Home » I’m pleased to announce that I think the recent technical problems on the blog have been fixed.


I’m pleased to announce that I think the recent technical problems on the blog have been fixed. — 12 Comments

  1. Test comment to see if it shows right up. (The last few I tried to post either took hours to appear or never showed up at all.) I am myself in the autofill, so that’s a good sign.

  2. Neo,
    I hope that you got the name and direct phone number of the “gentleman” who assisted you. That could be invaluable in the future.

  3. Welcome to my world…

    this is what i go through every day, and the reason its this way is MANAGEMENT..

    go here, and read the antipatterns from development, to implementation to more… and see how managment makes this bad

    1) old programmers are bad they dont learn (yeah, computers are exactly he same way they were in 1970, and i am just hanging on not learning)

    so they hire young people who dont know the minefield and they HAVE to make the same old same old bad mistakes!!! and hate the oldsters who have learned that just cause it sounds great, doesnt mean its great in practice.

    take liberalisms idea that top down elite ideas are the best and you have a formular for really really bad things.

    in this case… most programmers are mediocre, but a few are high performance. the rules to try to get some consistencey in the mediocre completely level the high performance players…

    i just got transfered, just before a raise again
    so no raises for 12 years, abuse, etc (neo never put up the images of my office to see if anyone could help, i had a stroke, and lawyers i found said i had no rights… so… wife and i are barren, never got help, and i am waiting to die as i cant do a thing now)

    anyway, thye like MUSHROOM MANAGEMENT here as a way to messup things while you thiink your controlling te bad.

    ie. no programmer gets to ask any person they are doing work for, questions. it has to go through one person, so ALL work is bottlnecked… two, we play gossip as the message gets changed, so dont produce what the client wants… and if the client and other are not fully cognizant which they never are as its a manger pretending they know the job talking to another manager that pretends they know the job, neither can program, neither know in detail what their emplolyees do

    its called musroom management because you feed us shit, and leave us in the dark

    What Is an AntiPattern?

    AntiPatterns, like their design pattern counterparts, define an industry vocabulary for the common defective processes and implementations within organizations. A higher-level vocabulary simplifies communication between software practitioners and enables concise description of higher-level concepts.

    An AntiPattern is a literary form that describes a commonly occurring solution to a problem that generates decidedly negative consequences. The AntiPattern may be the result of a manager or developer not knowing any better, not having sufficient knowledge or experience in solving a particular type of problem, or having applied a perfectly good pattern in the wrong context.

    AntiPatterns provide real-world experience in recognizing recurring problems in the software industry and provide a detailed remedy for the most common predicaments. AntiPatterns highlight the most common problems that face the software industry and provide the tools to enable you to recognize these problems and to determine their underlying causes.


    and they wonder why they are 200 million in the hole, health care is expensive, and they dont get returns like insurance, banking, and manufacutring, which dont do this

    even funnier they want to game the contests for best work place asking employees to cheat and vote.. while ignoring glass door dot com which puts up all their bad stuff for the public to read the way Zagats does for food…

  4. I see, Neo, that all during your technical consultations and investigations, you managed to comment on the Canadian softwood tariff, the Iran nuclear deal, coloratura sopranos, and Anne Frank. My sincere compliments and– what brand of vitamins did you say you are taking? Seriously, my compliments.

    PS My autofill is working fine again.

  5. oh, and the BEST part about how the elite do thigns this way and mess them up is GREAT..

    if it works, and i make the impossible happen, i get no reward as that is whats expected, and they get accolades and raises… on my dime as my family is exterminated by policy

    and if it doesnt work, they throw you under the bus as its not their fault the world is full of bad programmers

    heads they win, tails you lose.

  6. Wooly Bully:

    Problem is, as far as I can see through my research so far, I would either have to pay a LOT more money, and/or get the same lousy service or worse. At least Bluehost has phone support. Many of the others don’t, unless you pay 10 times what I’m paying. This business of opening up a ticket and waiting for an emailed or chat response often seems to gain you communication with bots or automated responses, or people with really poor communication skills.

    If you have a recommendation for a good host with actual people you can talk to, I’d love to hear it. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  7. I’m with Decius:

    Walgreen’s “The Daily Multivitamin,” iron-free. Just the basics.

    I have been kind of running myself into the ground the last few days. Now I am glad to breathe a sigh of relief. I get very distressed when there are technical problems on the blog. You wouldn’t want to be around me. But now I’m all mellowed out.

  8. Neo – there was a post on Legal Insurrection re authors opinion on the 100 days. A commenter asked what happened to you, in a snarky way. I mentioned that you were dealing with blog issues and that comment actually got an upvote!

    Glad the problems seem to be fixed but I’ll keep the cache adjustment in my link since it seems to work. I wonder how the professor has the link from his blog to yours set up since it always showed the most recent posting.

  9. Liz:

    Yes, I got word of that 100-days thing at LI but at the time I was so massively embroiled in dealing with this mess that I couldn’t add that task to all the others.

    I bet the links at LI somehow bypassed the cache with some sort of override. Maybe it’s a feed of some sort.

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