Home » Hillary Clinton, fast and loose with security


Hillary Clinton, fast and loose with security — 25 Comments

  1. Matt Lauer is moderating a Commander-in-Chief forum next week. Trump will crucify Hillary with this stuff.

  2. Obey the law, or Else.

    If you have political connections to the Chelsea Clinton princess, though, you’re safe.

  3. Ahhhhh, I remember the halcyon days of the new Internet.

    Why, just think… When everyone is on it and we all know the truth of things, regardless of what the media tells us…YES, THEN we will be free and never again can a political machine which controls the media mislead us and cause us to elect corrupt…

    I cannot go on.

  4. Sociopaths like Clinton don’t care that you know they’re lying. They will continue to flout the law until someone DOES something about it. Until that time, she is actually correct that she has nothing to fear.

    What we need are law enforcement personnel who are jaded enough to not be impressed by her bullshit. Just throw her ass in jail and see what she does about it. Two can play at that game.

  5. No borders. No labels. No security. Without law. Without morality. Without principles. Clinton is the Pro-Choice candidate riding Obama’s coattails.

  6. I held a Top Secret security clearance for many years, and was ‘read into’ a number of programs with restricted access. We have three levels of classification — Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret — based on the amount and certainty of damage to US national interests that would be caused by release of that information.

    The (C) cited in the post does not stand for Classified; it stands for Confidential. When I left government employment a long time ago it was customary for each paragraph in a classified document to have its own such marking, depending on the classification of that paragraph. It was not unusual for one paragraph to be marked (C) and another (S) in the same document.

    The level of classification might be based on how the information was obtained (obviously, if it was obtained from an agent, it would be classified for the protection of the agent, or if from something like a wiretap it would be classified so the government whose information was involved would not be alerted to the presence of the wiretap.)

    I had a thorough briefing before I was allowed access to classified information, and an even more thorough briefing before I was allowed access to compartmentalized intelligence information. Hillary should have had a similar inbrief, but who knows what the technicians who were tasked with briefing her thought?

    She was, after all, the wife of a former president and a former Senator in her own right, so perhaps they assumed she already knew how classification was established originally or derived from other classification. If so, those bureaucrats should be fired, or at least threatened with firing in the hope they would spill the beans on what she told them to convince them not to brief her

  7. My history is that I am a daughter of an attorney, a Catholic, an auditor with a” Big 8″ firm, budget director, CFO, administrator with Human Resources responsibilities and a member of several boards – local and national. I learned from early on to keep my mouth shut and ask about distribution of information if I was unsure. assume the worst option.

    We’ve had friends that when we knew they were out of town, all we said was “we’ll watch over your family.”

    I can remember the training courses I have had over the years. So this is BS. She is lying.

    If she can’t remember, then it is even worse.

    No to Hillary. I may not really care for Trump, but he is a heck of a lot better than Hillary.. And I realize that the media will let us know every thing he does.

  8. Not just fast and loose- active obstruction, in my opinion. The most interesting part for me is the parts in pages 17-20 of part I where the FBI discovered that at the time of the Benghazi committee subpoena for all Clinton e-mails, the first week of March 2015, a worker at Platte River Networks actually had all the e-mails stored on a PRN server from an earlier download provided to him on an Apple laptop and thumb drive. He had uploaded them to the PRN server via a G-Mail account he had created just for that purpose, and had deleted all but about 900 of those on the G-Mail server. However, he hadn’t followed through on the instructions to delete them on the PRN server, and was made aware on March 9th, 2015 by e-mail from Mills that there was a preservation order in effect. On March 15th, 2015, this same unidentified worker at PRN had an electronic meeting with “President Clinton’s staff”, after which, during the next week, he proceeded to delete and scrub all the e-mails on the PRN server and after being made aware of the preservation order according to his own statements to the FBI. In fact, it seems his legal representation is the same David Kendall law firm.

    Seriously, there is literally no other way to view this- he was told at the March 15th meeting to make sure nothing could be found, including the Apple laptop and thumb drive, which it seems have both vanished into a lake somewhere.

  9. I notice that Mary Chastain has done a good write up this and more at Legal Insurrection. You should read that instead of my cobbled together recollection from reading it earlier today. It is pretty damning. I hadn’t noticed a second teleconference meeting on the 31st of March, immediately after the unnamed worker at PRN had deleted the e-mails and all the other related files with BleachBit- that meeting included Cheryl Mills. The worker was instructed by PRN to not discuss that meeting since it was protected by attorney client privilege. Simply stunning brazenness.

