Home » Too much information about Rep. Joe Barton


Too much information about Rep. Joe Barton — 24 Comments

  1. Circumstantially, it certainly can be a foolishly stupid idea. But… the sender is however mistakenly, indicating great trust in the recipient.

    To betray that trust is the far greater sin.

    That the betrayer is not subject to great societal opprobrium speaks volumes of today’s ‘morality’.

  2. This poor son of a bitch will go down in history as committing a ‘weapons grade stupid’ act in a moment of letting the little brain over ride the big brain. There should be a WARNING LABLE on every camera that says any pictures ever taken with this camera can and may be used against you the rest of your wrinkly old life.

    No matter what age a person is nekked pictures are never a good idea. Of course being in my 70’s that’s an easy decision for me.

  3. Jason Chaffetz is a recently retired U.S. Rep. and is commentating for FoxNews. He made a statement around the time the Barton news first came out; I’m guessing just before. I think the topic was the Rep. Jackie Spier claims about the harassment settlement slush fund.

    Chaffetz said “It’s terrible. What do you expect?” Or words to that effect. Then claimed that the place is run by 20 year olds just out of college (staff I presume), and also almost all of the Reps. are away from home, and implied that a frat party atmosphere is pervasive.

    Maybe they need an institutionalized “chaperone” system?

  4. This is all so very sad. If Joe is a victim of his own poor judgment/stupidity, the woman who spread these pictures is beneath contempt. But so is the Washington Post, which engaged in its own “revenge porn.” Its story is purely motivated by its prurient desire to “get a Republican in on this too.” Why wait to ferret out a real harassment/exploitation subject on the GOP side, lets watch old Joe squirm. I hope there’s a decontamination facility just off the Post newsroom. Ugh.

  5. Washington Post is not news, the only principal they have is help democrats and hurt republicans, stop pretending to be moral or whatever.
    Simple rules
    If the accused is republican, believe the victims
    If the accused is democrat, shame the victims.

  6. Groupies. The woman admitted she was attracted to his status. When he dropped her, she was miffed. She decided to embarrass him as a way of getting revenge. Isn’t that just special. 🙁

    When did sending salacious photos to a girlfriend become an acceptable courting move? Who does that sort of thing? Hopefully some foolish men will learn from this example. Even writing inappropriate letters/e-mails can come back to haunt you. The standard is: If you wouldn’t want it to appear on the front page of the local newspaper, don’t do it. Of course, when caught in the throes of passion, even the steadiest, most upright of men can lose good judgment.

    When Trump said that they will let you grab them by the “p” word if you’re famous, he spoke the truth. Look at all the pro athletes who have children with multiple women. It’s an accepted thing these days. So many women throwing themselves at those virile young men. And then there are those ladies who are attracted to power. I believe it was Henry Kissinger who said that power was the ultimate aphrodisiac.

    Men have the urge to spread their seed around. If women accommodate them, is the man always in the wrong and the woman always the victim? Well, in this day and age it is becoming the de facto truth in the streets that the man is always wrong, if the woman says so. There has to be a distinction between sexual harassment/bullying/rape and consensual activity. Today, getting involved with a woman, even in a minor way, can be a minefield for important men. It does not augur well for men and women trusting one another. People gave Mike Pence catcalls for his stuffy habit of never dining alone with a woman other than his wife. Seems that stuffy Mike Pence knows just how dangerous the waters of politics can be.

  7. How did we get here? How did we get to this place where adults send photos of their genitals as easily as phone numbers used to be exchanged? Not everyone, of course, but enough to make it not shocking. I have my own thoughts on the subject but wonder what others think.

  8. I’ll pass on “those few facts of which everyone should be aware”. You can’t change the power of hormones. Even the classical eunuchs had erections.
    And you surely cannot undo stupid.

  9. J.J. Says:
    November 24th, 2017 at 6:28 pm…. The standard is: If you wouldn’t want it to appear on the front page of the local newspaper, don’t do it.
    * * *
    Law prof in the seventies on practicing tax law:
    “if the success of your scheme depends on no one finding out, don’t do it.”

  10. “If you wouldn’t want it to appear on the front page of the local newspaper, don’t do it.” JJ

    “Law prof in the seventies on practicing tax law:
    “if the success of your scheme depends on no one finding out, don’t do it.”

    Other than his wife, Mike Pence never allowing himself to be alone with a woman…

    I was just struck by the wisdom in conducting your life by simple principles and maxims. That reminded me of once having read that George Washington compiled a list early in his life and then lived his life by those maxims.

