Home » Don’t sit on a hot stove till Hillary is indicted


Don’t sit on a hot stove till Hillary is indicted — 26 Comments

  1. I think there so many ways this could play out:

    1) No indictment. Major uproar at FBI and in the security community. Anyone and everyone who has had a clearance will be enraged. And that includes a LOT of DC types. Even if Hillary wins the nomination, all of these people will be out there ready to strike against her.

    2) No indictment. Behind the scenes the Obama Administration tells her that she needs to drop out of the race, or it’s gonna get ugly. Give her some warning about what the administration is hearing from the security community and how bad it could get for her–even some big Dems starting to pull away from the Clintons. Hillary drops out due to a ‘medical condition’ of some kind, saying she has to do it for the good of the country. Her illness is too serious and she must bow out. Biden comes in to save the day…Hillary maybe even welcomes him to the race as she bows out.

    3) No indictment. Congress impeaches Lynch for failing to indict, leaving a stain on the Obama Administration. Hillary starts to lose support within the Democrat party. The Clintons are no longer the powerhouse they used to be.

    Anyway, if there is no indictment, it’s not going to be pretty. It would be so much smarter for the Obama Administration to ask for a special prosecutor so that they can pretend they cannot do anything to stop the process and any result is absent the hand of Democrats. It also keeps Lynch out of it. Obama can get rid of Clinton without actually looking like he did anything. Biden can come in to save the day….

  2. To amplify.

    If — and only IF — Hillary is spanked in Iowa and New Hampshire…

    And I mean spanked.

    Hillary will be induced to admit health problems — and pull out — so that Biden// Warren // Jerry Brown can jump in.

    BTW she is DEAD with male Democrat voters.

    Scott Adams called that one right.

  3. Given all the cyber threats we now face, how can anyone think she is competent to lead our government. She probably just learned what a hacker is.

  4. I agree with K-E; anyone and everyone who has or ever had a security clearance will be enraged. As will federal investigators who have put people away for doing far, far less. Often for inadvertent missteps. They didn’t particularly enjoy it, some of them, but that’s what they told was their duty in the service of national security.

    There have been various times in my career when I was at serious risk of adverse action, perhaps prosecution, for things that weren’t even my doing. One of my earliest lessons was my first tour with an F-14 squadron at Miramar. We had a duty pick-up that all the squadrons used to make burn runs to the incinerator to destroy classified. Somebody discovered a Secret/Noforn message in the glove box and reported it. Since the address list was AIRPAC wide and not to a particular command it was impossible to determine who had left that message there; probably what happened was a burn bag broke open and the people making the burn run just stuck the messages that spilled out into the glove box. Then missed one.

    Basically NCIS got involved and their investigation consisted of telling all the intel officers along the flight line that shared that truck to prove themselves innocent of the violation, and whoever couldn’t would be guilty of the career-ending (at the least) violation.

    I can’t count the times during my 20 years when I seriously wondered whether it was worth it, because just being in the wrong place at the wrong time could bring the hammer down. It was very stressful, if you took the job of safeguarding classified material seriously, that is. Which the Clinton Spy Ring clearly didn’t.

    Sometimes I was just a bystander. I recall as a JO watching a Commander (O-5) on his hands and knees frantically clawing through burn bags, drenched in sweat. He had signed out a document, he could keep it at his desk during the day, but had to return it to the proper custodian at the end of the day. And he couldn’t find it. It turned out he had also been using a classified publication for his research and the document was inside the front cover. But he damn near had a heart attack before he found it. And another LT and I kept looking at each other wondering, do we really want to do this for a living?

    You see, the peasantry live in a world of strict accountability. If you’re responsible for safeguarding classified, and you lose it or can’t account for it, game over. And here we are looking at the Clinton Spy Ring committing willful and reckless violations on a galactic scale, and it’s just going to be ignored?

