Home » Blue on blue: now Hillary’s blaming Bernie


Blue on blue: now Hillary’s blaming Bernie — 32 Comments

  1. As for Hillary, denial is an inherent requisite for anyone on the left.

    “The facts of life are conservative” Margaret Thatcher

  2. “they will be looking for a very progressive–although younger–person to run. ”

    Well that eliminates Elizabeth Warren (71 in 2020).

    CA senator Kamala Harris is running hard. Pretty boy Gavin Newsom will have been CA governor for 2 years by that time so he might give her a run for her money. But Kamala is a twofer and would be attractive to the far-left trying to re-create the Obama magic with an XX this time. Don’t know what gender Kamala will feel like by that time.

  3. Sanders is done. All that needs to happen is for any candidate for 2020 (Republican, Democrat, or miscellaneous) to show that picture of him with slumped shoulders looking like a whipped puppy after being kicked off his own stage by BLM or whoever it was.

    I have to give him a thumbs up for being uncompromising with his principles, but several dozen thumbs down for being a kook, woefully ignorant and a complete nebbish when dealing with anyone other than an adoring crowd.

    Of course, I’m sure the Democrats can find a younger, “fresher” version the same candidate. There are several to choose from. Some of them even have accomplishments.

  4. neo writes, “I have a feeling Sanders isn’t going to be much of a force in 2020, although his supporters will be, and they will be looking for a very progressive . . . person to run.”

    I personally *object* to this use of the word “progressive”, in this and in many/most other political contexts. It implies that the “progressive” person is in favor of “progress” — well, whoop-dee-doo to that. Like, who ain’t?

    “Progress” towards what, exactly? And the answer to that unasked question is invariably collectivism or socialism of one sort or another. A pee cee sort, to be sure.

    For that reason, when I absolutely *have* to use the term “progressive”, I will write (or say) “so-called progressive”. I cannot bring myself to simply say “progressive”, because in the context of the modern zeitgeist it’s an attempt to concede a certain high ground to the purportedly “progressive” person, not only that s/he favors “progress” (whatever that is), but also favors all the good-but-politically-loaded characteristics that “progressive” person envisions him/herself as exemplifying: justice, compassion, cooperation, . . . most readers here know the drill all too well.

    Okay, end of mini-rant.

  5. M J R:

    I’m not sure you noticed the italics on the word “progressive.” That was my indication that it’s a term, a propaganda term.

  6. neo,

    I did notice, although I appreciate your elaboration on how the italics are used (“it’s a *term*, a propaganda term”).

    I was *not* [italicized] criticizing you for using “progressive”. Whenever I hear/see “progressive”, it sets off bells and whistles for me. Had you not italicized “progressive”, I’d have noticed it anyway, I would have heard my bells and whistles anyway, and I would have mini-ranted anyway (smile).

    But thanks all the same for the response!

  7. Poor Hil…victimized by the men in her life for so long… She was even “flat broke” for awhile until she “persisted” & came up with that “pay-for-access” gig like a cheap hooker or bad cable.

    Why is she not in jail?

  8. This is a bit OT, but has Hillary sent Chelsea to Florida with Clinton Foundation funds to buy supplies for Irma victims?

  9. Hillary and the Dems are besides themselves with rage. They cannot believe how the smartest woman in the world could lose a rigged election.

  10. As Epictetus said, “It is the act of an ill-instructed man to blame others for his own bad condition”

    Hillary isn’t a man, but it’s otherwise true.

  11. Hillary is near pathological when it comes to blaming others. I can’t think any US politician who compares.

    Trump blames people too of course but it doesn’t have the same “poor me” quality. I still can’t tell how much Trump believes what he says.

    But I absolutely trust Hillary is sincere when she blames people.

  12. Good grief, Hillary! is the most full-of-sh*t person on the planet, it appears. Sanders treated her with kid gloves in the primaries. I think if he had had any clue how vulnerable she was in the primaries, he never would have taken the e-mail issue off the table the way he did. If he had only hit her with that right from the start, and kept up the attack on the corruption of her, her husband, and their legion of associates, Sanders would have beaten her easily, super-delegates or not. Sanders’ was the worst political decision made in the primary season on either side of the divide.

  13. “…how [she]…could lose a rigged election.”

    She was (they were) way too overconfident and therefore didn’t rig it sufficiently.


    “…when it comes to blaming others. I can’t think any US politician who compares.”

    To be sure, Obama (though he won the elections, as opposed to HRC) spent much of his first term and some of his second placing the blame for nearly everything on George W. Bush….


    With regard to blaming Sanders, though, I think Hilary is on a lot firmer ground, that is, if she really feels she has to blame anybody but herself. (Needless to say, she should blame herself first—especially her hysteria-filled response to his surprisingly successful, dark-horse candidacy.)

    Regarding Sanders and the damage he and his supporters caused, and will further cause, the Democratic party (though not as much damage as Obama wrought), one might wish to claim that “Never have so many Americans owed so much to one socialist goofball” (etc., etc.)…

  14. Hillary starts with the assumption that she’s entitled to win; therefore anything that interferes with that outcome is illegitimate.

