23. 1999 doctrines replaced theory from 1999
    just as blood letting was replaced by what?

  24. The Complexity of Modern Asymmetric Warfare
    By Max G. Manwaring
    covers Israel and Unrestricted Warfar of which a lot of what you guys discuss are only tiny parts of the greater whole.. ie you discuss tactics, and never see strategy… strategy is what i am about and so been telling you things literally years ahead, as the tactics are the stepping stones to the end goal of strategy

    kind of boring to see where its going and have to wait so long for people to actually get there that tactics are affecting them and now they just start to see what they could have seen way back

    you cant prevent anything reacting to tactics

    IN the document unrestricted warfare i linked to they discuss the isrealis and the tactics…

    To prevent the Israelis from retaliating against the “Scud” missile attacks and throwing the camp which was assaulting Iraq into disorder, the United States made a tremendous effort to provide the Israelis with air support, taking great pains to look after the alliance network.

    you cant understand things without understanding what they do
    its confusing to keep trying to jam new square pegs into old round holes…

    It is sometimes manifested in the selection of opportunities of fighting, For instance, in the Fourth Middle East War, Sadat selected 6 October, in the month of Ramadan for Muslims, as the D-day for Egyptian forces’ crossing of the Suez Canal, and launched the attack in the afternoon when sunlight, going from west to east, was directed at the pupils of the Israeli’s eyes, thereby demolishing the myth of Israeli invincibility.

    fourth generation warfare is to whats happening now /like the borgias poisonings are in comparisson to Kamera Russias poision lab for assasinations…

    Li Hongzhi mentioned the use by Nigula Shiweite [as printed 1441 0657 2139 2457 1218 3676] of the” Beiyete [as printed 6296 0673 3676] method” to analyze the Vietnam War, the Sino-Soviet conflict, and the Arab-Israeli wars. In 1993 Li Hongzhi and others made accurate forecasts of the Bosnia-Herzegovina war by using the method

    and way before the leaks for hillary and other leaks and the leaks now O linked to this

    In contradistinction to masked killers that rely on the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people to produce terror, the “Falange Armed Forces” [Changqiangdang Wuzhuang 7022 2847 7825 2976 5944] group in Italy is a completely different class of high-tech terrorist organization. Its goals are explicit and the means that it employs are extraordinary. It specializes in breaking into the computer networks of banks and news organizations, stealing stored data, deleting programs, and disseminating disinformation. These are classic terrorist operations directed against networks and the media. This type of terrorist operation uses the latest technology in the most current fields of study, and sets itself against humanity as a whole. We might well call this type of operation “new terror war.”

    you should see what they are working on NOW… as this is about 10 years old and thats too old…

    now its back to new warefare with devices and things created from tech we gave so that they can win the big war..

    China’s Swarms of Smart Drones Have Enormous Military Potential
    China Is Hard At Work Developing Swarms Of Small Drones With Big Military Applications
    China is making 1,000-UAV drone swarms now | Popular Science

    Is Russia Building an Army of Robots?
    Which robots to watch in the upcoming Russian military parade
    Russia Confirms Its Uran-9 Robot Tank Is On The Ground In Syria

    basically we cant build things
    our kids are fat, lazy, unable to handle the world
    the feminists smart ladies ahve not had kids, and have done this to the generation to the point were its hard to find people who meet minimum standards in the military…

    check out the hypersonic vehicles…
    when you look at them, do they look at you?

  25. When they found out that text of the Quran contradicted the actual text of the Torat/Ingill they accused the Jews and Christians of changing their scripture (which was rediculous, and the manuscript evidence proves it).

    I appreciate Steve’s expertise on the Koran.

    Some things were changed by the masorete scribes in the Masoretic Text that forms the translation foundation for King James version, etc.

    But those changes did not support Islam or Mohammed.

    For example, the MT in Deuteronomy 32 reads Sons of Israel. The Septuagint and the Dead Sea fragments read “Sons of God”.

    Huge difference. This was not an error in the MT of the Torah. They burn an entire Torah scroll if even one jot and character is slightly off. No, they intentionally changed it for theological and political reasons, then burned all the copies that contradicted them. They couldn’t get to the Septuagint fragments or the Qumran caves because the Qumran caves hadn’t been opened yet. They were opened first in 1947 ish.

