Home » Hope springs eternal


Hope springs eternal — 23 Comments

  1. I think it highly unlikely that either the DOJ or the GOPe will support criminal charges against former Obama administration officials. At best forced resignations of a very few will occur.

    There’s an unwillingness to go after the Left by too many who claim to be on the Right and so the Left will keep pushing until the only remaining corrective is, as Clausewitz observed… “the continuation of politics by other means…”

  2. President Obama is completely innocent and free of any wrongdoings, and this made up dossier scandal clearly was manufactured by the republican party as a distraction to divert the public attention away from the on going investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign in the 2016 presidential election.

    As a registered democrat, i am calling for the congress to release the memo in its entirety as this is the only way to prove president Obama’s innocence

  3. My bet is that fellas currently in office will be canned.

    ( FBI, DoJ )

    Trump will do the canning.

    All he needs is justification.

    The memo is a GOP document.

    So you can bet the Democrats will howl.

  4. I’m with Neo on this. Even if the Dems were caught roasting babies and eating them, the MSM would ask who’s supplying the the wine? Even if they were DACA babies, there would be some excuse for no action. That’s why they continue to work at this high level of corruption: there’s absolute no accountability, and they know it!

  5. This will be ignored by the mainstream media and if forced to mention it they will emphasize over and over that it is a GOP produced document.

    And, oh yeah, it’s racist too.

    And Islamaphobic, too.

    And anti-woman.

  6. I’m not at all surprised, just increasingly disgusted.

    Sean Hannity (for all his shortcomings) has been all over this stuff every evening, with Laura Ingraham (*no* shortcomings, I’m in love!) a close second. I agree with both of them that the mischief involved dwarfs those of the Watergate revelations.

    Yet even Drudge hasn’t seen fit to play these scandals up anything like Hannity or Ingraham have, that I can perceive.

    It’s not surprising that the mainstream media have studiously ignored this entire sordid mess: birds fly, fish swim, and mainstreamers blithely ignore. It’s simply what they *do*.

    I’d love to see what (if anything possible) it takes to drag all this stuff into the sunlight. I am very discouraged thus far, because like neo, and quoting her, “I have my doubts that *any* revelations of wrongdoing by Democrats – even of extreme wrongdoing – will lead to serious punishment or widespread and bipartisan outrage.” Outrage tends to be something to be nurtured and fomented by the communications media, and they have been virtually wholly a.w.o.l. on this stuff — and we here at neo’s place know very well exactly why.

  7. The reason nothing or very little will be done to the likes of Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Stzok, Page, Ohr, Rhodes, Power, and even Obama is that they believe that what they have done was a patriotic service to the country. Not one of them can ever accept the results of the election because……..they know best. Should any of them be convicted of civil crimes, they will go to prison believing they are martyrs and the MSM will canonize them as such.

    We are at a point where it is acceptable among the progressives to criminalize the politics of their opponents. With that principle uppermost in their minds, they see no reason to follow the law as they strive to overturn the election results.

  8. I take a small objection to your omitting “birtherism” from your list of “reasons given for the impeachments or indictments or invalidations,” since it was just as worthy of any other charge against Obama — because Barack Hussein Obama started the meme himself, in the publicity for his autobiography. (Please don’t tell me the publicist made it up herself; anyone who has had a book published will confirm that the publisher does not make up the blurb — they ask the author to submit a short bio which they use in publicity and the blurb. Should we not believe our illustrious always-truth-telling President himself?

  9. I have generally stayed above the howls of the birther brigade, but truthfully, the bio raises high suspicion that Obama was either born outside the US, and claimed otherwise when the time came that being a US citizen was important, or – perhaps more likely – he is a US citizen who lied to colleges about being a foreign student, when that suited his purposes.

  10. Let me get this straight.

    We have a top-secret document compiled by Devin Nunes of all people.

    Republicans, who control the House, not to mention Senate, White House, DOJ, and FBI are demanding its release because it incriminates Obama.

    But despite all the levers of power being on the side that stands to gain if its released, it hasn’t been released.

    It hasn’t been released for the same reason the FISA warrant that Trump would have us believe implicates Obama hasn’t been released. It’s bullshit….after all Trump could declassify the warrant himself.

    It’s Birtherism, Seth Rich, Uranium all over again…you guys are being played.

  11. “you guys are being played.”

    We got it a long time ago, manju. We know how much smarter you are than the rest of us.

  12. “… he [Obama] is a US citizen who lied to colleges about being a foreign student, when that suited his purposes.”

