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Revelations about the Obama administration — 19 Comments

  1. My local Rag almost daily features a front page story that is antagonistic to Trump. Today, it was that two GOP Senators were publicly blasting him (Flake and Corker). That is what passes for news.

    Not a word about the blockbuster stories that you cite Neo. Since I live in SoCal I guess they assumed no one would be interested–even though the Inland Empire (love the ostentatiousness) has traditionally been a GOP strong hold. Of course the demographic is changing rapidly.

    I suspect that nothing much will come of any of this; and a significant percentage of the country will not even know; and won’t care if they do.

  2. This will be ignored but it is bigger than Watergate. The short version is that if Hillary would have won, she was an agent of the Russian government and probably others too. It is all in the deleted emails. And the FBI intenentionally mishandled its investigation of her.

    People just ignore the fact that Bill, Hillary and their Foundation were paid millions by foreigners for favors. Bribery. The Clintons are today’s Benedict Arnold.

  3. The coverage of this is text book bias. All of these guys with their ‘old news, we already new this, just politics as usual, nothing to see here move along’ BS would be freaking out in the extreme if this was in anyway damaging to Trump.

    And how it’s headlined on so many sites as the ‘Trump Dossier’ only serves it’s purpose in the larger world.

  4. giving a trivial little story that fits their agenda more coverage than it deserves to distract the public’s attention after from the real bombshell story that would hurt the political power they support is another tactic used very often by the fake news media.

    A fake news organization can still be fake news even 100% of the events they report on has taken place. They can still accomplish their propaganda purposes for the political power behind them by making false claims about the implication of each event upon society, making false claims about the motivations in the disguise of opinions and choosing what facts to report and what facts to ignore. CNN went through distance to make people believe that everything they report is true. it is the stories they create behind each event that is questionable.

  5. The Uranium One deal was exposed by Peter Schweizer in his book, “Clinton Cash.” The Fusion GPS connection to the Trump dossier was exposed about the time that Trump fired Comey. This is old news. What’s new is that there is a mole who worked for the FBI who has all the names, dates, e-mails, and more that connects the dots.. The curve ball is that the Obama/Lynch DOJ forced him into a non-disclosure agreement after they had prosecuted some small fish. They did not want his knowledge to become public.

    To read one take on it go here:

    I don’t believe Attorney General Jeff Sessions is courageous enough to pursue this case to its logical end. This is as big as Teapot Dome or bigger. The Clintons and Obamas wield great power with the MSM and within the federal bureaucracy, and may be able to get all this covered up. We’ll see.

  6. The Washington Post printed the story not because they are diligent in investigating Democrat corruption, but because they were fed the story by the DNC, Clinton, and GPSFusion. It is very clear that the key detail in this story is that the law firm was released from attorney client privilege by the first two actors I listed above. The DNC/Clinton Campaign knew that GPSFusion’s bank records, which are under Congressional subpoena and are probably already in the hands of the DoJ, would lead back to the law firm after which the story would come out anyway. By jumping ahead and giving WaPo the story, the DNC could also get them to publish Tom Perez’s self-serving statement about being a “new” DNC with clean hands.

    Once again, the press like WaPo dishonor themselves even when they report real news- they only did so once they were given the OK to do so by the DNC and Clinton.

  7. It is important to note that the dossier was bought and paid for by the Democrats- the time line makes that abundantly clear. There may or may not have been a Republican donor paying for some of the earlier work, but if there was, I lay odds that it leads back to low energy Jeb!.

  8. Cornhead declares that the Clintons are today’s Benedict Arnolds. That’s no less true of Obama and his administration who were knowingly and fully complicit in that corrupt treason.

    But the entire democrat leadership and 95% of the MSM have long been engaged in treason. And half of America support them. Many ignorantly but millions… knowingly.

    At what point does treason demand consequence? Letting the criminally inclined repeatedly escape consequence is a societal cancer that is metasticizing into a fatal malady.

  9. Breaking news: The FBI mole has had his non-disclosure agreement lifted. He can now talk to Congress. This may be explosive. Stay tuned.

