Home » A few random observations about the Brexit vote and its aftermath


A few random observations about the Brexit vote and its aftermath — 30 Comments

  1. Obamas move after threatening the brits to stay in or -go to the back of the line in economic treaties…

    Is to make a national monument out of a gay bar..

    (2) For the most part, pollsters got this one wrong, having predicted a win for the pro-EU forces.

    what? polls are wrong? well if you read the articles you will see what the point was and what happened. the articles say “the british ignored the polls and voted for an exit”… now, you dont say that if polls measure and not guide… think on it next time you see a clinton trump poll and its suprise surprise, not favoring trump over clinton (because that is to guide you and straight out of dialoguing to consensus!!!)

    (5) Hillary Clinton must be a mite nervous.

    She is quaking in her $13,000 pants suit

    she has no defense against a candidate that will force the press to at least mention her actions when before the candidate wouldnt so the press didnt have to.

    oh, there is so much more coming, she is going to be pounded… seems women can only compete if someone else holds the forces of reality back for them, otherwise they dont seem to do so well in a really fair battle where both sides can do the same things.

    Lots more stuff is going ot come out, and if they decide to indivct her as the email stuff gets worse and worse, its game over for the left for a while (trump is going to suprise you given his real ability vs the press reports of things and spin and so on – the more money you have the easier it is to lose it, not the easier it is to make money – thats a myth)

  2. Not sure the polls got this one wrong. The one poll released after voting closed got it wrong predicting a very narrow Remain victory (note that it was not an actual exit poll – there weren’t any exit polls this time). However the polls taken before the vote showed a widening Leave victory up until the Jo Cox murder followed by a closing of that gap in the final week of campaigning. The last poll of polls I saw (in the Daily Telegraph) from immediately before voting started showed a basically tied electorate with a less than 1% lead for the Leave campaign. That’s pretty close to the final result.

  3. On the other hand “experts” got it wrong in predicting that a tied poll indicated a Remain win as there is usually a voting day swing to the status quo in these types of votes.

  4. it must have really pissed Harvard Noel Ignatiev:

    “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” Thus does he put whites on notice. If they oppose their abolition, they are “white supremacists.”
    According to Dr. Ignatiev, “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.” “Make no mistake about it,” he says, “we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as `the white race` is destroyed—not `deconstructed` but destroyed.”

    lovely, such policy makers…
    england has a lot of them too…
    its just the victims dont agree this is what is said

    so maybe they are now peeved cause the UK stopped their idea of such an end happening as fast as they wanted… they hate delays…

  5. Given the closeness of the vote, Obama’s STUPID comments sure didn’t help the Remain side.

    A smart guy would have said the vote was for the Brits to decide.

  6. Lesson to take home: When the status quo has a strong vested interest in the outcome, and so it then tends to bully, insult, and diminish the opinion of the opposition, polls tend to be…wrong.

    Here in the States, one could say that risks becoming a trend also?

    Thing is, their vote was a 51.9/48.1% near split. Not exactly a mandate.

  7. From townhall about trump

    God sends messages in many forms. You’re just not listening. God is talking, but you’re eyes and ears are closed.

    Here’s a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.

    “A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof of home with massive flooding up to 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says “No, I’m waiting for God. I’ve prayed and I know he’s coming.” 2ndrowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.” 3rd rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”

    Water rises. The man drowns. Now he’s meeting God in heaven. The religious man says “Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?”

    God says, “Hey dummy, I sent you 3 rowboats. Are you blind?”

    Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?


  8. Appearing on Breitbart Radio Nigel Farage tells Stephen K. Bannon that President Obama’s visit to the UK (telling the people to vote Remain) offended a lot of British and backfired on the Remain campaign:

    “Threatening people too much actually insults their intelligence and the lesson from the Obama visit is even more fascinating”.

    “Here’s the most powerful man in the world coming from a country that we’ve always had a huge high regard for … and a lot of people in Britain said, ‘How dare the American president come here and tell us what to do?’ And it backfired and I think we got an Obama Brexit bounce because people do not want foreign leaders telling them how to think and how to vote.”

