Home » Ace explains why he went from Trump-curious to anti-Trump


Ace explains why he went from Trump-curious to anti-Trump — 63 Comments

  1. No-one can possibly think the GOP, in its present iteration, is worth saving.

    Other than his anchor — Make America Great Again – Trump is refreshingly without cliché and miserly with the platitudes. This may mean little to most but after having been bludgeoned by most every politician I’d ever leant an ear to — it is cool balm.

    And it’s either a rare capacity or a passed test of character that he alone, of all the candidates, would not condescend to political correctness either in verse or sermon. Not all Mexicans are rapists… but… but… everyone understands that as a given — everyone but our very own extra-legal Guardia Civil. And who would waste a second of their life to argue with one?

    We have had well-spoken presidents and presidential candidates and it has got us what — precisely? If Mr Trump were to accomplish these two things and nothing — absolutely nothing more — he will have proved worthy of the risk. First, raze and reconstruct the GOP, from a damnable oligarchy, to a party of the people, the worker, the middle class, the contributor — the truly anti-Democrat party. Second, put the god-damned backbone back into the back of Americans. The next time the political Mutaween bitch and pitch PoCo sensibilities the response ought be a chorus of FUs with unmistakable facial disdain — you know — the Trump look.

  2. There was a very good phone call on Limbaugh’s program who expressed his Trump support very well. What he pointed out is that when Trump came out with these supposedly over the top proposals back in June, no one else was talking about them. Not in the way that Trump was. And he said, I don’t think he’s lying about what he intends to achieve. Why would he have made that up? I think he intends to do these things: the wall, the trade, etc.

    That is exactly where I am. You can try to throw out the salesman thing, but Trump was HAMMERED for these positions right out of the gate. He could’ve moderated what he said, but he didn’t. Instead he took the heat. And there was a LOT of heat back then. The press thought he was nuts and would drop out because his views were perceived as ‘extreme.’

    If Trump were really just a salesmen, he would’ve told everyone what they wanted to hear. He had no idea that his words would resonate. He spoke his mind.

    That’s where I am on that. I’m not in number one mode. I’m well past number one mode. And now I’m looking at the general election and the candidates we have left…Cruz looks like the only other option. As much as I might like his conservatism and his constitutional principles, he will not be able to overcome what I mentioned in a previous comment. The evangelical pandering (too much of it) has pushed many voters away…mostly the middle people. Trump can win them. Swing states he can win. End of argument for me.

  3. K-E:

    Actually—and I wrote a post about this quite a while ago, with quotes, although I don’t have time to find it right now; I’m in a hurry—Trump only made immigration the centerpiece of his campaign after he mentioned it rather briefly in his kickoff speech and got a lot of criticism from the press but enormous support from the people. He realized it was a winner and he went with it, stating things very boldly and then talking a lot of them back, realizing a lot of people would believe Statement #1 over Statement #2.

  4. JurassiCon Rex:

    If Trump’s blunt speech were the main objection, I’d probably support him. I have no problem with being non-PC. But I’ve got nearly 100 posts describing other problems with Trump, ones that you conveniently ignore in your paean to how “refreshing” he is.

  5. Neo-neocon,

    Trump is, let us count the foibles, narcisistic, erratic, egotistic, unlettered, uncivil, offensive, insulting, as crooked as straight, and yet he alone discerned the deep resentment of an electorate who had been routinely crapped on by the GOP – as a matter of regimen.

    Trump may be four parts schmuck and one part nationalist patriot, but at a time when nationalist patriots are as rare as dodos, he’s just the thing that’s imperative.

    One may know someone better by what they oppose than what they are for. A Klan man is not an open book as to what he is positively for only for what he hates. And a proponent of BDS proscriptions is immediately recognized for his anti-semitism and none of his pro-whatever. And it is so also for the stop Trump mover. His fear and loathing of Trump is obvious. What is not, is why? What is less so is what he is for.