    I don’t think, neo, you understand just how ugly this is going to get. It won’t be a party thing, either. Democrat or Republican it doesn’t matter, if you had to put up with what we put up with (ever take a lifestyle polygraph, neo? Rape analogies are overblown but you leave feeling absolutely violated) you’d understand the fury. And it will be the same on the investigative side. Not just the FBI, but NCIS, DIS, what have you, they’ve all put otherwise conscientious people away for what is in comparison to this trivialities. And for what, if this administration is going to let this slide?

    I don’t believe it’s at all likely that this administration will indict Clinton but I also think this administration way overestimates its ability to deal with the follow-on peasant revolt.

  5. There are several possibilities but not enough insight into Obama’s political calculations (Lynch is his lackey) to venture a prediction.

    If there is no indictment, for political reasons, I think it highly unlikely that Congress will impeach Lynch.

    Perhaps Obama’s decision will hinge on Iowa. If Hillary wins, no indictment. But if Hillary loses to Sanders, Obama may force out Hillary by privately threatening prosecution, so that Biden can credibly be brought into the race. As Obama may judge that whether Trump or Cruz or Rubio, their chance against Sanders in the general election has to be better than against a Biden-Warren ticket.

  6. Two things have changed:

    1. The super secret emails – 22 in number – that were not released today. Some emails between her and Barack. Obama lied about knowing about this. This is a big deal. I knew from the outset that she had been hacked.

    2. HRC will lose IA and NH. As she continues to perform poorly, she will be expendable.

  7. Whats the use then? There’s supposed to be 150 agents working on this. Seems to me a lot of resources are being used on an effort that will not be rewarded. You’d think they would concentrate their efforts on something they will be allowed to to get a grand jury indictment on, which would be whether or not any of the Republican front runners have ever transported a dog on the roof of their cars.

  8. From the quote by Earnest:
    “That will be a decision made by the Department of Justice and prosecutors over there,” said Earnest. “What I know that some officials over there have said is that she [Hillary] is not a target of the investigation. So that does not seem to be the direction that it’s trending.”

    I agree with Neo that it is not likely Madam Hillary will be indicted–though I would also be happy to be proven wrong.

    The above quote sounds to me like the first of many similar ones to come, statements intended to get the public used to the idea that Evita will not be indicted or prosecuted. She is above the law and thus is immune to its sanctions.

  9. The Republic died many many years ago, for those that weren’t paying attention and now wish to find a Heroic Messiah King like Trump to fix a problem they never saw coming.

  10. I am familiar with the chicago way. Hrc will be presented, just before the convention, with a choice. She will choose a graceful exit. And no, I don’t sit on hot stoves.

  11. I don’t think, neo, you understand just how ugly this is going to get. It won’t be a party thing, either. Democrat or Republican it doesn’t matter, if you had to put up with what we put up with (ever take a lifestyle polygraph, neo? Rape analogies are overblown but you leave feeling absolutely violated)

    Amen. Thank you. This this this. Been there done that. Your stories were spot on. SMALL things compared to Hillary have been prosecuted, careers ruined. The security community will not stand for it. Just wait and see.

  12. ‘See BS’ last night was up to its usual lies; they kept referring to the State Dept. emails as the woman’s PERSONAL EMAILS.

    No, See BS, they’re NATIONAL emails. Swine.

    They also kept saying the most damaging, ultra-top secret ones have been UPGRADED to that status, which is a LIE. They ALWAYS had that status. Clinton’s slimy cabal are claiming poor old Hillary “didn’t know” they were ultra-top secret (if true, that would mean she’s incompetent or brain-damaged).

    Which is also a lie. God, I’m so tired of these SOBs. Aren’t you?

  13. Nothing, of course, will happen to her, just like nothing happened to that Lady Macbeth, Lois Lerner, at the IRS.

    Like Leona Helmsley said, laws are for the little people.