    There are quite a lot more changes in psalms as well. The Septuagint is a more damaged and also older translation of the Hebrew into Greek than the MT, the “received text”. And Qumran is older than both.

    Humans have done what they were told not to do, and forged the scriptures. As a result, mainstream state religions went insane. A pretty natural consequence.

    The fact that Qumran scrolls verify the wording of the Bible to a high percentage, means that the 1-3% that isn’t verified… means there is evidence of forgery.

    People have fought wars and persecuted humans, all based on what they called the “Perfect Word of God”… that has been forged in part.

  26. ” steve walsh Says:
    May 15th, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    Is it really as simple as envy and jealousy? I don’t doubt you but that just seems so superficial. I guess I expect people to be better than that.”

    It’s the exclusivity aspect to some extent. Read the earliest anti-Jewish literature from the classical period and you will see it there. Christians also initially engendered the same kinds of reactions among pagan populaces they lived amongst and who thought they were disrespecting their cults and society and even interfering with their prosperity; as one can see from the Epistles and Acts of the Apostles.

    Some portion of the human population just cannot deal with others who seem to be stand-offish. It may be a survival mechanism. Let strangers into your hut; and if they steal your food, you are in big trouble. And of course, not fitting in, yet living among others and profiting from the association with the producing “host” culture is likely to raise hackles among the hoi polloi who see one as an alien opportunist and skimmer. Muslim commentators in southern Spain would bitterly comment of the prosperity of the Jews under the rule of the lax Muslim princes.

    See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Convivencia

    This is probably why it is American Evangelicals who come from populations which were the least collective minded in the first place among the gentiles, are most positively positioned to be indifferent to apparent “Jewish success”. And there is the fact that they see themselves as having ancestors who intended to build a new Jerusalem on this continent, with themselves as a new God’s people. Evangelical Protestants on the frontier were known for their recurring reference to the Old Testament. So they probably also see “Jews” as followers of the Tanakh, and not the Talmud; which would be much more alien and off-putting to them if they became aware of it.

    One can see fascinating presentations involving this latter issue on Youtube: posted by Israeli followers of “Yeshua”, and which unless you read the captions will make no sense as they are in Hebrew … I presume


  27. Only tangentially on topic, but some may wish to read this: https://home.isi.org/myth-andalusian-paradise

    “Maré­o Ferné¡ndez-Morera is Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Northwestern University. A former member of the National Council on the Humanities, he holds a BA from Stanford University, an MA from the University of Pennsylvania, and a PhD from Harvard University. “

  28. The Conflict between the Hebrews, sons of Abraham through Isaac, and the Arabs, sons of Ishmael through Abraham’s concubine (polygamy!), has been going on for a long time.

    Genealogies are a big deal there.

    One can see fascinating presentations involving this latter issue on Youtube:

    That was a pretty good presentation. Rabbis like Tovi do raise up the virgin birth as disqualifying the Messiah due to lack of Davidic descent.

    I wonder if Luke was doing the genealogy based on the mother because after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, the Jews were forced to use matrilineal descent. The Roman forced rape campaign also corrupted the patrilineal lineages, as well as the genealogies being lost.

    Endless genealogies probably refers to loose descent, through uncles and cousins, rather than direct descent. We got computer programs for that, so no problem now.

    The most probable date for its composition is around 80—110 AD, and there is evidence that it was still being revised well into the 2nd century.

    I looked it up on wiki. Close enough. Second TEmple was annihilated in 70 AD.

  29. Yeshua is closer to the Aramic pronunciation but means Savior in Hebrew.

    Hebrew didn’t have vowels, that was added in by the Masorete scribes in the text. An “addition” one may say.

    Yehoshua. Yahashua. Can be transliterated the same.

    Hebrew reads from right to Left like Japanese. I’ve translated japanese, they are similar in some respects. So instead of Yahashua it would read auhsahaY

    Many things in the scriptures were written so that it reads backwards the same as forwards. Languages west of Jerusalem reads from left to right. Languages east of Jerusalem reads right from left. that’s not a coincidence.

