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Nevada results — 16 Comments

  1. Checking I.D.’s? Egad!

    We have Motor-Voters, Welfare-Voters, Foodstamp-Voters because whereas people once froze to death in Valley Forge for the right to vote it is now just too much trouble and takes a whole half hour so if it’s not automatic true, salt of the earth Americans can’t be bothered.

    Doing Jobs Americans Won’t Do: They’re debating a measure to let anyone vote in NYC elections regardless of residence status.

    So really – what difference, at this point, does it make?

  2. I would say “third world”, except that I recall that in Afghanistan, and other places, a voter had to dip a thumb into purple ink to prevent multiple votes. Probably had to show ID as well.

    Probably no more effective way to destroy a democracy than to corrupt the electoral process

  3. Oldflyer Says:
    February 23rd, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    I recall in 2012 that UN monitors were appalled at the lack of security in U.S. elections. We’re not third world; we’re fourth world.

    I have nothing but contempt for the UN, and wish we would get out and boot them out of the U.S.

    But when even such a corrupt and internationalist organization as that is shocked by the lack of voter security in U.S. elections, that’s really saying something.

  4. I just got back from my caucus south of Carson city. Heavy turnout. When we spoke out for our candidate about three times as many spoke for Cruz as anyone else. Several Rubio supporters, and 2 (out of about 20) Trump supporters. Of course we’re the northern part of the state, and votes are different here than in Las Vegas.

    No one spoke for Kasich or Carson.

  5. Trump wins. No surprise. Cruz has to win Texas and some other states. Carson is stupid to stay in at this point.

  6. Cornhead:

    Depends on what Carson’s goal is.

    Perhaps at this point he’s staying in to hurt someone. Cruz? He seemed really really angry at Cruz.

    I don’t know who it is who’s voting for him now, though. Is it people who would otherwise go for Trump? Or for Cruz? Or for Rubio? I haven’t a clue.

    I think he also wants to stay in to prove that the rumors he was dropping out were wrong—to prove Cruz wrong. From Carson’s behavior at the Feb. 6 debate (where he said he wouldn’t attack Cruz for what happened in Iowa and then proceeded to do so), I think he’s really holding a grudge.

  7. This Cruz – Rubio contest is a classic Prisoner’s Dilemma and they both know it. I don’t see either one quitting unless Ted gets smashed in TX.

  8. Cornhead:

    If they both know it—and they must—someone could decide to sacrifice himself. Or, the one doing a little worse could be promised something (Cabinet, VP spot, SCOTUS appointment) by the other.

    If they are both smart people—and they are—they must find their way out of the dilemma. It’s one of those Solomaic things, too—which one is the true patriot, who will sacrifice himself? It’s too early to do it now, but a bit later.

    I keep hoping that one will do better than the other and it will become clear who should drop out. At this point I don’t care which one it is. One is a more consistent conservative, and the other is (I think) more likely to win an election.

    Actually, I think the game they’re playing is actually a form of chicken.

  9. Eh, I think I’m gonna quit keeping up-to-date with these primaries. I’m sick of the Trump voters their “cuckservative” name calling. “Let it burn.” Bah.

    Most likely Trump is the nominee. Though close, I think Clinton will still be the nominee for the DNC. She will then be POTUS with at least 65% of the cote. GOP should just hope a half decent conservative lawyer is elected and confirmed as Scalia’s replacement. Maybe Clinton a one term president and Cruz and Rubio can try again.

    4 More Years.

  10. The race for president will be close with Clinton edging Trump, whereupon for the next three months, the Donald will contest the win, sue people and call for endless investigations, which will kick off the rest of the Clinton period in the style of ugliness we can expect throughout the rest of her reign.

  11. I much prefer Cruz but I wouldn’t write Trump off. I think he might win against an exceptionally weak Democrat. The Donald will probably ask Rubio to join him as VP. Rubio would strengthen Trump’s appeal among racially minded Hispanics. Together they could possibly win.

    As much as I despise Trump I would vote for him if he were running against either Hillary or Bernie. If either one of them gets the nomination look for Obama or someone just as odious to be our next nominee for the Supreme Court. Under that scenario you could kiss the constitution good by.

    Also Hillary has already shown that she loves Islam or at least one daughter of the Muslim Brotherhood named Huma Abedin. The infiltration of our intelligence agencies and defense establishment by the Muslim brotherhood will continue unabated.

    With a leftist Supreme Court, free speech will be dead. Islomophobia will become unprotected hate speech while attacks against Christians will accelerate. The only people who will be allowed to own guns will be criminals and Muslim terrorists.

  12. Trump is “the republican” Obama. His supporters attack like Obama voters. It is pretty sickening to watch. Upside down world for sure!!!

  13. As I said, the system is broken entirely. There is no reforming it. But even if there was such a chance of fixing the corruption, elections still wouldn’t solve the problems people want it to solve. It didn’t solve them in Iraq, after all.

    Didn’t many people pound the propaganda gavel that democratic values is more than elections?

  14. Is it possible that Trump really does not want to be president? He just wants to say he won and if he gets close to winning the nomination he will find a way to back out? He has a habit of backing down or cutting and running as quietly as he can when he thinks he can’t win. Maybe he thinks he can beat Hillary, but if he believes she will take him down, I can see him walking away at some point.

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