The partisan divide: these charts may not say it all…
…but they say a lot.
They’re from an article by David French in National Review entitled “How Progressive Radicals Move the Country Left, and Right”:
Election results are decided in that gray middle, by the way, which is getting smaller and smaller. It may not be long before a Venn diagram will have no overlap at all.
French writes:
…[T]he notion that one Overton community will govern the other is increasingly infuriating and even terrifying to the losers of national political contests. That’s why ”” even if control in narrowly divided houses of Congress changes hands ”” true “waves” will be hard to find. As the midterms move closer, that’s a key reason why the margin in the generic congressional ballot keeps narrowing.
I believe that is true, at least so far. The fear, however (of both sides) is that the other side will achieve perpetual dominance.
Although I’m extremely suspicious of these kinds of scientific-looking graphs (eg How was the polling done? What do “Consistently liberal” and “Consistently conservative” mean — and do they mean the same thing in 2017 as in 1994? etc, etc, etc), one aspect strikes me as generally correct:
Note that the “Median Republican” line has shifted SLIGHTLY to the right while the “Median Democrat” has shifted FAR to the left.
Neo writes: “The fear, however (of both sides) is that the other side will achieve perpetual dominance.”
I am not sure what you mean by sides. If you mean the man on the street conservative then I think you are right. If you mean the elected Republicans vs. elected Democrats then it is not at all clear.
Look at the immigration debate in the Senate. There are at least 8 Republican senators who want nothing less than to grant the vote to all the illegals in the US. Similarly House Speaker Paul Ryan has campaigned frequently with Chicago Democrat Congressman Luis Guttierez pushing citizenship for illegals. How can they fail to see that this will grant the Democrats “perpetual dominance”?
These are not stupid people. I am sure they realize it but they have other motives that I do not understand.
My grandfather who voted reliably Democrat since FDR would wring his hands when he heard a factory or mine would shut due to environmental restrictions. “So many jobs” he would say.
Democrats until the 1970’s could be defense hawks, budget balancers (with high taxes), support industrial development (to please the AFL-CIO) and push space programs. The did this at the same time they pushed the Great Society.
Only when the radicals pushed Humphrey and the other WWII generation out of the party and the private sector unions withered away did the rapid shift to the far left begin. Clinton was a temporary stopgap to win the White House, but Hillary was going to be a European style leftist.
The GOP needs to gain back the trust of office and blue collar employees by not giving the impression of deal making with big business. Trumps nationalism only works for a short while.
the united fronts move more and more left with more and more violence as they have more and more to lose and become more and more desperate and more and more willing to sacrifice.
the traditionalists remain, traditional…
that’s about it…
the suggestible and manipulable into slavery is the gray blue blob, and the other ones not so much at all, but can be driven by the other half as it doesnt take a majority just a bit more than 1/5th to power down the rest.
as was said in the 30s-40s cpusa stopped running candidates for president announcing the reason to be they no longer could distinguish their platform from the democrats platform.
cpusa was always under the control of moscow, despite the thought it wasnt. we know more now than then, anyway.
the whole thing about the russia dossier and everything has to do with the lefts polling and so on, and their lack of respect for their opposition.
they believe the opposition is almost dead (old) white males and older people and so on. these people in their childhood were ‘programmed’ by their environment to see and respond to the bogey man… babba yagga… (hey Obama had chicken legs… nevermind)
so, they look and they think little about the other and think little about the other (two meanings of little), and apply their collective ideas to it… what would scare them (like a fire) to move in the direction needed, even if only for 10 minutes at the critical point. after that, nothing much matters, eh?
you paint exit on the entrance sign (Hillary)
you paint entrance on the exit signs (Trump)
start a fire in the basement and yell
which direction do the rubes run?
neer gets applied no matter said..
its like finding some starving people discussing what to do next, and you offer them a map, and they say, no, i would rather do it myself and see what happens…
the Russia thing is not wacko to them… because they are never in touch with reality because they are so busy redefining it here and there and what it means… how can any one of their compass work (other than maybe leaders who are using them)?
this is how the leaders insure their leadership, once everyone is broken, only the few with working compasses can function. in a nation of the blind the one eyed people are forever rulers.
the big red hump, are the people whose compasses still work and you can see by how they are anchored… (IF they were moving the center the two humps would move over there would be no point of conflict – what would be in the old area would be much smaller or flatter not equal and barely moved)
the whole thing relies on the fact that at some point the leftward hump will act out and impose on the other hump…
Only when the radicals pushed Humphrey and the other WWII generation out of the party and the private sector unions withered away did the rapid shift to the far left begin.
no, it really got going when most of the women became communists and most didnt know it… the feminist movement / 1968
bingo bango boom..
