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Bernie Sanders wins in Michigan — 54 Comments

  1. Well, it’s all that. But how much, really, does Ms Cankle Pantsuit (forgive the Donald Trump/John Simon transgressive depiction) inspire any of the non-devoted to get out of the house and vote. All of which gives rise to a great doubt that the distaff half of the Clinton Foundation is all that formidable an opponent to most anyone especially alpha dogs like Trump and Cruz. I’m not sure even Willy has enough moxie left in his juices to sway anyone or even dig up a suitable size audience. The thrill is gone; only the shrill is left. Oh, and the cackle.

  2. JurassiCon Rex:

    You don’t know the voters I know. Some are very enthusiastic about Hillary. But even the many who are not would walk over hot coals to vote for her if her opponent was Trump. They don’t like Hillary, but they HATE and fear Trump.

    They hate and fear Cruz, too, but to a lesser extent.

  3. Sen. Sanders didn’t win Michigan: Sec. Hillary Clinton will receive more delegates, and that’s the only number that really counts.

  4. HRC is a weak candidate. She could lose to Trump. This FBI stuff only gets worse.

    DOJ indicts HRC. Biden jumps in. Obama pardons HRC and her whole crew on last day in office. Obama can’t risk a loss with HRC at the top of the ticket. That’s why he let’s her get indicted.

    Cruz beats Biden, but Trump loses to Biden.

    Ted and Carly are the best ticket with Marco to Defense.

  5. A sobering look at what this country has become.
    Indeed. That is what pushed me last week to retire. If the conservative party, the one supposed to stand for capitalism and individual rights is about to nominate a crony capitalist and thug as its standard bearer, and the other party is seriously considering an outright socialist, there is little left for honest producers but the scraps.

    I sat down with my attorney and accountant, ran the numbers, and decided it just doesn’t make sense anymore. Fiscal 2014 was a pretty good year for me, and it cost. I paid 49% of my adjusted gross income in self-employment tax, federal income tax, and California state income tax combined. Yes, I could move to Nevada and save 8%. Big deal, it wouldn’t be worth the miserable surroundings.

    So I asked myself, if millennials are brainwashed socialists now, what kind of future does that mean for a business? If I expand and hire, putting more of my net into investment, it will only encourage the little bastards. I’m just making myself a target. What will happen will happen, but without me funding it, at least to the extent that I can limit my income.

    Looking back over the years of struggling with a small business, the 12 hour days, working weekends, holidays, short changing family, to finally arrive at a point where there is a decent profit only to find that the parasites have it rigged and fully intend to make it worse, well, let them try. They will learn the law of diminishing returns – good and hard.

  6. Go Bernie. I’d like to see some turmoil on the Dem side. My dream election would be be Bernie Sanders v Rafael Edward Cruz. Give the voters a clear honest choice. Ted would mop the floor with Bernie during the debates. Instead we’ll probably end up with Hillary v Trump. Two people pretending to be something they are not.

  7. Neo, ditto on my lefty FB friends. If I see as much as one anti-Cruz comment or meme to every 10 Trump ones, I’d be surprised. The lefty lefts are not voting for anyone running on a Republican ticket no matter what, but Cruz doesn’t engender any more than the usual “ick” factor whereas there is a wall of hate for Trump. Part of the reason Trump has come to irk me so much as how often my “friends” put me on the spot of defending myself and conservatism – something I have backed since the day I turned 18 – because of some idiocy perpetrated by Trump, who wouldn’t know conservatism if it hit him in the head and who changes political affiliations like some people change underwear.

  8. Bernie is such an old angry hippie. Hillary is an Ivy Leaguer of the same era but too high class and smart to be a real hippie. Both very unattractive.

  9. @Kyndyll and Neo –

    Gonna go out on a limb here, and say that most likely, you see that number of memes about Trump because he’s the presumptive nominee by anyone who doesn’t follow conservatives sites (and even then, he’s often the presumptive). If it looked like it were Cruz, you would see non-stop memes involving Cruz and Dr. Seuss, or Cruz filibustering an empty Senate chamber, and the Trump ones would immediately stop.

