Update on thenewneo.com
Just want to let you all know that I have succeeded in finding a web developer who will help me make the transfer. I’ll skip the lengthy saga of how hard it was to find such a person, and just say that now I really do think it will happen in the next couple of weeks.
I will let you know when the time is getting closer.
I know this is a little late, but I’d bet I’m not the only one who’s curious about how you found a web developer. Not all the gory details, but a summary would be nice.
After reading about your travails, I talked to a friend who’s worked in IT for many years. She also said that finding a web developer can be a slippery task, so I’d like to hear the short version of how you resolved the problem. Maybe worth a blog post?
I tried every which way and kept hitting dead ends. Finally, I was telling my troubles to a relative, and the relative had a relative who IS a web developer and I got his email and phone number, asked, and he kindly consented to do it. I doubt it would have happened had it not been for the fact that we are honorary relatives. Apparently, it’s a small but pesky job, so people probably didn’t consider it worth their while. I am very grateful to have found this person, who seems to know what he’s talking about and is willing to take the job.