And speaking of false accusations…
…the Trump dossier has been a very successful one so far, hasn’t it?:
‘Wall Street Journal’ columnist Kimberley Strassel makes the case to Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson that the Steele dossier, which was funded by the DNC and Clinton campaign to smear President Trump, is one of history’s most outrageous political tricks.
“We do a disservice when we even refer to it as a ‘Dossier,'” she explained. “That gives it too much mystique. This is an oppo research document of lower quality than even oppo research documents.”
“All campaigns do this, but usually you dig up a driving under the influence conviction, or you didn’t pay your taxes one year, you plant it in the press to make the candidate look bad. This is a document based on unnamed, anonymous Russian sources, apparently. They’re never been proven, a lot of them have been disproven,” Strassel continued. “But here’s where they have been particularly clever: They didn’t give it to the press, they sent it to the FBI and then they briefed the press, and then the press was able to claim that this was intelligence that the FBI possessed, which gave it some air of credibility.”
Found in the comments: “This is far, far. more than a dirty trick – this is the use of police power to harm political opponents. It is third world behavior and by far the biggest scandal in American political history.”
Well, the biggest one of which we’re aware. But how “big” can it be if most Americans don’t even know or care what it is or where it actually came from?
“Well, the biggest one of which we’re aware. But how “big” can it be if most Americans don’t even know or care what it is or where it actually came from?” – Neo
The intricacies of the case are too complex, and cover too long a timeline and too many people. Should anything actually be conclusively verified, they will start to care.
If it is ever conclusively debunked, the MSM won’t cover it, and they’ll never know.
Remember that Watergate and Lewinsky were both scandals that had a long brewing time before the public really started paying attention, and even then the “significance” had to be hammered into the LIVs who don’t breathe D.C. air hourly.
Most Americans are like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed BS.
The stupid text code LOL applies.
A long time friend, since farm boy days, wrote to me from Wyoming: “It has come to pass that if North Korea nuked DC I might be open to offering them foreign aid.”
When us peasants start thinking this way, DC and the urban elites might start thinking about what CW2 would look like. We are approaching an event horizon that is to put it mildly frightening. Makes me think about buying an AR15 and a few dozen magazines to supplement my bolt actions.
The DC ‘folks’ and the urban elites seem to not realize us deplorables and clingers actually have a far more serious trigger warning point than the special snowflakes. Meanwhile the left begins to eat their own when it comes to sexual assault/harassment issues.
This will not end well.
Given its not real, and other things for the left are blatant not real or factual… the purpose is not just the purpose…
-Last Crusade: War with the Phantoms by John C. Wright
how can you spot a conservative, they say deer
how about false accusations?
one side says always guilty the other is measured
Those that believe the Russian dossier beyond its known not to be real are those that say horse… just as in the past, the following the party line, even if it makes no sense, is to trust the party, and indicate unity and loyalty.
Even worse the fake stuff distracts from the more real stuff in that category of influence and operations.
from 2016
A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories
So the more sensitive and triggerable and desire for action the easier the target is to distract with baffling bull puckies
The ‘Gerasimov Doctrine’
Gerasimov is known as the strategist who conceived the “Gerasimov doctrine” — currently prevalent in Russian military strategy — combining military, technological, information, diplomatic, economic, cultural and other tactics, which are then deployed towards one set of strategic objectives. This “political warfare” is preferred due to its comparatively low cost.
politico on it:
n February 2013, General Valery Gerasimov–Russia’s chief of the General Staff, comparable to the U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff–published a 2,000-word article, “The Value of Science Is in the Foresight,” in the weekly Russian trade paper Military-Industrial Kurier. Gerasimov took tactics developed by the Soviets, blended them with strategic military thinking about total war, and laid out a new theory of modern warfare–one that looks more like hacking an enemy’s society than attacking it head-on. He wrote: “The very ‘rules of war’ have changed. The role of nonmilitary means of achieving political and strategic goals has grown, and, in many cases, they have exceeded the power of force of weapons in their effectiveness. … All this is supplemented by military means of a concealed character.”
