Home » “You can’t yell ‘wolf’ in a crowded theater”…


“You can’t yell ‘wolf’ in a crowded theater”… — 14 Comments

  1. Nancy Pelosi is the kind of person who would blow smoke up my @$$ and tell me it’s raining.

  2. When a Democrat misquotes something it is just a mistake, when Trump misquotes something it is a sign of mental illness and a cause for impeachment.

  3. I don’t know if it is the reporting, but she seems to be making these sorts of gaffes a lot lately. Not a good sign.

  4. Signs of dementia. At best another year before the dems put her out to pasture. I’d be more sympathetic but she’s amply demonstrated herself to be a despicable example of humanity. She demonizes people solely for political gain and their possible innocence isn’t of the least concern.

    The excellent Daniel Greenfield provides some deep insight into this priestess of the Left and her ‘church’;

    “The Left has written its values into our laws.”

  5. I think she sounds perfectly fine, and can probably serve for at least another 10 years. 20 if they prop her up.

  6. Long may NP remain one of the spokesthings of the DNC along with Perez, Ellison, Harris, Schumer, Kaine, and of course the Clintons.

  7. If these gaffs are not widely reported, the vast majority of citizens never hear about Pelosi and her challenges. When talking to people who do not follow politics til the week before the election, their eyes glaze over and wonder if I am making something up, waiting for the punch line.

  8. Something tells me that there will now be a LOT of people yelling “WOLF” in just about every theater.


  9. A thousand likes for Neo — for her charming wit and for her amazing precision in accessing media of all kinds.

  10. Democrats don’t make “gaffes”, at least according to the MFM. Dan Quayle’s political career was ruined because he said … does anyone remember? Meanwhile Obama got away with 57 states, Navy Corpsemen, speaking Austrian etc. ad nauseam.

  11. The embed didn’t work, had to see Chocolate on YouTube.

    Then saw Steve Martin, an SM writer at the time, doing a skit! 1968. Dark hair.

    Kinda funny — a precursor to his Let’s Get Small.

    Dems lie, big lies. Reps do too, sometimes, but constant Dem Press pressure makes Reps do fewer, less important. Dem press cover let Dems get away with worse.

    Those who don’t mind Pols a liars vote more often for Dems.

  12. “You can’t yell ‘wolf’ in a crowded theater”…

    You can’t roller-skate in a buffalo herd, either.

  13. Stop letting Leftist zombies think they can talk about wolves and other stuff, as if they were mammals.

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