Home » The German cities and the migrants


The German cities and the migrants — 30 Comments

  1. Muslims allied with Adolf Hitler, fought for him within the SS.

    And Mien Kampf is STILL wildly published and available for the ummah.

    The irony is strong.

    I’m starting to think that Merkel has done more long term social damage to Germany than Hitler — an impossible feat, to be sure — but she’s pulling it off all the same.

    How is it that extremism is always falling on America — but ends up landing on Europe?


    Have you noticed that virtually ALL of the top European politicians are childless?

    They have no genetic investment in tomorrow, obviously.

    Their uniform priority is for their own generation — and after them the deluge.

  2. So, why should migrants be taken in ? That is the question that’s been asked over and over ever since the recent influx began.

    A post by Melanie Phillips at Augean Stables tackles that question, in her review of Tuvia Tenenbom’s most recent book.Hello Refugees: A Post by Melanie Phillips. The welcoming of refugees is an attempt to show that Germany has surmounted its Nazi past.

    In his new book Hello Refugees, he adopts his now familiar but no less devastating tactic of trading on his blond hair, Falstaffian girth and indeterminate accent to conceal the fact that he was born and brought up in an ultra-orthodox family in Israel. He derives his unique insights from the fact that many of those to whom he addresses his faux-naé¯f but devastatingly direct questions assume he is an antisemite – just like them. And so they open up to him in a uniquely frank manner.

    In Hello Refugees “Toby the German”, his previous persona, has become “Toby the Jordanian”. Posing as the son of Jordanian and European parentage, he uses his fluent Arabic to gain access to refugee camps in Germany where access is routinely denied to the media.

    What he discovers shocks him deeply. He finds migrants effectively warehoused in wholly inadequate conditions, housed twelve to a “room” in what are no more than, and indeed described as, “containers”. Existing on disgusting food, jobless and with no apparent means of emerging from these holding pens, these migrants have in effect been abandoned by the German state.

    Everywhere he goes, people tell him the same thing: that Chancellor Angela Merkel famously invited in more than one million migrants in order to erase the moral stain of Germany’s Nazi past. He concludes that this was not an act of conscience. How could it have been when these people have been left so abandoned? It was instead a move to show the world – and themselves – that this former Nazi state has become the world’s conscience. In other words, it was a cynical move that evacuates the word conscience of all meaning.

    The Germans who speak frankly to Teneenbom are not aware that he is Jewish.

    Worse than that, Tenenbom also discovers that this public advertisement of collective “conscience” has legitimised and provoked open antisemitism. Repeatedly and gratuitously, Germans tell him that they are now morally superior to the Jews and to the State of Israel which is described as uniquely racist and murderous.

    He doesn’t get any of this from the Syrian refugees or other migrants. He gets it only from the Germans. He finds that “anti-racist”, “human rights” activists extolling Germany’s humanitarian gesture and calling for yet more refugees to be allowed in are in fact deep-dyed racists and antisemites.

    Tenenbom knew already that Germany is still teeming with Jew-hatred; he has remorselessly chronicled this dismal finding in his previous work. But now, he tells me, it’s much more open and brazen. And that, he says, is because the act of taking in the migrants has allowed Germany to feel it has finally shaken off the stigma of its past. Now it is free to hate Jews again.

    Back in the day I knew a lot of Germans as co-workers or fellow tourists in Latin America.They did not have the Ami-scorn that is found in Germany more recently. My brother-in-law, who emigrated from Germany as a child, and has kept in contact with Germans,also says that the Germany has changed.
    This permitted influx of refugees is another indication that Germany has changed.

  3. this is sweden, but its the SAME..

    or havent you noticed all these things are coordinated to appear in ecvery country with differnt “cut outs” for each place?

    from SWEDEN…. a PANOPLY…

    From Stockholm to Ottawa: How Sweden inspired Canada’s gender-sensitive budget

    Tax Hikes and More Welfare Are Making Sweden Great Again, Minister Says / Finance minister says high taxes no hindrance to growth / Sweden may look to lower its surplus target if debt falls

    and on the same subject above which merkel just admitted to and other things.

