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Let’s talk VP choices — 52 Comments

  1. I rank Newt and Sessions most likely.

    Christie is too much like Trump and too East Coast. Also hints that this Bridgegate thing has legs. Trial coming up. Too risky.

  2. I agree cornhead. Newt especially wouldbe able to give the appearance of keeping him under control.

  3. One excellent choice comes to mind, if she would like to do it, and that is Condoleezza Rice. She is sharp, and smart, knows a whole lot about the world and she can play the piano. How about that?

  4. Condi would never accept for the reasons you stated. So here’s my thought, it would be political suicide for anyone to accept the VP nomination under Trump. Several of those you mentioned already committed harikari, Christie, Carson, and Palin. My opinion on the matter is so biased by my absolute hatred of Trump, it really doesn’t matter. As far as I’m concerned anyone who supported Trump is dead to me, among those are Coulter, Hannity, Ingraham, Carson, Christie, and the list goes on. Palin, of course continues to sink to the bottom of the cesspool, which is extremely sad, as when she was first announced as McCain’s VP I had very high regard for her. She’s now just a caricature of herself trying to remain relevant.

  5. After both Bushes said they wouldn’t endorse Trump, would Condi really go against them. That would mean quasi accepting Trump’s statement that Bush lied and was a terrible president. Plus, she is smart enough not to accept the job so Trump could check off Black and woman on his list.

  6. Rudy is out on Constitutional grounds.

    The second banana CAN’T come from the same state as the Big Banana.

  7. I’d be stunned if Trump selects Kasich or Christie.

    As a practical matter, he’d have been better off selecting Ted Cruz — but that ship has sailed over the horizon.

    I’d also bet that Trump’s bridges to little Rubio are in ashes, too.

    Nikki Haley would seem to be a viable prospect.

    She came out early for Trump — setting him up to do well in the South — which is where he derailed Cruz’s steamroller.

  8. Blert (and Geoffrey):

    Cruz didn’t sail off in some direction. Captain Donald’s weapons director compass spun the wrong way and he directed all guns on the Cruz ship that had run aground in Indiana. He’s just oh so clever that way. Kind of a take no prisoners guy, just your typical street fighting real estate tycoon, must have been the heat of the battle. Sort of like how snipers are typically treated, if captured, in “conventional” wars.

  9. As I view djt’s odds of winning in November as abysmal, I think the VP pick would have to believe the odds of winning are favorable. Or else the one who accepts the invitation merely wants a (dubious) bullet point in their obituary.

  10. I agree with Parker. Usually, even a losing campaign for vice president enhances visibility and relationships with the party leadership. But if Trump loses, he and everyone who associated with him will be an absolute pariah with every Republican insider. So Trump’s pick will have to be someone who (i) estimates political probabilities very differently from most analysts or (ii) has nothing to lose (e.g., Sarah Palin).

  11. My $.02. Rather than VP, I think Gingrich would serve as an excellent Chief of Staff in a Trump Administration. He coordinates well and undoubtedly knows where many of “the bodies are buried.”

  12. yeah… lets ignore the obvious more important thing that i have been saying for about half a decade we are heaing to…. (but why bother to work that?)


    “We have been saying right from when this story started that our experts are convinced that the deployment of the ABM system poses a certain threat to the Russian Federation,” the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov

    but dont worry, they been buzzing our troops, planes, and ships… they tried a bit of magic that shut down one ship dead as they passed over, and china has tested a emp device on a cruise ship in the pacific…

    there is tons more, but until a conflict or such starts, its tin hatter to even think one might… the people who saw herr hitler coming were said to be nuts, until he arrived… with the elite academics being the trusting idiots like chamberlain

    somewhere in a dark room is a clinton hitting a reset button that says something else….

    Good thing Obama started this near the end of his term, some big thing mght just get him to do a declaration and those signin statments he tweaked and others made before, would all come into effect and the US will be a dictatorship with elections held off till later.

    like chess pieces… if you look at them in isolation, you see nothing threatening… but its where they converge that matters. and i have already argued that there are so many convergences and evne laws made that are not used that can be used post event… which is why they made useless laws that without the event would be unconstitutional

    now the question is… will the ideology that murdered over 200 million people by choice and voluntary action of leaders, be willing to do something that would result in their having control of it all?

    no reason to talk vp if there is not going to be a regime change… and wonder, will russia and china act to prevent a non elite non globalist (internationall communist) from taking up the position, or will they instead go with the man with such communist perks spaning three generations of his family line?

