Home » Erythromelalgia: hotfoot [Part II]


Erythromelalgia: hotfoot [Part II] — 12 Comments

  1. At least with the Internet, even if you don’t know what’s wrong, you can usually find people with similar symptoms.

    Maybe the best thing to happen to people with rare conditions besides an actual cure.

  2. neo: How horrible! Especially the beach part where you thought you were doing something good for yourself and it totally boomeranged, but there was no way for you to know ahead of time.

    Four years ago I was on a major let’s-get-fit program with diet and exercise. I was doing great! Then I strained my bad shoulder and the next morning it went crazy with pain.

    I took ibuprofen for 14 days instead of the recommended 10, while not being careful to always have something on my stomach. Plus I was eating broccoli with every meal, which can be tough on the gut.

    Then my sense of taste went haywire. I had this horrible taste of soap, rotting seaweed and burning plastic in my mouth all the time. My poop smelled terrible too.

    On the internet I discovered this is called dysguesia and it can be a side-effect of ibuprofen. Turns out both my sisters have run into this problem while taking motrin, so apparently it’s a family sensitivity.

    It took months for the taste to go away and years for my poop to return to normal. I now eat broccoli again, cautiously.

  3. Neo,
    We use to have very simple remedy for some sort of burning/ achy toes, my mum use to do this to get healed and its works very well.
    Please just tried you do not lose if you do.
    buy small amount of Turnip, boil the Turnip.
    Then let the water become warm and but you feet in that water for few mints and then dry your feet.

    you may need to do it more that one to get full result.

    hope this will work.

  4. neo I found the visualization exercises very beneficial in dealing with anxiety. I thought it was considered a form of biofeedback. I was so relaxed when I completed the prescribed visualization that I was hard pressed to get out of the chair. Fortunately it has been years since I found the necessity to engage in this activity. I’m sorry you did not get a benefit from it.

  5. Neo: Lumbar sympathetic nerve blocks?
    Cervical sympathetic blocks often work well for upper extremity causalgia (burning limb pain after injury).

  6. I responded to this post before,at the wrong location.What you need are mega doses of the B vitamins which are specific for nerve health. Also Alpha Lipoic Acid, given in Europe for diabetic nerve pain specifically in the feet.Its available OTC as a supplement & finally topical cortisone ointment 88 cents for a tube of it at Walmart. It will work, try it out, it’s a cheap solution too.

  7. Quite a horrifying problem, Neo, which I’ve never heard of (except for your earlier post). I’m sorry you had to endure this and hope it doesn’t return. Dancers and feet….

  8. Thanks for all the suggestions, but when I get to Part III you’ll see what actually happened.

  9. Well, Neo2, this certainly sounds awful and at least a bit medically mysterious’. You have my sincere sympathy.
    I can’t help but compare it to one of my own ‘struggles’ (don’t we all, I suppose) which is a case of “severe” peripheral neuropathy centered in my feet and legs. I have a Gabertentin Rx which dampens the symptoms but sure doesn’t resolve them by any stretch of imagination.
    Good luck to you, I hope Part III has some resolution??

  10. This series reminds of the on line ads for health supplements. The ad goes on and on describing the symptoms and how awful they are and that there is a remedy, but the remedy isn’t mentioned until the very end of the ad. by which time the curiosity has been honed to a peak.

    Yes, get on with it. What’s the cause and the cure? Someone may actually benefit. 🙂

  11. “The witch, she turned me into a newt!”

    “What happened?”

    “I got better.” 🙂

    Seriously, you’ve got on tenderhooks waiting for Part III.

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