Home » The terrorist stabbings in Israel continue


The terrorist stabbings in Israel continue — 19 Comments

  1. Daniel Greenfield asks a similar question: “If an Israeli isn’t even allowed to fight back when there’s a knife in his neck, when is he allowed to fight back?”. He quotes:

    Yariv Oppenheimer, leader of the Peace Now organization, condemned terror victim Yonatan Azarihab, who was wounded in a stabbing attack on Tuesday, for killing his assailant in the course of the attack.

  2. Oh, come on. Palestinians attacking and murdering (and rocketing) Jews is merely “freedom of expression”.

    Israeli attempts to defend themselves from this means, very simply, that Israel is denying Palestinians their basic right to freedom of expression.

    Oh, those nasty, nasty Zionists.

    File under: Orwellian deja vu! It’s “open season” on Jews again. (No need for any hunting license either.)

  3. This attack was particularly shocking to me.

    My prayers to Taylor Force’s wife, poor woman.

    (P.S. I’m glad Bibi refused to meet with Obama.)

  4. Cornhead,

    It can not be fixed as long as Islam is allowed to remain in the 7th century and the left constantly apologizes for its barbarism. I can easily imagine how to ‘fix’ Islam within one year.

  5. Jews are the original Palestinians .
    The goat shtupping idlamonazi Arabian invaders are not

  6. “Yariv Oppenheimer, leader of the Peace Now organization, condemned terror victim Yonatan Azarihab, who was wounded in a stabbing attack on Tuesday, for killing his assailant in the course of the attack.”

    “Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” the prophet Isaiah


    “It can not be fixed as long as Islam is allowed to remain in the 7th century”

    I have yet to encounter a knowledgeable, reasoned explanation for how Islam can be theologically removed from the 7th century. Of how Islam can be ‘reformed’ without declaring Muhammad to have either been deluded or a liar. Such a unavoidable declaration collapses Islam’s theological foundations.

    [It can not be fixed as long as], “the left constantly apologizes for its barbarism.”

    For the left, it’s apologia is not a bug but a feature. The hard left’s (not the liberal “useful idiot’ multicultural left) support for Islam is intentional, they are fully aware of Islam’s nature. Predators recognize other predators. The hard Left correctly views the western right as a far greater obstacle to its totalitarian dreams of establishing a world utopia occupied by its ‘new men’, than they do Islam.

    What better means of implementing an unchallenged ‘temporary’ (for the duration of the national emergency…) nationwide martial law than in response to a series of disastrous terrorist attacks?

    When they judge the time to be right, the hard left’s elite (not Trotskyites, think Stalinists) will not hesitate to turn the M.E. into a glass parking lot and, any domestic Muslims can always be rounded up and disposed of by whatever means are most convenient.

    Overall, Islam’s death toll is far higher than the left’s but since 1917, the left’s death toll is far higher than Islam’s. Islam does not possess the logistical and technological means to conquer a dominant left that has disposed of its ‘internal problem’. All Islam has is fanatics and fanatics are easily dealt with by those who have the means and are equally ruthless. The Romans showed how to deal with troublesome populations and enemies, “Delenda est Carthago”.

    The right is repelled by that ‘solution’, the hard left anticipates it. As after all, the end more than justifies whatever means are necessary.

  7. GB,

    I give not a damn about removing islam from its 7th century twisted mindset. I propose blockages (land, sea, and air) to starve them into submission. It can be done, we (the West) have the means, we lack the will. They can not feed themselves. Blockages, nothing goes in or out. Hundreds of millions starve and suddenly the rest beg the great satan for a crust of bread.

  8. The solution of course is to give the Palestinians a state and then they will become peace loving, friendly and civic minded.
    I wonder how our species made it this far?
    if the US accepts a million Islamic refugees and one percent go bad Jewish life in this country will be untenable. It will be like in Europe with more guns. I hear it is already a bad idea to be Jewish on some campus’s.
    As for stabbings, a Jew was stabbed to death in Uruguay by someone shouting Allah Akbar.

  9. Decided to resurrect myself, Just Because.

    Parker, does it cause you great distress to know that we are on exactly the same page re the care and handling of the ‘Islamic Problem’?

    Apparently, however, when I advocate somewhat less radical surgery on Western Bodies Politic, I am irrational and execrable. But let’s disagree on that and agree on this:

    Kudos to the Israeli victim who killed his attacker. The Israeli far left who advocate pacifism cum national suicide deserve worse than just lamp posts. And likewise to any Western ‘Elites’ who would betray their own people.

  10. Today we get Jeffery Goldberg’s interview of Obama in the Atlantic magazine confirming in detail Obama’s purposeful alienation of America’s former allies Israel and many Sunni states. Once again on motivations we have in Obama what is in my view a portrait of the meld of Iago and Andreas Lubitz.

    In any case, the malevolent direction of Obama’s actions were fully diagnosed by such as Michael Doran, Lee Smith and Tony Badran over the last few years. These men were called conspiracy theorists for saying the truth about Obama’s foreign policy depredations. America meanwhile, slept or cheered while Obama tunneled Iranian nuclear bombs under her path into the future; while the peoples of the Middle east — particularly the minorities, whether Christians, Yazids, Jews, but not to ignore that even the majority Sunnis there — were murdered in their multi-hundreds of thousands; while an Iranian hegemony assembled its power in four Sunni capitals, allied together with the re-insertion of Russian power into Middle Eastern affairs after its absence of decades.

