Home » Britain blocks Obama/Kerry plans to further harm Israel during Obama’s last presidential days


Britain blocks Obama/Kerry plans to further harm Israel during Obama’s last presidential days — 9 Comments

  1. Yes, why did the UK not exercise its veto power in December? Obama was on his way out and powerless to trouble the UK. At least Winston’s bust will return to the White House.

  2. G.B.:”The hate within the Obama administration for the Brits must be palpable.”

    It always has been. Because Great Britain was the colonial ruler of Kenya. Obama has always been about re-litigating the past and evening the score. “Dreams From My Father” is a hint of it.

  3. …”palpable…”

    He still has two-and-a-half days to “get even”.

    He’ll find something—he usually does, with brilliant “optics”—cf. Ben Rhodes appointed to the Holocaust Museum.

    Yep, he’s stiffed the Zionists, big time.

    Now it’s the Jews’ turn.

  4. Why did Britain vote for that Security Council Resolution 2334? David Gerstman, over at Legal Insurrection, surmised that Prime Minister May was blindsided:

    Given that Great Britain is not buying into the Paris peace conference or Kerry’s diplomacy, and that it is a permanent member of the Security Council with veto power, it is not likely that any further resolutions would pass. (Why did Great Britain vote for 2334? Apparently May was blind-sided by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson’s participation in the resolution. This time she took no chances and took charge.)


  5. Steve S posted what I have read elsewhere.

    Also interesting is a link in the comments. It describes a decision by the Court of Appeals of Versailles, France that unequivocally states Israel is the legal owner of Judea and Samaria.

    For some odd reason none of the media here in the States has reported on this.

  6. What I’d really like to hear from Trump and/or Tillerson immediately after the inauguration is, “The United States rejects Resolution 2334. The United States does not recognize it as part of international law. The United States will treat any punitive actions against Israel as an illegal international boycott and will act accordingly. The United States recognizes Jerusalem as israel’s capital, and will commence to move its embassy there as soon as a suitable location can be found. The United States will not cooperate in any way in rendering any part of mandatory Palestine as forbidden to Jews.”

    Well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

  7. Barry Meislin Says:
    January 17th, 2017 at 5:48 pm

    He still has two-and-a-half days to “get even”.

    He’ll find something–he usually does, with brilliant “optics”–cf. Ben Rhodes appointed to the Holocaust Museum.

    Yep, he’s stiffed the Zionists, big time.

    Now it’s the Jews’ turn.
    * * *
    Just saw the Rhodes piece.
    What can you expect from a guy that agrees with the UN Human Rights Council being headed by this cast of characters:
    Current Membership of the Human Rights Council, 1 January – 31 December 2017
    by regional groups
    by year
    Albania 2017
    Bangladesh 2017
    Belgium 2018
    Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2017
    Botswana 2017
    Brazil 2019
    Burundi 2018
    China 2019
    Congo 2017
    Cé´te d’Ivoire 2018
    Croatia 2019
    Cuba 2019
    Ecuador 2018
    Egypt 2019
    El Salvador 2017
    Ethiopia 2018
    Georgia 2018
    Germany 2018
    Ghana 2017
    Hungary 2019
    India 2017
    Indonesia 2017
    Iraq 2019
    Japan 2019
    Kenya 2018
    Kyrgyzstan 2018
    Latvia 2017
    Mongolia 2018
    Netherlands 2017
    Nigeria 2017
    Panama 2018
    Paraguay 2017
    Philippines 2018
    Portugal 2017
    Qatar 2017
    Republic of Korea 2018
    Rwanda 2019
    Saudi Arabia 2019
    Slovenia 2018
    South Africa 2019
    Switzerland 2018
    Togo 2018
    Tunisia 2019
    United Arab Emirates 2018
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2019
    United States of America 2019
    Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


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