Home » Newer better server?


Newer better server? — 9 Comments

  1. It’s loading much faster for me, and my previous problems with comments have vanished (the problems, not the comments).

    is the fast new server in a bathroom closet in Denver, Neo?! Just asking 😉

  2. I didn’t notice any change, but you have a very clean site. I get delays for those sites with lots of ads, videos that automatically start up, etc.

    I went to another post that had a video and the video seemed to load faster.

  3. I’ve never had any problems with the site except an occasional “Error 503 Database connection not available” or something like that.

    I saw one of those earlier today.

  4. Last night I noticed that the topmost threads which listed comments did not have comments available for the viewing, but today the comments are available for viewing.

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