  10. Yes, it was a surprising result, but Clinton’s only danger is the FBI investigation as far as getting the nomination is concerned. Her advantage with blacks simply can’t be overcome by Sanders. The difference in Michigan is that blacks don’t make up a majority of Democrat primary voters. In states where black’s make up a 1/3 or less of the primary vote, Sanders will always have a chance.

    Now, if Sanders can win Florida and Ohio, then things change a bit, but I think it very unlikely he does that. Basically, Sanders is running on Obama’s path from 2008, but minus the black vote. Clinton, compared to 2008, has replaced the non-religious working class white vote with the black vote. That non-religious working class white vote is now partially in Sander’s camp, while the majority of it is voting for Trump instead.

  11. neo

    I’m running into surprising Democrats willing to vote for Trump…

    But I run into three times as many Republicans that will bolt ranks and vote for the not-Trump, now and in November.

    He can’t possibly win.

    The folks talking him up are always anti-GOPe — if not down right anti-Conservative.


    Social media is making it possible for activists — Eric’s kind of activists — to get MASS voting by Democrats inside GOP primaries.

    The same social media is causing digital rabble rousing in the Black faction… which is plainly being ‘organized’ for Hillary.

    And in the back ground I can hear Darth Soetoro cackling away.

    Everything is proceeding as he has foreseen.

  12. blert:
    “Eric’s kind of activists”

    Actually, those activists are the kind I played against. My kind of activists are counter-Left.

  13. I traveled around eastern Iowa for 6 weeks doing grunt work for the Cruz campaign and noticed that BERNIE signs out numbered H-> signs by well more than 10 to 1, so i was surprised hrc squeeked by, until I learned about the shennanigans that denied BERNIE a narrow victory. The super delegate DNC has baked the cake, but that drip, drip email investigation long ago made me a proponent of Cornhead @5:23 comment.

  14. Neo:
    “A sobering look at what this country has become.”

    And that’s just the damage by the Democrat-front Left.

    On the other side with the Trump phenomenon, even if Trump the candidate is defeated and he goes away, the Left-mimicking alt-Right insurgency that’s the creative engine of the Trump campaign isn’t going away. Their current Trump-front is strategic, but it’s not what defines them. If Trump drops away, they’ll keep building their movement using the Left’s proven model. They’ve commenced their Gramscian long march.

    Both the Left and Left-mimicking alt-Right are anti-conservative.

    Electoral politics is a key piece, but it’s neither the first nor most important piece. Winning elections if that’s the extent can’t solve this, yet most conservatives seem to be looking to winning elections as a magical panacea that they already know it isn’t.

  15. Cornhead, call me crazy, but I think that Rubio would be even better slotted as Secretary of State.

    As, IMHO, our relations with this hemisphere need a jump start — and MUCH more priority.

    I think that Trump would be extremely satisfied to be Secretary of Commerce. It’s the traditional slot for a heavy weight super businessman.

    Hoover ran the government from that desk. (!)

  16. blert as a cabinet member? Allowed to run the government from the Department of Commerce under a Cruz administration? DJT could not in the day get a job shining HH’s shoes. LOL!

  17. Look to Europe and the Anti-Austerity Votes. Bernie (and also Hillary) are playing to that note. No cutback of government handouts is acceptable or explainable so the guy who promises more still gets the vote.

    On another Trumpian topic, if you look at his side ventures (Trump Mortgage, University, Steaks, Health Food, Vodka….) they are really rinkydink enterprises. The guys who ran them are not pros in the business, but all seem to be great film flam men. The more I think about it the more a whole series of con men figured out how to fleece Donald. Flatter him enough and he’ll front stuff that should be on late night infomercials. I know Putin has his number.

  18. Why is anyone surprised that after mass immigration from countries that have no democratic character results in an electorate that is socialist? I find it quaint that so many people don’t realize that the republic is dead, and mass immigration is just hastening it – along with social media and mass voting by women (and 21st century males) who care more about feelings, and worry about feel badz more than republic or capitalism or free speech.

    That’s what most commenters don’t get about Trump’s appeal – it’s a FY that it’s over, go down in flames.

  19. Can Obama afford to alienate Hillary’s voters by indicting her, which will look to her supporters like the most foul betrayal?