    Snopes Denies it all for us

    Crime In Sweden, Part I: Is Sweden the ‘Rape Capital’ of Europe?
    Claims that Sweden leads the world in sexual assault and rape are not supported by data.
    Crime in Sweden, Part II: Are Refugee Men Overrepresented in Swedish Crime?
    Claims that newly-arrived asylum seekers are causing a crime wave in Sweden are not supported by data or local officials.
    Crime in Sweden, Part III: Does Sweden Have ‘No-Go Zones’ Where the Police Can’t Enter?
    Swedish police have identified “problem areas,” but say there is no such thing as a “no-go zone.”

    Erik Jansé¥ker, a police chief in Malm鶒s southern areas (the city is often singled out as a high-crime area), told us that the term “no-go zone” never appeared in the report itself — and Gudmundson admits as much in his column. However, since he used it, the term has taken hold in the popular imagination.

    note that if the police officer told the truth, he would break the law in sweden, but snopes doesnt tell you that, and so, pretends he is being honest. there is another quote from a malmo resident that says its all wonderfu.

    if you look a UK and swedish press:

    Swedish police station is rocked by a ‘hand grenade attack’ with ‘multiple vehicles damaged’

    Two people believed to have been involved in the bomb attack in Malmo at 9pm
    Police spokeswoman Anna Goransson said the area blocked off after the attack
    Speaking to SVT, neighbour Tomas el Massou said it was ‘nothing new’ for Malmo


    Sweden plans grenade amnesty as attacks soar


    Although crime has fallen in recent years, the number of grenade attacks in Sweden soared from eight in 2014 to 52 in 2016, according to the Swedish Police Authority.

    These incidents have “shocked a Nordic country that prides itself on safety, led to worries criminality is out of control and given political fodder to a resurgent far-right that blames immigrant gangs for the violence”, Reuters reported in 2015.

    and from SWEDISH PRESS
    Police suspect they were targeted in Uppsala hand grenade revenge attack


    Unnamed police sources told the TT newswire that the blast was caused by a hand grenade that went off in a car park around 50 metres from the station but on the other side of the railway running through the town. The sources said that police officers had been nearby at the time.


    TT reported that the item was thrown at police officers at the scene, but bounced off a pole or wire above the railway and therefore did not land closer to the officers.


    In October, the Swedish government promised to increase protection for police following a series of apparently targeted attacks.

    The announcement came days after man was arrested for attempted murder in Vé¤steré¥s after firing at least 12 shots at a police officer’s home, and on the same night a police station in Vé¤xjé¶, southern Sweden was attacked with fireworks and cobblestones.

    then you hear from a muslim attacker tell why he drove the truck through the crowd

    Stockholm attack ‘to pressure Sweden’

    A man who killed five people in a Stockholm truck attack says he wanted to pressure Sweden’s government to end its support of a coalition fighting IS.

    The man suspected of carrying out a deadly truck attack in Stockholm says he “wanted Sweden to stop sending soldiers to war zones where the Islamic State is being attacked,” when questioned about his motive.

    Rakhmat Akilov, who spoke in Russian, told the Stockhom district court on Tuesday that he also wanted Sweden “to stop sending gigantic sums of money to combat the caliphate.”

    During questioning conducted by deputy chief prosecutor Hans Ihrman, Akilov said the aim of driving into the pedestrian area was “to murder Swedish nationals.”

    Akilov, a 40-year-old from Uzbekistan, has admitted to the attack in April last year, which claimed five lives and injured 15 people.

    cont in next post then thats it!!

  4. Most Germans probably don’t know any Jews. There opinions are probably more formed by the leftist media and by their belief in the UN. It’s a bit like the BDS movement on US campuses- virtue signaling by people with no personal experience. Germans like Obama because he was big on global warming and not Bush. He also gave people a chance to show they were less racist that the Americans. I suspect that most media folk here get their info from CNN and they pass it on to everyone.

  5. From a feminist harvard paper on soviet feminism
    you can download it and read it, but all i can do is put excerpts here… no room.. i will be lucky if the other stuff remains.