    “George Washington’s Rules of Civility”
    110 Maxims Helped Shape and Guide America’s First President

    “As a young schoolboy in Virginia, George Washington took his first steps toward greatness by copying out by hand a list of 110 ‘Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation.’ Based on a 16th-century set of precepts compiled for young gentlemen by Jesuit instructors, the Rules of Civility were one of the earliest and most powerful forces to shape America’s first president, says historian Richard Brookhiser.

    Most of the rules are concerned with details of etiquette, offering pointers on such issues as how to dress, walk, eat in public and address one’s superiors. But in the introduction to the newly published Rules of Civility: The 110 Precepts That Guided Our First President in War and Peace, Brookhiser warns against dismissing the maxims as “mere” etiquette. “The rules address moral issues, but they address them indirectly,” Brookhiser writes. “They seek to form the inner man (or boy) by shaping the outer.”

    The above reference appeared on NPR in 2003, when it was still politically acceptable to honor Washington. Today, on the left, it’s not.

  11. Americans pretend they live in a Republic, and the Demoncrats pretend they are voting fairly.

    I remember so called conservatives making fun of people for claiming that HRC rigged several elections. They often claimed “but there’s no proof”. They couldn’t see the proof if it cleaved their left eye.

    Which is why they need to keep within the Box and listen to what the news tells them. Just keep doing that and maybe the tsunami will pass you over.

  12. “Americans pretend they live in a Republic”

    It’s true that we don’t live in the republic that the founder’s envisioned and bequeathed to us. That the ‘goalposts’ for a level of public outrage that democrats cannot defend has moved literally ‘off the field’ is undeniable.

    But it’s inaccurate to imply that elements of that republic do not remain. Just Rep. Conyers’ involvement in Congress’ sexual payoff scheme would never have made it into the news if nothing remained of that republic. Conyers, a co-founder of the Congressional Black Caucus and the only African-American to have served in Congress for at least fifty years has long been considered politically untouchable.

    It is however, at least doubtful that the republic can be revived.

  13. ” Geoffrey Britain Says:

    Circumstantially, it certainly can be a foolishly stupid idea. But… the sender is however mistakenly, indicating great trust in the recipient.

    To betray that trust is the far greater sin.

    That the betrayer is not subject to great societal opprobrium speaks volumes of today’s ‘morality’.”

    Treachery is only a sin in a moral universe where betrayal is wrong. It can only be judged wrong if it violates some principle of human value thought to be objectively and categorically binding. In a social world of hand flapping self-stimulating excitable and degenerate American peasant trash, reduced by both psychological fashions and the dicta of science popularizers to purposeless appetite entities, it is not an unexpected occurrence.

    When it is seen as cruel and unnecessary to execute a capital sentence on murderers, one gains a pretty good idea of what the average American thinks of the value of his own life.

    “OldTexan Says:

    This poor son of a bitch will go down in history as committing a ‘weapons grade stupid’ act …
    No matter what age a person is nekked pictures are never a good idea.”

    But it seems the naked ape portion of the population, cannot resist the primate display behavior impulse. Women were dropping nude Polaroids and home developed photos on the supermarket shelves I stocked while working in high school, decades ago.

    “When did sending salacious photos to a girlfriend become an acceptable courting move? Who does that sort of thing? “

    For the answer to first question see my comments. See Old Texan, above for the answer to the second.

    ” Janet Says:
    How did we get here? How did we get to this place where adults send photos of their genitals as easily as phone numbers used to be exchanged? Not everyone, of course, but enough to make it not shocking. I have my own thoughts on the subject but wonder what others think.”

    Honor died, or was killed by “equality” and “solidarity” because it demanded too much and some could never reach the bar under any circumstances; and pop psychology ascended to the throne with its consort relativistic anthropology.

    We are all just skin bags of appetite now, according to the received wisdom. He is OK and she is OK and it is OK and all is OK, as long as everyone is welcome and feels included. It is unreasonable given these anthropological “truths” to expect less or more.

    “Ralph Kinney Bennett Says:

    This is all so very sad. If Joe is a victim of his own poor judgment/stupidity, the woman who spread these pictures is beneath contempt. But so is the Washington Post, which engaged in its own “revenge porn.” Its story is purely motivated by its prurient desire to “get a Republican in on this too.”

    He seems to have done one redeeming thing. And that is when his tormenter asked him what he would tell the Capitol police, he gave a straightforward and unvarnished, and largely unself-serving reply.