    I see signs of a deep animosity to Hillary among Sander’s young supporters. Amazingly, they are deeply angry at the democrat elite for not doing enough. Young Bernie supporters see not just Hillary but the entire ‘Wall Street cabal’ in bed with the democrat establishment as responsible for the status quo.

    Are they as angry as burn-it-all-down Trump supporters? I don’t know but I do see a lot of anger among Sander’s supporters.

    I suspect that the division on the left may be nearly as deep as on the right. That it is far less justified, matters not to the ‘educated’ Sander’s supporters.

    How that will play out I cannot say but that it will be a significant factor seems probable.

  20. Way off topic…


    ZeroHedge ie Moscow on the ether:

    Submitted by William Reynolds via Medium.com,

    Something that has gone unnoticed in all the talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails is the content of the original leak that started the entire investigation to begin with.

    In March of 2013, a Romanian hacker calling himself Guccifer hacked into the AOL account of Sidney Blumenthal and leaked to Russia Today four e-mails containing intelligence on Libya that Blumenthal sent to Hillary Clinton.

    For those who haven’t been following this story, Sidney Blumenthal is a long time friend and adviser of the Clinton family who in an unofficial capacity sent many “intelligence memos” to Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State.

    Originally displayed on RT.com in Comic Sans font on a pink background with the letter “G” clumsily drawn as a watermark, no one took these leaked e-mails particularly seriously when they came out in 2013.

    Now, however, we can cross reference this leak with the e-mails the State Department released to the public.

    The first three e-mails in the Russia Today leak from Blumenthal to Clinton all appear word for word in the State Department release.

    The first e-mail Clinton asks to have printed and she also forwards it to her deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan. The second e-mail Clinton describes as “useful insight” and forwards it to Jake Sullivan asking him to circulate it.

    The third e-mail is also forwarded to Jake Sullivan. The fourth e-mail is missing from the State Department record completely.

    This missing e-mail from February 16, 2013 only exists in the original leak and states that French and Libyan intelligence agencies had evidence that the In Amenas and Benghazi attacks were funded by “Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia.”

    This seems like a rather outlandish claim on the surface, and as such was only reported by conspiracy types and fringe media outlets.

    Now, however, we have proof that the other three e-mails in the leak were real correspondence from Blumenthal to Clinton that she not only read, but thought highly enough of to send around to others in the State Department.

    Guccifer speaks English as a second language and most of his writing consists of rambling conspiracies, it’s unlikely he would be able to craft such a convincing fake intelligence briefing.

    This means we have an e-mail from a trusted Clinton adviser that claims the Saudis funded the Benghazi attack, and not only was this not followed up on, but there is not any record of this e-mail ever existing except for the Russia Today leak.

    End of quote.

    What a dope.

    IRAN is the party to benefit.

    HAMAS is the ‘cut-out.’

    This latest Moscow release is aimed at Riyadh.


    There is not one chance in one billion that KSA wanted the arms deliveries to Turkey (Syria) interrupted.

    The local population was ENRAGED.

    Shortly after the mercenary assault, Benghazi turned out en masse to mourn the fallen and to take a pro-American position.


    That CIA Station was their bread and butter.


    In the film 13 Hours, the CIA is portrayed as paying off arms dealers ( CIA is the buyer ) in local currency.

    For the most part, the locals want — and DEMAND — US currency.

    The local stuff is crap.

    US currency is INTERNATIONAL money.

    Like gold, it’s recognized EVERYWHERE.

    Pounds, Yen, Euros, are second rank.

    They actually only trade well in regions.

    Gold and US dollars are accepted quite literally EVERYWHERE.

    You can’t even find a primitive that won’t accept US dollars.


  21. As for Sanders, I hope he is elected. Some people only learn that the stove is hot by touching it. It will be fun watching a bunch of spoiled, immature college kids who never had to do without try and survive under socialism. I may vote for Sanders out of spite (I was planning to write in Howard the Duck).

    After the election and re-election of a traitor for President over two outstanding candidates it is clear that there is something very wrong with the American electorate. Perhaps Sanders will provide a needed rude awakening. Societies are like people, they only change when they hit rock bottom.