    SOVIET socialism shared with its utopian socialist predecessors a critique of the conventional family and its household economy.

    Marx and Engels asserted that women’s emancipation would follow the abolition of private property, allowing the family to be a union of individuals within which relations between the sexes would be “a purely private affair.”

    Building on this legacy, Lenin imagined a future when unpaid housework and child care would be replaced by com-munal dining rooms, nurseries, kindergartens, and other industries.

    so far so good

    The issue was so central to the revolutionary program that the Bolsheviks published decrees establishing civil marriage and divorce soon after the October Revolution, in December 1917.
    These first steps were intended to replace Russia’s family laws with a new legal framework that would encourage more egalitarian sexual and social relations.

    the west copied later

    A complete Code on Marriage, the Family, and Guardianship was ratified by the Central Executive Committee a year later, in October 1918.
    The code established a radical new doctrine based on individual rights and gender equality, but it also preserved marriage registration, alimony, child support, and other transitional provisions thought to be unnecessary after the triumph of socialism.

    and we copied – like we copied schools and other things

    Soviet leaders in the Stalin-era sought to transform sexual and social relations radically by legal means, leading some citizens to object that the promotion of equality had gone too far……… Letter writers protested equal rights for all women and mothers to argue in favor of the restoration of the distinction between legitimate families based on registered marriages and illegitimate families based on biological relation.

    In writing letters of protest to Soviet authorities, Soviet citizens invited state involvement in family life, blurring the boundary between the personal and the political at the same time that they reaffirmed the boundaries of legitimacy, respectability, and propriety. Their opposition to the laws on alimony in particular exposed a rift between official Soviet discourse and unofficial family values, which (to borrow George Orwell’s famous formulation) asserted that some families were more equal than others

    ah, so you start the discourse and THAT argument brings the STATE inot it to FIX the issue.
    its a process, like instructions for putting ikea furniture together.

    To downplay the frequency of divorce, Kursky asserted that the majority of divorces dissolved a first marriage, and “this proves that we are not faced with endless series of divorces. The age of the majority of persons divorcing each other lies between twenty and twenty-four …This shows that these people divorce in order to achieve a new and stable marriage.
    ”(In response to these statistics, one delegate shouted ironically from the floor,“Yes, general stability, quite normal and not in the least alarming.”)

    same kind of redefinition of reality to the leaders own ends pushing aside the issues… (if they cant deal withthem)

    this should sound famillar

    “I have noticed that some comrades are laughing and giggling,”she announced.“ But during this session this question [of divorce] will have to be discussed in common and seriously.

    ”She argued that women were worse off than men after divorce, because a husband “will find another woman to live with, ”but a wife will have to raise her children in poverty. She asked the men in attendance to “be the first to give the women a hand, to teach them, show them the way about which Vladimir Ilyich [Lenin] used to tell us. You must not forget that Vladimir Ilyich was the first to sound the battle cry on behalf of the oppressed women. His road should be followed. ” When asked whether alimony could be claimed only by women, Kursky replied, “Article 11 is concerned with the rights of men also, since by ‘spouse’it is meant either husband or wife; but the article is primarily intended to safeguard the women. And it is right that this should be so.”

    so WHAT happened?

    “This love of children and this joy of par enthood have been given to men by the Soviet reality. Not on an imaginary isle of Utopia, but in this real and great country of ours the working people have found the bliss of being free and living a full life. ”

    “More than once the enemies of the people suggested to us the foul and poisonous idea of liquidating the family and disrupting marriage. The bourgeoisie has tried to use it as a weapon in the struggle against socialist progress. ”Citing “slander ”about the “nationalization of women, ”the article sought to reassure the reader about the historical consistency of this official position.