  9. Vlad Putin said it was a matter for the British to decide.

    The libertarians who were against Brexit gave the economic benefits of the free movement of goods and people as their #1 reason. I agree with them about the free movement of goods. I think I understand their reasoning on the free movement of people being economically efficient as well, but I disagree with it. Or perhaps more exactly, I counterclaim that even if there is economic benefit to easy migration, loss of culture seems too great a price. Human beings are not interchangeable.

  10. Excellent summary, Neo. Yes, Trumps’ remarks were excellent, and Hillary’s sounded like sour grapes. Say, anyone have any ideas on why the Dow Jones dropped 600 points in reaction? I can’t imagine waking up this morning and thinking “England left the EU. That means I must sell all my stocks right away.” Could this be Soros again?

  11. Had Obama simply urged UK citizens to vote to Remain wouldn’t have been a problem. The direct threat that if they didn’t, they’d find themselves “at the back of the que” was a case of monumental stupidity from the most arrogant man in the room.

  12. Snoper –

    People have been acting panicky about the Brexit, and the doomsday warnings by Remain proponents hasn’t helped matters much.

    Fact of the matter, though, is that it will likely be a couple of years before anything happens. And hopefully numerous steps will be taken to minimize the effects of the quit.

  13. You can trace the beginning the Exit’s momentum to the Obama trip in April- after that it was close in the polling all the way.

    I don’t know what Cameron could have been thinking in asking Obama to offer support for Remain, but this presupposes Cameron asked for it in the first place. I think it more likely it was Obama just blowing smoke out of his ass. The really hilarious thing was the Obama address this morning in which he basically said that all the things he said in April were, in fact, lies.

  14. snopercod,

    Soros has been dumping equities and quietly buying metals for at least 3 months. Markets do not like uncertainty and arein a sense irrational. The djia dropped 6% today. NBD. IMO a gradual 25% drop by year’s end would stabilize equities. And yes, I have investments in equities here, in the UK, OZ, NZ, and Canada.

    Brexit is just the first of many shoes to drop. In a short, 1 to 2 year, timeframe, I think we will see France, Netherlands, and Denmark to follow suit. Italy and Spain will be next. It was an extremely stupid idea to link Germany and Greece, for example, to the same currency. It was just a matter of time before it was destined to crumble. Once the crumbling starts, crumbling gains momentum. Think tulip mania.

  15. I guess many people think that you can facilitate the free movement of people and goods without establishing a huge, authoritarian bureaucracy.

    As to the movement of people without restrictions, it would follow that there must be a consensus among nations as to citizenship criteria.

    All of that is a sort of utopian of course, because organizations will not function that way. As soon as the common market came into being, quotas were placed on such items as British milk production; because if they were allowed to produce at will, and move their production freely, it would hurt continental dairymen. When I was in England back in the day, there was a hue and cry over Dairymen forced to destroy herds because they could not could not support them within the imposed quotas. Then there had to be a bureaucracy to police the quotas. Then…

  16. Then… the insect overlords instituted one million regulations to ensnare the peope and destroy their ability to operate in their own best interests in a free market sans regulation. One ring to bind them all.

  17. (2) For the most part, pollsters got this one wrong, having predicted a win for the pro-EU forces.

    If they had the US Democrat party on their side, they would have been able to create enough millions of votes to ensure that the “polls” were “accurate”.

  18. God sends messages in many forms. You’re just not listening. God is talking, but you’re eyes and ears are closed.

    God has been telling you, Art, to get away from Leftists and your academic “pension” for years if not decades now.

    People that refuse to listen because “my pension”, isn’t worthy of lecturing others about what God means, do you understand what that means, Art.

  19. Could this be Soros again?

    No, it’s probably some other market cartels at work. If it was Soros, you would have seen it tank BEFORE the elections. Just like in 2008.

  20. For the life of me I cannot understand why 48% wanted to stay in the EU? Didn’t they realize that they were surrendering their freedoms?

  21. Dodger:
    Appearing on Breitbart Radio Nigel Farage tells Stephen K. Bannon that President Obama’s visit to the UK (telling the people to vote Remain) offended a lot of British and backfired on the Remain campaign:

    I am reminded of the Guardian’s 2004 Clark County, Ohio campaign, where the Guardian enlisted Brits to write Kerry-supporting letters to residents in the county.