  14. Rush Limbaugh, as is his wont, laid out two facts on the table, and left us to connect them. Canny enough to not say one sentence immediately after the other, he said this yesterday:

    And the analysis that I read today said, “This stuff is so bad that there are intelligence experts,” of both parties, by the way, “who now have concluded that it is almost impossible that the Chinese were not monitoring her, that the Russians were not monitoring her, that the Iranians were not.” In other words, people are saying it’s almost guaranteed that she was hacked. It’s guaranteed that all of these people who should not know American diplomatic secrets were able to follow them in real time.

    And a few sentences later:

    But of course, there was more to it than that. The Clintons are seeking donations from these very outfits, countries, people that lead these countries, for one or another of their foundations. And what they’re doing is seeking (and in many cases getting) prepayment for Mrs. Clinton’s eventual presidency in which she can reciprocate with policy preferences in their favor. It’s insidious. Now here’s Darrell Issa who…

    By the way, there’s another story. A Navy admiral. The stuff that Mrs. Clinton was trafficking in is so top secret, so secure, that a Navy admiral in the intelligence community was not even allowed to see it. It was way beyond his clearance level. That’s how bad this all is.

    In other words, high treason. Quite possibly the worst case of treason since the Communist infiltration of the Manhattan Project.

  15. i think the admiral in question is not cleared to see anything due to a long-running corruption investigation which has stalled. So, while it’s literally true, it’s not a matter of the clearance level. It’s that the IG and several legislators had to have their own clearances raised in order to read the stuff which is indicative.

  16. If I were working at the FBI, I’d be assembling a monster dossier for public release in the event that DoJ refuses to indict. Hey, leaks happen.

  17. My prediction is that they will indict her, that Obama will make a big speech about how it pains him terribly but this is America where nothing is more important than the rule of law, and that Biden will run and win.

  18. Steve57 said

    I also think this administration way overestimates its ability to deal with the follow-on peasant revolt.

    Well, let us do our part to ensure there is a whirlwind of outrage shown, but I am skeptical about the outcome.

    The Demsheviks – whether in or out of the security clearance communiy – will circle the wagons, and the MSM will provide air cover 24×7. It’s what they do. In the end it will be painted as a partisan witch hunt by the vast right-wing conspiracy. I hope I’m wrong, but the IRS and Benghazi experiences are proof points.

    The country is so polarized, we can’t even agree 2+2=4. I don’t know how this can be fixed short of a very messy divorce.

  19. Don’t sit on a hot stove till Hillary is indicted.

    Neo, there is absolutely nothing wrong with some hot derriere now and then. Except at my age, having it be your own is not nearly as lusty or satisfying.

  20. Well, some enterprising legislator should introduce legislation to restrict Presidential travel to non-extradiction treaty countries without prior Congressional approval.

  21. There’s an informative but depressing article at the NY Post in which the author interviews a man in a position to know who says this will never reach an indictment.


    “…’This was all planned in advance’ to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.

    The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a state.gov e-mail address like previous secretaries…”

    Krongard as a former DoS IG (by “agency” I take it the author means the department) would be in a position to know far more than I. But some of the information has already come out. I recall seeing emails between people in Clinton’s inner circle and DoS IT personnel in which the Clinton people rebuff the IT department’s attempts to set Clinton up with email accounts. Which isn’t surprising as it’s a standard checklist item for any new employee including the department’s secretary. I know, because I bookmarked it, that the DOS executive secretary Stephen Mull strongly urged Abedin and Mills to take his suggestion that Clinton start using a state.gov email. That was in August 2011.

    Yet not only is the DoS lying to the American people, as Krongard observes, they lied to federal judges in various FOIA cases. First when they got those cases dismissed. Then after they were reopened, when they claimed they had only just learned after Clinton left the department about her private server. In the 2011 email chain Mull notes that Clinton’s private server suffered frequent outages. That was one of the reasons she should use a DoS email.

    The emails make it crystal clear that top career officials at the DoS, including undersecretary for management Patrick Kennedy without whose criminal complicity none of this could have worked out, were well aware of Clinton’s private server from practically the beginning of her tenure as the secretary of state.

