Home » Two Syrian asylum seekers on separate rampages in Germany


Two Syrian asylum seekers on separate rampages in Germany — 26 Comments

  1. The Syrian machete attack seems less like premeditated terror and more like major culture clash. He had been working at the place for ~ 3 weeks and had a crush on the victim, and they had a heated discussion the day he killed her. This is the problem with dropping people from such a vastly different culture into Europe: they come from a culture that sees violence as an acceptable response to conflict, whether it’s beheading your wife because you want a divorce, killing your sister/daughter who has “shamed” the family, or lashing out (acid, stabbing) at a woman who spurns your advances. I’d classify it more as creeping sharia than terrorism, which is just another method for turning the West Islamic.

  2. I think we should vet any potential immigrants from Germany or France very, very carefully.

  3. Germany and China tend to cover up knife attacks against schools. Although Germany does a better job of it.

    One source, which I no longer have, mentioned that Germany had a significant number of school killings on the type of Columbine, that nobody had heard about because they assumed no guns=no massacre.

  4. And also vet those from China, the UK, Australia, Belgium, Sweden,……where ever there has been a terrorist incident. But vet very carefully, we’re hunting wabbits!

  5. Well, actually OM, I was being sarcastic. We really don’t need to increase the rigor of vetting the “native” French, Germans, Brits, etc. The danger to us emanates from the Muslim population within those countries. But perhaps you have noticed that the MsM tries to cover up the fact that it is the Muslim minority that commits most of the atrocities, by referring to killers as “Frenchmen” or “German,” or as the US MsM calls the Somalis in Minneapolis who tried to join ISIS . . . “Minnesota men.”

  6. Good thing they have the strictest gun control in the world… and now in melbourne australia, they are arming themselves with hammers sticks and bats, cause they lost their gun rights…

    when 10 people come to take your property en masse, hope that stanley hammers are by you, and smith and wesson, applies to the smiths rock group and wesson oil

  7. The Syrian machete attack seems less like premeditated terror and more like major culture clash

    you mean like the beheading in the US at the chicken parts factory?

    Oklahoma man beheads woman, stabs 2nd victim during workplace fight day after being fired from job

    oh wait. thats workplace violence, which is not from africa or islam, its just workplace…

    these are not the droids behind the curtain your looking for in the salad…

  8. Artfldgr, I am not shrugging off the machete attack by saying it’s not a terrorist attack. It’s on par with, say, German swimming pool rapes and other cases where the attacker is not so much plotting out a particular attack to terrorize the masses, they are merely choosing to act out their values against the West as an overall push to make the West into a sharia compliant environment. It’s the same goal as overt terrorism, just a different method. It is just as insidious as the mass attacks, though our media and political leaders like to pretend that if it’s not a big splashy, multi-person attack it’s not related to the overall goal of making the West submit to Islam; they’ll dismiss it as a crazy person even though we know that it’s only perceived & defined as “crazy” to Western values, not the attacker’s own cultural values.

  9. Lizzy,
    You are right to point out the enormous cultural differences, especially with regard to women. I was just watching TV here, and they were talking about the enormous emotional stress some of these young men are under: experiencing brutal war when young, underway sometimes fo a year or two before landing in Germany, sleeping on cots in a room with dozens of others, nothing to do all day, and, finally, testosterone.

    I know what it is like to come here and have to learn a whole new system, even though Germany isn’t that different from the US. After we moved into our first apartment with a real kitchen and stove, I couldn’t wait to bake Christmas cookies. It took me three trips downtown to figure out what kind of baking sheet I needed. And then the thermostat on my new stove didn’t work, so because it didn’t get hot enough, I ended up with a sheet of goo instead of cookies. It is horrible to find that you are suddenly incompetent at something you’ve been doing all your life.

    These guys are ripe for picking by crooks and radicals. They come from a strong-man culture, and suddenly they are nothing.

    Of course the same is not true of the second gen radicals. We just can’t put them all in the same boat and assume there will be simple answers.

    Some of these people will be deported, but there are bureaucratic hurdles, and then there are the do-gooder doctors who won’t sign the necessary health cerificates to permit deportation.

    It is amazing to me how many supposedly smart and educated people don’t recognize the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture.

  10. “It is amazing to me how many supposedly smart and educated people don’t recognize the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture.”