    Let us next examine racial tolerance. The Quran does not proclaim the innate superiority of any racial group. But the enslavement of black Africans was an entrenched part of the culture of Andalusia. So was racial prejudice. In his Proverbs, al-Maydani (d. 1124) wrote, “the African black, when hungry, steals; and when sated, he fornicates.” 18 Traveling through Africa, Ibn Battuta (1207-1377?) claimed that blacks were stupid, ignorant, cowardly, and infantile. 19 These attitudes could be found throughout the Islamic world. Early in the wonderful Arabian Nights, the worst thing about the adultery of the wives of kings Sahzman and his brother Shariyar is that their infidelity was with blacks. In Nights 468, a black slave is rewarded for his goodness by being transformed into a white man. A similar case occurs in the eleventhcentury “Epistle of the Pardon” by al- Ma’arri, where a black woman, because of her good behavior, ends up as a white huri in Paradise.20

    In 1068, before the arrival of the almoravids, the cadi of Muslim Toledo, the Arab Sa’id Ibn Ahmadi, wrote a book classifying the nations of the world. In it he accounted the inhabitants of the extreme North and South as barbarians, describing Europeans as white and mentally deficient because of undercooking by the sun, and Africans as black, stupid, and violent because of overcooking. In contrast, Arabs were done just right.21 Racial self-consciousness led the Andalusian Ibn Hazm to insist that the Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his predecessors, were all white and ruddy-skinned.

    What about the claim regarding the “progressive” status of women in Andalusia? Muslim treatises tell a different story. Ibn Abdun lists numerous rules for female behavior in everyday life: “boat trips of women with men on the Guadalquivir must be suppressed”; “one must forbid women to wash clothes on the fields, because the fields will turn into brothels. Women must not sit on the river shore in the summer, when men do”;

    Many similarities crops up between Southern slave culture and Andalusia here. Which further reinforces my thesis that the God of Islam is Lucifer and that the god of the pro slave faction in the US was also Lucifer. Does that mean the god of the Northern sectional split was the right one? Not necessarily.

  30. While progs of the Demo or Euro variety shamelessly swallow the Hamas Kool-Aid, not everyone has done so. Egypt excoriates Hamas leader.

    During Egypt visit, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was slammed, humiliated, Israel Hayom reports.
    Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was called to Cairo on Monday to receive criticism for his actions, Israel Hayom reported Wednesday morning.

    The report, which was based on the account of an Egyptian security official, noted that Haniyeh was called to a Cairo intelligence office, where the Egyptian intelligence head humiliated him. …
    “Ismail Haniyeh arrived in Cairo within less than an hour, together with two of his security guards,” the Egyptian official said. “The three arrived in a helicopter sent specially to bring them. Anyone claiming that Egyptian intelligence wished to honor Haniyeh by bringing him specially in a helicopter is definitely wrong. There was a lot of anger directed at Haniyeh and the Hamas leadership.”

    Noting that Haniyeh and his companions were ordered to wait outside the building, the official continued, “It was very awkward, even embarrassing. When Haniyeh entered the room, you couldn’t not hear how he was being yelled at. Haniyeh didn’t answer.”

    “They screamed at him and told him angrily and unequivocally that the blood of the dead Palestinians near the border is on his head and on those of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Khalil al-Hayya, and all other Hamas leaders. They even showed him photos of how Hamas leaders pay young people and families tens of thousands of dollars so that they will be willing to die near the border.”

    The Egyptian official also said that Haniyeh was stunned when he was told that if the riots continue and more “Palestinians” die, it will be considered the sole responsibility of Hamas and Hamas leaders. History will not forgive them, the official said, for such an illogically high number of dead.

    The meeting ended with Haniyeh receiving a warning that continued border protests will lead Israel to strategically eliminate Hamas leaders, and that Egypt and other countries in the region would only respond with tongue-in-cheek condemnations

  31. DNW, I have that book and can highly recommend it. As you know, approximately the last third of the book consists of end notes. It had to be so thoroughly researched because the idea that Islamic Spain was an era of peace, tolerance and multicultural harmony is complete BS and was fabricated for religious and political reasons.

    In the 18th and 19th century the historians, Arabists, and Orientalists were driven by loathing for the Catholic Church. So they depicted the Muslim conquest of Spain as liberation from Catholic backwardness. In the late 19th century and really hitting their stride in the 20th century the historians and Islamic studies professors were driven by their anti-nationalism to invent a past example of multicultural success.

    Of course as the Saudis and other Arab states grew rich they also had an interest in providing the West with an airbrushed version of history, and the historians and Islamic studies types were more than willing to take the money and present a medieval Islam as a creed far more tolerant then they otherwise were already inclined to create.