The article is considered by many to be the most useful articulation of Russia’s modern strategy, a vision of total warfare that places politics and war within the same spectrum of activities–philosophically, but also logistically. The approach is guerrilla, and waged on all fronts with a range of actors and tools–for example, hackers, media, businessmen, leaks and, yes, fake news, as well as conventional and asymmetric military means. Thanks to the internet and social media, the kinds of operations Soviet psy-ops teams once could only fantasize about–upending the domestic affairs of nations with information alone–are now plausible. The Gerasimov Doctrine builds a framework for these new tools, and declares that non-military tactics are not auxiliary to the use of force but the preferred way to win. That they are, in fact, the actual war. Chaos is the strategy the Kremlin pursues: Gerasimov specifies that the objective is to achieve an environment of permanent unrest and conflict within an enemy state.
you all probably missed that…
just checking…
Artfldgr Says:
November 15th, 2017 at 11:06 pm
Given its not real, and other things for the left are blatant not real or factual… the purpose is not just the purpose…
In Leftist thought, statements are not statements of fact; they are statements of power.
There is a famous Chinese story
* * *
Wikipedia has an article about that vizier (big surprise, right?). He was really a piece of work.
But…maybe it’s all just fake news?
The lie must be obvious, insolent in its disregard for truth, so that the falsehood is clear to see.
What kind of loyalty is being demanded?
-Last Crusade: War with the Phantoms by John C. Wright
I’ve read John C Wright’s blog and some of his early books.
He later converted to Roman Catholicism.
This is interesting because the Vatican forged their credentials, after killing off the competition. They proclaim direct descent and authority from Peter, who was not the Apostle of the gentile nations divided at Babel, Deuteronomy 32, that was Paul who taught the Romans and Greeks (Corinthians, Romans letters). And one Apostle is not enough even for some baptisms, let alone transferring apostolic authority.
The only incidence recorded in history and by eyewitnesses where the apostles transferred their authority was when Thomas replaced the 12th seat of Judas. That required the unanimous consent of all the apostles located in one place.
The loyalty demanded by the Roman State was that if you didn’t convert to Christianity or Constantine’s religion, then you were a traitor or a minority and Romans knew how to deal with those. The Patriarch of Rome ended up boosting his power at the expense of Christianity as a whole. The Archbishops could either play along or they would get purged. If they play along with the lie, they could become a cardinal and hence the future leader of the Vatican, what they title the Vicar of Christ. That is a title with the authority to stand between the faithful and their Christ, sort of like a gatekeeper. You have to get through the Vicar, before the vicar allows you to see your Savior…
Some of the falsehoods were listed in the 95 theses by Luther, but that wasn’t even most of it.
The fundamental purpose of dezinformatsiya, or Russian disinformation, experts said, is to undermine the official version of events – even the very idea that there is a true version of events – and foster a kind of policy paralysis.
It’s also good for covering up conspiracies that you want the public to view as wacko or hiding secret projects like the Manhattan Project where hundreds and thousands of people had no idea what they were working on ultimately.
But…maybe it’s all just fake news?
That depends on whether people think the Book of Lehi was translated or now recently in 2004. Shrugs.
Human definitions of “the truth” tends to vary. Some are easier to manipulate than others.
Some Christians, probably mostly Roman Catholics under the Vatican leadership dogma, are talking about a Last Crusade. Sort of a Romanish End Times cultural vibe that people feel on the latter days, or the prophetic end times.
Just one more Last Crusade before the end, where the power of Rome itself can reign almighty. The question is, where is that “church” that was supposed to be defeated in the end times as a result of killing Jehovah’s saints?
There’s about 2 or 3 alternatives, all of them were State Religions. It’s not easy getting people to kill their neighbors without the power of a State behind you and its human made and enforced totalitarian laws.