    The fact no one has been charged with a crime in this cover-up that was so blatant and clumsy you can’t call it a cover-up is telling. No judge in all of this has yet held anyone in contempt. Yet their contempt for the law and these judicial proceedings pervades everything. Which leads to the question, if you truly are above the law why bother putting much effort into trying to hide it?

    The bottom line is that what Krongard is saying just adds to what we already know in overabundance. That the Clinton server is just the tip of an iceberg in an oceanscape full of icebergs that demonstrate the entire Obama presidency is and has been from the beginning a criminal conspiracy against the American people.

    I stand by everything I’ve said. The peasants are restless. Recall that dozens, perhaps as many as 50 CENTCOM intel analysts filed complaints with their IG that the administration was pressuring them to cook the intel to conform to Obama’s domestic political narrative r.e. the JV team in Syria and Iraq being degraded and destroyed by Obama’s brilliantly conceived strategy. The fact that the truth is the exact opposite of what Obama and his sycophants are saying isn’t unusual. But it is unprecedented that so many intel analysts should revolt. And there are very high level people, including Obama people, demanding Clinton face justice for her crimes and they’re not letting go. All of these people and more, from the bottom to the top, know that Clinton is a criminal who can not be president.

    So I do believe that there will be a peasant revolt if this administration ignores Clinton’s massive criminality or tries to make it go away with a slap on the wrist. And I also do believe the administration is overestimating its ability to deal with it.

    But I do smell a rat, in that there’s a very real possibility that what we are told is an investigation into Clinton’s wrongdoing may in fact be a preemptive investigation to root out the potential leaders of the peasant revolt. The evidence the investigators are gathering is a two edged sword. It could be used against Clinton. On the other hand, now the investigators also know who knows what which narrows down the list of suspects should the incriminating information against Hillary see the light of day.

    I think this answers Harry the Extremist’s question about what’s the use of having 150 agents on this. Since working intel can be a lot like being in the Senate during the reign of Caligula it’s my habit to think this way. I learned from the example of other people that it’s always the investigators that seem to be on your side that you have to watch out for. So if an investigator was asking me to sign a sworn affidavit about the intel on Hillary’s server or any other aspect of this investigation I’d be extremely cautious.

    In addition, if I were a Republican congresscritter I wouldn’t jumping on the Comey bandwagon and praising him as some sort of incorruptible knight in shining armor whose integrity is beyond question. Because what if he is willing to play ball with Obama? You’ve already cut yourself off at the knees.

    But it still will get ugly if Obama gives Hillary a pass. And if the Obama administration is playing a double game against the witnesses that just guarantees it will get uglier.

  22. K-E and Parker are right — it will be a nice quiet Chicago-style force-out. “Nice little life-style you’ve got there, Hillary. Be a shame if something happened to it.”

    Less likely, they’ll come up with some slap-on-the-wrist which will keep the FBI and the intelligence community grumbling but not resigning, and Hillary stays in.

    Obama hates the Clintons, and would much prefer to see Good Old Uncle Joe(TM) step in.

    As I’ve said, we need to be focusing on who can best defeat Uncle Joe.

  23. Robert Saunders, “slap on the wrist” is a relative term depending on the crime. For this crime, anything short of lethal injection will constitute a slap on the wrist. Any deal that doesn’t involve prison time will be a giant F.U.

    Just keep in mind the next time you see Hillary Clinton on TV; at that very second somewhere around the globe a former U.S. intel source may very well be getting tortured or executed because she valued her “convenience” more than national security.

    And that isn’t an exaggeration.

  24. Well aware of that, Steve57 — I did intel myself long, long ago.

    When I said slap-on-the-wrist, I mean something like a reprimand and/or plea deal with a big fine. You or I would be totally humiliated and of course, drop out. But after all, she’s Hillary Clinton, the Evil Empress. “Laws? We don’t got no stinkin’ laws. We don’t NEED no stinkin’ laws!”

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