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Down with borders! — 23 Comments

  1. Stopping these illegals from forcing their way across our border is going to be a huge political and public relations problem for Trump, and you can be sure that any attempt by President Trump to order troops to the border will provoke the usual firestorm in Congress from Democrats, and not a few Republicans.

    There is also, of course, the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids the U.S. government from using U.S. military forces inside the U.S. to directly perform any police functions i.e. “including interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities,” unless specifically authorized by the Constitution or by an Act of Congress.

    Looking at various articles on the PCA, it looks like each State’s National Guard forces are not covered under it, and military forces could also be used if a governor of a State requests them.

    Since the illegal’s caravan’s leaders are reported saying that they plan to enter the U.S. through Baja California, it’s unlikely the Gov. Jerry Brown is going to be calling on the U.S. military for help in denying them entry.

    You can be sure that the leaders of this caravan will put the most sympathetic figures at the head of the column as it reaches the border, and will try to force the issue–daring U.S. forces to use force to stop them.

    If you think that this looks like a carefully staged Leftist provocation, you’re right.

  2. From a piece in the Christian Science Monitor a few hours ago:

    A big caravan of Central American migrants that has stirred up concerns in the United States, including drawing tweets from President Trump, has halted its march for a rest at a sports field in southern Mexico. …

    On Monday, the mass of mostly Hondurans that had been walking along roadsides and train tracks stopped in Oaxaca state at the field, where they are getting advice on filing for transit or humanitarian visas in Mexico. …

    There were reports Mexican officials were seeking to end the caravan, but it was for all intents and purposes over anyway. The participants were never equipped to march en masse to the US border or anywhere near it. …

    The “Stations of the Cross” caravans have been held annually in southern Mexico for about 10 years. They began as short processions of migrants, some dressed in biblical garb and carrying crosses, as an Easter-season protest against the kidnappings, extortion, beatings, and killings suffered by many Central American migrants as they cross Mexico. …

    In a statement late Monday, Mexico’s government said about 400 participants in the caravan had already been sent back to their home countries.

  3. I love the way we qualify now, and the silly thing is that the ideology that best describes that land belongs to original settlers, is blood and soil from Nazism…

    Blut und Boden..

    Indians the race belong on Indian land and have a special claim to it as an Indian nation? Africans too? Which is why the farm land is being taken, people are being killed and Australia is potentially offering them a place to go… Spanish? I guess only after the conquistadors and their exit from northern US? Not like there are any Maya, or Aztecs, or any number of others left after Spain got through with it (and Spain did the first nasties to the north American residents!))

    “…..a slogan expressing the nineteenth-century German idealization of a racially defined national body (“blood”) united with a settlement area (“soil”).”

    Is Americas land bound to American Indians who came over here from European/Asian continent? How about India? Russia? Africa? La Raza? BLA?

    The doctrine not only called for a “back to the land” approach, and re-adoption of “rural values”, it held that German land was bound, perhaps mystically, to German blood. Peasants were the Nazi cultural heroes, who held charge of German racial stock and German history

    The doctrine not only called for going green approach, and re-adoption of grow local and buy local, it held that American native land was bound, perhaps mystically, to American native blood. Peasants were La Raza’s cultural heroes, who held charge of native racial stock and native history


    Truxillo, who taught at UNM’s Chicano Studies Program on a yearly contract, stated in an interview that “Native-born American Hispanics feel like strangers in their own land. We remain subordinated. We have a negative image of our own culture, created by the media. Self-loathing is a terrible form of oppression. The long history of oppression and subordination has to end” and that “Along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border “there is a growing fusion, a reviving of connections…. Southwest Chicanos and Norteé±o Mexicanos are becoming one people again.”” Truxillo stated that Hispanics who have achieved positions of power or otherwise are “enjoying the benefits of assimilation” are most likely to oppose a new nation, explaining that “There will be the negative reaction,

    Movements that use or formerly used the concept of Aztlé¡n
    c La Raza Unida
    c Brown Berets
    c MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlé¡n)
    c Nation of Aztlé¡n
    c Plan Espiritual de Aztlé¡n

    Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute (U.S.), which demands self-determination for indigenous nations of all countries, as well as the immediate granting of self-determination of internally colonized nations of the US, up to and including secession.

    Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which calls for self-determination for the Chicano nation in Aztlan up to and including the right to secession

    and see (of course)
    Clash of Civilizations Huntington

    The Clash of Civilizations is a hypothesis that people’s cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. The American political scientist Samuel P. Huntington argued that future wars would be fought not between countries, but between cultures, and that Islamic extremism would become the biggest threat to world peace. It was proposed in a 1992 lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, which was then developed in a 1993 Foreign Affairs article titled “The Clash of Civilizations?”, in response to his former student Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man

  4. No foreigner has a “right” to come into our country, and/or to become a U.S. citizen.

    Why should it be that the U.S. cannot have strong borders, cannot control who is allowed into our country, and cannot set forth and enforce stringent legal requirements that have to be met to become a U.S. citizen?

    When it comes to immigration, everyone is playing us for suckers.

    Manage to get across our border pregnant and very close to delivery, walk into any Emergency Room or hospital in the U.S.–where the law mandates that you must receive free “emergency” treatment–and your child will be born an American citizen, and U.S. taxpayers will pay for the delivery and post natal care, with a cornucopia of more taxpayer-funded benefits to follow.

    In fact, there are stories about how enterprising types have set up “Maternity Hotels” for “Birth tourists,” here in the U.S., where wealthy Chinese women come, so that they can have their “American citizen” child at a nearby hospital.

    Walk up to the U.S. border somewhere, say that you are “in fear of persecution in your home country” and you want to claim “asylum,” and you are automatically allowed into the U.S while your case takes forever to be adjudicated, and you can just quietly slip away, into the U.S. population, and disappear.

    To aid in that disappearance, need a whole set of phony documents to avoid detection? Apparently those in the know can purchase a whole set of them in many cities with large immigrant populations.

    Overstay your visa? No biggie. Just disappear into the countryside.

    And on, and on, and on.

    And this on, and on, and on is rapidly creating a major and permanent demographic change in the ethnic composition and political character of our country.

    Up until the “reform” and liberalization of our immigration system in the 1970s, the U.S.–like virtually every other country on Earth did then, and still does now–used to carefully screen prospective immigrants to guarantee that they would provide some benefit to our country–had some skills, were not adherents to any dangerous anti-democratic ideologies, did not carry disease, and were not likely to become public charges.

    Now, from the looks of it, anything goes.

    Our border should be fortified and heavily so, with, as Trump says, a big door in it for legal immigrants to enter, and that should be the only way prospective immigrants should be able to enter.

  5. The problem of illegal immigration isn’t the illegal aliens.

    They could be easily forced to self-deport but for the internal forces in America that favor flooding America with poorly educated and culturally hostile invaders.

    Those internal forces are the activist Left, Congressional Democrats and Republican RINOs, Big Business and businesses who hire cheap labor and the liberal useful idiots who have been manipulated into supporting their own future economic and ideological enslavement. Those forces are eventually going to force liberty loving Americans into conducting “politics by ‘other’ means”.

  6. I don’t quite understand why we, the US — not we the “happy few” from Shakespeare’s Crispin Day speech in this blog — even consider discussing whether US borders are up for grabs this way.

  7. Just another reason I am so GLAD that Trump won!

    We can all imagine how Hillary or any other Democrat would have handled this – just welcome them with open arms and hand out food/water baskets paid for with our tax dollars (including voter registration packets in those baskets, of course).

  8. The Left’s talking points are almost always false, or gross exaggerations.

    On the subject of illegal aliens, immigration, and citizenship, one recent Leftist talking point was about how, of course, there were great numbers of illegals proving their commitment to the U.S. and providing a great service to our country by serving in our military.

    Well, a recent article says that out of the approximately 1,400,000 current U.S. military personnel, there are only about 900 “undocumented immigrants” serving.

    We often hear, as well, about how much illegal aliens–most of them from Mexico–contribute to our economy.

    However, according to the most recent, September 2017 estimates from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the net economic effect of the presence of illegal aliens in the U.S. is a huge negative one.

    According to FAIR’s estimates, there are an estimated $134.8 billion dollars in extra annual expenditures due to the presence of illegal aliens in our country–$45.9 Billion annually in costs borne by the Federal government, $89 Billion in costs borne by our state and local governments–for a total annual national cost of $134.9 Billion dollars.

