Home » Trump’s words mean whatever he says they mean…


Trump’s words mean whatever he says they mean… — 20 Comments

  1. neo…

    I fully appreciate that Donald is entirely alien to you ( our ) way of thought.

    He’s an emotionalist — when he knows that emotion will carry the day.

    He gets stunningly Wharton when the numbers get crunched.


    Repeatedly expressed.

    He’s a pretty rotten nominee.

    SO much baggage.

    But, as a street fighter… he’s Rocky Balboa X.

    I STILL rate him as inferior to Ted Cruz vs Hillary Clinton.


    Neo — you must realize that you, myself, and so many are in the minority.

    We are THINKING dominant.

    I’m a flaming XNTX.


    The X’s reference that I’m dead nuts split… an astounding score right there.

    As for you I hazard a guess.

    NT or SJ — dang if I can pigeon hole you, neo.

    Your baby picture is astoundingly revealing.

    No kidding.

    Your gears are ALWAYS spinning.

    Adult consciousness is supposed to happen in the early teens,

    But not you.

    You are — what the Hindus would term — an ‘old soul.’

    You’ve been ‘around.’


    You and I have only this split.

    You think Trump would be a fiasco as president. Not I.

    We both think he’s a terrible candidate.

    It’s the NEGATIVES.

    All of these media blurbs that raise Trump are as much synthetic as real.

    One puffs up the dragon to blow him out.

    Ted Cruz. in comparison, is a Soviet ‘non-person.’

    The MSM shills can’t deal with him.

  2. To add to Ace’s é¶ast line, Trump is too stupid to know that what he says is heard around the world and that his corrections are ignored. He will get our country in a lot of trouble.

  3. Trump and his supporters, even the sincere ones, and the agents saboteur hiding behind their skirts, are humpty dumpty and nothing can they say or do turns around the ship of state towards a Constitutional Republic. A republic is in their minds an iceberg to be steared around. (Some of them have become drunk on the kool-aid and may be salvageable once the hangover subsides.)

  4. blert,

    Rocky is a fictional character, Trump as a serious contender is just as fictional; except he breahes a sigh of relief when he takes a fall in the general. That is the plan should he win the nomination.

    Yes, yes, yes, I ‘know’ he is a winner not a loser; but turn on a dime if nominated he will gladly take the fall. He is not running to be the POTUS, he is running to be the nominee.

  5. cornhead,

    There will be no DJT presidency.. No need to wonder what a the donald presidency will be as there is no there there; it will be hrc or a stand in POTUS if the donald is the noninee.That was the plan from day one. Pedictable from the beginning.

  6. Wait a second — you previously called for a ban on Muslim travel to the US, until “we can figure out what the hell is going on.”

    No, he didn’t.

    One journalist asked if he would ban Muslims. Trump said that measure can’t be dismissed. He didn’t say he would ban Muslims, he just said that he could consider it, and he even didn’t address the issue. The journalist did. Of course, that became “Trump wanna ban Muslims!” in the headlines.

    So let fix the title: What journalist said Trump said even if Trump didn’t say means whatever he says Trump means even if Trump didn’t mean it.

  7. But Trump means well, and that’s what counts.

    (These things will all be worked out in time. It’s still better than what those on the Left say now, and what some on the Right said in the past. And after Brussels, and Paris, events may transpire to bring about certain conclusions.)

  8. I prefer Ted Cruz but now that I have voted I have no further input into the process. Many voters are going for Trump without the courtesy to consult my feelings.

    Trump was on Michael Savage radio program yesterday and he certainly sounds as if he gets Islam. If Trump wins I believe he will be very effective in shutting down the massive flow of Muslims to this country and will highlight the danger that militant Islam poses to our society. If he does nothing more he will have far exceeded Bush with his defense of Islam the “religion of peace” or Obama the self designated defender of Islam under all circumstances who claims that Muslims have been major players in our country from the beginning and have made major positive contributions to our freedoms and prosperity.

  9. From an Atlantic article on Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims:
    For one, this was not an off-the-cuff remark, a response to a vague question, or even an idle retweet. Trump detailed his new position in a written statement sent to hundreds if not thousands of reporters covering the campaign.
    Here is the statement, directly from Trump:
    – DECEMBER 07, 2015 –


    (New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, — Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.” Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won’t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

    Mr. Trump stated, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.” – Donald J. Trump

    Now he just wants “good documentation.”

  10. Parker

    Agree that Trump does not win. I also am very dismayed at the thought of Obama’s third term with either HRC or Biden. Trump’s negatives are already high and will only go higher.

    Trump now saying he will “spill the beans” on Ted’s wife because Trump’s wife has a bunch of naked pictures in the public domain. Idle and pathetic threat.

  11. blert:
    “But, as a street fighter… he’s Rocky Balboa X.”

    That’s relative to the GOP campaigns. The Trump campaign made the key strategic choice to ally with alt-Right activists adapting Left activist tactics. The GOP, handicapped by the activism deficiency of conservatives, has mostly made themselves look helpless. A “jayvee” team can look like a champ at the rec center.