    Stop Trump Movement:

    Note, I do not lump you in with the following, but, as I see it…
    Am I expected to believe the oligarchs and the fat cats are opposed to Mr Trump for the good of the country? Am I to believe they are patriots? Am I to believe they give a hair from their own rat asses about the people?
    I don’t believe it… any of it. As a matter of fact no-one need anymore to indict the World Forum low brow high hats than their opposition to Trump. If he were one of them they wouldn’t be trying to thwart him. As a matter of a second fact, no-one need any better reason to vote for Trump than the existence of the Word Forum and other cabals like it. The only thing better, for Trump, would be an endorsement from God… or a curse from Allah.

    Which takes me to the linked article and:
    “A specter was haunting the World Forum–the specter of Donald Trump,” Kristol wrote in an emailed report from the conference, borrowing the opening lines of the Communist Manifesto. “There was much unhappiness about his emergence, a good deal of talk, some of it insightful and thoughtful, about why he’s done so well, and many expressions of hope that he would be defeated.”

    They can no longer hide it; which takes me to my comment.
    The only thing, well… two things, that fouls… no, contaminates, the shrill opposition to Trump is first, the wholly money interests of the GOP/Cons and their fat kat donors — as appalling a cabal corporately and individually, I’d wager, as Mr Trump ever was (pots calling kettle…).
    The second contaminant, and frightfully more serious, are the neocons (Kristol, et al) in the party (in or influential). Had there ever been a cabal so intrinsically devoted to imperialism, geopolitical irritation, regime transmogrification, and war… and international trans Americanism. You can take the internationalist out of one ideology but you can’t take ideology out of the internationalist. Cue the Mariachis, Hymn #1, The Internationale.

    Okay, three things. The third, the insane. If Trump attracts the thoroughly disaffected, it is obvious the insane evangel Glen Beck attracts the entirely insane. Delenda est GOP/Cons.

  6. JurassiCon Rex:

    Why do you think “he alone” perceived it?

    I think that Ted Cruz’s sojourn in the Senate—and his election to office in the first place—indicated he’s been quite aware of it. He’s actually been fighting the GOP for years, and was elected pretty much for that purpose.

    Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson also perceived it, and ran for office as political outsiders because of it.

    And anyone who spent more than five minutes in the blogosphere since the year 2012 could easily perceive it. I certainly did.

    What “Trump alone” did was to channel it and appeal to it in the most angry and dramatic way, a way that happened to fit the needs of the angry crowd this time around.

    Nor does that qualify him for holding office, or make him trustworthy. It is what it is, and he is what he is.

    People oppose Trump for many reasons, some good, some bad. The bad reasons don’t mean Trump is good, or even close to it.

    I have my own reasons, which I’ve stated sufficiently.

    What’s more, watch out for that “cabal” stuff.

  7. I’m a policy guy. I can recognize the contributions that Trump has made to shifting the focus of the debates without supporting him as a candidate. I don’t believe he has the will or talent to reform D.C., and that’s all that matters.
    Even immigration is just a subset of reforming Washington.

  8. Isn’t it interesting when one whose username identifies with a long-extinct species describes others of having gone the way of the dodo?

  9. I guess we now know what a died-in-the-wool Trumpster sounds like in full screed

    Just one point, and I made this in another thread. It is not only over-the top, but also ignorant to make the statement in the first response. The RNC has played its part in winning both houses of Congress, the majority of the governorships, and state legislatures.

    On the other hand, people with big megaphones, who have to keep their audiences riled up have created a climate of hate–against the wrong people. There seems to be an aattitude that Democracy is just too inefficent;so let’s trash the process. The Left Wing is certainly pleased with their extra-constitutional President. Now, some of the right wing seems to want a candidate who certainly talks as though he intends to rule in the same style.

    By the way, one of the biggest hair-on-fire guys, Mark Levin, endorsed Cruz–not the outsider who would tear the GOP apart–Trump.

    Just one more point. It is disgusting to suggest that any GOP candidate is not an American patriot.

  10. I still entertain the possibility that Trump is sincere on his core issues. However, as President, Trump would be a deal maker and, deal makers live by the maxim that everything is negotiable. That nothing is off the table, if… the ‘deal’ is attractive enough.

