Sexual harassment, the distaff side
It was only a matter of time before the shoe would be on the other foot:
Andrea Ramsey, a Democratic candidate for Congress, will drop out of the race after the Kansas City Star asked her about accusations in a 2005 lawsuit that she sexually harassed and retaliated against a male subordinate who said he had rejected her advances.
Multiple sources with knowledge of the case told The Star that the man reached a settlement with LabOne, the company where Ramsey was executive vice president of human resources…
“In its rush to claim the high ground in our roiling national conversation about harassment, the Democratic Party has implemented a zero tolerance standard,” Ramsey said in a statement Friday. “For me, that means a vindictive, terminated employee’s false allegations are enough for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to decide not to support our promising campaign. We are in a national moment where rough justice stands in place of careful analysis, nuance and due process.”
Man or woman, Democrat or Republican, the principles are the same—at least on this blog. Settlements are not admissions of guilt; sometimes they’re just a company’s way of making the problem go away. People lie, both men and women, and they certainly lie about sexual harassment, which tends to involve he-said/she-said competing yet unprovable stories. Did Ramsey sexually harass this man? Maybe. I don’t know enough to judge. We don’t know enough to judge. But that’s true of the majority of these accusations, although every now and then we do have enough evidence to feel confident that we know.
But I wonder—I just wonder—what Ramsay said about Clarence Thomas, or about Herman Cain or Roy Moore (I Googled it and couldn’t find anything). I bet it wasn’t “We are in a national moment where rough justice stands in place of careful analysis, nuance and due process.” But she’s correct; we are, and it does.
It is nice that the elites are cleaning house, but it is just damage control. They still won’t touch the DC, Hollywood, Pizzagate, national pedo rings. Or the satanic ritual abuse or human trafficking that the ruling class has been engaged in.
Que the time when Epstein gets released after 12 months for selling girls as sex slaves.
Saw that coming..
as i said in another post a while back
first you hold down one side
the other side gets bold and with the advantage starts coming up with neutralizing arguments..
then eventually, peopel go, hey, this is about equality!
THEN you bake the people as a big single pie as the dumbfounded women who got used wonder what the heck is going on..
would youy believe you could read papers describing this process in detail and such… but you may have to understand a bit of other languages and not ignore the coded phrases that lead you there..
a modern version of this concept is
bottom up top down…
Push pop
Hegelian dialectic in practice.. (not used but describes it)
anyone want to learn it, let me know
The Boston Globe did a big story on alleged harassment at ESPN today that is incredibly weak sauce. The accusations against the two guys in the story can in one case be almost certainly written off to flirting and the other the guy wasn’t even an employee yet and wasn’t really in charge of the event in question.
The witch hunt is getting really desperate now.
First a post on bariatric surgery, then one on a new refrigerator. I would have bet money that the third would be on bulimia. Instead, we get more on the harassment hysteria. Oh, wait …
Too many connections. Can’t digest.
One interesting aspect of this case is the tendency to settle cases instead of fighting them, because fighting is too costly. In this case, the fact that she (or the company on her behalf) settled came back to bite her.
I wonder if we’ll start to see less settlements and more fighting accusations in court, or even accused employees suing their companies for ruining their reputation by settling.
this is not that
this is a party purge with the methods they have to do so
knowing taht once a few people on their side say things they can get the others (women) to follow the Judas Goat.
if you study the subject as an academic subject like some do, you can learn all this stuff.
remember the first thing in the Chatechism of the Revolutionary..
these are the doomed.. doomed by their party
they failed.. they are not going to get a 2nd chance
the powers playing games here know they need new younger millinial favoring people to replace these old guard
and the old guard do not step down in a system in which you cant kill them… they have to be removed by other means and this kind of false mixed with real stuff is or WAS very common.. IF you know a lot of history from other than the US or UK
and this movment of a purge? its about using this group
remember when this was written: 1869
The feminists, the left leaning fronts and so on.. they been telling they are going to use you since 1869!!!!!!
these are the feminists who believe in feminism, but dont not to the point of the LEADERS… the leaders who konw they are using them, who know its a totalitarian thing, and know they will exterminate or remove these others like scaffolding.. this is the group that will fight most to protect the cause that is using them.
this is the valerie jarrets the clinton, the michel obama, ayers, etc.. they will pose as judas goats and more… this is like bella dodd, babette gross, and so many..
yet desipte teachign some of this
its never applied… the ideas never go farther back than half a decade and the idea that people CAN work like building a gothic cathedral over 200 years, but not in politics..
mostly because you havent noticed that valery jarrets parents and theirs were the previous groups.. ie. these families that are powerful and such are destroying all other famillies while preserving theirs and using their children and childrens children to reshape the world beacsue the rubes cant think that far ahead.