    Then, offset this $135 Billion dollars in expenditures by the estimated $15.4 Billion in annual Federal taxes paid, plus the estimated $3.5 Billion in annual state and local taxes paid by illegal aliens, adding up to total annual Federal, State, and local tax payments by illegal aliens of an estimated $19 billion dollars.

    Thus, according to FAIR’s estimates, $135 Billion less the $19 Billion in taxes paid, leaves a net annual loss to the U.S each year of over $116 Billon dollars due to the presence of illegal aliens here in the U.S.

    However, this does not take into account the further net loss to the U.S. economy of the estimated $26 Billon dollars in remittances, sent each year to Mexico by Mexican illegal aliens here in the U. S., many of whom are, at the same time, receiving all sorts of state and federal benefits.

    Add this additional $26 Billion dollars to the cost of illegal aliens presence in our country–billions sucked right out of our U.S. economy each year, and transferred to Mexico’s economy–and the total net cost to the U.S. as the result of the presence of illegal aliens in our country rises to an annual cost to the U.S.–and it’s taxpayers–of an estimated $161 Billion dollars per year.

    Thinking about a border Wall, here is an obvious way that Trump can try to raise money to pay for this Wall, and that is to tax the remittances that Mexicans, many of them illegals, send back to Mexico each year.

    These $26 Billion dollars in remittances, usually wired back to Mexico–check out the lines of people waiting to wire such remittances at the Western Union desk at your local Walmart or supermarket–are sucked right out of our economy, and transferred to that of Mexico, where they are now Mexico’s largest single national source of revenue, eclipsing even Mexico’s revenue from oil exports.

    Why not tax this flow of money out of our economy and into that of Mexico?

  9. Yada, yada…

    It is the same as the invasion of Europe. Sink a few boats, send a message. Machine gun a few hundred or thousands illegally crossing our border, send a message. Round up a few hundred MS13 and load them on a C130 and kick their asses out over Tegucigalpa, send a message. Until the West decides to send out the message it is engaged in a suicide pact with the invaders. I choose death for those who endanger the future of my grandchildren. Not sorry if that hurts the feelings of the invaders or their enablers.

  10. A bit of historical perspective: in the (I believe) 90s, when there were many Haitian boat-refugees, Mexico dealt with those approaching their shores by towing them back out to sea. I say this just to inoculate the gullible who might think that Mexico has any high moral ground in such matters.

  11. The ruling oligarchy of Mexico–several hundred extraordinarily rich and powerful families–has been using the U.S. as a safety valve for decades.

    This allows this elite to put off making any necessary political social or economic changes within Mexico, and to stave off a revolution against themselves and their oligarchy, by exporting their political, social, economic, educational, medical, and law enforcement problems to the U.S., where we–soft-headed and soft-hearted chumps that we are–pay enormous amounts of money and suffer all sorts of social and economic disruption as we try to fix these problems.

    Meanwhile, at the same time, the Mexican Narcostate facilitates the export of tons of deadly drugs across the border into the U.S., where drug ODs killed 66,000 people in the last year alone.

    As has also been pointed out, Mexico imposes year’s worth of jail time in their horrendous prisons for those who enter Mexico illegally; up to 2 years in jail for a first time offense, up to 10 years in jail if you are deported, and then reenter illegally yet again, and these laws are rigorously enforced.

    How come we never hear about how “inhumane” and “horrible” those harsh Mexican immigration laws and penalties are?

    How come we are never told that Mexico itself has a border wall on it’s southern border, designed to prevent Hondurans and other Central Americans from illegally entering Mexico?

  12. The central law of all organic life is that each organism is intrinsically isolate and single in itself.

    The moment its isolation breaks down, and there comes an actual mixing and confusion, death sets in.

    This is true of every individual organism, from man to amoeba.

    –D H Lawrence, “On Edgar Allan Poe”

    And presumably for organizations, including nations.

  13. Last night on Tucker Carlson’s program on FOX, Carlson labeled Mexico our “enemy,” and with good reason.

    Last night’s additional bits of evidence were that, about a decade ago, the Mexican government had printed up and distributed about a million and a half comic book style pamphlets, giving hints to those Mexicans wanting to sneak across our borders on how best to do this–things like the best times and places to try to cross, most successful methods to be used to cross, the types of clothes to wear–as well as hints about how to best conduct yourself to remain undetected by U.S. authorities once you had been successful in illegally entering the U.S. (I remember a story of a couple years ago saying that the Mexican Consulates here in the U.S. had also been distributing these how to pamphlets for illegal border crossers.)