  11. Neo:
    “I seem to recall it was around the time that Trump repeated his “Bush lied” message during a debate”

    Answer to “Did Bush lie his way to war with Iraq?”;
    Answer to “Why did Bush leave the ‘containment’ (status quo)?”.

    “as long as his candidacy wreaks havoc with the GOP”

    And displaces conservatives (other’ed as “cuckservatives”).

    Trump’s main appeal is a channeling of antagonism against the status quo and establishment with a pro-Trump rationale as wrapping.

  12. Neo-neocon,

    watch out for that “cabal” stuff.

    I know, almost for certain, that you are not trigger warning. Cabal is a perfectly appropriate word. NeoCons are not entirely of the Jewish (non-religious) persuasion but are over represented. And Jews have been over-represented in the mass immigration movement — for one hundred years now. And the Jews among the NeoCons have long promoted American geopolitical strategy with Israel in mind.

    It’s not in my nature to waste what little time I have left listening to the vaudeville that passes for debates. But reports after one of the debates had, Kasich, Rubio, and Cruz, falling over each other, metaphorically speaking, as to who was the greater Israelite. For whatever else they may be, on that alone, they are entirely in bed with the NeoCon cabal — thinkers, pundits, and money men. For that reason alone I don’t trust them.

    Here, should it interest you, is a greater exposition on the matter.

  13. I will be redundant: I trust Trump to guide the ship of state towards less government intrusion in my affairs, fewer regulations that stiffle small business, real budget restraint, and enhanced border security to the same degree I trust hrc or Bernie; in other words less than zero.

  14. OlderandWheezier,

    You have no aptitude for parsing and ought not engage in it. If you have not an inkling of what JurassiCON alludes to resist the temptation to comment on it. Old, ancient, traditional, conservatism is neither extinct nor in its rare appearances, flightless.

  15. Ah, the heady aroma of the final solution. Lets begin by breaking glass now that we have a trumpster blaming the evil, blood sucking JEWS!!! Lets nuke Tel Aviv and begin stabbing the kikes in NYC. I am so inspired I wish there were some kikes in my town so I could stab them before dinner and a glass of wine with Mrs. parker. Wets my appetite.

  16. I am a strong supporter of Israel. I have nothing but contempt for leftists, whether Jewish or not. There is nothing wrong with American Jewish neocons desiring to assist Israel. Nothing America has ever done in assisting Israel has harmed our national interests. Islam hated America from its founding, long before Israel existed. Muslim declarations that their opposition to America is due to our historic siding with Israel is a convenient excuse. Islam hates you JurrasiCon for who you are and would do so had the Jews never existed. Nor will their hate for you cease… until you too are Muslim. Allah has declared it.

  17. I think Ace also once described Trump’s act as just parodying his idea of what a right winger thinks and sounds like.

  18. Uh, ok, Jurassic. You’re the genius in this board. We get it. Just like the Donald.

  19. It’s easy for me to see human manipulation at work, ever since the Left’s entire R and D history has been opened up to my research.

    Of course most Americans would fall for Trump. They certainly fell for the Democrats. And then later on, blamed Bush because they “fell for Iraq” too, even though that was their own misconception, not due to Bush attempting to deceive anybody.

  20. Parker,

    Does it hurt when your knee jerks so violently?

    I have all my life admired the Jews for their scholarship, intellectual inquiry, scientific achievements, and more recently their nationalism, i.e., defense of a proto-Jewish homeland. But that is not to say bad Jews, scheming Jews, secular humanist Jews, Communist Jews, Christian hating Jews, Jew-hating Jews, etc., do not exist. Apparently, that type are known and well represented in every tribe. As much could be said and demonstrated by simply pointing to WASPs and what they had wrought over the last century. Surely you can’t be so in the dark as to believe “white privilege” was not the work of guilt ridden WASPs.

    Now unbunch your panties, and have that knee attended to.