    Search on Joseph ibn Naghrela or the 1066 Granada Massacre if you want to see just how “successful” so-called tolerant, cosmopolitan Islamic Spain was as a “multicultural” society.

  32. “Steve57 Says:
    May 16th, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    DNW, I have that book and can highly recommend it. As you know, approximately the last third of the book consists of end notes. It had to be so thoroughly researched because the idea that Islamic Spain was an era of peace, tolerance and multicultural harmony is complete BS and was fabricated for religious and political reasons.

    Re end notes. Yes you are right.

    I was originally a bit unsettled by the book which is rather slim by history review standards, and by the fact that the tone was somewhat casual; as if the facts could be simply stated and let drop. But then I noticed the dense and lengthy citations which carry some further argument and examples as well.

    Not just a pile of op cits and ibids.

    He does especially well by citing Muslim historians of the relevant periods, concerning the state of literacy and technological sophistication of the “Arabs” of the time.

    Those kinds of points remind me of the parallel fact that the Muslim “preservation” of the supposedly “lost great works of Greek philosophy” was accomplished by Syrian Christians.

    He even manages to point out that some of the supposed signature architectural features of Muslim Spain were in fact late Roman developments, or Visigothic in origin.

    Better bring your reading glasses for the notes though. I don’t wear them and I don’t have them, but after that I’m thinking of getting them. I also manually added chapter number references at the tops of those pages for easier back flipping.

  33. Ymar Sakar, a couple of observations. First, while claiming an Abrahamic lineage, there is zero evidence that the Arabs descended from Ishmael at all.

    As you note, genealogies are a big deal in this regard. And the Arabs have none. From the Islamic sources we learn that (no doubt entirely fictional or composite character) Muhammad could only trace his family tree back 17 generations. No where near enough to establish a link to Ishmael.

    This didn’t stop the Arabs from claiming that they descended from Abraham via Ishmael. According to Christian sources who documented the Arab conquests in the 7th century they referred to themselves as Ishmaelites and Hagarenes (after Abraham’s concubine Hagar, Ishmael’s mother). But interestingly this points toward two conclusions. First, they didn’t refer to themselves as Muslims. So the historical/documentary evidence syncs up with the archaeological and numismatic evidence that leads scholars to conclude that Islam as we now know it simply didn’t exist in the 7th century, but evolved later over several centuries. Second, Arabia in the age of Jahiliyah, the pre-Islamic state of ignorance, wasn’t nearly as pagan as the later Islamic sources try to portray it. The writings of contemporary Christian sources (hostile) show that the Arabs had been heavily influenced by their association with their monotheistic neighbors.

    Your comparison of Arab/Islamic culture with Southern slave culture is particularly apt. The disabilities the dominant Arab/Islamic conquerors placed on the conquered, subject people known as dhimmis will immediately remind Americans, at least, who have studied history. If you look into it more deeply, though, dhimmitude was far worse. The Ottoman Caliph abolished the dhimma in 1854; that was the price the British and the French demanded when the Caliph appealed to them for help in his war in Crimea against the Russians. Prior to that it was common (not especially frequent, but definitely not rare) for dhimmis to sell their children into slavery in order to pay the crushing jizya, or poll tax demanded of the dhimmis.

    It is unimaginable to us today that a parent could do such a thing. It’s not like the choice didn’t traumatize them then, and was definitely nothing but a harsh reality that they couldn’t escape. If they couldn’t pay the jizya they’d be declared kuffar harbi, unbelievers at war with Islam, the whole family would be killed. At least as slaves their children would live although miserably.

    All this is even before we get to the subject of Arab supremacism/racism. As you correctly note, you’ll not find this in the Quran. But the idea of racial superiority/inferiority becomes established in the ahadith and sirah or biographical literature. Together these two genre comprise the Sunnah after which Sunni Muslims derive their name, but remember the Shia also have their ahadith and sirah literature although their system is more complex. For instance, as you point out Muhammad was renowned for his whiteness. That is seen as a mark of purity in Islam. In Sirat Rasul Allah (The Life of the Messenger of Allah) we read “I heard the Apostle say: ‘Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!’ He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks…. Allah sent down concerning him: ‘To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom.”

    So the prophet of Allah? The whitest guy in the place. Satan? The blackest guy in the place.

