The European “migration” of the “asylum seekers” is down
If you reward a behavior you get more of it. When you stop rewarding it, you get less.
That’s not as absolute a law as that of gravity, but it’s the way it usually goes, and the phenomenon of the enormous rush of immigration from countries such as Syria seems to have abated for now in conformance with that law of rewards and lack thereof:
The human traffickers who brought a million desperate asylum seekers through Turkey to the Greek islands have been stopped. Where once thousands a day were smuggled by the mafias on cheap rubber rafts, very few are making the trip this summer.
To shut down the Eastern Mediterranean route, countries such as Macedonia, Hungary and Bulgaria acted independently and threw up razor-wire fences along their southern borders, defying Europe’s central authority in Brussels.
The European Union itself struck a deal that threatens to send the migrants back to Turkey from Greece en masse…
… it worked.
The unimpeded flow of humanity, dominated by Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans, to Europe is over, at least for now. Arrivals in the Greek islands are down 97 percent.
Meanwhile, Brexit has occurred and about 50,000 people are still waiting in camps in Greece, but the influx has stopped. The people remaining in the camps mourn the fact that they came too late. Few new arrivals are coming:
The migrants and refugees appear to have made a financial calculation: Why spend $1,000 on a smuggled voyage only to be sent back later after enduring a few squalid months in a dirty camp on Lesbos?
“I would not have come to this place to rot,” said Akash, 24, from Bangladesh, who traveled here with two cousins. “It cost us everything we had.”
From the start it has been difficult to determine which of the refugees are bona fide political refugees fleeing persecution and worse, which are economic opportunists lured by the promise of jobs (nothing wrong with that, if a country needs them and wishes to let them in), and which are parasites wishing to take advantage of the European welfare states—and what the proportions are of each group. But their arrival has upended the politics of Europe and the demographics of several countries, and has even affected politics in this country.
And never forget that ME migrants are due solely to the incompetence of Obama and Clinton.
said Akash, 24, from Bangladesh
Excuse me? I understand wanting to leave Bangladesh, but what is he doing in a group of ostensible war refugees?
Cornhead says:
“And never forget that ME migrants are due solely to the incompetence of Obama and Clinton.”
I might include Merkel, and the EU on the list of incompetents.
Too little too late.
Europe can slow down its Islamization but birth rate demographics ensure that Eurasia is coming.
On the brighter side there’s this:
“Massive Migrant Camp Set Up Near George Clooney’s Italian Mansion”
Turkey will eventually reopen the gate when the EU stops paying, which they will.
The EU will be richer than Turkey for a long, long time, and the EU politicians have noticed that high immigration threatens their jobs, so I expect payments to Turkey to continue. I mean, my family has been paying doormen for three generations now: why would we stop?