    It remains to be seen whether the “jayvee” Left-mimicking Trump-front alt-Right activists will raise their game to a varsity level if/when they move up in competition level from the activist-deficient GOP to face varsity Democrat-front Left activists. They might. After all, the varsity are graduates of the JV.

    On the other hand, their principal objective is to displace conservatives and take over the GOP, not win the general election. They won’t turn down the presidency, of course, but the alt-Right activists might focus instead on consolidating their gains for this step of their Gramscian long march by securing the marginalization of conservatives and GOP holdouts rather than prioritize winning the general election.

    For the alternative, the struggle by the not-Trump GOP campaigns versus the mere “jayvee” activism of the Trump campaign exposes the poor GOP readiness to compete against varsity Democrat-front Left activism in the general election.

    militant Islam poses to our society. If he does nothing more he will have far exceeded Bush with his defense of Islam the “religion of peace”

    Bush got the strategy right.

    For Qutbists, the characterization of Islam as a “religion of peace” that can co-exist with a liberal Western framework is anathema. They consider Muslims who believe that to be apostates.

    Like everything else social cultural/political, whose preference defines the social condition is decided with an activist game.

    We can’t kill our way to winning the War on Terror, though killing is part of establishing as the strong horse in the contest, which is a necessary piece to win that activist game. The path to winning the War on Terror is establishing as the strong horse and, from that position, empowering the Islamic factions disposed to the religion of peace characterization and opposed to militant Islam.

    Bush recognized the needs of the mission and applied American leadership to that end with tangible progress … until Obama, with a different agenda than winning the War on Terror, changed course from Bush with catastrophic consequences.

  12. Yankee:

    How impressive that you can read Trump’s mind and know that he means well. And no doubt you can look into the minds of the other candidates and know that they don’t mean well.

    That’s sarcasm, by the way.

  13. Yankee:

    How impressive that you can read Trump’s mind and know that he means well. And no doubt you can look into the minds of the other candidates and know that they don’t mean well.

    That’s sarcasm, by the way.

    Let me add that even if you are correct and Trump “means well” (which you have no way of ascertaining), it’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is what he will actually do, and how.

  14. Agree 100% with Mark Steyn

    ” As I said to Hugh Hewitt on a previous occasion, all the stories are different, and yet they’re all the same. And, alas, it becomes harder to mourn the dead when we never avenge them.”

  15. People give Trump too much credit for smarts. He is a good self promoter but fails at all serious tasks. Years ago we had a business partner who was sharp technically but had some serious personality issues. We thought we could deal with them and failed. Trump supporters sound much like I did them. But sometimes. “A pipe is just a pipe”. Donald is exactly who he appears to be. I wouldn’t hire him. Too much risk of going off track

  16. I don’t think it is too smart for Humpty Trumpty to go after Cruz’s wife directly or threaten to do so. He usually leaves that to his supporters who question her employment history and “CFR” ties.

    Sir Donald knows no smear that won’t be tried.

  17. The public persona of Donald is as real as Rocky Balboa… both are creative fictions.

    Trump is winning – – hands down — the LIV vote.

    The Less Intellectual Voter.

    They’re pulling the lever based upon gut feelings and imputations.

    The same feelings and imputations that put Barry Soetoro in the Oval Office.

    So, yeah, they go a long way.

    Trump is going to follow his life-script… which is “emperor.”

    As a manager, Trump is pragmatic in the extreme.

    What many take to be flip-flops are evidences of this trait.

    Trump does not use a lot of experts as a crutch for his decisions.

    He’s not needed to, as real estate development is pretty much a one-trick pony to ride.

    Any time he strays too far from his knowledge base — and his strengths — he gets tripped up.

    Trump University
    Trump Steaks ( what a vanity shop that was )

    And so forth.

    One can bank on Trump deferring to the Pentagon on things military… becoming the anti-Soetoro in this respect.

    Reagan was ALWAYS portrayed as a shoot-from-the-hip military adventurer.

    Instead he collapsed the Soviet Union — bloodlessly.

    Mr Reasonable, Bush I, stood around in stupefaction as the Wall collapsed, the Red Chinese went berserk, and Saddam rolled south — at which time Thatcher had to give him a spine injection.

    HRCGS has the international instincts of Bush I.

    Trump has the international instincts of Reagan.

    You can count on Trump turning every problem in to a construction project.

    Trump not only wants a wall, he wants to LITERALLY rebuild America.

    He has a towering wall to climb in the Fall.

    Unlike Dilbert, I figure Trump is a 19:1 underdog.

    I figure Cruz as a 60:40 overdog.

    ( Not the vote — the probability of election. )

    Trump is just certain to have countless GOP loyalists sitting on their hands in the Fall.

    Pulling Democrats over — in massively Blue states like California will not result in any Electors for Trump.

    I can see Trump losing even Texas… and Utah.

  18. But, as a street fighter… he’s Rocky Balboa X.

    Trump is too naive to take on the evil in DC. He won’t, and if he tries, he will fail. It’s not something that can be handled with money or connections, at this point.

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