  21. And even before the Left, Democrats fell for the “state’s rights” justification behind why they started the war. In fact, they said the North started the war, calling it the War of Northern Aggression.

    And Leftists have been doing similar things to dumb arrogant Americans, with FDR, Diem’s assassination, Bay of Pigs, Bay of Tonkin, Vietnam, and so on.

    Margaret Sanger was born when the Democrats already had a lock on eugenics as the solution to their black slave problem, now that they lost Civil War I and can no longer keep slaves. But people of the last generation think Sanger was the one that came up with eugenics, that it was just a Leftist thing. It wasn’t just a Leftist thing, for after all, Democrats were founding members of the Leftist alliance in the US.

    FDR and Kennedy also used the FBI and internal spies to spy on their enemies. And people still think that was only Bush’s problem.

    Humans are dumb. They are easy to manipulate. A nation of Americans that think they are free, can often times be much easier to manipulate than some starving peasants living hand to mouth, surviving only on cunning.

  22. If Mr Trump were to accomplish these two things and nothing — absolutely nothing more — he will have proved worthy of the risk.

    And if Trump turns out to pull a bait and switch, do you think the people you deceived this country will just forgive you… heh.

  23. Geoffrey Britain,

    There is nothing wrong with an American justification and defense of Israel, it being beset by all manner of anti-Semitism from all sides. And it may be fully justified and in compliance with American interests that America should guarantee Israel’s existence in the event it is truly on the brink of being overwhelmed, i.e., wiped off the map. But that does not include being goaded into wars such as would greatly ameliorate Israeli angst. NeoCons had been hot for an American military response to the Ayatollahs and Iranian adventurism in the MidEast. That has not been and is not presently, a military concern to America. Neither are most of the rest of NeoCon fantasies.

  24. OlderandWheezier,

    “You’re the genius in this board.”

    Whether that was true or not you need not perturb yourself over it.

  25. JurassicCon:

    You may wish to change your name to SilurianCon or maybe just SillyCon or silicone for short. A phony con who loves a strong man (Sir Donald) and wants to lord over this place too. I don’t know who put you up on the high horse today. Climb down before you hurt yourself.

  26. Ymarsakar,

    do you think the people you deceived this country (sic) will just forgive you…

    Why not?

    I hold no animosity toward those who were wrong about, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney. To be wrong is not to be immoral – unless you’re a LibProgLeftist.

  27. There is a lot that can be said about upturning apple carts and knocking over the tables of the moneylenders, even if its not by design, or direction.

    lots of stuff gets found underneath things…

  28. OM,

    I like my name just as it is.

    Otherwise, you make too withering a retort with which to contend. I am flustered by “phony con who loves a strong man”. No debating points, but points for rhetorical hyperbole.

  29. And anyone who spent more than five minutes in the blogosphere since the year 2012 could easily perceive it. I certainly did.

    one president didnt know what a scanner was
    hillary could not use a fax machine
    mccain doesnt use the internet

    i think you may not realize that outside of email, and what their people put together for them to read, they may not even know the weather when they go out.

    they have no time to sit and read the blogosphere and tap into things, that is not their focus. its often why they make such horrid blunders when they try to appear like regular people which they not often are.

    you can find photo collections of them trying
    “can i just eat my waffle”
    yeah, he goes to IHOP or waffle house all the time

    they are so out of touch they get snagged by technology all the time. hey hillary,dont put a different accent in different places, we have things called cameras. and the way back machine on the net is beyond their ken

  30. My question is, why do we need a candidate we have to make so many guesses about like Trump?

    It’s simply not worth it. Screw him and his supporters.

