Home » I feel very confident that the vetting of the Syrian refugees will go well, don’t you?


I feel very confident that the vetting of the Syrian refugees will go well, don’t you? — 23 Comments

  1. Just read somewhere that we have had 680,000 immigrants to this country from the Middle East in the last 5 years. Something to think about. I believe San Bernardino is just the beginning of our troubles.

    2017 better be a time of REAL change in the federal government, where decisions are made based on facts and not ideology. Take SMART action.

    Obama and his administration and just incapable. 2016 is going to be a dangerous time in our country. Be prepared. Be vigilant. Don’t be afraid of being labeled a racist or xenophobe if you witness something suspicious.

  2. Quote from Yahoo article:
    “Neither Malik or Farook were on the FBI’s radar in the U.S., officials said.”

    “But her husband Syed Farook didn’t have to be vetted; he was born and raised here.”

    Hence the broad data catch net for terrorist activity indicators as opposed to targeted individual/group surveillance.

    Does it conflict with civil liberties and risks abuse? Yes.

    Is it a relevant though still imperfect tool to catch sleeper or lone wolf type terrorists? Yes.

  3. Didn’t Obama just very publicly mock state governors declaring they wanted no Syrian refugees as (paraphrasing) “afraid of women and children?”

    You mean (poorly vetted) women like Tashfeen Malik, Obama? Who’s looking like a fool now?

  4. Stabbing attack today in London akin to stabbing attacks in Israel, though the evident prompt in London is British bombing in Syria, rather than Israelis being Jews.

  5. The Russians gave the FBI the Tsarnaev brothers on a silver platter. The fibbies couldn’t find anything amiss.

  6. The “born here” scares me more. Think of an invasive species becoming endemic….they were once “over there” now they will be “over here” with full Citizen rights….

  7. The simple solution is to deport all Muslims and stop any more from entering the country. Like, that’s ever going to happen.

    The alternative is constant vetting of the activities of Muslims – email, social media, phone calls, travel activity, overseas contacts and more. Which will cause outrage from the usual suspects and will never happen under our Muslim Brotherhood sympathising President.

    Here’s a simple question to ask your liberal friends: If Islam is a religion of peace, why aren’t Islamic extremists extremely peaceful?

  8. Major Hasan was born in Virginia. While technically the terrorist killings in San Bernardino is worse with 14 dead and 21 injured, the Ft. Hood massacre tied it with 13 dead and 30 injured. Toss a coin. Both of these were the work of soldiers of allah.

  9. A comment on another thread, to deal with Ms.
    Tashfeen Malik ‐ “Well, obviously she came in on a K‐
    9 visa…”
    I am not myself particularly physically beautiful, so
    I would otherwise hesitate to make comic issue of
    this … but I also feel that any opportunity to make
    vicious fun of jihadis ought not to be overlooked.
    I also like PatD’s question:

    “If Islam is a religion of peace, why aren’t Islamic extremists extremely peaceful?”

  10. Deporting all muslims is not going to happen. And, I am not in favor of doing so. Ditto ethnic cleansing, they are the mass murders, not us. However, I favor a moratorium on all entry for a mimimum of 10 years. I would favor increased electronic surveillence, but I do not trust bho or any democrat regime to refrain using enhanced surveillence to spy on the ‘real threat’ aka conservatives.

  11. In an FB thread with a devout progressive, I was asked if I knew any Muslims. I replied:

    Yes. We were hosted by friends in Egypt. They took us into their home, took us on a trip to the Suez canal and had one of their friends take us on a tour of the mosques in Cairo. After 9/11, all communication from them ceased. We don’t know why. Our mutual friends, in the same medical field as our friends in Egypt, had the same experience. I also have Muslim friends from India in the IT field. I don’t disagree that the majority of Muslims are decent people who want to get on with their lives. The problem is that there is a significant minority that believes their religion commands them to attack anyone who disagrees with their interpretation of Islam, including fellow Muslims.

    He responded:

    Excellent! We agree on some things. I too recognize there is a major problem. Not sure if memes get us closer to a solution.

    So, we can get through to our Progressive friends. now and then.