  22. “What business have people who call might right to worship Odin? The whole point about Odin was that he had the right but not the might. The point about Norse religion was that it alone of all mythologies told men to serve gods who were admittedly fighting with their backs to the wall and would certainly be defeated in the end. ‘I am off to die with Odin’ said the rover in Stevenson’s fable, thus proving that Stevenson understood something about the Nordic spirit which (Nazi) Germany has never been able to understand at all. The gods will fall. The wisdom of Odin, the humourous courage of Thor (Thor was something of a Yorkshireman) and the beauty of Balder, will all be smashed eventually by the realpolitik of the stupid giants and misshapen trolls. But that does not in the least alter the allegiance of any free man. Hence, as we should expect, real Germanic poetry is all about heroic stands, and fighting against hopeless odds.”

    — C.S. Lewis in First and Second Things

  23. This supports much of what Artful Dodger has been saying — and it was unearthed by the Huffington Post, and foregrounded by Rush Limbaugh:

    Folks, there’s a place in Georgia called Sea Island. There’s been a G7 economic meeting there. It’s a very ritzy and tony place. It was originally built as a golf course development for well-to-do, upper crust people. Nothing wrong with that. The first edition of it didn’t make it. It went close to bankrupt and it had some emergency buyers. Three partners, I believe, came in with a total of $212 million and rebuilt it, and now it’s really something.

    It’s the coast of Georgia and you have to be going there to get there, and it’s a five star place. Well, it hosted what was to have been private confab recently, a very secret meeting sponsored by a think tank in Washington known as AEI, the American Enterprise Institute. Now, AEI is a think tank. They’re people that sit there and think. And it’s got leftist thinkers and it’s got centrist thinkers and it’s got some right-wing thinkers. Its chairman is Arthur Burns, someone who has recently been trying to redefine what conservatism is, much the same way that Republican establishment has been trying to redefine conservatism.

    It’s not what you and I consider it to be. Anyway, they have an annual meeting called a world forum, like the World Economic Forum. The World Forum, AEI’s World Forum. It’s kind of like their own version of Davos, the World Economic Forum. At this one, “[d]escribed unimaginatively but accurately as ‘opulent,’ Sea Island, Georgia, hosted a gaggle of Republican leaders and tech CEOs for the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum. Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend…

    “The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump. Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended,” and other tech big wigs were there. “So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Senators Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Cory Gardner (Colorado), Tim Scott (South Carolina), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Nebraska),” were all in attendance.

    Digest that for a minute: Leftwing Social Media billionaires (“billies”) Tim Cook, Elon Musk, Larry Page, et al., were in a secret meeting with Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, and Paul Ryan, inter alia.


    “Sources familiar with the meeting — who requested anonymity because the forum is off the record — said that much of the conversation around Trump centered on ‘how this happened, rather than how are we going to stop him…'” In other words, it was a circle, and they were sitting around the circle, and they were all telling each other or asking each other, “How the hell did this happen?” And it’s an understandable thing. They think they run the world. They think they control these things. And out of the blue comes the Trumpster.

    Verrrry interesting. The rubes, apparently, must be beaten back into line by the New World Rulers.

  24. I would add to the above, lest any of you think they’re being public-spirited citizens — They didn’t do one goddamn thing to stop Barack Hussein Obama, the most destructive president in America’s history.

    So, no. Public-spiritedness and patriotism ain’t got nothin’ to do with it.

  25. Obama’s rise to power was already predicted in at least some circles well before he announced his candidacy. Supposedly, even as early as his assumption of his US Senate seat, some people were already introducing him as a future president of the US. His convention speech in 2004 had people gushing about him the next day. In short, it was known years in advance that Obama was going to run, and that he was going to attract public interest. Though even he seems to have not realized that he’d actually win his first run.

    Trump, for all we know, might very well have flipped a coin when he decided to run (it’s doubtful, but possible). There was little to indicate that he was planning on running. No one expected him to run prior to the start of the primary season. And the result was that he almost overnight went from “uninvolved” to “party front-runner”.