in fact most who never been in certain parts of the state, large corporations, and more, never ever beleive the real world they live in!!!!!!!!! they only believe a cut down sanitized versoin hey defend with all their might..
oh if you want to know who they are getting:
wow.. describing what your seeing from 1860s..
each one of these people had pedophile secrets and all that, and they were under the control of the left because of this just as is stated above in one of the earlist instruction manuals
now, they are using that information to remove the doomed ineffective people they have no use for who thought they were rewarded for their loyalty and the system would be to them, but this is only in so fare they are useful
weinstien stopped being useful
and the idea is that if you can get all these people you had secrets on and take the protection off (stop pushing down the other side) they will be removed
its not that they are being removed thats important
its who is taking their place..
Michael Crichton wrote that sexual harrassment by women happens in proportion to their numbers in management. IOW, men and women harass at the same rate. Remember also there was a scandal about two years in to Obama’s reign, wherein two very senior civil service gals were nailed for harassing junior men. One was said to have yelled over the phone, “I want your ***k down my throat!”
Men do report such things less often.
by the way, the woman this is about was well known for years for doing things.. as were many others..
i guess demi moore didnt teach them anythig staring across micheal douglas who was rescued by “A friend”…
Andrea Ramsey and a lot of other femnists feel that what WAS good for men they should be allowed to do…
so you have tons of women having sex with students, but the sad part is if they get pregmant their victims HAVE to pay…
sex in class, inapropriate vids, and more.. all norm now that there are very few men in the schools and the ladies dominate. their bad old hag network is worse than the mens (which doesnt actually exist – and theirs attacks their own!)
they took her off of Emilys list
We ignite change by getting pro-choice
Democratic women elected to office.
Women Line Up to Run for Office, Harnessing Their Outrage at Trump
i guess now you know who will replace these failures and men… the new line..
When Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment the National Organization of Women (NOW) had street demonstrations for months. When Clinton was accused of rape, the NOW said, so what? All depends on your politics.
Reminds me of that Michael Douglas film in the 90s, was that film based on a Crichton book?
oops, someone else has already mentioned that film above.
When does this incessant “outrage” by the media and it’s assorted allies amount to bullying of the American people?
This isn’t a particularly good example of that, since she dropped her campaign one the DNCC made it clear she wasn’t getting any money, but we certainly have been subjected to it over the past few weeks (or has it been months- it’s starting to just become background noise).
So long as Americans and humans eat up the MSewerM, they will be glad to feed you more sewage.
“Bad news travels like wildfire, good news travels slow, they all call me wildfire because everywhere I go I’m bad news.”
The blow back will consume many more and then no one will believe anyone. War on women has a fanishing short half-life.
The psychoanalysis has run the gamut in discussing this issue. I am saddened in learning that an actor I admired for his talent, Dustin Hoffman, is one of the suspects.
Teach Democratic women not to rape!
arfldgrs Says:
December 15th, 2017 at 2:02 pm
this is a party purge with the methods they have to do so
knowing taht once a few people on their side say things they can get the others (women) to follow the Judas Goat.
** *
Indeed. Appreciate the history lesson – I know far too little about these events; wonder why they weren’t covered in my school classes
RohanV Says:
December 15th, 2017 at 1:54 pm
One interesting aspect of this case is the tendency to settle cases instead of fighting them, because fighting is too costly. In this case, the fact that she (or the company on her behalf) settled came back to bite her.
I wonder if we’ll start to see less settlements and more fighting accusations in court, or even accused employees suing their companies for ruining their reputation by settling.
* * *
Parallels the Chevron oil company refusing to settle over the environmental charges in Ecuador and being justified eventually.
Another parallel is ending the automatic roll-over to pirates of the shipping companies.
Cheaper in the long run to fight.
One of my brushes with greatness. When I almost could have maybe made something of myself.
Sexual assault edition.
Navy tradition. It’s called a wetting down. You use the pay raise for the first month to wet those new bars down.
In fine naval tradition she threw a party. In fine naval tradition we went looking for her when she wandered off. We didn’t rape her.
Not like that mattered on Monday morning. Or, it didn’t matter to anyone except her. And me. And five other guys. Who would dearly love to meet this guy who snuck into her room.
All the heroes are women. Except I wanted to go after the guy who had wormed his way into her room. In his failed attempt to get into her pants. When to save himself he started naming names.
Yeah, I guess all the heroes are still women.
Another parallel is ending the automatic roll-over to pirates of the shipping companies.
