Home » Falling out of love with Obama, Part Many


Falling out of love with Obama, Part Many — 21 Comments

  1. Obama was the one they had been waiting for, he was going to fix everything with hope and change. Only now it turns out that hope and change aren’t working out very well and he wasn’t really the one they had been waiting for.

  2. Interest. Contrast the 2010 Junod article on President Obama with his famous Esquire article on President Bush from August 2004:
    The Case for George W. Bush
    What if he’s right?


    * I’m posting the original link via web.archive.org because the article at the Esquire archive is behind a pay-wall.

    The basic theme of the 2 articles is similar but it’s flipped on an axial bias.

  3. Upon looking over 2004 Junod’s article on Bush again, I’m reminded that Junod is yet another one who miscomprehended the why of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a widespread phenomenon that was exploited by the enemy propagandists who planted the false narrative of OIF as the cornerstone piece to turn America’s domestic and foreign affairs.

  4. Its the same old same with the left; their ideology ultimately fails in the real world, but they convince themselves the failure resides in the dear leader and not in the ideology.

  5. I agree the disillusionment has been mostly in the eye of the beholder. But I also perceive an increasingly nasty aspect in Obama’s behavior.

    We all knew that as a narcissist and Alinskyite, Obama had a rotten core lurking just beneath the polished veneer. After over 8 years of effort (as candidate and president), King Barack, I suspect, is weary of keeping his inner jerk on a leash; hence the increasingly frequent and obnoxious outbursts from The One.

  6. Hubby & I told the 30 something kids that he wasn t cool,
    he had zero accomplishments, & he was all about evening the score against the boogeyman White Race!
    The only one that listened was the oldest.

  7. What Parker said, times exponentially.

    Marxism, Communism, Utopianism, Statism, Collectivism, whatever you want to label it, is a religion, with all the trappings minus the FSM, with rewards of wealth and power to reinforce your beliefs in the here and now. It allows its adherents to believe the vision of the perfect human being, but you don’t have to wait for the afterlife (which they don’t believe in anyway) to attain it, you’re told you can have it right here in the physical world, in your lifetime, and it will happen because of your own superiority over the subhuman masses, if they will only see your magnificence and adhere to your wonderful ideas.

    When of course they don’t, you might have to give them little “nudges”. When that doesn’t work, the nudge becomes a push, then a shove, then criminal sanctions, and eventually the land is littered with broken eggs.

    If they had only listened to me!

    Bill Ayers is quoted by an FBI informant saying, matter of factly, that 25 million Americans would have to be killed before Communism would work here.

    This sense of superiority is a powerful drug. If they had to give it up, the withdrawal symptoms would be feelings of worthlessness and utter hopelessness, so they simply must find external causes for their failures. These can be pretty much anything and everything they can think of, starting with those they perceive to be their biggest threats. That it might be the poverty of their own ideas is not possible.

  8. His supporters were in love with themselves. That hasn’t changed. Obama now plays the useful role of repository for their disappointments.

  9. Sandcastles look amazing when you build them. But it’s hard to maintain them. Some kids will topple them, or the waves will, or just the wind and gravity will bring them down. It’s easier to go make a new one. You always feel like there’s something new coming, and you never have to focus on the old ones that are crumbling because they’re just made of sand.

  10. W had a good heart, a less good brain though better than Kerry’s or Gore’s. He turned Iraq over to Bremer, didn’t defend his AG, tried Miers for SCOTUS, gave us only temporary tax cuts, took his shoes off in the mosque and told us Islam was a religion of peace, did next to nothing about unfunded Federal liabilities, and would not stoop to the effective Obama tactic of demonizing his enemies. Ultimately, his presidency was not good for us.

    He was replaced by an evil-doer.He is not the only one. Merkel is another.
    Leftist pacifists now run the national shows on three continents. Pope Francis is in their number. It is a tsunami.
    Hollande drops 20 bombs on ISIS after the murder of 130 French citizens, and probably didn’t kill 20 of the enemy. Iran and Russia are an unholy but powerful, savvy anti-Israel alliance.

    It is unlikely we will be able to pull ourselves out of the morass into which we have been thrust by our enemies both foreign and domestic, the same morass into which we have by passivity allowed ourselves to sink.

  11. Until its 10,000 of them for everyone one of us, we are merely pretending to fight the folks who engage in work place violence.

  12. “he has lost the power to persuade” When did Obama ever have this power? His whole manner has been frustration with those who don’t recognize his genius and fall on their faces in worship. When did he TRY to persuade his opponents? I have only seen him berate them, put them down, tell the world how terrible they are. It is only because they never saw Obama before for what he is, a petulant child who has tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.
    I saw this when he flipped off his opponents and claimed he was just scratching his face. The pause when he did it and the chuckle gave it away. It won’t end after he leaves office. I am not looking forward to a worse version of Jimmy Carter on the world stage.

  13. The libs in regret will be all….”Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, but but Hillary will really get it right finally.”

  14. “Remember, it’s less the man than the movement.”

    The leftist movement eventually marches over the ledge. Along the great march they create carnage with tens of millions of human carcasses littering the roadside . They repeat ground hog day into infinity. Why? Because they need a dear leader, and thousands are waiting off stage to strut like a stalin, hitler, mao, obama, fidel, etc.

  15. It should be blindingly obvious that Obama has been the worst president in the history of the universe.

    Start with a simple metric. He doubled the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in seven years. That is an additional $75K per taxpayer. Some of us could write that check but not enough of us to make much difference.

    This could turn into an extremely long post, so I’ll just mention that almost everything wrong in the ME can be traced back to his tacit support for the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots.

    I go with the “this is a feature, not a bug” theory. Obama is attempting to reduce American power and he has succeeded beyond Bill Ayer’s wildest dreams.

  16. PLEASE Neo, tell us what you really think!

    re: “…and familiarity breeds contempt–even in the Richard Cohens of this world, who did not have the insight and perceptiveness to understand that they were looking at a smooth-talking BS-artist leftist narcissistic con man in the first place, even though it was pretty obvious.”

    What a delightful iridescent pearl of wordsmithery you’ve given of our cultural Mau Mau presidential usurper.

  17. Ray Says: December 2nd, 2015 at 2:52 pm
    “Obama was the one they had been waiting for, he was going to fix everything with hope and change. Only now it turns out that hope and change aren’t working out very well and he wasn’t really the one they had been waiting for.”
    – – – – – –

    The thing about the Left: they keep looking for The Perfect Person. (The Right, on the other hand, keeps trying to create The Proper Process.) (*)

    So when Leftoid Policies fail, it’s ALWAYS because either (1) “He was the wrong person for the job”, or (2) “Those evil {fill-in-the-blank: Republicans, conservatives, gun-owners, Bible-thumpers} DELIBERATELY sabotaged our best efforts”. It’s perceived as a personal/ personality/ personnel problem, NEVER as a policy problem.

    I believe this is why conservatives are continually astonished that the Left doesn’t acknowledge and modify its obvious double-standards regarding the treatment of Favored and Disfavored groups (“don’t they see that they’ve set a precedent that –when The Other Side is in power– will cause them GREAT harm?”). No, they don’t see/ acknowledge that some “process” might come back to bite them; they see only that The Chosen Leader *needs* the power and authority to Boldly Solve The Problem, consistency be damned.

    – – – – – –
    (*) Regarding “Proper Process”: see The Constitution as one example. A set of rules and procedures governing an individual’s actions, such that some courses of action are required and other courses of action are prohibited. The Process serves to prevent excessive power from being vested in any one person or group. Completely opposed to the notion that a “Perfect Person” can exist, or can be trusted with power.

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