  14. “Treachery is only a sin in a moral universe where betrayal is wrong. It can only be judged wrong if it violates some principle of human value thought to be objectively and categorically binding.” DNW

    I can’t quite agree. A society in which treachery is the norm is not sustainable over the long term. Whereas, a society in which treachery is essentially unknown will prosper both materially and spiritually. A necessary foundation for societally beneficial competition is cooperation. The great majority must agree to abide by “the rules” with proportionate consequence for those who break societal norms.

    Treachery makes cooperation unsustainable. So there is an inescapable pragmatic component to viewing treachery as immoral.

  15. “Geoffrey Britain Says:
    November 25th, 2017 at 1:23 pm

    “Treachery is only a sin in a moral universe where betrayal is wrong. It can only be judged wrong if it violates some principle of human value thought to be objectively and categorically binding.” DNW

    I can’t quite agree. A society in which treachery is the norm is not sustainable over the long term. … there is an inescapable pragmatic component to viewing treachery as immoral.”

    I don’t disagree with that. When I spoke of sin I was referring not to the inevitable consequences of some behavior or another, but in terms of what was recognized and acted upon as unconscionable behavior mandating negative sanctions.

    Yeah, I mean one doesn’t have to recognize that aborting foeti to the extent that the population replacement level fails is a wrong perpetrated against the teleology of the foetus, in order to recognize that it ultimately makes the associative arrangement that permitted it unsustainable in the face of adversity, too.

  16. But it’s inaccurate to imply that elements of that republic do not remain.

    States, city, and individual contracts may still exist, but the US Constitution contract between the feds, people, and the Most High is definitely broken.

    By 9/11 2001, for various reasons.

    No longer a nation “under god”. Although, that depends on which god. DC probably has many gods, like Moloch, they have dedicated their habits and sacrifices and laws to. Probably not the same as the Free Masonic god [G] ideal back in the Independence War days.

    Why does it matter whether a nation is under a god or not? Goes back to Deuteronomy 32 and Genesis.


    The Most High divided up the 70 nations according to the Sons of God, the Watchers of the Divine Counsel. These are equal to or similar to the 1/3rd of the host of heaven that fell with Lucifer.

    Israel was never one of the 70.

    Now that the US is no longer a nation under contract to the Most High, the US of A is free to be occupied by any other god. Divine protection has been stripped. If you don’t do your part of the contract, the other part is free due to the voiding of the contract.

    Under the protection, contract, and power of the Most High, no other nation was allowed to control the US. No EMP bomb, no foreign nation, no WMD was enough to overcome the power of that god. Now? Now is different. Now survivalists know something.

    Just Rep. Conyers’ involvement in Congress’ sexual payoff scheme would never have made it into the news if nothing remained of that republic.

    I don’t that has much to do with human nations and their workings. The higher power or the elohim or what people call the Most High’s Divine Council, has been leaking information on the Left’s evil for awhile now. ACORN, Planned Profit, Hollywood, Pizza gate. Has anyone paid attention yet to it and fixed it yet? Still there.

    Same as the people Jeremiah warned. Same as the people Noah warned. Same as the people in Soddom and Gomorrah. They were told the consequences of ignoring certain things. They thought they were invulnerable.

    Maybe to humans, they think their nation or traditions or “republic” is invulnerable to the might of the gods. I wouldn’t put any bets on that one.

    If this nation has been handed over to the fallen Watchers no longer part of the Divine Counsel, then this nation will be tested with fire and pain. Sooner or later. Maybe it will be over Apollo and aliens, as Reagan mentioned with an alien threat. Maybe it will be the military industrial complex like Dwight Eisenhower conspiracy theorist, said on tv. Maybe it will be the Deep State or whomever Trum thinks killed JFK. They don’t tell me these things, probably because I never ask.

    Screwtape letters time, Ymar version.

    Lucifer: He belongs to me, not you, because he loved Hollywood and Hollywood got fame and fortune from the world I promised them.

    Defending counsel: No, he was ignorant of what Hollywood was and chose to support it as all mortals do. Thus his decision was not fully informed and must be given more trials.

    Lucifer: Sure, which is why we and you exposed the evils of Hollywood and ACORN and Planned Parenthood to them, so that the mortals may use what you gave them, free will. It would have been better for us all if they had listened to me and discarded that plan in favor of my own.