  13. None of the serious capable guys like Rudy would be able to stand it (think Bill Daley as Obama’s Chief of Staff). Trump doesn’t seem to work well with any thing but yes men either.

    Being Trump’s VP won’t necessarily enhance your future political ambitions (see Joe Biden).

    I could see Ben Carson if he is stupid enough (his brains and free market conservatism seem to be drowned in political frustration). Not a woman though.

  14. It is a bit of a puzzle isn’t it? At least if we take the pick seriously. Sessions is a possibility and brings Senate experience. Giuliani is unlikely for the reason blert states, i.e. too N.E. a ticket. Newt, if agreeable is a definite possibility and perhaps the best choice.

    But the individual who came to my mind first, admittedly out of left field is Ann Coulter… I know, I know! Just saying…

  15. Maybe Rice will be the third-party candidate — from a March 10 article: “A group of Republican donors and strategists has been working to persuade former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to make an independent bid for president, according to a memo outlining the plan obtained by POLITICO Florida.”

  16. Some have suggested djt should list potential, experienced picks for important positions in the donald administration in order to soothe ruffled feathers. But who would want to be at his beck and call except a yes man or a masochistic?

  17. GB,

    You have named the perfect VP pick for the donald! Wacko birds of a feather flock together. The campaign slogan could be Make America Great Again With First Class Loud Mouth Buffoons.

  18. Posted weeks ago that Donald already has his VP selected. It’s Donald, since he gets his best advice from himself. His mind it’s yuge. Wonderful, the best. He don’t need no stinkin constitution…

  19. Maybe Rice will be the third-party candidate – from a March 10 article: “A group of Republican donors and strategists has been working to persuade former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to make an independent bid for president, according to a memo outlining the plan obtained by POLITICO Florida.”


    Oh man. Thanks for the information.

  20. Caitlyn Jenner. She’s a Republican.

    Think about it. So many constituencies. Heads would explode. Then, late in the campaign, she could transition back to Bruce and buy an ad on the Wheaties box.

    Okay, so I’m acting like a teenager. The Donald made me do it. I’m not responsible. Our lives are now beyond parody.

  21. Kasich is the most likely choice now that Trump has it completely wrapped up.

  22. Everyone here sounds bitter and patronizing.

    I don’t think Trump will pick any of the Usual Suspects listed in Neo’s post. However, he will pick someone with gravitas.

    I’m betting on a retired general. Peter Pace? James Mattis?

  23. I don’t think he’s going to pick a Republican at all. He’s going to emphasize his lack of ideology, and pick someone who can peel votes off of Hillary, not consolidate his Republican base.

  24. You all are heading in the wrong direction. The list you gave, Neo, is replete with losers and old political hacks. How about one of the sitting or past Republican governors? If not, one of the experienced, conservative, preferably female members of congress.
    For those commenters who hate Trump and just use this forum to rant, do you really want Hillary and Elizabeth Warren? We will never get it back if that happens.

  25. Eric J.

    A Jim Webb, perhaps ?


    Jim Webb who voted for every Obama stimulus package, and Obamacare.

    I would not be shocked if Trump did pick Webb as his VP.

  26. I’m betting on a retired general. Peter Pace? James Mattis?


    Do not besmirch Mattis’ good name like that. Mattis is a philosopher warrior. They do not call him The Warrior Monk for nothing.

  27. I can see Newt as Chief of Staff, and either Christie or Giulianni as AG. I have no clue about VP. Maybe as Trimegistus suggests, a retired general.

    I would vote for Condi as a third party candidate, but I can’t see that happening.

    By the way Trimegistus, many of us are bitter, but I don’t think condescending.

  28. Webb has at least some spine, not likely to join trump and smart enough to avoid the kiss of death. Newt? Well, I have a love/hate relationship with him. Probably trumps best choice. Sessions? He lost years of my respect when he jumped to trump, and zero vote potential nationwide as VP.

    I applaud cornhead for out trumping GB. Jenner trumps Coulter.

  29. nkbay99,

    I take it that you voted for djt in a primary/caucus. If that is correct, and trump won delegates in your state, you have already voted for hrc in November. Congratulations.

  30. parker,

    In the theater of the rediculous, I’m happy to play second fiddle.

    On a serious note, if Trump is elected, his VP choice may well have inordinate importance, given that there is a definite possibility that he would not survive his first term. Especially, if it turns out that he’s sincere on his major issues. For it is a certainty, that the Left, will not go quietly into the night.