    So yeah, there should be an interest in figuring out ‘how this happened, rather than how are we going to stop him…’ Everyone knew that Obama was going to run, and there were four long years to generate buzz. No one knew that Trump was going to run (even Trump himself may not have made up his mind until the last minute). And it’d be in the best interests of the establishments on both sides of the aisle to figure out the causes of Trump’s sudden rise to political prominence.

  26. Some journalist on TV last night stated that Sanders’ victory along with Trump’s meant that trade was going to be a major issue moving forward. This gives Cruz and Carly a good opportunity to move forward in educating the voters about trade. Who else has Carly’s creds in this area.
    If Sanders’s view catches hold, does that mean America wants to go back to making buggy whips? If Trump’ takes hold, does that mean a tariff on Chinese whips will bring prosperity to the US?

    Where Carly can help is to let people know that we have to clean up our own policies before we can expand our economy in world trade. This means thing like getting rid of the tax on repatriated money earned and taxed abroad. We, and now Trump, use special visas to allow Chinese to come to America when they invest here. Why do they get a break when our own companies don’t? Why do mergers set up to give our companies a home abroad for tax reasons not raise some questions about who will control these companies in the future? I am not against mergers and multinational companies, but they should not be based on lousy US tax policies. Carly could explain this in simple terms people could understand.

    Another area she could take on is how to cope with changing work force needs. If a whip-making company is going out of busines because whips are no longer needed or because someone has invented a new whip-making machine that requires only 2 workers instead of 200, someone has to redirect the education and training of 198 people. Should a bureaucrat in DC do this or should state and local governments who know more about potential opportunities in their area? Of course, the people in state and local governments have to be willing to learn about what is happening in the world. They can’t be focussed on simply getting federal grants to prop up whip-making companies or expand payments to people who lost their jobs.

    The thing about trade is that we don’t solve problems by blaming others. We have to empower our own people. We have to take off the regulatory handcuffs. We have to develop items and services that other countries want to buy. Americans are very good at this and they will prosper if we get the federal government out of their way.

    We can negotiate trade agreements that are fair and that benefit both sides. But it would be very helpful if the people could understand what is in these agreements. We have already gotten a huge mess of laws and rules that we had to pass before we could read them. That hasn’t worked out too well, has it Nancy?

    And we have to send a signal to others in the world that we will be fair when they trade with us if they keep up their end of the agreement. We aren’t going to sue them when our plans didn’t work out. We aren’t going to stick them with bankruptcies while we take our money and buy gold-plated airplanes. We are respected in the world when we respect ourselves and our values, when we aren’t intimidated by crooks and thugs, and when we don’t reduce ourselves to their level.

    I hope Carly and Cruz can deliver a message similar to this to counter all the victim makers and big government types so that Americans will begin to believe in themselves again.

  27. junior Says:
    “Trump, for all we know, might very well have flipped a coin when he decided to run…”

    Two coin flips: whether to run, and which party to run in.

  28. Bernie sanders and hillary, and progressive america

    Video shows two camera angles of LaVoy Finicum shooting

    on another note, the left has made muslims a protected class in violation of equal protections clause of the constitution

    its open season on white males and christians..
    and double so if they are both..

    I still havent been able to get to the end of the video
    it reminds me way too much of the stories of my family from the old country and how the soviets/germans used to handle discourse with their unprotected classes…

  29. OJ simpson get sto run for miles and gives up
    this unarmed white christian family, gets murdered
    but dont worry, its social justice.

    better wake up guys…..
    your not getting whats going on outside your comfort zone

    three adults, two children, no weapon
    they wouldnt let them leave the car
    trying to murder them..
    and forgetting they have cell phones

    and did the news show this as much as TRAYVON

    you can hear them praying to god..
    but i guess they are not muslim and protected

    WELCOME to obama/bernie/hillary america

    Cruz said that these criminals should stand down
    so Cruz approves of the police first citizens second

    good thing the phones are protected from the state getting the video from them… no?