  31. Why not upset the apple cart? If you don’t, the apples will rot anyway. Frank A. Clark
    Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/frankacla121089.html

    and for the few who dont get my reference
    upset the applecart
    Spoil carefully laid plans, as in Now don’t upset the applecart by revealing where we’re going. This expression started out as upset the cart, used since Roman times to mean “spoil everything.” The precise idiom dates from the late 1700s.

    ultimately there is no way to get to any other place without doing so. there is no nice way to move something fast withou also upsetting the cart.

    to think that is possible is to try to preserve that which you want to change or remove.

    its like having your cake and eating it. you cant, you cant have smooth sailing to the change you want and have the change. even less so if you dont have a means of doing it an inch at a time over the next 100 years…

    right now what is in place are a whole bunch of plans and deals all on handshakes towards shaping an end that the crowd things is the future for us all and its better and they know.. they are so used to working to ends together and have so many multiyear stuff, they are willing to almost expose themselves and stick their neck out gathering together to prevent their carts from tipping and everyone know what they produce, with whom etc.

    not being a part of that stuff, he cant help but stumble on and have a big mouth on things as he is not going to follow their rules of court. where they all agree as to what one can or cant do in a fight and what the limits are. which is why no one does what the public and arm chair pundits always wonder why dont they say this, win that, do this…

  32. And thus illustrates how, in an election cycle in which the Democrat candidates are so hopeless that you could beat them with a random drunk pulled off a street, or possibly a house plant, the right-of-center will get beaten and we will pay a terrible price in terms of economy, world affairs and private rights that were formerly guaranteed to our citizens.

    Trot out a walking joke like Trump and let him be a blabbering boor, mouthing some random gibberish that lefties think stupid rightwingers believe, and run with whatever sticks. A few of the angriest, most disaffected people thinking, “Just burn it down already,” will be licking his feet. Suddenly there are the newcomers, inciting division between those who want to buy into the nonsense and the rest of us who are not dumb or desperate enough to do so unless we have no choice – which is if it comes to deciding which big government Democrat to vote for – Trump or the Democrat candidate.

    You’re damn right I think it’s a setup.

  33. Geokstr… i remember watching him on tv and covering it and hearing the stupidity of it. oh the video may seem reasonable if the scanners were new tech, but by then they weren’t.

    Pres. George H.W. Bush’s grocery scanner moment.mp4

    on another note…

    Ted Cruz has rebuffed a request by Federal Election Commission to disclose more information about some $1 million in loans he received from two major Wall Street banks during his 2012 Senate campaign. In a letter to the FEC this week, the treasurer of Cruz’s 2012 campaign turned down a request by agency auditors that it fill out a public form spelling out “the complete terms” of two personal loans Cruz received from Goldman Sachs and Citibank— the proceeds of which, he has since acknowledged, he used to finance his upstart race for the Senate.

  34. Mr. Dinosaur,

    “I have admired Jews…”

    Tell us another story. I wait with abated admiration to read your wisdom. If any one wears “panties” it is the one who mentions “panties”. Your confirmation is appreciated. But enough macho BS. Just admit you want another dictator wannabe to replace our current dictator wannabe. Or, as I suspect, you, like djt, are working for the left. All hail the bulging paintsuit queen!

  35. Artfldgr and Mr. Dinosaur,

    I have a serious question for the two of you. Do you wear panties? Curious tabloid trump obessed Americans want to know.

  36. And, once the two of you admit you wear “panties” the LGBT voters will swarm to trump; this is your chance to win one for the donald.

    Yuk, its not much fun to sink to your level, but somebody hasto bite the bullet.

  37. parker,

    Stop being so damned sensitive about panties. It was a perfectly valid and well known and well understood metaphor for your show of discomfort. I hope I haven’t hit an exposed nerve.

    You doubt my admiration for the Jewish people. Very well. But you have not a sliver of evidence for it. You have only a stiff necked resolve to bray at things you know nothing about. I urge you, for your benefit, if you cannot assemble a proper response, don’t resort to contorted assumptions.

  38. Its just pass midnight in flyover country. We are edging towards the abyss. IMO we will fall into the chasm, but I am willing to push hard for a chance to begin the begin. Here and now is the time and place to decide. Choose wisely.

  39. It amazes me that one can admire Einstein, Moses Montefiore, and a whole plethora of other Jews, but mention Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, or Roman Polanski with anything less than neutrality and you’re immediately an anti-Semite and in danger of being Parkerized.