    But that’s the rub – so many of them are *not* trying to adjust to a new culture, they are defiantly refusing to assimilate as a way to make their new European home more like their original home. And at home, they were free to abuse infidels. That’s the whole point of “Hijrah”.

    A good example of that (and more overtly terrorist) are the shariah compliance gangs that roam the streets of parts of London harassing bar patrons and uncovered women regardless of these so-called sharia-violaters’ religion. It is instilling their values and culture in their new home; effecting submission of the locals.

  11. You are right. Many don’t want to assimilate, especially if they can live in enclaves where they don’t have to. That is why we have to stop cowering to the CAIR types and demand efforts to assimilate. Another problem is that some who may be more open to assimilation are bullied by fellow Muslims. This is what happened to girls in France who weren’t wearing headscarves to school. Some of the young people who arrive in the West also believe they can start out with a good lifestyle from day one. They have totally unrealistic ideas about life in the West. I remember seeing girls who didn’t want to stay in Germany, but move to Sweden. They probably heard of the more generous benefits. But then they learned that it’s quite cold there in winter and complained.
    We also need to be more clear about what we expect from them in terms of child rearing.They have to make their kids learn the language and get an education.

  12. Islam and Western civilization are not simply incompatible, they are antithitical. Any attempt to combine the two will be disastrous.

  13. expat,

    I read your posts, and am usually in complete agreement. But frankly I do not give a damn about the stress of landing in an alien culture leading to rape and murder. There are actions that can not be excused or forgiven such as rape and murder. GB is correct, strict adherence to islam/sharia is antithetical to the mores of Western Civilization. If muslims can not leave that behind they need to be shown the door. We are not born into a suicide pact, well not in my neck of the woods.

  14. Is it nature or nurture in the case of the violent Muslim men? Who knows and who cares about their psychological state at the time of the murders except for the left who are busy protecting and promoting their beloved “religion of peace.” Islamic culture breeds young violent men. The left love violence. That is why the left consider violent Muslim men simpatico – they share a common interest – both love violence.

    The main problem with the culture shock argument is that Muslims do the same thing in their own countries that they are doing in Europe. It is hard to blame culture shock for the mess that is the Middle East. The purported reason they are immigrants is because other Muslim men just like them are doing the same things back in the Middle East that they are doing in Europe. Why should anyone expect them to change just because they move to Europe and suck on the welfare system?

  15. Expat seems to be coming from the School of Causation on the Muzzies: This or that or the other makes them do bad things, with testosterone getting the ultimate blame.
    Most of us XY types also make our own testosterone, and our records are free of violent killer blemish. I wonder what causation Expat attributes to the violence of 2nd gen Muzzies, the ones grown right here in the good old USA, e.g. Minnesota Somalis. In MN it must be the cold winters and short winter days, no?

  16. Aesop’s link to the Ralph Peters article is more like the point I was trying to make. I just think it is simplistic to assume that all these guys are indoctrinated in a mosque or base their actions on a theological study of the Koran. Most come from a strong man culture and we are playing the role of the weak man who is also pretty stupid.

  17. expat Says at 1:39 am

    “I just think it is simplistic to assume that all these guys are indoctrinated in a mosque or base their actions on a theological study of the Koran.”

    What happened to Occam’s Razor? Some how when it comes to Muslims the really smart people can find millions of reasons for their behavior except for the most obvious explanation – Islam.

  18. expat Says: July 25th, 2016 at 2:15 pm / It is amazing to me how many supposedly smart and educated people don’t recognize the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture.


    the people you referring to are people whose families immigrated a few generations back, but i have no freaking idea what the heck your whining on about…

    my father watched as the soviet troops evicerated his father by slicing his belly open and nailing his intestines to a tree, and forcing him to walk around the tree as dad and granmom hid in a garbage pile. they lost their homes, money, friends, family, their patriarch, was stuck in an internment DP camp, dumped on a boat, brought to NY, and dumped into a city, with no home, money, social services, etc.

    my uncle became pretty useless as slave after the tank ran over his leg and he was left to die. but they cut what remianed, gave him a wooden one, stuck him in the DP camp, and he arrived in ny and became uncle. he wasnt a real uncle, he was one of the thousands of displaced people whose whole family were exterminated either by germans or by russians, and it was common for europeans to adopt such strangers unlike americans who leave them to rot in their apartments alone (my wife and i try to take care of an old woman who has no one, has almost no furniture, tv, etc… her whole check goes to the rent and electric, and little is left for food)

    how many prisoners of war, of some of the worst camps in human history came back to the US? how many refugees of not only WWI, but WwII, and other conflicts came? how about the cambodian boat people, the vietnamese boat people, the jews fleeing soviet russia as well, and on and on.