    “The bourgeois for whom his own family is but a thin veneer covering prostitution and sexual debauchery, naturally thought that everyone would fall for his lie about ‘free love’in the country where the exploitation of man by man has been abolished and women have been liberated. But he failed.

    ah yes, free love… like the 1968 american sexual revolution that came about 25 years AFTER the stuff above

    40 years later their population collapsed and they ejected feminists and such from really meaningful places and so on

    Janet Evans has argued, “Women appeared to feel exploited by the advent of the ‘new morality’in the 1920s,”caught off guard by the sudden changes in sexual behavior, in attitudes toward marriage and divorce, and in the devaluing of motherhood that came with the expectation that women’s work outside the home was synonymous with independence.

    they did it in the 20s, we did it in the 60s, they found out all you had to do was tell the women they were more free than before, and they would smoke, drink, wear underwear outside their clothes, abandon children and more.. THEY FIGURED THIS OUT AND THEY DID IT FIRST THEN EXPORTED IT when they found out what it did to the population!!!!!!!!!!!

    “It was no coincidence that the Soviet government guaranteed parental responsibility at the same moment that it outlawed abortion, ” David Hoffmann has argued in his analysis of Stalinist pronatalism.“ They therefore sought to buttress the family as a positive incentive for women to have more children, at the same time that they instituted coercive measures to prevent abortions. ”
    After a limited, temporary increase in the number of births, in 1938 the birthrate began to decline again and did not rise to pre-industrialization levels, calling into question the effectiveness of the decree as a pronatalist measure.

    All of the measures included in this 1936 decree were united in their alleged necessity of ensuring the protection of mothers and children:

    abortion was abolished “in view of the proven harm of abortions”to women;

    material aid by the state was provided to women in childbirth and to those with large families “in order to improve the material position of mothers ”; the network of maternity homes was extended “in order to extend medical service to women in childbirth in rural localities”; the network of nurseries and kindergartens was expanded to help mothers care for children

    Grechukha concluded her “consultation ”by imploring the active readers of Rabotnitsa to acquaint other women with the rules governing alimony, the submission of alimony claims, and Soviet laws on alimony, since citizens’understanding of the alimony laws facilitated the work of the people’s courts.

    Grechukha’s article testified to the Soviet state’s interest in allying itself with women in general and mothers in particular, publicizing attempts to identify, prioritize, and satisfy women’s needs.
    In this way, the Soviet state positioned itself as the third-party arbiter that would oversee the transfer of funds from family to family rather than being the source of single mothers ’ financial support.

    Another Worrying Sign For Russia’s Dire Demographics

    Demographic Collapse of Ethnic Russian Nation Seen Accelerating

    Drunken Nation: Russia’s Depopulation Bomb | World Affairs Journal

    Russia’s Demographic “Crisis”: How Real Is It? | RAND

    A Post-Soviet Baby Bust Comes Back To Bite Russia

    Russian Demographic Probs Predate USSR Collapse

    we cant even say we have one…
    but then again, most are not highly math literate

    read it while you can
    there are longer posts over at Mancoat
    nice guys forum

  6. It appears Frau Merkel has admitted there are no-go zones in Germany.

    I think that goes into the category of “Too late, chumps.”

  7. Mrs. Merkel only just finished coalition talks with the SDP. Now the SDP is asking its members to ratify the agreement by postal ballot.

    If they don’t ratify the agreement, it could trigger an election. If they do ratify the agreement, then AfD is the largest opposition party.

    Merkel made a huge political mistake taking in so many refuges.

  8. I asked the retired Bishop that I meet with, what happens to the country from which the migrants flee? Who is left in that country and what issues are posed as a result? Especially since we pray for “world peace” every day.

  9. I was married to someone from France and we nearly moved to Avignon in 2005. But she too came to agree that the Arab situation was only going to go downhill. Two incidents really rubbed this in.

    1-We were walking on the street when a loud little gang of “youths” came walking along, boombox blasting rap, and one of them insulted C. (my wife) obscenely, emulating Miggs in Silence of the Lambs. (Do you remember his words?) There were 5 of them. I was walking with the assistance of a cane. (I have MS.)

    2-At 4 in the morning we (and many others) were unpleasantly awakened by a car driving slowly around, broadcasting a jihadi rant bt some imam at such volume any individual words were lost in distortion. The intent was obviously nothing other than to intimidate and scare.