  10. Yancey Ward Says:
    October 25th, 2017 at 6:24 pm
    It is important to note that the dossier was bought and paid for by the Democrats- the time line makes that abundantly clear. There may or may not have been a Republican donor paying for some of the earlier work, but if there was, I lay odds that it leads back to low energy Jeb!.
    * * *
    That the name of the original client for the dossier has never been leaked has a lot of interesting implications. At a time when seemingly every conversation in Washington has a direct pipeline to the media, how has this remained hidden?
    It’s not quite in the same league as Obama’s school transcripts (what did he do to generate that insane level of loyalty?), but it is intriguing.

  11. This may be the smoking gun that uncover the crimes of the Clintons, Obama, the DNC, and the MSM. Or it will be swept under the rug. We’ll see.Not confident the good guys win.

  12. J.J. Says:
    October 25th, 2017 at 9:27 pm
    Breaking news: The FBI mole has had his non-disclosure agreement lifted. He can now talk to Congress. This may be explosive. Stay tuned.

    * * *
    Here’s one report.

    And another interesting cockroach has crawled out of the wall. Or another Gnurr from the Voodvork out.


    “According to reports, the Hillary for America campaign paid for the research but routed the payments through Elias’ law firm Perkins Coie and described the purpose of the money as “legal services” on their FEC disclosures. The DNC and the Clinton campaign reported dozens of payments totaling more that $12 million dollars to Perkins Coie over the course of the campaign….
    It is legal under current campaign finance law for the Hillary Clinton campaign to commission an opposition research company to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. What is not legal, according to campaign legal experts, is for the campaign to pay a law firm who then hires other to perform campaign related activities without reporting the purpose of the expenditures.

    If the FEC finds that there was a violation, the DNC and the Clinton campaign could face fines. The fines could be higher if the FEC finds that they intentionally mislead the public.”

    (h/t Ace of Spades HQ)

  13. AesopFan,

    I have two theories about why the name has never been leaked. (1) The donor doesn’t really exist and is a story fabricated by the Democrats who were trying a smoke screen to fool people into thinking they had nothing to do with a dossier that fell into their laps in the Summer of 2016; or (2) and I borrow this from a commenter from Ann Althouse’s site who can’t quite remember right now who suggested the Republican donor is real, but for whom almost all donation are to Democrats- he can’t be leaked to the media because then it will be realized the Republican part isn’ t really true.

    However, I still think it is true and I think it was the Bushes with maybe a cutout in between for deniability.

  14. Indeed, all true.

    Especially what GB said, above.

    On the other hand, one must keep in mind that there were NO scandals during the Obama administration.

    After all, the man said it himself….

    File under: When is a scandal not a scandal? (Should be: When are a whole slough of scandals not scandals?)

  15. On the treason front, Hillary used false accusations from a foreign country in order to win an election. Maybe technically not treason, but bad.

    But the bribery case is much clearer. As the book “Clinton Cash” sets out, Uranium One shareholders paid millions after the sale to the Russian company was approved by the US government. And the payments were made in a semi-secret fashion.

    Greg Jarrett of Fox says Hillary could be charged with 13 crimes.

  16. To really nail Hillary, the media will need a blue dress. Unless there is a real criminal investigation, I’m not optimistic.

  17. Yancey Ward: “However, I still think it is true and I think it was the Bushes with maybe a cutout in between for deniability.”

    My thinking exactly. As long as the Bushes remain #Anti-Trump, they will not be ratted out.

  18. Yancey Ward Says:
    October 26th, 2017 at 1:38 am
    * *
    Both valid suppositions, and I like the second one the best. I saw somewhere else today the comment that many people donate to Dems and GOP to cover the bases, although usually more heavily to one than the other, so the alleged donor could be only nominally Republican.
    Whether it was the Bush family or not, I venture no opinion.
    However, even if it was started by one of the primary candidates or their friends, or just an early #NeverTrumper, there is really nothing wrong with financing oppo research; the Russian dossier we have all come to know and loathe apparently grew out of a less malevolent seed.


    “There is no evidence that a Republican donor or Republican campaign was ever involved with the Russian dossier. Fusion GPS claimed to reporters (though they did not provide evidence) that a Republican funded separate opposition research on Trump, dealing with his business interests. But as the Washington Post itself reports, the dossier did not exist until after the Democrats hired Fusion GPS:”

  19. This “4th” estate Americans created as a “free press” is something all right. You all might as well just had DC fund it and call it Propaganda One… it would be closer to accurate.

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