  30. “Our prayers right now are with everyone involved in what’s happening with Oregon, and especially those in law enforcement that are risking their lives,” Cruz said

  31. The Establishment is now plotting to take Donald Trump out of the race for President. A secret meeting was called the Annual World Forum, an off-the-record conference hosted by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a leading Washington, D.C.-based conservative think tank. AEI has hosted the “secretive” event since 1982, but this year had a unique focus. Republican pundit Bill Kristol and former George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove were there, among others, including leaders of both the House and Senate

  32. Good thing Cruz has so many bankers, and ex bush criminals (abrams and neil) on his team…that way, the establishment picks him and destroys anyone not in the establishment elites club

    good job guys… the irony is yards deep

    Jedem das Seine

  33. Beverly, thank you for your honesty…

    you could have chosen not to put that up like many others do and so, bury my points

    as the others seem to think that if i say it short, i havent done research and have no real reason other than conspiracy / (even neo got snarky with the RINO comment) and if its long, neo cuts it down so i dont get to prove my point (that no one will accept without proof)… for good reasons im told, but then again, perpetrators always have good reasons and are justified.

    I have a very hard time with it, as i do lots of research BEFORE i take a stand, but i cant show i do that, as such requires space i cant have… (and get attacked for by others anyway)

    you would all be amazed at the other stuff i know and have that is openly available but you need a really good memory to know where to look and that memory has to go back 40 years or more (which you get from reading the past stuff before its trendy and disappears)

    nothing i can do about it…
    i have no place so i have to exist the way those that do impose on me, from work, to here, to business, to protected classes, etc.

    this is why i think, over time, the ovens are actually more humane and wish they pointed out which i can crawl into and not have to sit around waiting to die as i am that marginal now…

    i look at my wife and want to cry how her loving me has destroyed her life because she cant have a child, a home, etc… (my sister and her many degrees for being a female, and many houses for being a female, suggested my wife do the same, but she is not a citizen, so we cant… )

  34. DirtyJobsGuy Steaks, Health Food, Vodka..

    other than trump college which he put his name on but did not run… and the other thing, those items you pick were not general public, but either for upper crust catalogues or for his own hotels.

    ie. he starts a meat company and then sells the items to his hotels. you know, the same way marcus buys a sign company, and a car company and has the sign company make the signs for the national car company….

    duh… how can people be so judgmental on assumptions that are so wrong… on another note, how can people crow about how bad the press is, then when it says what they like to hear thats wrong, think its soooo right?

    rubes… acting like rubes… trying to make more rubes

    Trump steaks were sold at Sharper Image, exclusively
    so who was he selling to? welfare? besides, even the farms that do this dont make a lot… usually the amounts are too large for people without a box freezer

    Trump water was never in stores, its sold in the lobby of his building to tourists, and at hotels.

    [he was making his hotels more profitable, not trying to make a new dasani… your faulting him for bs… ]

  35. Beverly Says: This supports much of what Artful Dodger has been saying…

    and ultimately, i cant even take credit..

    Bella Dodd was circumspect about the people behind the Communist Party. She once was told to phone two multi-millionaires who live in the Waldorf Towers if she lost contact with Moscow. Elsewhere, she refers to “a secret well organized world power.” She is obviously afraid to be candid. She suspects that one CPUSA leader’s “suicide” was in fact murder. (172)

    she does drop a possible clue. She says that each of the nine floors of the party-owned headquarters at 35 E. 12th St. was devoted to CPUSA business. The Sixth Floor held “the publication offices of the Yiddish newspaper, the Freiheit, and the “Jewish Commission.” (162)

    “What now became clear to me was the collusion of these two forces: the Communists with their timetable for world control, and certain mercenary forces in the free world bent on making profits from blood.” (229)

    Communism is essentially a deceitful system of international elite control. It was not suppressed during the McCarthy era. Rather it morphed into the New Left, Counter Culture, Civil Rights, Anti War and Woman’s Liberation Movements, and later into a plethora of elite-sponsored NGO’s, and media, Democratic and Republican party factions, Liberal, Zionist, Labor, and Gay Rights groups. Like the CPUSA itself, these groups are controlled from the top so their memberships are unaware of being used.