    yet until today and such justification is normalized (in stalins way), such things rarely happened and were not blamed. heck, until officer krumpke sang his song in west side story, we did not look at things that way

    when did it change?
    when we became marxists… your thoughts are marxist
    how so?
    easy, marxists beleieve that its the environment that makes you who you are, not your genes, integrity, etc… so you really have no excuse – its not your fault its the fault of the enviornment

    meanwhile, this really is only held up by criminals and such and the dems and marxists who like their army of brutal class (who in case you havent noticed is mobilizing us to things like civil war, succession, etc)

    so the fact i gave up my childhood to study and get into bronx science, and be something (negated by feminism taking away college money for me but not sis who has many degrees i have none, and racism and such justice taking away all my raises for 12 years, leaving my wife and i barren and never to have children, a home, or retire… ) – should give me justification, as you can throw in drugged and abused for several days by some really nasty people, and tortured – to act out and have it “understood”

    sorry, but to come here voluntarily and to have a hard time till you get with it, and have a better life, better opportunities, and all that, with the plus that you have your own groups and societies and social circles to join, unlike people from countries way too tiny – is the price you pay to ahve a better life in another country of different language and customs.

    no one made a promise to you that when you changed where your arse slept, that you could live as you were but better… a promise we make to many spanish, who live in enclaves where they have not learned english in 20 years of being here illegally… and so on

    i am very tired of hearing such bs marxism..
    VERY TIRED of it…

    you are a product of your genetics mostly..
    even how you deal with the nurture is your genetics
    nurture is nothing… genetics is everything
    in fact that whole false argument we have normalized to the point of unquestioning, makes no sense when yout hink of it… as we are not tabula rasa, blank slates, and what we are defines us and how we meet reality…

    if not, then all this great living in the US were poor people have 400 dollar phones, free apartments, free food, free medical, cars,air conditioners, cable tv… would be making those people the nicest people on the planet and yet those are the places we fear most to go to – because of who moved in… how much do you hear about roving gangs of bangladeshi men from the projects beating up pepople, robbintg them and blaming the racism against their skin color? not many cause we dont treat them that way cause they dont behave that way…

    its about behavior, not race, and about grouping beavior around indicators… banledeshi taxi drivers fear blacks, despite the fact that they share similar dark skins, and in some cases darker skins… same with people from india who drive… they fear that group as well… why? why would they fear their own dark skin color? why would whites fear blacks and not banledeshi?

    you think that people from bad parts of india and pakistan dont have it as bad as people from good parts of africa that make it to the states? how about people whose family members made it here over 240 years ago, and they have no idea of their names, and genetic analysis shows that they have little genes from that group and a lot more from ireland or some other place, act out as if it was they who were slaves and attack people who immigrated here 50 years or later after the end of the civil war…


    turns out that the exodus of refugees was replaced by infiltrating ISIS and other males of war age ready to fight, and knowing that the west would create the vector for the desease to enter..

    after all, the world is all new, everything is different we are told, and so we do not have to have the same basic undersanding of the world, people and such, cause all that old fashioned beheading, torture, and war is gone..


    sorry, but thanks to the left, feminism and liberalism, we have lived under a domesticated plan of lies that have led us down a path were our childrent cant even basically function unless told what to do, and wont listen to those that love them but instead shop around to be told what to do that they like – even if it ruins their lives, their childrens lives, or even if it negates them having any children

    which is why the average age of caucasians is over 50
    and the average age of others is in the twenties..
    the over 50 crowd has been exterminated, not by removing the over 50s, but by removing the next generation and leaving the usual targets whole to ignore their fate – a fate that cant be escaped no matter who you vote for… (as the new marxist woman is not someone you want to have a family with, live with, or even listen to much over dinner… )

  20. Why is it you believe that you cannot have your own blog?

    DNW, Art had a blog before, but Leftist feminists at his work place or social clubs found out about it and started punishing him. So he got trained and caved, and now won’t do that any more, especially since Art has difficulties executing OPSEC.

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