    The other piece of evidence came in the form of a much more recent Mexican government video, that gave would be Mexican illegal border crossers the same types of advice.

    Can anybody think of a country that would not consider the publication and distribution of such how to pamphlets and videos to be a hostile act by Mexico against the U.S.?

    I have also seen reports that the Mexican government had also taken affirmative, physical steps to make it easier for Mexican border jumpers to successfully approach our border–things like clearing away obstacles along the terrain of traditional approach corridors, stocking and supplying the pamphlets above at spots along these approaches, and also supplying water at points along these approaches.

    It seems to me that these are, indeed, hostile–in fact, very hostile actions–taken by the government of Mexico against the government and people of the United States, and against our sovereignty and our laws.

  14. I welcome legal immigrants, but not illegal invaders.
    Considering how terrible it is to live in the USA (per the Left), why do so many people want to come here?

    Mexico has no high moral ground at all.

    I am not averse to sending aid to our dysfunctional nation-neighbors, but forced aid is not charity, it is extortion. My plan would be to deduct any of the implicit aid, as detailed by Snow, from the official aid voted by Congress.
    As with most of the money transferred around through the government, the success of the con depends on obfuscation and lack of publicity.

    Here is a good article on the March with some data not included in the DSM (Democrat-Stream-Media).


  15. Snow on Pine Says:
    April 4th, 2018 at 2:36 pm

    * *
    There are a great many countries implicitly at war with the USA.
    We don’t declare hostilities because the Dem and GOP are complicit in a lot of it.
    And we don’t have a public willing to accept the full extent of the disaster.
    It has reached techtonic proportions because the politicians and media have hidden the facts for decades.

    Is it really any wonder that the Left and fellow-travelers went ballistic when Trump was elected? He can’t (or won’t) cure many of the problems, but we are at least now talking about some of them and the facts are getting an airing to some extent.
    Never would have happened under Hillary.

  16. The grim question we are avoiding is whether we have the will to shoot to kill. Lacking that, we don’t have borders.

  17. I note, as well, a spate, a couple of stories that apparently leaked out a couple of years ago, saying that in recent years our Border Patrol had logged many–I think the cumulative figure was in the many dozens–incidents of Mexican government or military forces illegally crossing the border over into the U.S.

    Some of these border incursions were by armed Mexican troops, and the speculation was that some of these intrusions by Mexican forces might have been in aid of drug smugglers.

    Almost immediately, though, the MSM’s whiteout brigade sprung into action and poo pooed these reports saying, in effect, “not to worry, this was all over reaction, and misinterpretation, a few guys just got lost, and nothing really serious ever happened.”

    Then, of course, there was the story of a few months ago about a drone from Mexico crashing in a U.S. border town.

  18. The problem is stopping Demoncrats from crossing the borders into the USA.

    Snow on Pine Says:
    April 4th, 2018 at 3:09 pm
    I note, as well, a spate, a couple of stories that apparently leaked out a couple of years ago, saying that in recent years our Border Patrol had logged many–I think the cumulative figure was in the many dozens–incidents of Mexican government or military forces illegally crossing the border over into the U.S.

    That’s been going on for the entire span of Hussein’s regime, not just the past few years.

    He can’t (or won’t) cure many of the problems, but we are at least now talking about some of them and the facts are getting an airing to some extent.

    Some of us were talking about it years if not decades before.

    I get how most Americans need a Dear Leader to tell them how to wake up and which side of the bread to put their butter on, but people really shouldn’t be that proud of it.

  19. Germany’s Eastern Stasi whatever Merkel is a good example of why people shouldn’t be so foolish and confident enough to put a traitor as their national leader.

    It doesn’t matter how many barbarians are at the gates, THEY ARE ALWAYS at the gates.

    The problem is when you have people, internal traitors, who open the gates. That’s the problem people. You’re not going to solve that problem by putting up stronger external security barriers, because your problem is inside not outside.

  20. Pingback:Let's Review 61: Machine Gun Nests to the Border Edition - American Digest

  21. Ymar Sakar Says:
    April 4th, 2018 at 5:35 pm

    It doesn’t matter how many barbarians are at the gates, THEY ARE ALWAYS at the gates.
    * **

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