  10. I’ve held TS/SCI. I can confirm what F says is correct regarding how classification works and the in briefing for special access.

  11. Dynamite! In this case it’s not just the cover up. The deeds of Madame Secretary were just as damning.

    It does appear that, like Obama, she is both knave and fool.

  12. The hole thing is revolting.
    The brazenness, the pre-planning (not just a lot of “oops” moments, the corruption, the obstruction, the bald-faced lying, and all those Dems who most casually say “So what?” and “they are all crooks.” The breadth and depth of this corruptive scheme is jaw-dropping and takes one’s breath away as more and more comes out, Hillary denies, and nearly all the press but Fox go out of their way to NOT report (never mind do any investigation. Most of all, as Neo says, it’s depressing and disheartening.

    Writing to a friend last night (a pretty consistent liberal), I asked how any parent who hopes their children learn right from wrong and live lives with integrity and morality can support Hillary at this point and look at themselves in the mirror.

    I also wonder if, as Chelsea begins raising her young children, she ever sees her parents for who and what they are (pretty sure she didn’t miss much of her father’s embarrassing adventures and the subsequent very public humiliation of her mother). I also wonder if Hillary and her family believe that she is entitled to the vast wealth they continue to accumulate as well as thePresidency because of the “hardship” she has endured.

    @ Matt_SE:
    Wasn’t Comey supposed to be that law enforcement person who was straight as an arrow and could not be politicized?

    Every time I hear a Democratic “strategist”/talking head on TV take pains to point out that Comey is A REPUBLICAN and look, he didn’t find anything rising to a prosecutable offense.
    I want — no, I do — scream back that they should do their homework and know the facts: he is NOT A Republican any more and gave it up to register as Independent.
    Those annoying optics, I guess.
    And those bosses you report to. Even as head of the FBI.

  13. First black president. First president educated in a Muslim school. And soon first woman president, and first president with Alzheimer.

    You’re beating records. I wonder what comes after Hillary. First monkey president of US?

  14. Hillary claiming she can’t remember is as predictable as it is maddening. However, it’s interesting that she blamed some of the memory loss on her 2012 concussion.

    The other interesting thing was that there were 13 Blackberries in circulation with the ability to access her private email and classified information. Leads one to wonder how many aides were doing Hillary’s job (while she was napping/in poor health) and what was really being sold by the Clinton Foundation. Safe to say they were claimed as “lost” to keep them from FBI analysts.

    As with Obama, think there’s ample evidence that Hillary is both knave *and* fool, with an extra helping of arrogant.

  15. And I realize that the media will let us know every thing he does.

    Relying on the devil to tell you whether you should eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge concerning Good and Evil, isn’t exactly a wise option. It’s a desperate option, for people who don’t know any better or who have no power in life.

    No power, maybe, because they gave it all away to DC in elections.

  16. Yancey Ward Says:

    From one rumor video, it was no less than 7 independent sources that scrubbed their records. After Clinton did.

  17. A lot of people, like Bill here and other conservatives who still think the Left are full of “good intentioned misguided folks”, think conspiracies don’t happen. Any more than 5 people, and they say the word will get out and they will know about it.

    Humans aren’t that wise, in fact they’re pretty easy to dupe. Even if it did get out, disinformation would ensure that few people believed it. And the ones that do believe it, are like the ones here, powerless to do anything about it.

  18. You must realize that this is the pattern of all Democratic/Progressive politicians these days perhaps without the public awareness. The EPA had a huge scandal where the EPA head honcho used a Gmail with a fake name to coordinate with the Sierra club and others on crafting regulations. Lois Learner and others did the same. It happens in State governments as well. The progressive agenda must happen outside of public review as it’s true nature is not acceptable to most of the public. So the whole higher levels of government did not get unduly concerned about Clintons actions as it was expected. In addition Obama was letting our erstwhile opponents (new friends?) know all the secrets there were to know so why get upset at hillary?

    A question however is how a President Trump will treat protocol and procedures related to security, legal requirements and good practice. As a guy who has never worked for anyone else except his father nor has ever worked under others procedures would he willingly accept instruction?

  19. Another good analysis by J. E. Dyer:


    Ymarsakar Says:
    September 3rd, 2016 at 9:56 am
    A lot of people, like Bill here and other conservatives who still think the Left are full of “good intentioned misguided folks”, think conspiracies don’t happen. Any more than 5 people, and they say the word will get out and they will know about it.