    He didn’t pick up on why our Egyptian friends cut off all communications with their US friends. I don’t know why. Was it shame? Was it fear that having American friends in a University environment would make them targets? The young friend who took us on a tour of the mosques also took us through the Cairo museum. He was very knowledgeable about all the antiquities but he was most passionate about the mosques. When he described Mohammed as the perfect man that everyone should emulate, we got a little uncomfortable. This was in 1989, a few years before the Luxor massacre. We visited the temple of Hatshepsut, where the massacre took place.

  12. PatD, 12:37 am, quoting PatD, from an earlier encounter —

    “The problem is that there is a significant minority that believes their religion commands them to attack anyone who disagrees with their interpretation of Islam, including fellow Muslims.”

    I would add, there is an also significant faction — maybe itself a majority, maybe itself a minority — that combines with the aforementioned significant minority to form a formidable bloc that is almost certainly a healthy majority.

    That bloc is either the significant minority with its murderous and bloodthirsty interpretation of Islam, or is composed of people so terrified by the murderous and bloodthirsty significant minority that they are silenced as to voice and neutered as to influence. That bloc is a major, major existential problem for us, and it cannot be wished away by progressive platitudes or by kumbaya “thinking”.

    That’s what I would add . . .

  13. @M J R: I think you are right.

    I once said that the best response to 9/11 would have been to nuke Mecca with the dirtiest bomb in our arsenal. And, if they didn’t respond well to that, do Medina. But I’m just channeling my parents’ generation, which defeated the Nazis and Japs with just that attitude. Bomb the crap out of them.

    Did the allies care that they would kill innocent civilians when they fire-bombed German cities or nuked Japanese cities? No. Caring is losing 101.

  14. Frog,

    Within 10 years the war between civilization and islam will be over. Either islam will be decimated and starving or we will be fighting guerrilla war against the jihad – leftist cabal in DC. If its the later, I want to be alive and providing sniper fire. 😉

  15. PatD Says:
    December 6th, 2015 at 2:39 am

    @M J R: I think you are right.

    I once said that the best response to 9/11 would have been to nuke Mecca with the dirtiest bomb in our arsenal. And, if they didn’t respond well to that, do Medina. But I’m just channeling my parents’ generation, which defeated the Nazis and Japs with just that attitude. Bomb the crap out of them.

    Did the allies care that they would kill innocent civilians when they fire-bombed German cities or nuked Japanese cities? No. Caring is losing 101.


    I don’t know how to put it stronger:

    Nuking Mecca can’t possibly work.

    It’d just stir up the wasps.

    What WOULD work is Jewish occupation.


    Because Muslim doctrine specifies that Jewish occupation would bring Allah down from on high.

    Muslim doctrine never had anything covering atomic warfare.

    Doctrinally, atomics are merely bigger hand-grenades,not taboo.

    Jewish occupation would be an affront to Allah so severe that Allah would HAVE to descend to thwart it.

    You destroy a creed by attacking its ASSERTIONS, its verities, its order of the cosmos.

    Occupying Mecca also totally frustrates the CORE duties of every Muslim.

    1) The daily ritual of prostration to Allah by kneeling towards Mecca.

    That’ can’t work with the kafir in the way, Jews in particular.

    2) The goal of a lifetime, the haj, is made impossible — even as the Ka’aba stone of worship beckons.

    3) Outward jihad is pointless when the ummah can’t even defend ground zero — the Ka’aba.

    Seeing Jews pouring pig entrails all over their magic stone would implode their entire world view.

    Like the Shintoist Japanese – they’d walk around like zombies — all (after) life taken out of their existence.

    The above sequence would end Islam — AND free all Muslims, everywhere.

    Almost like the ending sequence in LOTR: “The Return of the King.”

    While cinematic, dream implosions do proceed that rapidly.

    For a case in point: August 15-19, 1991, Moscow.

    The evil was destroyed without scarcely a shot being fired.

  16. Pingback:Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  17. And so the American Empire falls, as had been forseen, into civil war 2.

    1000 years from now, people will be criticizing the foolishness of the Imperial leaders of America, much as we make note of Caligula, Caesar, Cicero, Nero, Augustus, etc.

  18. “Obama and his administration and just incapable.”
    Or they would like us to think that.
    A more scary scenario is that they know exactly what they are doing,
    aka Arab Spring supported by BO and Hill watered and nurtured ISIS
    aka BO and Hill want to bring 100K more Muslims into the country.
    If GM wanted to sell 100K cars that were 99.9% non-fatal (100 cars- fatal defect) would the liberals let them? I think not. 🙁

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