  40. Mr. Dinosaur,

    I have your words. My, my you are a touchy one. Wear your “panties” on your head and don’t let your Freudian slip show.


    My insults? I directed no insults at you.

    Goodnight, sleep fitfully.


    These are you new pals?

  41. Parker: You directed nothing at me in this thread. I merely pointed out that you were very quick to tar a fellow commenter with the Anti-Semitism Brush. I did not feel that it was justified in this particular case.

  42. Neo: If you please, next blog post explaining how We Have Always Been at War With East Asia. Oops, Camille Paglia :).

  43. DNC superdelegate shenanigans will likely do for Hillary what wrestlemania knucklehead LIVs are doing for Trump.
    Meanwhile, Obama operatives have been circulating among career FBI agents and DOJ attorneys ordering them to sign non-disclosure forms to inhibit them from whistle-blowing on Hillary’s coming non-indictment.
    Trump vs Hillary would be the most odious decision in the history of democracy, and may forebode the end.

  44. Banned Lizard Says:
    “DNC superdelegate shenanigans will likely do for Hillary what wrestlemania knucklehead LIVs are doing for Trump.

    That is the best insight I’ve heard yet about where the nasty Trump commenters on the internet are coming from.

    My father was a part-time “pro”-wrestler, a jobber (the fall guy paid to make the big names look good) in the 1960s-70s. I followed the WWE for a few years but stopped watching before The Donald started putting on his fakery in the ring.

    Looking back now, the WWE fans remind me very much of all these obnoxious Trump zombies and worshipers who infested Breitbart. They actually believed that crap was real, and were just as fanatical, zealous and over-the-top about their favorite “faces” (good guys) and “heels” (bad guys) as Trump fans today are about him and his competitors. They literally hated anyone who would “win” or almost “win” over their own preferred star.

    Blatant “cheating” was choreographed and rampant, rarely caught by the blind guys they had for refs, and cheered on by the cheater’s fans.

    They had no problems at all when those favorites “flipped” from face to heel, and back again, just like current supporters are unfazed by Trump’s flip-flops either. It was like they had no memory of the past, and their guy was the greatest no matter what unfair, despicable act he had just committed.

    They could fill 20,000 seat stadiums several times a week with raving, hyped up, pumped suckers, mostly college kids, but including a lot of skinheads, bikers, gangbangers and bad boy wanna-bes, who ate up the fake violence.

    All for what was nothing more than a show, an act. It would be very enlightening to include this question in the next poll: “Have you ever been a big fan of the WWE?”

    (And no, I’m not saying all Trump supporters are like that. The majority are probably great people, just legitimately angry at the betrayal by the Republicans. But they are allowing themselves to be amped up and manipulated by some very unsavory types who also support him.)

  45. The Sea Island Conspiracy

    Sea Island last weekend was host to a secret conclave at the Cloisters where oligarchs colluded with Beltway elites to reverse the democratic decisions of millions of voters and abort the candidacy of Donald Trump. [but not cruz or rubio]

    Among the journalists at Sea Island were Rich Lowry of National Review, which just devoted an entire issue to the topic: “Against Trump,” and Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the Trumphobic New York Times.

    “The key task now, to … paraphrase Karl Marx, is less to understand Trump than to stop him.” – William Kristol, editor of the rabidly anti-Trump Weekly Standard / Kristol earlier tweeted that the Sea Island conclave is “off the record, so please do consider my tweets from there off the record.”

    What we see at Sea Island is that, despite all their babble about bringing the blessings of “democracy” to the world’s benighted, AEI, Neocon Central, believes less in democracy than in perpetual control of the American nation by the ruling Beltway elites.

    If an outsider like Trump imperils that control, democracy be damned. The elites will come together to bring him down, because, behind party ties, they are soul brothers in the pursuit of power.

    Something else was revealed by the Huffington Post — a deeply embedded corruption that permeates this capital city.

    this taxpayer-subsidized “Dump Trump” camarilla raises even larger issues


    Many of those NGOs have had funds funneled to them from U.S. agencies such as the National Endowment for Democracy, which has backed “color-coded revolutions” credited with dumping over regimes in Serbia, Ukraine and Georgia.