Stalin did this before Hitler did… the Kulaks? even if there aren’t any? Jews? etc…
people get wrapped up in the surface of it and not the abstraction of it, who cares what group was singled out, what group doesn’t matter.
not to mention it only helps to confuse those trying to understand by looking for meaning where there isn’t any!!!
the human mental equivalent of a deer trying to stand there and understand the lights – not get out of their way first
frozen, the mind wastes its energy trying to make sense of something that only makes sense in how it works and what its results are, not in any reasons that may justify doing it (other than those results) – they will even manufacture a justification factory of ideas to sell it. (global warming? peak oil? etc)
as that big hump gets more riled up and more and more laws are ignored (pot sanctuary?) that test if new laws and such would be supported in a framework… (you know, poke a fork into the ribs to see if the brisket is done).
and just to be clear i will paraphrase more than one heavy pu**y hat wearing person: “i am fighting like this to prevent the republicans from creating a totalitarian state, and… “
paint exit on the entrances..
and you will get the best good people
to fight for your cause as if they were fighting against you
because they believe they are
THIS is why a counter-revolution is spoken about. what do you think happens when they find out their in the basement WITH the fire and not outside safe?
they try to put the fire out, they try to reverse the process and warn others… they will not listen, study, or learn, they will talk, unlike the collective which is acting, never pausing. they will use all the new lingo that excuses this experience, and always wonder if there are brakes and if this train is ever going to stop before it reaches someplace
life is a hard teacher, she gives you the test first
then you get the answers, after its its too late…
you paid the price of the ticket called experience – artfldgr
[the first half is from others]
At what critical point does that blob have to get to finish this process?
DirtyJobsGuy Says: Trumps nationalism only works for a short while.
so you take the international communist position that all patriotism is nationalism?
which is why they say that witout teaching what it means or why…
just as we use left but dont know its trotsky
(with the left running as opposition trotsky invented as the french turn, or entryism)
if patriotism is nationalism then why did we beat hitler, when mussolini joined him?
there must have been some key difference between being a racist nationalist (by trotsky definition not todays definition as then racist was a person who loved their own culture), and a patriot? or was a patriot just a racist nationalist from the opposite side?
let me give you a clue
the easiest way to tell, sadly, is post war or post conflict
Did United states and the winners of wwii, own france? germany? japan?
Did the leftist communist winners of WWII, own hungry? latvia? romania? part of germany?
(and thats not getting into the idea of rebuilding and leaving vs staying and siphoning)
so why is a patriot a nationalist?
the nazis were nationalists, they nationalized industry.
since nationalists on the left are hitler
and INTERnationalists on the right are stalin and mao
we seem not to understand them from that simple thing
both nationalize… both take over the means of production (people and business)
those that seek to return to their own old lands multiculturaly with social justice, were the germans
those that sought to change the whole international world, were the others (who were not crushed)
the US had a bromance with fascism and communism and still does
the germans kept the companies in the hands of the owners, but controlled how they were run, who they could hire, who was better to hire, whether they would be allowed to make this or that, whether they needed licenese to limit the number in operation, inspections for the people of course, and on and on.
this was how come it didnt APPEAR at first to be totalitarian and the US and others thought it was good
it creeps along looking like normal regulation, but eventually it controls business
the owners are responsible, but they are not free to run things the way they want
social justice is one reason.. even father coughlin in the US spoke of that.
the russians on the other hand, took control of factories and people, kicked them out, even killed them for being so good at running something or as they said, exploiting people. and under the idea of equality, and their is no such thing as talent, and erasing privelege, they jsut replaced everyone… and yes, whatever your guessing as to how industry would run like that or even function, is pretty much how it went.
So, are we talking about Trumps Nationalism? Or Trumps Patriotism?
Patriots dont Nationalize
i can prove it…
what does it mean to Patriotize?
what does it mean to be nationalotic?
there is nationalize
and there is patriotic
any thoughts on that?
(forgetting we drive on the parkway and park in the drive way)
the founders sought limited government that maintained fairness in interactions between peoples
not ran things… like has been happening slowly… building up the laws that nationalists would put in place as in germany, but taking 80 years to do it… and the people dont understand the principal much i guess.
Trum’s patriotism is not his nationalism. When people write the term nationalism and specifically someone’s nationalism, it doesn’t mean patriotism, it means a specific kind of nationalism.
if patriotism is nationalism then why did we beat hitler, when mussolini joined him?
Operation Paperclip. You never read about that, did you.
You see – this is the most fascinating of discussions to me. It is the soul of America and how can we influence enough “voters” (not people because a lot of people don’t vote) to see common sense.
I’ve been shocked and dismayed to see the fury on the day the Net Neutrality was repealed and co-workers who I thought were sane were delusional. They repeated things “claims” made by liberals that simply weren’t true in 2015 before net neutrality because law so to speak.
And their claims morphed into other environmental and other broad topics and it showed me how little they a) knew b) read c) used logic d) common sense they had.
So, if they Overton window (where I live anyway) keeps conservatives from having REAL discussions anywhere liberals are empowered and emboldened and the it will look like Europe or something.
And really – we should all feel “ok” with sharing information and learning from each other but not here in California. I’ve whittled half of my FB friends out because I simply cannot stand their extremism.
Jordan on February 6th with Patrick Coffin.
The people who are with Cathy Newman are feeling empowered and cannot see Jordan’s point of view.
The people who are with Jordan Peterson are feeling amazing – like a heavyweight in behavior and ethics just lifted a piano.
The question for me is – are there people in the middle who get RED PILLED by this in any way. Have they truly not heard either way of arguing? Cathy vs. Jordan’s?
While I disagree with Patrick at the 6:40 mark, I don’t really think Cathy became receptive to Jordan’s point of view or a mask fell.
I think Cathy just became confused and moved on to wondering how Jordan can be so mean to “students” who are in Jordan’s classroom.