    I have some reason to believe that the French may finally be taking some steps against Arabs, but I’m not sure — and nothing there ever gets into the press.

    Germany and Sweden are much worse.

  10. “and nothing there ever gets into the press.”

    This is the most worrisome part of the situation.
    Not only do the officials suppress information, the press cooperates (or instigates?).
    Cf: Rotherham.

    Too bad American social media is fast going the same route.

  11. Matthew M Says: B
    March 1st, 2018 at 8:18 pm
    A few people have had enough: #120dB
    * * *
    Including more than just a few women on Social Media in Germany. *

    dexiansheng Says:
    March 1st, 2018 at 8:34 pm

    Merkel made a huge political mistake taking in so many refuges.

    * * *
    More than just political: it was a mistake on every possible level.
    I’m tempted to chart a parallel with the Broward county debacle, starting with the “let’s pretend we have eliminated problems by refusing to acknowledge they exist” which is how you get fewer arrests without reducing crime or reforming criminals.
    It’s also very similar to the way the VA improved their stats on veteran’s appointment times: destroy the appointment records.

    (* the hashtag stands for the decibel level of the alarms now carried by many of the women fed up with being endangered by the virtue-signalling of their country-people (it is so awkward policing one’s use of long-established verbiage)).

  12. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    March 1st, 2018 at 5:05 pm
    Too little, too late.

    Western Europe is already lost.

    “Sweden: State-funded Muslim “Sniper” training”

    * * *
    But…Americans who have never harmed anyone, and never advocated violence, and don’t belong to a religious or cultural group associated with terrorism.. have to give up their weapons.
    Obviously, the NRA needs to enroll some Swedish members toot-sweet.

  13. Yes, it was a mistake on multiple levels. Merkel got so focused on pleasing other European leaders that she forgot who votes her into office.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the SDP members reject the coalition agreement.

  14. Also, one of the big problems in France — and all through Europe and UK — is that ordinary citizens are disarmed. No handguns whatsoever for self-defense. Rifles? Maybe some farmers, I don’t know.

  15. dexiansheng,

    I think it likely that Merkel is more concerned with “finishing the job” than she is with her political future.


    That is exactly the circumstance that the American Left lusts for… yet the French Muslim jihadists managed to get their hands on semiautomatic rifles…

    It’s a virtual certainty that jihadist networks are smuggling great amounts of weapons into Europe. There’s a bloodbath coming not a matter of if but of when.

  16. An important detail on the Essen food bank that will temporarily not accept non-German new customers: the restriction was imposed because elderly Germans and single mothers did not feel safe any more with many young refugee males who displayed, and I’m quoting one of the German news reports, “robust demeanor”.

    Note that contrary to the quotes, refugees are not being denied food. It’s just that this kind of food bank (“Tafeln”) requires that customers register and show proof of poverty, and they will simply not accept non-German new customers. Nothing changes for existing customers.

    The food bank in question has said that they debated this for a long time, and I certainly believe them. With the graffiti sprayed on their trucks, I guess the AfD just got a couple new voters.

  17. Geoffrey Britain —

    In France we were constantly hearing rumors of weapons — guns and ammunition — being smuggled into the banlieues, coming mostly from Bosnia. Meanwhile the Arabs, who always travel in packs, carry knives at the very least.

    There was some real serious hatred for other virtue-signaling, sanctimonious French who refuse to acknowledge the problem. (Obviously this echoes or rhymes with the situation here in the USA.)

  18. There’s something to be said for precision warfare – even though we have trouble staying the course.

    This messy Sryria/Russia war driving all these people out of their country. Especially troublemakers. That’s no good either. They’d be happier in their home country, and most countries would be better off if they stayed in their own country.

  19. I was born in 1942 so I am old enough to know how the men who fought WW2 – all sides – would have reacted to the behaviour of these immigrants. It is sobering and distressing to see how in the course of a lifetime that the West has nearly lost the ability to defend ourselves. Compare the Broward deputies to Steven Willeford. Pfui.