    Dear Limey assholes
    Last week G2 launched Operation Clark County to help readers have a say in the American election by writing to undecided voters in the crucial state of Ohio. In the first three days, more than 11,000 people requested addresses. Here is some of the reaction to the project that we received from the US.

    Dear wonderful, loving friends from abroad,
    We Ohioans are an ornery sort and don’t take meddling well, even if it comes from people we admire and with their sincere goodwill. We are a fairly closed community overall. In my town of Springfield, I feel that there are some that consider people from the nearby cities of Columbus or Dayton, as “foreigners”- let alone someone from outside our country.
    Springfield, Ohio

    Have you not noticed that Americans don’t give two shits what Europeans think of us? Each email someone gets from some arrogant Brit telling us why to NOT vote for George Bush is going to backfire, you stupid, yellow-toothed pansies … I don’t give a rat’s ass if our election is going to have an effect on your worthless little life. I really don’t. If you want to have a meaningful election in your crappy little island full of shitty food and yellow teeth, then maybe you should try not to sell your sovereignty out to Brussels and Berlin, dipshit. Oh, yeah – and brush your goddamned teeth, you filthy animals.
    Wading River, NY

    Rather similar reaction, it would appear.

    Bob From Virginia
    For the life of me I cannot understand why 48% wanted to stay in the EU? Didn’t they realize that they were surrendering their freedoms?
    Brits under 30 voted for Remain. Many who did so later stated that the EU “kept us out of war.”

    Had the EU just been a customs union, without the micro-controls of unelected Brussels bureaucrats, there would not have been such support for the Leave vote. Without the Brussels bureaucrats, I doubt the vote to Leave would have even come up.

  22. Bob,

    For half the human race, security is of far more importance than self-determination. Fear of failure is yuge.

    Also, the liberty of self-determination provides no scapegoats, only a mirror. Most haven’t the internal fortitude to unflinchingly look in the mirror.

    Even fewer see failure as a ladder of lessons, necessary to real achievement. Lincoln failed to win election more often than he succeeded. Edison tried 9000 unsuitable materials before he found a suitable filament.

    Only “a long train of abuses”, that promises intolerable tyranny can make the majority of men choose “liberty or death”.

  23. Random thoughts about the Brexit election:

    According to Politico.eu “Three quarters of British voters aged 24 and under voted against Brexit.”
    What is the reason for this split? Does it reflect a Left/Right split where most youths are Leftists or is there some other reason?

    I admit I am woefully ignorant of English history but how is it so easy for Scotland to demand an election to separate from the United Kingdom? We fought a bloody civil war about this. If it were this easy here in the US would the Red and Blue states separate?

  24. Bob_CA:

    I suspect it’s a number of things. Young people do tend to be quite a bit more to the left. Membership in the EU is also all they’ve ever known, and I think that’s quite important, too. They have no memory of another type of Britain, another type of sovereignty, so I imagine it’s a lot less important to them.

    It is also possible (although I don’t have stats on this) that young voters in Britain have different demographics than older ones. They probably are more in favor of immigration from third-world countries, since they are more likely to be immigrants or the children of immigrants themselves? As I said, that’s a guess on my part, however.

  25. Talk of Scottish independence may be over done. Four in 10 Scots voted Leave. And voter turn out in Scotland was noticeably lower than in England. Two thirds of Scottish “exports” go to the rest of the UK.
    The EU doesn’t look nearly as rosy now as it did in 2014 when the Scots voted to stay in the UK. The Scots merged with the English for economic reasons in the first place. Odds are they’ll stay with the English for the same reasons.
    Obvious that pictures of uncontrolled immigration and the resulting chaos from the continent got the attention of the butchers, the bakers and the candlestick makers in the Shires.

  26. Junius, another economic factor against separation is that the North sea oil is worth a lot less now than it did in 2014.

    Another economic issue is what happens to the Scot’s share of the UK national debt if they leave? I bet they will try to stick the rest of the UK with it and but is there anything they can do about it?

  27. London Trader said:

    “Not sure the polls got this one wrong.”

    I believe I know one reason. If the press et al accuses the “Leave” faction of being nothing more than irrational, uneducated, stupid xenophobic racists they aren’t likely to be honest with pollsters about how they intend to vote.

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