    To the objection that some of the above mentioned groups oppose globalization, Dodd refers to examples where the CPUSA ostensibly supported causes they wished to sabotage. (205)

    just as the soviets murdered their own to prove that they were on the opposition side… this is old… this is why i said, examine cruz votes and see if all his votes are what a real conservative would do..

    would a real conservative not vote against Lorreta Lynch? if he votes FOR her, thats a question, a conservative wanting the constitution to be upheld would naturally vote against her, but he voted to abstain, and remain invisable.

    and this now faciliatates

    The Obama Administration has announced a new initiative to establish Muslims as a special class in public schools.

    Under the banner of civil rights enforcement, the U.S. Justice Department plans to “promote religious freedom” in the nation’s public schools by cracking down on discrimination and bullying, especially as it may affect Muslims.

    The new enforcement effort announced on Tuesday will “expand” DOJ’s ability to investigate and prosecute complaints; lead community outreach; and develop guidance for federal prosecutors. …

    Agencies participating in the new initiative include the Departments of Education, Homeland Security, and Labor; the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC); and within the Justice Department, the Civil Rights Division, FBI, Office of Justice Programs, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys and Community Relations Service.

    So all he had to do was not do anything
    the people would not consider absence of action an action, and that facilitates the above. as far as other conservative points, well, i just quoted the head of the teachers union and the cpusa telling you thats what they do

    and you guys think i dont listen?

    i tried to tell you this stuff way back, go ahead look to this
    September 28th, 2009
    I was going to write about the Polanski arrest…

    its 2016 now… 7 years ago i tried to tell you to learn how they work, what is done, the game, etc.. and then tried to lay out methods, and so on, that way you would recognize them…

    hows that working for you now?
    how did that work for La Voy?

    you guys are so twisted up in all directions you have no idea of how to figure out which direction anyone is going in… and even funnier, your acting more like leftists who are confused than patriots who know

  36. I’ll read the rest of the comments when I have more time, but to all the people who are comparing the level of invective against Trump (massive) to the level against Cruz (far smaller), just wait until Cruz gets the nomination (God willing). They will paint Cruz in a way that makes what they’re doing to Trump look sort of tame in comparison.

    I’ve seen enough people saying that as much as they dislike Trump, they hate and fear Cruz more.

    But to see Cruz in a debate with either Clinton or Sanders would be very encouraging and entertaining. It will be like Dick Cheney and John Edwards all over again, only more so.

  37. Answer me this…if Trump wins big in Florida a closed primary state as is “predicted”, does that change the opinion that Trump can’t win over the majority of National Republican voters?

  38. Cruz may not engender the ‘ick’ factor with Dems as much as Trump, but moderates? There is a huge ‘ick’ factor for televangelist Cruz. A moderate friend of mine said as much to me yesterday. She could never vote for Cruz, finds his far right-wing social views abhorrent and his interest in pandering mostly to the religious right to be a huge turn off.

    That is what I’m talking about with Trump. We don’t need to win over Bernie democrats. We only need to win over the moderate middle. And some democrats are in that camp.

  39. Cabernt:

    To answer your question: depends what you mean by “big.” He can win “big” in a split field while only getting 40% of the Florida GOP vote. A result like that wouldn’t tell us much. However, if he gets something impressive—for example, 60% of the vote—that would certainly indicate he appeals to a majority of Florida GOP voters and that it might be applicable to other states. However, even then it’s not clear it would be applicable, because Florida is a kind of “home state” for Trump, who is heavily invested there and often lives there, and employs a lot of people there.

    None of it has much to do with how he would match up with Hillary (or Sanders). If his unfavorables remain high, and if a great many Republican voters say they won’t vote for him even if the nominee, that’s a big big problem for him.

  40. Conceptjunkie:

    I have no illusions about what they will do to any GOP nominee. The point is that they have a lot of unused ammunition waiting to go against Trump, and Cruz, but I think even more against Trump.

    But they would do it to anyone who is the GOP nominee. Dog on the roof.

  41. Saw a pro that games this stuff out saying that the Trump phenomenon is so unique that his predicted range in the general could be in the 38-51% range. He’ll either win or get blown out. And if he loses people will blame the 3 million Republicans that stayed home, not the 65 million that voted for Hillary.