Before I retired, I joined a medical malpractice coop that was self funded and determined to fight every case unless it was an obvious valid mistake. It also had a private network that asked members about applicants. If someone in your community was applying, other members were asked about his/her practices and the impression of the applicant’s risk as a member you were sharing risk with.
The insurance companies tried to fight the coop but the courts ruled it was not “insurance” since it was a private association. We each put up a $20,000 amount and then were assessed each year on our specialty and record.
If somebody got sued, the coop would evaluate the case and if you were in the right, they defended it to the end. I finally got sued on a high risk case and in the end got a judgement for us that the plaintiffs had to pay us. Of course, we never got paid.
In another case where a kid got AIDS 8 years after a blood transfusion, they settled for $1500 on the theory that the payoff was minimal and not worth the trouble.
Maybe we should have a sexual harassment insurance plan.
Another parallel is ending the automatic roll-over to pirates of the shipping companies.
Cheaper in the long run to fight.
That already happened for the most part. The new insurance is a weapons team now a cargo liners. Not that everyone wants to pay for the manpower.
Appreciate the history lesson — I know far too little about these events; wonder why they weren’t covered in my school classes
Maybe you can get a refund on those public indoctrination courses…
The Leftist alliance; they are all guilty. It’s a kind of original sin, except it was done in their generation, not in their grandparent’s generation.
this is a party purge
Party purge=cleaning house.
if you study the subject as an academic subject like some do, you can learn all this stuff.
If you read my comments online, you might have noticed I was using judas goat and referencing farm husbandry, before you were, Art. O care era.
As for who Judas was and why that has to do with feminism, that’s been covered here.
Cowardly and scheming men are indeed a problem. A society that promotes tempering justice with “mercy”, sees inclusion as a kind of right, or recognizes a “right” to pleasure and thus makes excuses for “human frailty” , will always be plagued with the presence of cynical (or floundering) weaklings and schemers who are ungrateful organizational beneficiaries of the magnanimity dispensed by the more self-directed, honorable and disciplined.
The weasel was riding his “comrades” coattails. When the ride was over through his own doing, he turned on them.
I don’t know whether these types are stupid, or are congenitally weak, or are merely clever nihilists who would, by their shrugging calculation, nonchalantly trade your life away for one of their orgasms, but they exist, and their cynical (or hapless) degradation almost seems to have a metaphysical dimension to it.
I had someone in the psychoanalytic profession whom I knew socially, tell me that addicts were often, at core, narcissists. It could be that despite what a comic opera caricature of honor might lead us to believe, that men without real honor, are much the same.
I did her a favor. She didn’t follow through because initially they threatened her with conduct unbecoming an officer for being drunk in public. Unless she accused us.
Or she did me a favor.
I don’t know what you meant by “comrades.” I knew plenty of women who were as disgusted as me by how over the top the Navy was following Tailhook. I recall a General Military Training episode. A JAG assigned to the Naval Supply Depot San Diego was providing the training. And she wanted to impress on us just how serious the Navy was taking sexual misconduct.
She told us about a man they had fired, a civilian. Because he was a woman’s supervisor, and his co-workers complained about a woman who was dressing provocatively. Both men and women complained. So he felt he had to do something. So he talked to her, and politely asked her to dress more professionally.
She accused him of sexual harassment.
And that got him reprimanded and transferred to another office. He was also warned he could never be alone with her again.
One day he volunteered to work the supply desk to relieve people so they could go to lunch and a Sailor came in with a requisition he didn’t know how to fill. So he excused himself to go and see if anyone was available who knew what to do.
He went from empty office to empty office. Finally he came to an office that wasn’t empty. He didn’t know it but she was in there. So he left immediately. She didn’t know he had walked in. But somehow she found out later that he had, so she made a complaint.
They fired him for that. And this JAG who thought she was going to impress us was so proud. Everyone gasped.
I had already turned in the paperwork to leave active duty, so with nothing to lose I asked why the Navy encouraged false claims of sexual harassment. It was a question on everyone’s mind. Her jaw dropped. And she asked me if sexual harassment wasn’t a danger I needed to protect my Sailors from.
I told her, “Lieutenant, you’re a danger I need to protect my Sailors from.”
The room erupted in applause. Which didn’t make my Captain happy but it needed to be said.
I was not nor will I ever will be this scumbag’s comrade. I couldn’t face my mom or my sister or my nieces ever again. The idea of trying to force myself on a woman makes me sick to my stomach. And the thing is, the new LT knew that and that’s why she refused to roll on us.
Did I mention the senior officers were threatening her with conduct unbecoming of an officer if she didn’t accuse us of sexual assault? And God love her, and to this day she remains one of my favorite people. She had the spine to refuse.