Home » Eramo of UVA tells her story


Eramo of UVA tells her story — 6 Comments

  1. I thought the fraternity’s lawsuit had been dismissed, but I looked it up and I see that I was wrong. There were three lawsuits – Eramo’s and the fraternity’s in VA state court, and one by three fraternity members in a NY federal court. It was the federal lawsuit that got dismissed, for the reason that the story was so obviously fabricated that no one would think these three individuals were the rapists. Interesting.

  2. Erdely had come up with two previous perfect stories about rape culture in the RC church and the Navy, both falling apart on examination.
    With that in her CV, she was a sure thing for RS looking for the perfect rape. She went to several campuses but didn’t get the right vibe.
    Then cometh UVa.
    She referred to the students as “blonde, tan, buff”. SJW-speak for you should hate them already, details if any to follow.
    Hard to believe RS was that dumb. But confirmation bias is powerful. Or maybe RS knew better but confirmation bias would sell the story to their readers who could be counted upon to be thinking the Correct Thoughts to begin with.

  3. RS is a Leftist rag, always has been. Rebellion, doing one’s own thing, blah blah. POS.
    RS is not dumb. It makes money and encourages marijuana-smoking ignorati.

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