  42. I think Hillary has at least as big a problem as trump in that Sanders supporters are not likely to go to the polls in droves if she’s the nominee.

  43. SteveH: Even if Trump is the nominee?

    I think they will gladly hold their noses. In that regard, I believe Democrats in general, even the idealistic Sanders supporters, would be much different from Republicans, but I don’t think the liberals are as thoroughly disgusted with the Democrat party as conservatives are with the Republican party.

  44. I’m not so sure. She just might be the most despised democrat by other democrats ever.

  45. “There is a huge ‘ick’ factor for televangelist Cruz. A moderate friend of mine said as much to me yesterday. She could never vote for Cruz, finds his far right-wing social views abhorrent and his interest in pandering mostly to the religious right to be a huge turn off.”

    Speaking as someone who is literally a Christian apostate, I continue to be perplexed where this idea of rampant contemporary “religious far rightism” comes from. Actually, no, that’s rhetorical – I’m not perplexed. I know exactly where it comes from – a media and culture that makes up whatever it wants people to believe and acts like there is no one alive who is capable of remembering anything from more than two minutes ago. One of the things it’s trying hard to sell is the lie that the left is where it’s always been and anyone to its right is therefore running wildly into unexplored regions of religious whackism and nuttery, when of course the truth is that the left is a hundred miles to the left of where it used to be and the right is left of where the left used to be. Anyone who thinks what you’re claiming is not a moderate – just a lemming and a LIV. Your friend would think I was a right-wing nutcase – when in fact, I hold the same opinions on every relevant topic that I held in 1990 – back in the BBS days, when I was fighting the opposite side of these same battles – when I was a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian.

    Are we under 30? Do we not remember the 1980s, when things that are taken for granted today were beyond the pale? We survived eight years of Reagan and four years of Bush – consecutively – and all of their SC nominations, and didn’t lose legal abortion, and somehow still managed to not throw gay people off rooftops. We have literally gotten to the point that if someone admits publically that they have christian beliefs, there is an immediate response by the brainwashed, brain-of-a-goldfish set to imagine that person wants nothing less than a Spanish Inquisition-esque theocracy, even though it was mainstream christianity which outgrew medieval religious zealotry centuries ago. (This by idiots who make excuses for muslims and don’t even know what the Spanish Inquisition was about.)

    I don’t give one rat’s butt if Cruz (horrors!) has christian beliefs and (OMG!) is willing to admit it in public. I know exactly who would have hanged, burned or drowned me in another time, and I don’t fear 21st century christians. I’d rather have a christian with constitutional principles be president than a Trump, who probably has no additional room to worship anything but himself, who would govern by whatever he says today – in complete disregard to whatever he might have said yesterday.

  46. Ok, if you need me to define more what my friend saw as the ‘right wing’ religious types:

    View on abortion and PP. Too extreme for her. She didn’t like that at all. She thinks PP does good things. She thinks Trump’s idea of not funding the abortion, but continuing support of PP’s other stuff make sense.

    There are right-wing religious people that don’t want anything to do with abortion, want to reverse the gay marriage position, want to put bibles back in schools…I could go on. I am Christian, but I don’t want a religious fanatic running the government with his ‘brand’ of Christianity.

    You can decide that right-wing religious doesn’t exist or is indefinable, but clearly some moderates voters have already defined it in their heads and Cruz seems to fit that and scares them.

  47. Spot on, Cornhead! (Did you ever hear that the true test of another’s intelligence is how much he agrees with you?)

    I can just see the press conference now: “There is no truth to the accusation that I had anything classified on my server.” Sniff, sniff. “All that stuff about “special access programs” was just the schedule for advanced yoga classes at my gym.” Sniff, Sniff. “Benghazi? Never heard of it. Is that in Indiana?” Sniff, sniff. “Russians buying influenza? From me? You think I’m some kind of bacteriological warfare expert?” Sniff, sniff. “But, for the good of the country, I have suspended my campaign until this vast right-wing conspiracy to harm me is defeated!”

    Good Old Uncle Joe “reluctantly” steps in, every time Trump insults him, Joe gets another vote, he wins, and on his first day in office pardons the Evil Empress. So it shall be written, so it shall be done!

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