  31. Trump’s personal attacks against Cruz in the primary were so outrageously over the line that he cannot redeem himself now. I will never vote for such an immoral clown, and in fact I consider it a moral duty to punish him because I refuse to reward bad behavior.

    Apologists for bad behavior are enablers, and I have no patience for them either.

  32. GB,

    If one merely entertainers the possibility that djt trumps hrc in November they are a minor player on the stage. Sorry, no insult intended, but that is how I see it. The alt right wants to burn it down. I only ask that they wear tshirts so I can regonize them in order to shun them, and possibly, if necessary put a round into center mass.

    If it all comes down to dust the alt right joins the hard left as targets of opportunity, simply because they are birds of amfeather.

  33. Matt_SE Says:
    May 13th, 2016 at 12:14 am

    Trump is not my candidate.

    The good guy lost.

    So, I’m stuck with Trump or the Devil in the deep blue pants suit.

    It’s not qute a Hobson’s choice, more towards Sophie’s choice.

    Damned either way.

    I’m convinced that Hillary — when elected — will have legions of storm troopers within the IRS, EPA, DOJ, SOS, HUD, … and the rest of the alphabet…


    Google, Hollywood, the MSM, et. al.

    I DON’T see those legions enabling Donald Trump.

    It’s the Collective that is the peril. Not the top canine.

  34. “I’m convinced that Hillary – when elected – will have legions of storm troopers within the IRS, EPA, DOJ, SOS, HUD, … and the rest of the alphabet… “

    That is echoing the “stuff” the (formerly) “conservative” media was spouting to spin up all the emotion that went into Trump.

    We’ve got to get out of that business.

    There is not evidence that she will bring “storm troopers”, just like you post elsewhere equating Clinton with a coming “Lenin”.


    Four more years in the slide to Europeanization is what we face with Clinton. Absolutely the wrong direction, but not an unrecoverable disaster.

    The issue with Trump is that we just don’t know. He is irratic, and that spells chaos. That would be worse than Clinton.

    Elsewhere, YOU say he WILL be “autocratic / Caesar”. That is a sure argument that he would be worse than Clinton.

  35. If the RNC blacklists anti-Trump vendors I guess that’s their prerogative. But does anyone think it will stop there?

    Trump has made this campaign intensely personal and has shown his strong tendency toward grinding his enemies into the dirt, or trying to. Lots of his supporters think that’s great because it proves he’s tough but they forget that Trump != America. I expect him to unleash the full force of the Executive branch on his petty grudges, as far as he can get away with it, if he’s elected.

    “Four more years in the slide to Europeanization is what we face with Clinton. Absolutely the wrong direction, but not an unrecoverable disaster.” – I tend to agree. It’s going to be bad, but with Trump there’s no telling where we might end up. Knowing that he might tweet us into WWIII isn’t a comforting thought. Our economy, our businesses, the world, etc need predictability. Sounds boring, right? I desperately want a boring president . . .

  36. I think if your view of Donald Trump mirrors what the MSM works tirelessly to portray him as, maybe a red flag should go up at some point in a savvy persons head?
    I’m just sayin….. The MSM’s record is remarkably clear by now.

  37. SteveH:

    I couldn’t care less what the MSM says about Donald Trump.

    I form my own conclusions based on my own observations and careful study of the man himself—what he has said and done throughout his lifetime, including interviews and biographies.

  38. Webb has at least some spine


    Like when he ran as a deficit hawk—yet voted for.every.damn.Obama.stimulus.and.all of Obama’s monetary policies. Plus–Obamacare.

    You mean like when Webb did that? That isn’t a demonstration of spine–that is a demonstration of absolute corruption of his political promises and absolute subservience to–Obama.

  39. I’ve speculated before that Trump would go with Huckabee.

    First of all, Trump isn’t going to pick a woman. Even he must realize how demeaningly he treats them. The only female he’d consider making his VP is his daughter. Secondly, it’s got to be someone submissive, someone whose political hands are smaller than his, metaphorically speaking. Governmental experience is ok, but they can’t know Washington better than him. They can’t be visibly smarter than him. They can’t overshadow him in any respect. They can’t be a businessman who has had any success that could in any way be argued to be superior to Trump’s.

    He’ll choose Huckabee, because he’s got a folksy style that doesn’t appeal to the intellect. Trump will choose him and expect that “the Christians” and “the conservatives” will have to support him unconditionally. Under Trump’s orders, Huckabee will turn into a caricature hillbilly snakehandler, and if Trump’s campaign starts to flounder, he’ll try to replace Huckabee with someone else or, more amusingly, he’ll declare war on Huckabee.

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