    Defending counsel: You take the ones that still supported the evils of man with you to the hell you were promised, and we will take the ones that have repented and abjured the fame and corruption of your world.

    Lucifer: We’ll be back for the next round. I will be as the Most High, this world will be mine and salvation for all will be given. Our promised place will not be hell, but paradise.

    Humans and their nations, aren’t going to be all that important later on, GB. They like to think so, because humans are the top of the pyramid, heh right.

    A lot of the protestants use plagues or disasters as signs. It’s a result of a lack of wisdom of the Old Testament, specifically the Torah. Which, btw, is not merely Judaism but also Christian, in the oldest sense of the term. Genesis, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers. Without reading and understanding Leviticus, as Paul did, the entire concept of the law makes no sense to modern Americans. The Plagues and disasters were things promised to be given to Israel, to make the other nations jealous and so bring them back into the fold as lost sheep: once they saw first hand that their own gods were powerless. As course they would be powerless, they were nephiliim, human angel hybrids descendants of the corrupted Watchers. A Watcher may be powerful enough to kill an entire Assyrian army in one night, but that primordial essence is nowhere close to the power of the Most High. The angels cannot even “stand” in the presence of the Most High, as getting too close will burn them away, destroying their impurity and thus their essence if they get too close. That is for the “angels in heaven” before they fell. Teaching humans that there is a power hierarchy amongst the elohim, was a very long and difficult lesson.

    The US’ contract with the Most High is not Torah, nowhere even close. For one thing, there’s religious freedom, the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution. The method and plan is similar and the process is the same. In Torah, the punishment for worshiping other things was death. A lot of things was punished by that, for the wages of sin was death. Humanity has “progressed” a little bit more with these nations and their proud technologies. So “free will” and freedom of conscience and worship, is a higher law, although not the highest law. Americans got what they could withstand. If they can maintain it, they’ll will get more, which is why some nations prosper and other nations like Zimbabwe do not.

    Why does it matter now? Because if the Deep State and the Left are just human evil, kill them. Problem solved.

    Ever try to kill a elohim or an angel? A problem on a whole different level. Any evidence in the scriptures or human history and tech that they ever achieved such?
    Maybe in 10 years the “Americans” will start thinking where I am. Assuming they have 10 years…

  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br7uey7k-SQ

    I’ve been collecting personal testimony witnesses. They can’t all be Leftist disinformation… I would know, since I saw Yuri Bezmenov and Bella Dodd’s instruction.

    This issue is not something people know about. They don’t want to know about it. They don’t want to know that the US military was getting Gramsci hijacked 5 years ago or 10 years ago.

    These secret combinations, as the Mormons would call it, are akin to the Free Mason secret societies that the Alt Right and Deep State is related to.

    I don’t know how much of this “USA” has been corrupted… but it’s a lot. Spiritual warfare is based on territorial control and the territory is invested by the number and quality of followers of a particular god.

    It’s over. Maybe tomorrow people will repent, but given human history… that’s not something even miracles can fix.

  18. DNW,

    We’re in basic agreement on this issue.

    Ymar Sakar,

    It seems to me that support for your point of view boils down to, “No longer a nation “under god”. Although, that depends on which god.”

    If a nation be divided, with half or arguably even more… still loyal to God, in that in their heart of hearts they conceive of him as a beneficent creator, then can that nation be accurately labeled as no longer under God?

    FWIW, I’m not convinced that a nation that honored liberty was ever going to be able to avoid division. In fact, arguably the existence of Lucifer and God ensured it.

  19. DNW:

    Women were sending nude Polaroids back then. But I doubt men were sending full frontal nude photos of themselves to women back then, unless the men were porno stars.

    That’s one of the reasons the magazine Playgirl didn’t appeal much to women; it found its real audience in gay men.

  20. Manju:

    “President Obama suggested that the unfortunately-named Anthony Weiner should resign.”

    Did he ever suggest that Ted Kennedy should resign during the decades Kennedy served in the Senate after Chappaquiddick? Or Bill Clinton?

  21. “neo-neocon Says:
    November 25th, 2017 at 10:36 pm


    Women were sending nude Polaroids back then. But I doubt men were sending full frontal nude photos of themselves to women back then … “

    Yes it was women doing it: dropping the pic on the shelves to be found later. Flashes in the mirror invariably obscured their faces if the head was not cropped out entirely. These were not Playboy quality images, or bodies, it goes without saying. They were unceremoniously dumped in the trash after a caustic comment or two to one’s buddies.

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