    Humans aren’t that wise, in fact they’re pretty easy to dupe. Even if it did get out, disinformation would ensure that few people believed it. And the ones that do believe it, are like the ones here, powerless to do anything about it.

    The very essence of conspiracy theories is that those who believe are the ones who can’t “fix” it – and the essence of our fascination with espionage stories and super-heroes* is that there should be people who can.

    *of the non-caped variety: “Person of Interest” comes to mind.

  20. Should have set off Y’s comment from my own, but if you read this far you saw it for yourself.

  21. DirtyJobsGuy Says:
    September 3rd, 2016 at 12:17 pm
    You must realize that this is the pattern of all Democratic/Progressive politicians these days perhaps without the public awareness. The EPA had a huge scandal where the EPA head honcho used a Gmail with a fake name to coordinate with the Sierra club and others on crafting regulations. Lois Learner and others did the same. It happens in State governments as well. The progressive agenda must happen outside of public review as it’s true nature is not acceptable to most of the public. So the whole higher levels of government did not get unduly concerned about Clintons actions as it was expected. In addition Obama was letting our erstwhile opponents (new friends?) know all the secrets there were to know so why get upset at hillary?

    A question however is how a President Trump will treat protocol and procedures related to security, legal requirements and good practice. As a guy who has never worked for anyone else except his father nor has ever worked under others procedures would he willingly accept instruction?
    * * *
    Agree totally with your first assertion in re the Left’s agenda and the way the entire government apparatus seems to be engaged in pushing it forward.
    The second assertion in re Obama and Clinton is increasingly looking true. It used to be called treason: despite no formal declaration of war from this side of the world, Iran has been at war with US for decades.
    On Trump’s security procedures: he may not use the protocols of the government (such as they are, since they obviously don’t apply to anyone with actual power and influence), but no one builds a huge commercial empire without knowing what to keep out of the hands of its rivals.
    And I do not at this point see any evidence that Trump sides with any particular set of avowed American enemies.

  22. Neo, Way back when, early in the Primary while there were many candidates, you said Mrs. Bubba Clinton was the smartest candidate. Is that still your evaluation??

  23. Jon Jewett:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about. If I ever said anything of the sort, give me the link.

    I have said—and continue to say—that she’s not stupid. She’s smart. That’s a far far cry from saying she’s the smartest candidate. I’ve also said, by the way (over the years) that George Bush was smart, Obama is smart, and even that Donald Trump is smart (or at least not stupid).

    The smartest candidate of all this year was Ted Cruz, no contest whatsoever. He is brilliant. Fiorina also is whip-smart. I think Rubio and Christie are both very smart. Those are the real standouts for me.

    Perhaps you misremembered what I wrote in this post about Hillary. Let me refresh you memory:

    Although Clinton is very different in personality from Barack Obama (or at least, presentation of personality, which is mostly what the public sees), she excites/inspires the same sort of devotion in many of her supporters, to wit: she could eat a puppy raw on the steps of the White House, and they would call her a gourmet…

    …And for most if not all of those years [in the public eye] she has been hyped as many things, but the main one is “smart.” Actually, “brilliant.” Like Obama. We don’t have to consider whether she (or he) is actually all that head-and-shoulders-above-the-rest smart. What matters is that it is what we’ve been told for umpteen million years, and a great many Democrats believe it’s absolutely true.

    It’s a hype, a rep, what we’ve been told she is, what many Democrats think she is. Not what I think.

  24. The very essence of conspiracy theories is that those who believe are the ones who can’t “fix” it

    A lot of humans believing on faith alone is due to their lack of competence, knowledge, and wisdom. If a person who actually demolitioned the World Trader Towers to make it fall or another equivalent building or skyscraper, said that 9/11 was an inside demolition job, then that might be believable, absent any evidence. Person who thinks fire doesn’t melt steel, who says 9/11 is an inside job, different issue.

    As for Clinton, most people by now can delete their hard drives, wipe and reformat using third party programs, if they have sufficient warning. They are little different from Clinton’s modus operandi, since her intent was to make sure the information was gleaned and then laundered, like money is laundered, so she could sell it as tips and tricks to America’s “buddies” like Iran, China, Russia.

    But for other conspiracies, people are incompetent to judge them because they they lack the knowledge to reproduce the setup. Not that they lack the power to do so, but that they lack the knowledge to do so.

    My view of human competence and the limits of human knowledge is not so optimistic I think every day masses can figure out, based on what the MSewerM fed them, what large groups of elite New World Order Rockefeller types or Leftist alliance Alinsky devils, are capable of, let alone what they are actually up to.

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