  11. “Those nasty, vicious Israelis, shooting Palestinians for no reason.”

    The MSM and the Academic Left says the ‘reason’ is that Religous Jews are Nazi’s.

    Neo, why won’t you pay attention to what YOUR enemies are saying?

  12. what about similar with mostly black on white and other races being predominant in nyc?

    Jogger Slashed, Man Stabbed by Suspect in Prospect Park: NYPD

    Suspect Nabbed in Fatal Stabbing, 2 Attacks in New York City

    Subway Stabbing – Huffington Post

    Cops Make Arrest in Face-Slashing That Left Man Paralyzed

    New York City slashing attacks continue with three more within 24 hours

    Woman slashed across face in another terrifying NYC attack

    Three more slashings in NYC as disturbing incidents climb

    and this one is in my area:
    Cops shoot lunatic on deadly slash-and-burn rampage through Queens

    i had met the man, and i knew the liquor store owner in passing (ie. been to the store, but not much more than that)…

    given i get attacked several times a year, my wife and i are a bit scared. but they said i cant have a raise after 12 years and exceeds expectations ratings, and mostly cause i am the wrong kind of person for the future of stem… so, we are stuck as the area gets worse and worse, cant have kids… and my thinking that if i die, well she can leave and that will be good for everyone.

    its THAT bad for some of us..
    despite we have it wll by most standards

    but… waiting to be slashed
    the other 5 attacks i didnt even bother going to the police… why bother? its just going to make things worse for my wife and myself.

    there is a lot of this..
    [and i didnet even mention the machettes!]

  13. “If an Israeli isn’t even allowed to fight back when there’s a knife in his neck, when is he allowed to fight back?”.

    i explained this years ago based on the idea of oppressed oppressor dialectics

    the oppressor has no right to self defense when attacked by the oppressor as that is just continuing his ability to oppress in the future

    you can go back to this post
    September 15th, 2009
    The racers

    yes… seven years ago i was letting you all know what was coming and being called nutters… but so far, most of the posts i would make today, refernce those posts from almost a decade ago.

    when your ahead, no one gets it
    and when it arrives, no one remembers

    but i had known this dialectical reasoning from the black liberation movement in the 1970s..

  14. Everyone ignored this for so long its not considered the right thing and institutionalized… its also how the brutal class cows the rest inot submission till they squeel to be safe in their own social prison called communism… (too bad people didnt want to learn how this all works and the methods and rules, and so on… was much better to guess, and play games and then be “shocked, shocked that there is gambling)

    cross poliination of feminism and black liberation leads robin morgan to say this

    I feel that “man-hating” is an honorable and viable political act, and that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them. – 1970 Robin Morgan

    go to the lefts homes:
    20 ways the violence of the oppressed isn’t the same as the violence of the oppressors

    Oppressed peoples have a fundamental right to self defense. This self defense is characterized as “violence” because revolution is only seen as legitimate when it’s on the terms of the oppressors. By their rules. Because they set the rules.

    so in reality, they are not attacking jews
    they are killing jews in self defense
    which is the same way the left sees killing white males
    (and later, oh what will those producers of white males called feminists gonna do when the eye of mordor turns to them)

    Nonviolence as an ideology is most often used to portray the violence of the oppressed as ‘irrational’ and the violence of the oppressor as ‘rational.’

    Armed struggle is often an act of love. However it’s portrayed by those in power as not just ineffective but also as “hateful.” But armed struggle is a love of freedom. Love of one’s people. Love which is sacrificial and brave. Love which risks imprisonment and death.

    and this..

    The violence of the oppressed is part of achieving liberation. The violence of the oppressor is part of achieving domination.

    so whats happening in isreal is all about freedom..
    same with the attacks in the US against the one unprotected class that is responsible for all ills the same way that one class was responsible for all the ills in germany…

    and the same solution will be employed eventually when everyone is ginned up enough

    The violence of the oppressed is frequently a ‘necessary evil.’ Ask the King if he’d like to leave, chances are he will choose to stay — and we will likely have to remove him by force.

    Violence is the cry of a people who are so desperate they have no other realistic way of achieving emancipation. This is why nonviolence carries favor among the privileged. Rebellion may not always be executed thoughtfully or strategically but it always justified.

    The Black Panthers were not the same as the KKK

    Acknowledging class divisions is conditional. What does this mean? Ask white people if they are racist. White people often reply ‘I don’t see color.’ Yet ask them if they’d like to trade places with a person of color. Or ask them if they’d like to live in a third world country. Suddenly they see color.

    thats why so many whites lived in africa, indonesia, phillipeans… why i would like to be in indonesia… and i grew up in a inner city slum with very few whites… so i didnt have to trade places, i lived there..

    but its as bernie says…
    “When you’re white you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor,” said Sanders. “You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street, or dragged out of a car.”

    hey, bernie… anyone let you know that the word Ghetto was a jewish word and applied to whites in germany?

    Even every white person’s favorite Black leader, Martin Luther King, pointed out the differences between the violence of the oppressed and the oppressor. It’s a classic racist trope: white people using MLK’s words against his own people. To pacify them. To disarm them. To quell their rage. To silence them.

    which is why content of your character is meaningless

  15. The only possible “fix” for Islam described in “Three conjectures” by Richard Fernandez.

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