Home » The MSM rolls up its sleeves and goes to work on Mike Pence


The MSM rolls up its sleeves and goes to work on Mike Pence — 16 Comments

  1. People who deny mainstream’s very liberal, if not leftist, bias are fools or just ignorant.

  2. The Progs are experts at demonization. Actually the only thing they are really good at.

  3. He’s Hitler, too, isn’t he? Oh, wait! Trump’s Hitler. I guess that makes Pence Mussolini.

  4. He should have chosen Hillary Clinton. She would be indicted by the end of the day.

  5. There was never a doubt that whomever Trump choose, they would be demonized by MSM propagandists.

    Trump’s choice of Pence is of course, a reflection of political considerations.

    I hope Trump chooses retired Gen. Flynn as his SecDef.

    Newt Gingrich might make a good choice for SecState.

    Andrew McCarthy as AG.

    Who for DHS?

  6. So far, Pence strikes me more like Hillary Clinton in terms of ‘evolving’ from prior principle/policy positions in order to conform with current political conditions for the sake of career advancement.

  7. Andy McCarthy as AG is an inspired choice. Also maybe FBI but Comey has a ten year term. I could see Jimbo quitting early to join David Kendall at Williams & Connolly.

  8. The MSM blocks and copies it’s script from the Clinton campaign/Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s talking points and finds that opposition to HRM Clinton is BAD. Very very very BAD. Unprecedented Hitlerian Luciferesque wrong think.

  9. The MSewerM should be annihilated and disbelieved. However, that does not mean people should automatically believe the opposite.

    Only 95% of the time, does the Left’s accusations flip around on the sender. The rest of the time, something else happens.

  10. CNN at 4 central. Reaching and bitching about how Trump talked for 28 minutes before Pence. And it was different than the Palin intro.

    Why Paul Begala is even on TV is amazing to me. Total partisan.

  11. Cornhead,

    CNN must have someone to state what CNN really believes. Begala’s blatant partisanship is an exact reflection of management and ownership’s actual views.

    All of the less extreme viewpoints expressed are cover, to be pointed to as evidence of (gag) “journalistic impartiality”.

  12. AMartel Says:
    July 16th, 2016 at 4:35 pm
    * * *
    Considering the total trivia that the Left managed to dig up for the media to demonize Mitt Romney, Pence is going to be toast.

  13. “The Progs are experts at demonization.” – Cornhead

    So is the right and right leaning media.

    The only difference is that “Progs” have a home in the vast majority of major media outlets. In short, they have the bigger microphone.

    The other difference is that the GOP has long played along rather than cut their own strategy for media attention. It certainly hurt Romney that Candy Crowley from CNN hosted that one debate.

    What was predictable, though seemed to be missing from the calculus amidst all the Trump “rah, rah!” during his candidacy run, was that the MSM would “suddenly” find things on Trump’s past to highlight once he effectively won the GOP nomination. They were remarkably quiet about such, while giving Trump loads of airtime, drowning out other GOP candidates.

    Conspiracy? No. Just a MSM that is populated by those whose independent interests align, and, thus, make the same, predictable, choices.

    Not sure where Christie is in all this, but it looks like he ought to be rather disappointed, given the risk he took to jump on the Trump train.

  14. “So is the right and right leaning media.”

    If they were, you’d think they’d be doing a better job of it. Sort of like how, if the Israelis were really controlling everything, they’d have a much better PR track record.

    The fact is the truth is never popular, never will be, and only one side thinks the truth is important enough to suffer being hated and mocked while continuing to stand by it. And that side is NOT the progressive side.

  15. @tatter

    Progessives today may have the upper hand with majority voice in the media, but make no mistake, demonization happens on all sides. Period.

    That is not to say everyone engages in it, nor does so all the time.

    There are a few blogs out there, both left and right, that attempt to provide a fair viewpoint with some solid argument. Neoneocon is one of them, while Breitbart, IMHO, is now an example on the right that regularly engages in demonization. Drudge has become more demonizing over the years, IMHO. As an alternative to Drudge, Real Clear Politics gives more balance (not equal weight, btw) view, willing to highlight articles from the left, if there is a relevant point made.

    Now, it is up to us to discern the “truth” from all that.

    Most, sadly, usually assemble into echo chambers of confirmation bias. That is unhealthy.

    That all said, enthusiastically agree, it is important to stand up for our view of what is right, our principles.

    That is what I find amazing in the level of support for Trump from folks who claim(ed) to be conservative, or even libertarian.

    That is what I find amazing that folks are stuck on the binary choice paradigm, are acknowledging the unacceptability of either candidate, but are waiting for everyone else to make a move to some alternative before they move.

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