    If you read the Islamic sources you’ll find that universally they considered blacks the lowest order of human being, if they were human at all. For instance, Nasir al-Din Tusi (d.1274 A.D.), a famous Iranian philosopher, wrote: “If various kinds of men are taken and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the South-most countries, the Negro does not differ from the animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth, except for what God wishes. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent.”

    The inferior status of blacks becomes solidifie in the various madhab (schools) of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). There are four extant schools of Sunni Jurisprudence; the Shafi’i, Hanbali, Hanafi’i, and Maliki. The Maliki was by far the dominant school in Muslim Spain so we have good records of how it evolved and where it stood at any one particular time. During the time of the occupation the Maliki scholars agreed that during marriage negotiations a woman must be represented by a wali. A wali means a male guardian. It also means a man so closely related by blood that marriage is forbidden; a brother, father, son, etc. For instance, these days a Saudi woman can’t leave the country without the permission of her wali.

    Back then a woman couldn’t get married without being represented by her wali. Unless she was considered so essentially worthless it just didn’t mattered. One way to meet that low standard was to be black. The Maliki fuquha argued blackness was an affliction that automatically reduced a woman’s social standing.

    The prejudice continues to this day. When I was in college I took enough Islamic studies courses to double major in both Poli Sci and Religious Studies. I didn’t double major because I thought it would be hard enough to get through life with the Poli Sci degree and i didn’t want people to think I was a god botherer. I should have though because as a Naval intel officer I spent the bulk of my career riding herd on threats emanating from the Islamic world. At the time though I was in the honors program writing a thesis on the ‘stans that comprised the then USSR’s southern tier of dependent SSRs, and I found I could use the same term papers for both courses. Which meant more time at the beach and more time for partying.

    Other than me the only people in the classes were Syrians and Iraqis who took the course for the same reason hispanics take
    Spanish as a second language. They figure it’s a guaranteed A; it wasn’t in either case. But they amused me. One day we’re having a discussion about the word/prefix “abd.” You’ll often see this in proper names such as Abdallah, Abdullah, or Abd al-Rahim. The professor asked, what does “abd” mean. “Slave.” “Servant.” The Syrian guy in back chimes in, “Black man.”

    The clearly distressed professor says, “Well, yes (he couldn’t deny the reality of the fact that IS what it means in the Arab world), but we don’t say that here.”

    Christian apologist Dr. David Wood has an excellent video on the subject.



    The really sad thing is that recruiters for Islam are able to convince American and Canadian blacks that Christianity is the religion of the slavemaster. Despite the fact the Atlantic slave trade lasted only 400 years. The Islamic slave trade lasted 1000 years longer, involved 19 million African slaves vs. maybe a max of 11m, was primarily sexual slavery, and was truly genocidal. The Transaharan route to the Islamic slave markets, were the slaves (two to one girls) were chained together and had to march across burning sands. The few males they took as slaves were castrated in the bush, no antiseptics, no pain killers. Few survived the forced march to coast on the other trade routes. Fewer still survived the Sahara.

    And because of the entrenched racism the African girls were regarded as an inferior “product.” A dual use “utility” tool; domestic servant, and a means of sexual release when something better wasn’t available; a white European milk al-Yamin (sex slave, those that your right hand possess) who was worth many times more than the African. Which is why despite lasting nearly three times longer and involving twice as many slaves you’ll find almost no evidence they were ever there. If the black slave got pregnant the baby was killed at birth. It was much more convenient to replace the stock of slaves every few years than to breed them.

    How Islam became the religion of the “authentic” black man I’ll never know.

    Finally, regarding the status of women Islam, Muslims try to portray Islam as universally a huge leap forward in terms of women’s rights. Some go so far as to portray Muhammad as “the first feminist.” I’m not going to say that’s entirely false, but neither is it entirely true. There were well over a thousand tribes in Arabia just prior to Muhammad. Some were matrilineal. Women in some tribes had a great deal of power. A woman could choose to go outside of her marriage to find a father for her child, for instance if a man had proven a superior warrior and she wanted that in her child. A woman could divorce her husband simply by turning her tent around. So her husband leaves on business, and returns to find the door of the tent facing away from him. By tribal law and custom he had to leave with only the possessions he had with him.

    For those women Islam was definitely a step down in status.

  34. Pingback:The Economist thinks the NY Times hasn't been hard enough on Israel

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