    In the early 1950s, in Iran and Guatemala, the CIA of the Dulles brothers did this work.

    [yeah, and dont forget ABRAMS that cruz campaign hosts a man who helped bring crack cocaine to the US, killing thousands to fund games in south america, then was pardoned by bush… ]

    We talk about the “deep state” in Turkey and Egypt, the unseen regimes that exist beneath the public regime and rule the nation no matter the president or prime minister.

    What about the “deep state” that rules us, of which we caught a glimpse at Sea Island?

    A diligent legislature of a democratic republic would have long since dragged America’s deep state out into the sunlight.

    go ahead… vote in someone they dont mind
    and see what you get for it..

    one world under marx, indivisable, and forced equality for all…

  46. ‘Choose wisely.’

    I will choose the candidate under which my constitutional rights will be best protected.

    The president’s job is to protect our rights. I no longer expect that; therefore, a president who is the least likely to violate my rights will have to do.

    ”I think a lot of other Trump supporters actually don’t care what Trump turns out to be, as long as his candidacy wreaks havoc with the GOP–and he’s already fulfilled that mission.’

    Ahh, revenge. The best reason of all to vote for someone.

  47. Go back and look at Trump’s statements and speeches. In nearly all you can tell he has done little or no preparation to provide his answers. But especially on his business responses one would expect that he would be a different man. He should be able to discuss Budgets, Federal Reserve Issues, Taxes, Trade agreements etc. with ease. Yet he appears to have done all his deals without absorbing anything his lawyers or bankers have told him. He has done golf courses in other countries and had to have been made familiar with all of the (generally favorable) tax treatments when the other country has a tax treaty with the USA. Yet he shows no interest. At this stage I do not believe he is really much different that what he appears. He really is not a good executive at all.

  48. Looks like Cruz has become Drudge’s latest target.

    What is peculiar is not just the fact that pieces critical of Cruz are being linked to, but the headline hysteria trumpeting yellow journalism opinion/hit pieces, written by characters like the men’s fashion editor of The Daily Caller.

    The men’s fashion editor for God’s sake.

    Drudge can do what he wants; but at this rate I would not be surprised if he suddenly moved in with David Brock and began supporting Hillary.

  49. This is all go a lot better for you, Ace, and all the others out there if you just lay back and enjoy it. Resistance is futile, and President Trump is and has been from day one of his candidacy a fait accompli.

  50. …one world under marx, indivisable, and forced equality for all…
    No doubt Cruz was there as keynote speaker. His ticket was his Rodger Ramjet decoder ring and the super-secret Commie handshake they all use.

  51. The Drudge stuff is exactly what I was talking about during the early primary races. Iowa – Cruz started to do the ‘televangelist’ thing. This was well before any Drudge posting. You could see some of this with your own eyes, and this is what was turning people OFF who were not into that type of Christianity (most Christians, including myself).

    So, someone in the press was eventually going to take notice. I point to the words of Heidi Cruz about ‘seeing the face of Christ’ in her husband. Just weird stuff that makes regular voters very uncomfortable.

    Look, you can have those beliefs…that is not my problem. My problem is, Cruz is deciding to build his administration on these beliefs. That is not okay in my world.

    Carson was a much better example of a Christian using his faith and his values to guide his decision making and policies.

    This is the kind of stuff Hillary would be playing all over the place to show that Cruz is some whack job Christian who wants to convert America and turn it into a theocracy.

  52. Rex just doesn’t seem to get the idea that some people don’t like assholes and don’t want to vote for an asshole. Hmmm, I wonder why he can’t see that?