  15. 500 pages! Vigorous writing is concise, so say Strunk & White in The Elements of Style wherein they follow their own advise. What could she possibly have to say that requires so many words? I suggest the HRC book is a metaphor of sorts that explains her failure: she just doesn’t have an ability to see what people want and appreciate.

    To be fair, it is very, very difficult for most humans to see and admit their failings. If this excerpt is any indication then we can confidently say HRC does not understand what went wrong and her, more than ample, role in it.

    As others here have said: HRC expected the primary campaign to be a coronation, and she behaved that way throughout. Even many of my lefty friends who voted for her admitted she was a poor candidate and terrible campaigner.

  16. Blaming everyone and everything except Hillary, of course.

    Am I the only one hoping she actually starts believing her own “I would have won if I were a man” excuse?

    “2020 DNC Primary Winner: MISTER Hillary Clinton” would be hilarious enough to be worth it, just for the look on Bill’s face.

  17. “Oh, one more thing. I have a feeling Sanders isn’t going to be much of a force in 2020, although his supporters will be, and they will be looking for a very progressive–although younger–person to run. “

    This is so true. Just got done checking out the replies to a comment from liberal friend of mine to a FB meme about poor Hillary where he asked who would be the next best Dem candidate for 2020 since Bernie would be out of the running due to his advanced age. Wow, did he get attacked as an “Ageist A$$hole!!” I had a good laugh at that because he was asking a sincere question but managed to provoke the FB trolls since he didn’t seem to be slavishly supporting Bernie. There were also a lot of comments saying that ole Bernie is not that old and that he is only a few years older than Hil. The bottom line is….what you stated is very true.

  18. Where’s Flip Wilson just when Hillary needs him. “The Devil made me tell the coal miners I was going to put them out of work! The Devil made me tell the Border Patrol immigration enforcement was racist! The Devil made me tell the Fraternal Order of Police that Black Lives Matter was right! The Devil made me not campaign in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan! The Devil made me do it!”

  19. Yancey Ward Says:
    September 6th, 2017 at 1:54 am
    .Sanders treated her with kid gloves in the primaries. I think if he had had any clue how vulnerable she was in the primaries, he never would have taken the e-mail issue off the table the way he did. .. Sanders’ was the worst political decision made in the primary season on either side of the divide.
    * *
    Reminds me of John McCain’s mantra, “Nobody cares about some washed-up old terrorist” to dismiss Obama’s relationship with Ayers.
    Well, some of us DID care, and thought it a very valid objection to his election, and were vindicated by the results: Obama was Ayer’s acolyte all the way, and surpassed his master in treason because he did it by stealth rather than by bombs.

  20. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    September 5th, 2017 at 5:08 pm
    As for Hillary, denial is an inherent requisite for anyone on the left.

    “The facts of life are conservative” Margaret Thatcher
    * * *
    I looked that up and got several sites with The Iron Lady’s quotes, but also found several very good, though old, posts riffing on the subject. Well worth perusal.


    To recap:

    #1. Behavior has consequences (and attempts to mitigate against them are ultimately cruel),

    #2. Life is not fair (and nothing tried by progressive government makes it so),

    #3. Common sense is indispensible (and increasingly uncommon),

    #4. There is no such thing as a free lunch (ever – period),

    #5. Human nature is fallen (which necessitates the weakest government possible while maintaining the rule of law and the sovereignty of free citizens).

    * * *

    Thomas Sowell: It is hardly surprising that young people prefer the political left. The only reason for rejecting the left’s vision is that the real world in which we live is very different from the world that the left perceives today or envisions for tomorrow.

    Most of us learn that from experience– but experience is precisely what the young are lacking.

    “Experience” is often just a fancy word for the mistakes that we belatedly realized we were making, only after the realities of the world made us pay a painful price for being wrong.

    Those who are insulated from that pain– whether by being born into affluence or wealth, or shielded by the welfare state, or insulated by tenure in academia or in the federal judiciary– can remain in a state of perpetual immaturity.
    * * *

    (You probably remember some of the stories; however, even though these “liberals” got mugged by reality, not many of them turned conservative. You can’t fix stupid.)

  21. AesopFan — Thanks for bringing up Bill Ayers. I tried to bring him up to my friend at ABC and he dismissed it wit “That’s ancient history, man.”

    When you look at Ayers a little harder it’s interesting that back in 1969 he and Dohrn insisted strongly that blacks must be the vanguard and face of the Revolution in America — his friendship with Obama has some different overtones then.

    Also, that Ayers went into the field of education with express purpose of indoctrinating the young. Look what we see now, with politically correct commissars reigning now only in college but in kindergarten and elementary school as well. Ayers looks like he may in effect be the hidden genius of all this.

  22. My prediction for Democrat nominee in 2020 is Kamala Harris. Someone I know on FB, a longtime hardcore Leftist journalist, likes Harris precisely because she was so rude in televised DC hearings.

    Plus of course she’s female and black.

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