The Weekly Standard on Trump’s own private eminent domain
Here’s a piece in the Weekly Standard featuring this post of mine.
I hope it helps get the word out about what happened in Atlantic City and Aberdeen. The latter has hardly been covered in the American press, although there was a lot in the British and Scottish press back when it was happening, which reached a peak around 2011.
Many conservatives who are Trumpsters are so angry about the direction of things they are unwilling to consider data or facts. They are operating on pure emotion and its become tribal. It’s an us against them mind set. If you are a conservative who favors Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio, or ??; you are the enemy.
I know quite a few conservatives who are strongly in favor of Trump. No amount of reasoning will dissuade them. Videos that show Trump’s flip flopping on issues, his bulldozing of little people to get what he wants, his favoring of “choice,” his opinion that Pelosi ought to impeach Bush, etc., etc.; have no effect on them. They seem to want an angry President that they think will “get things done.” Trump fills that bill for them.
IMO, many of them are forgetting that our government was designed so that various interest groups have to work together to craft laws. control spending, and manage the foreign affairs of the country. Trump, even with a GOP majority in the House and Senate might still have problems getting immigration under control, repealing Obamacare, getting the VA reformed, reducing the debt, and all the other things that need to be done. Unless the GOP has 60 votes in the Senate (an unlikely prospect in 2016), the dems can block most everything they don’t like. (And they don’t like anything that smacks of reform or smaller government.) It is maddening, but it is what our government has become. There is no bipartisanship anymore. There is only the deep, deep divide between the two parties. There are few statesmen anymore and there is little agreement on what the country’s best interests are. At one time there were people on both sides that wanted a strong defense and at least gave a nod to trying to keep the debt under control. Now there are none on the dem side that will even acknowledge these issues.
The reason the GOP seems to lose so much is because the dems have very strict party discipline. Whereas the GOP tends to be much less disciplined and has a more diverse makeup – from RINO to strict conservative – who tend to be individualistic. The dems are all pretty far left and those who aren’t can be browbeaten into sticking with the party line.
I don’t see a leader emerging in this election that is going to take us back to the right.
Trump – an Unknown quantity as to how he could/would govern., but the Senate dems would oppose him at every turn.
Cruz – He would tack to the right, but would be opposed by many RINOS and the dems.
Carson – He would tack to the right, but find the Senate dems and maybe some RINOs opposing him.
Rubio – He might be able to get some bipartisanship but the results would be watered down bills and results that would not take us rightward.
And so on down the line of GOP candidates.
I am hoping that we can at least get a GOP candidate who can beat HRC or the Bern and, that whoever that is, will be able to get enough done on regulations and the EPA to unleash our economy. That one step, improving the economy, would do a lot to improve everyone’s lives.
To sum up: I don’t like Trump, but do like Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, and Rubio. But I have little hope any of them would be able to take us very far towards smaller government, less debt, and stronger defense. However, any of them would be a better bet than HRC or Bernie.
Good for you neo, you deserve wider recognition.
Thank you. I have actually written quite a few articles for the online version of TWS.
The popularity of Trump comes from his being one of the few politicos who openly thumbs his nose at what the progs have labeled as sacred cows. It turns out that Trump has thumbed his nose at a lot more things than progs’ sacred cows.
How did Trump, btw, end up several billions in debt while running a casino in Atlantic City?
That’s called crony capitalism when it fails.