Home » Chuck Hagel is surprised that Obama is who Obama is


Chuck Hagel is surprised that Obama is who Obama is — 13 Comments

  1. Hagel’s public statement about Obama’s decision on Syria is his finest hour.

    Fellow Nebraskan!

  2. Third question at press conference is about Syria and the press person doesn’t ask about the Hagel news.

    Obama just stalls and stalls. Impossible to listen to.

  3. And the source of the personal attacks, micromanaging and policy failures is Susan Rice.

    Susan Rice the liar.

  4. how can a man that age (with 4+ previous years of Chicago on the Potomac immediately in front of him) be that naive ?
    Silly man, he can redeem himself by speaking out, of course MSM will give it a *good leaving alone* !

  5. As Neo has pointed out, before Obama, at least in terms of foreign affairs, Republican and Democratic presidents shared a presidential version of the ‘Overton Window’ distinguished from the partisan, popular politics.

    Both sides upheld the paradigm of “neocon” American leadership of the free world.

    One could criticize a President for acting relatively weakly in his duties as Commander-in-Chief (eg, Carter with Iran hostages, Reagan with Beirut barracks bombing, HW Bush with Saddam post-Gulf War, Clinton with al Qaeda, etc), but differences were usually an issue of degree, rather than kind.

    Obama is different. He’s undertaking a paradigm shift for American leadership. The cornerstone piece of the paradigm shift has been the sabotage of the Iraq intervention in accordance with the false narrative of OIF made prevalent in the zeitgeist. Disqualifying the paradigm of the Iraq intervention has been key for the Left because OIF was invested with every fundamental principle of American leadership of the free world.

    Obama’s approaches to Syria, Iran, Libya, etc, have purposely contradicted the paradigm of the Iraq intervention.

  6. KLSmith

    Chuck is a dunce but not completely clueless. He was in over his head at DOD.

    Chuck is savvy and I’m glad he is getting some revenge.

    Susan Rice is horrible.

  7. Clarification. Chuck doesn’t have a high IQ but he is a street fighter. Fights back against the backstabbers.

  8. neo: “(b) one of Obama’s goals is to destroy the credibility of the United States so that other nations do not trust it in the future”

    Good point. Doubtful that it can be undone given the simple refusal of Republicans to fight. What happened to all those millions of Scots-Irish that Jim Web wrote about in his book.

  9. Harold:

    I’m Scots-Irish. Can’t be led into accepting anything and I will fight for what I believe. I too read Webb’s book.

  10. This is by far Hagel’s finest hour, finest moment, whatever definition you want. His best moment in public life.

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