  20. Clearly Merkel, the folks in Sweden, and the US political leaders arguing for allowing these migrants entry here feel they and their countries have an obligation to take them in and provide for them. My question is always: what justifies this obligation?

    Peter Singer says the obligation falls to those of us that have the means to care for the less fortunate – we can so we must. Marx phrased it differently but the idea is the same. Merkel, et al, seem to follow this rule. However, my non-expert understanding of Singer’s position indicates that his rule applies so long as the obliged person does no harm to himself by helping the less fortunate, i.e.; you are not obligated to impoverish yourself by helping the poor and impoverished.

    Given that the influx of refugees has resulted in serious harm to German society the actions of Essen and others are justified. Merkel’s insistence to the contrary amounts to moral preening.

  21. See, Americans will have company in a civil war.

    Sorta like when the French Revolution and the American Colonial Revolution started around the same time period.

    If Europe falls, they can use their warheads against the US or whomever. If the US falls and becomes the Islamic States of America, the warheads will be headed in the other direction.

    The Spanish civil war preceded WW2. Civil wars tend to precede a lot of global conflicts.

  22. I can understand, to a point, the impulses, good and bad, to take in these refugees, especially after Obama’s bungling set the Middle East to burn.

    I couldn’t understand why Merkel et al. continued to persevere long after it became obvious the refugees were mostly young Muslim males with little interest in assimilation, Europe’s capacity for assimilating such males was being exhausted and the refugees were often violent, criminal and terrorist.

    I get that virtue-signaling is fun and profitable in the short-term, but it strikes me as blind, arrogant hubris to go as far with it as they have.

  23. dexiansheng wrote, “Merkel made a huge political mistake taking in so many refuges.”

    But was it a mistake in other respects? That is, what did she actually intend to occur after admitting all the migrants? It wasn’t a mistake if the current conditions are what she wanted.

  24. Wasn’t the EU formed as a “European bulwark against the economic hegemony of the USA” or something close to that? At least, it was created WITHOUT a standing military presence.

    What to do, when TPTB decide that was a mistake? When they see that they NEED military might, along with their economic club, to complete their Globalist plan? And how do they get their “voluntary member countries” to accept such a thing, while memories of two terrible World Wars still remain vivid to the citizens of those member countries?

    Maybe-just-maybe they try to engineer “a little something” that will cause those citizens, those countries, to BEG their economic masters to PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO MAKE US SAFE

    The Commies and the Nazis and the Chinese –and the Globalist Economic Bureaucrats– all take a “long view of history”, and they all want to set themselves up for a Thousand-Year-Reich (or whatever name they eventually give their Glorious Plan).

  25. todays news:

    sperm counts drop when men lose… ie. become beta
    this includes home, work, etc… you put your men down, your men have fewer kids
    the men who are winners have more.. the group survives better
    it doesnt matter if he loses to his wife, his girlfriend, affirmative action, the man, etc.

    just as early onset menses start when birth father is gone…
    these go back to our primate days…
    they ARE known, but who would dare say anything
    remember what happened to Watson of DNA fame?

    Men’s Sperm Counts Are Dropping, and Scientists Don’t Know Why

    The topic of overpopulation has been much discussed over the past few decades, but what if the real issue is a severe decline in population?

    It sounds like something straight out of a dystopian nightmare, but new research shows sperm counts are drastically dropping across the Western world.

    Researchers from Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine in Jerusalem announced this week that sperm count in men residing in developed countries has dropped by a whopping 50 percent over the past 40 years. They claim this alarming trend could potentially result in a decline in male health, fertility and possibly even extinction if the trend doesn’t turn around.

    “This study is an urgent wake-up call for researchers and health authorities around the world to investigate the causes of the sharp ongoing drop in sperm count,” explained study co-author Hagai Levine.

    After data was collected from 185 studies looking at sperm count and concentration in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand from 1973 to 2011, researchers found that total sperm count declined by 59.3 percent and sperm concentration declined by 52.4 percent.

    Data from men in South America, Asia and Africa were also examined, however, no serious decline was detected. Researchers did note that not as many studies have been conducted in these regions.