  53. Basically, birtherism 2.0 having fallen flat and there apparently being fairly little real dirt to use, “Religious Nut” has become the official attack by the alt right on Cruz … mainly, it appears, because he admits to being a christian, and employs a speaking style that reminds people (most of whom have probably never seen the inside of a church) of what they think preachers sound like. Apparently, it astonishes some people that in 2016, there are still people who believe in christianity and admit to it, and the only way they can intellectualize it is to assume that anyone who harbors such belief is a dangerous medieval theocrat. The ferocity of this intolerance and hatred (typically accompanied by infinite excusing of islam and its followers) is unsettling even to me, someone who spent the better part of an online debate career tormenting annoying christians.

    I didn’t think I lived in a place where people were attacked institutionally – by media, by mobs – for their beliefs. I live in such a place now. It matters to me not because I am a christian, because I’m not, but because I respect that when anyone is attacked for their belief (for the fact that they believe – not for any tangible action, or even a specific statement about an taking action, that they have made), it’s the end of tolerant, civilized society.

    There’s no accounting for what people believe. What can be done is to appraise whether that belief is valid. Is it true? Or, in the case of complex things that don’t have a black/white answer, can it be reasonably and logically defended? The idea that, in the US, in 2016, there is a body of far-right religious nutjobs that should be feared is an invalid, non-defendable idea that is older than Cruz’ campaign but which is a part of the same attempt to marginalize everything to the right of the current Democrat party, which is a few states away from fielding a socialist for president.

    There is a constant fanning of flames to scare kids and stupid people about evil christians and all the things they would do if we didn’t hold them at bay. But realistically? Seriously?

    In the 1980s, there was an actual organization, with some power and influence, literally formed to push christian morality – pushing back against legal abortion, the acceptance of gays (which was much more risqué back then), pushing christian prayer in school, etc. It was literally the founding purpose of the Moral Majority. And despite 12 straight years of Republican presidency by people who would cause ersatz modern “moderates” run and scream in fear, despite the fact that this was happening in a time when the country was vastly more religious and conservative than it is now, what happened? (Think: In the 1980s, there were still people alive and voting who had been opposed to birth control, which only became legal in all 50 states after a Supreme Court ruling in 1965 – and even that ruling only applied to married couples.) Nothing. Abortion was still legal. Christian prayer was never forced into public classrooms. Gay people – while still years away from general acceptance even by Democrats – were never thrown off rooftops. There isn’t a tiny fraction of the cultural and social animus pushing toward conservative Christian morality today compared to 30 years ago. It cannot be rationally argued.

    But we’re dealing with the activists that want to destroy what’s left of conservative America. They don’t do business in rationality or reality or reason or truth. Their adherents don’t speak the language of reason or even understand these concepts. Whatever misrepresentation, falsehood and outright fiction it takes to propagandize against anyone in their way, is all in a day’s work.

    They are THIS close to having a US presidential election in which we have to decide between two Democrats, at a time when we’re already teetering on the brink. How exciting it must be over there. So close to victory.

    So yeah, go ahead and tell yourself that Cruz is a religious nut. It’s what they want you to believe.

  54. No one thinks it’s weird that Ace was a quasi-Trump supporter, even preferring him to Rubio? And he just gets a pass?

  55. holmes:

    I didn’t find it weird, simply because I had already noticed how much Ace had grown to hate Rubio. But he certainly didn’t get a pass from me for his flirtation with being a Trump-supporter—not that he would particularly care what I think about that.

    A little background. Ace (one of the few bloggers I read regularly) really really backed Rubio when Rubio first ran for office. When the Gang of 8 thing happened, Ace really felt betrayed and turned on Rubio with a white-hot hatred. He also around that time started really hating the “establishment” (or maybe that was a bit later; I can’t remember). This was after having gotten flak for a long time for defending them.

    So, with that sort of emotion behind it, I was completely unsurprised by Ace’s anti-Rubio stance, and only a little bit surprised by his sort-of-pro-Trump stance, although very disappointed. I’m actually more surprised by his current rejection of Trump, and relieved.

  56. Kyndall- Cruz has practiced sounding like an evangelical. He’s not particularly devout as people who knew him just a few years ago attest. He never gave money to his church, which is extremely unusual for a devout southern baptist.

    He’s just affirming people he needed to vote for him culturally. Not unusual but it’s not sincere.

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