    I agree with this. It’s hard to get around the birth notice in the local newspaper. Obama played up his “foreignness” early in his career to get publicity for himself, e. g. claiming he ate dog meat in Indonesia, then backpedaled later when he needed to seem more American. One of a great many deceptions about and from him.

  13. Re: Obama lied about being a foreign student.

    So I did a quick google search and found some Snopes entries:

    Claim: Recently released records document that Barack Obama received college financial aid in the U.S. as a “foreign student from Indonesia.

    Verdict: FALSE

    Claim: A 1981 Columbia University student ID card identifies Barack Obama as a foreign student named Barry Soetoro.

    Verdict: FALSE

    Now the very guy who peddled this bullshit is trying to tell you that the election was rigged (against him), that Obama wiretapped him, and the resason nothing comes of this is because that the FBI and Deep State is out to get him.

    All this, including Birtherism, just happens to align with Russian efforts to undermine faith in out democracy.

    You guys are being played.

  14. Note to Manju:

    I know it is inconceivable but just consider that “Snopes” may have an agenda and viewpoint to push.

    Oh, I forgot you are too smart to be played. You probably confirmed the Snopes assessment on Wikipedia.

    Played indeed.

  15. Ah Manju, Manju, Manju, you try so hard!

    How sweet of you to enlighten “us guys” on how we’re “being played.”

    Those who believe that Obama got financial aid for being a foreign student (I’m not one of them, by the way, and I would guess that most of the commenters here are not, either) do not necessarily believe there’s evidence of that. The latter is what Snopes debunks.

    From what I’ve read about those who believe the foreign student story, for the most part they believe it not because there’s evidence but because of the failure of Obama to release his transcripts. They believe there’s something that’s being hidden, and that’s one of the theories about what’s being hidden.

    As far as the contents of the memo goes, did you even read the post [emphasis mine]?

    Now, if what’s contained in the memo proves to be not all that much, that won’t matter. But that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that no matter what the memo reveals, nothing will come of it.

    Of course the memo might be a big nothing, as I noted there. But it might not. It would be nice to see it (or some redacted form of it, since it contains sensitive information) and find out. But (as I said in the post), even if it contains something that implicates the Obama administration, I don’t think anything will come of that.

  16. “You guys are being played.”

    Inventory this, genius:


    This is a web archive from *2007* showing Obama’s publisher with a short bio saying he was born in Kenya. It was corrected shortly thereafter.

    Before you resume your smarmy little game note that I do not claim he was born abroad, only that he played up his foreign origins as long as it suited his purposes. Just one small (or not-so-small) example of his fundamental dishonesty.

    A good article on this that also questions whether it was a “mistake” made without Obama’s knowledge, also pointing out that the sainted, beyond reproach Hillary Clinton tried using “birtherism” in the 2008 primaries.


  17. Trum used the Birther card against Ted Cruz, saying he wasn’t eligible as a US citizen. Interesting move, that I think won him some Demoncrat votes out in in lalaland.

    Verdict: Manju is playing here.

  18. Of course the memo might be a big nothing, as I noted there. But it might not. It would be nice to see it

    Republicans are demanding the release of this memo.

    Who wrote the memo? Devin Nunes and his team of Republican assistants.

    Who decides to release it? Devin Nunes and President Trump, according to the linked article above.

    The very same people who played the same stunt a few months back. The White House provided material to Nunes who promptly claimed it contained shocking info about Obama abuses. Where did that go? Nowhere.

    So here we are again.

    It’s like Walter Duranty writing a memo that proves the Ukrainian Famine never happened. The Communist Party demands the release of this memo. But somehow Walter Duranty and Joseph Stalin can’t seem to make this happen. So they blame the CIA.

  19. Manju:

    I have a novel suggestion for you: why don’t you wait and see before you come to a conclusion about it?

    As I said, there may be nothing important in it, or there may be something. But (and I repeat myself) whether it’s nothing or something, I doubt anything much will happen as a result.

  20. That is rich, Manju writing about Duranty and the Holodomor as an analogy to Obama FISA-gate and the Republicans in Congress. Did Manju intend it as self parody or an “own goal?”

    Recent news indicate that the Republicans may declassify and release the entire thing in 19 working days (late February). If that happens what will Manju say then? Let me guess, “but Trump, but Trump.”

    We will see.

  21. “Manju:

    I have a novel suggestion for you: why don’t you wait and see before you come to a conclusion about it?”

    He is a troll, that is what he does.

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