    Researchers didn’t look into reasons why the drop in sperm count occurred, but noted that the phenomenon has been previously linked to factors ranging from exposure to chemicals and pesticides to lifestyle choices, including smoking, obesity and stress. They are worried that if things keep heading in this direction, the human race could be doomed.

    Daniel Brison, an embryology and stem cell biology specialist at Manchester University who was asked to comment on the findings, told Reuters the study had “major implications not just for fertility, but for male health and wider public health.”

    “An unanswered question is whether the impact of whatever is causing declining sperm counts will be seen in future generations of children via epigenetic (gene modifications) or other mechanisms operating in sperm,” Brison said.

    The next step is obviously to pinpoint what is causing the sperm count to decrease so dramatically. “Given that we still do not know what lifestyle, dietary or chemical exposures might have caused this decrease, research efforts to identify (them) need to be redoubled and to be nonpresumptive as to cause,” added Edinburgh University’s Richard Sharpe.

    In the meantime, if you are concerned about your own declining sperm count you should consider modifying your diet. Here are some foods that can help make your sperm more active, healthy and abundant.

  26. These results are consistent with a biosocial theory of status. – quotes from NIH paper… (below)

    when men win, their testosterone goes up
    when they lose, it goes down
    its a survival thing
    you dont want to be put down and keep fighting till your dead
    so the alpha gets more testosterone, and the betas become less

    and testosterone is a major thing in fertility
    they always put it last after other things, but the numbers dont lie
    and nothing but one thing explains all the different items
    they refuse that answer, and so they do everything else BUT
    they try fertility, freezing, state aid, importing people, making the men take leave, etc.

    turns out that making men pick up the womens work makes men into beta males… women dominating makes a society of beta males… beta males smoke more, drink more, sit on the couch more and compete less… the other items on the fertility list..

    this has been discussed a lot before, but not anywhere women can hear ya and shut down the conversation, and so on.. or even like with Watson, kick the guys out, so as to hide this effect, the early onset of menses effect, the women baldness effect (that’s gone up a lot too – but when women act masculine THEIR testosterone goes up, becomes another chemical and THAT makes them bald – just like men – along with weight gain… this they spent a lot of money to study why lesbians tend to be fat)… they become meaner too more aggressive.. and lets just say: Mercurial

    remember for the men, from radio, to theater, to tv and magainzes and news, there is a constant men are bad, speech going on in which the goal is to make BETA MALES… ie. more like women, more equal… we are dimorphic for a reason, and our survival depended on it, do you think nature didnt build things into the system to help preserve that and keep it down until needed?

    pajama boy are beta males, as well as metrosexuals, etc.. all beta models of men
    toxic masculinity is the declawing of men into beta males. and funny funny, you do that, you lose, your side loses the stronge fitter side that doesn do that wins…

    there is a lot more science you can look up and read on this, you just wont ever hear of it any more than you hear that perimenopause starts early and that even russia knew the link between later births and babies having more mental issues (like we have more mental issues in our society with shooters and others, no?)… the more women who have later babies the more poor mental health outcomes across the population…

    Testosterone, and winning and losing in human competition.
    Booth A1, Shelley G, Mazur A, Tharp G, Kittok R.
    Author information

    Testosterone and cortisol were measured in six university tennis players across six matches during their varsity season. Testosterone rose just before most matches, and players with the highest prematch testosterone had the most positive improvement in mood before their matches. After matches, mean testosterone rose for winners relative to losers, especially for winners with very positive moods after their victories and who evaluated their own performance highly. Winners with rising testosterone had higher testosterone before their next match, in contrast to losers with falling testosterone, who had lower testosterone before their next match. Cortisol was not related to winning or losing, but it was related to seed (top players having low cortisol), and cortisol generally declined as the season progressed.

    These results are consistent with a biosocial theory of status.

    how do you prevent counter revolution?
    domesticate the men to beta males so no one wants to
    the revolt of the docile neer happens

    but this is what nature has created to prevent long term slavery
    some animals dont breed well in captivity

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