On terrorist groups: Obama knows best
Why waste time on unnecessary briefings if, like Obama you already know who’s a terrorist and who isn’t?:
Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson said her sources have told her that President Barack Obama does not want and will not read intelligence reports on groups “he does not consider terrorists,” despite being on a U.S. list of designated terrorists.
Attkisson said, “I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind. I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence that they’ve tried to bring him about various groups that he does not consider terrorists, even if they are on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas, and there are those who’ve known him a long time who say this dates back to law school. He does not necessarily””you may think it’s a good trait you may think it’s a bad trait””he does not necessarily listen to the people with whom he disagrees. He seems to dig in. I would suppose because he thinks he’s right. He is facing formidable opposition on this particular point.”
Anyone who has followed Obama for any amount of time should be completely unsurprised by this news. As the smartest person in the room on every topic, always, what would he need with briefings about groups he already knows everything about? And the phrase “he’s facing formidable opposition on this particular point” is meaningless. Obama listens to no opposition, no matter how “formidable” they might otherwise appear, or how reasonable their pleas and logic.
Even if Obama were a person whose political positions agreed with mine, I would find this disturbing.
As for the continual “knave vs. fool” debate, I long ago concluded that “knave” was predominant. In a sense he is also a fool, but only in the sense that he may be allying himself with and unleashing forces he thinks he can control but cannot, and which will get him, too, in the end.
Barry disdains orthodox opinion — pretty much as a matter of course.
I rather suspect that he has NEVER accepted advice and opinion from his own staffers without putting his personal spin on it.
The sole exception being Valerie girl.
But, then, she’s a bipedal mirror.
Like other infamous despots, Barry does not feel that law or orthodoxy quite apply to him, the magical thinker.
Magical thinking in the psychological sense, that is.
He’s much closer to the Fé¼hrerprinzip.
“This principle can be most succinctly understood to mean that “the Fé¼hrerâ€â€Š’​s word is above all written law” and that governmental policies, decisions, and offices ought to work toward the realization of this end.[1] Wiki
Barry lives and breathes the Fé¼hrerprinzip.
That’s why missives from his own subordinates are dismissives.
Fé¼hrerprinzip is at the core of such verbiage as “push back twice as hard.”
Fé¼hrerprinzip equates to a die hard ideologue — and spoilt man-child.
The boy is not only gay, Muslim, radical and collectivist — he’s counter-dependent.
To read and accept advice from his inferiors — ie anybody and everybody — is to rasp his dependency — leaving his psyche grasping… for his compensation mechanism… arrogant dismissal.
There is no-one to contain or restrain the wild man-child.
He’s still fighting against his own grandmother, who has never left his subconscious.
blert: I think you have the man-child pegged. Bravo!
I wish Sharyl Attkisson would divulge which terrorist groups Obama thinks are OK. That information would give us a great deal of insight into the inner workings of Obama’s psyche.
“which will get him, too, in the end.”
One can but pray the end comes before he takes many of us with him. He welcomes another 9/11, prays for it, is doing his best to make it happen. Can’t you feel it?
Obama is a true believer, his certainty lies in his knowing ‘the truth’. ALL input is filtered through his ideological certainty. Any input contrary to his ideological dogma must be wrong.
Obama readily accepts opinion that confirms his own, which is why Jarrett’s is particularly valued.
“One can but pray the end comes before he takes many of us with him.” Frog
God so loves the sinner that he gives them every chance to realize their mistakes. ‘True believers’ like Obama takes a harsh dose of reality to begin to question their dogma. As for the victims of this insanity, half of them voted for him and the other half are collateral damage. Even God cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. The ‘eggs’ being the innocent.
In aggregate, were humanity rational, socialism would never have been embraced. Much less Islam.
The mannish boy is pathological in his narcissism. He is incapable of hearing any opinion that does not support his stature as the most intelligent/knowledgeable one. He would be an object of pity were he not the most dangerous individual of the post cold war era.
We will have another Paris, another Beslan, another Mumbai, another Westgate Mall. Very soon, I think. One can kind of feel these things … and when it does happen, and the mannish boy has to go out before the press (kicking and screaming behind the scenes, until his handlers practically force him out on stage) and the formerly somnolent fan-boys in the press start asking — nay demanding – something more than the usual Obama-bromides, I am pretty certain that he will melt down, then and there.
He is already getting snappish at not getting the fan-service he has been accustomed to over the last eight or nine years, of major editorialists adoring the crease of his trousers and proclaiming him to the the brightest and best of the sons of the morning.
A couple of hundred, or a couple of thousand Americans dead in an islamic atrocity, as ISIS has threatened to do? Yes, even the lapdog press will begin to be snappish themselves. I just hope that it all happens in a live feed.
America’s enemies within: How nearly SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in the last 18 months – including refugees who had been given safe haven but ‘turned to terror’
Daily Mail UK
Federal and local law enforcement agencies have made dozens of arrests of men and women suspected of ISIS involvement
Analysis shows that they include refugees who entered the United States as refugees
Increasing pressure from Republicans not to accept refugees from Syria on scale demanded by White House
Ted Cruz plans to introduce legislation forbidding refugee status to Syrian Muslims and moves also under way to defund settling refugees
For full news coverage of the Islamic State visit http://www.dailymail.co.uk/isis
Well, that IS news.
Surprise, surprise, surprise !
Gee Gomer, look what’s we’ve found here !
Daily Mail
EXCLUSIVE: Extraordinary selfie shows jihadi who never read the Koran, liked to drink and smoke and had a reputation for having lots of boyfriends… but went on to become Europe’s first female suicide bomber
Hasna Ait Boulahcen, 26, is Europe’s first female suicide bomber
Revealing pictures have now emerged of her relaxing in a bubble bath
She detonated her suicide vest packed with explosives after going to KFC
Screamed ‘Help me!’ before blast in which her head flew through window
She was described by friends as an ‘extrovert’, and booze-loving party girl
Neighbour said she smoked and ‘went around with lots of different guys’
Her nickname was ‘The Cowgirl’ as she liked to wear big cowboy hats
See more on the ISIS Paris attacks at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ISIS
This is proof that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to profile Muslims.
When “called to dawa” — they flip on a dime.
When it came to agriculture Mao thought he knew a lot…
When you have an ego large enough to think that you can design the world, and try, what else can you expect? even worse when the termites share the delusion in their own tiny way. I could go through science papers and find dozens of articles in which the point of what should be done, has to be done, and does not mention a whit that it would take a totalitarian state to even try to do it – a thousand desires with only one unspoken solution sold with only the beneficial assumption while usually completely ignoring what it will do outside the focus
Trying to rationalize the future of optimum utopia is exactly why humanity created and adopted socialism and totalitarian systems.
Without the crutch of rationality, of attempting to use logic to parse out reality, the animal mind would merely care about the present, not the past nor the future.
Conscious awareness is often times a crutch that prevents an accurate view of the Now.
Blert, you nailed it. Sgt Mom, I hope you are right that Obama is somehow humiliated and has a public breakdown for all to see. (Just hope it doesn’t take more death and mayhem.) He needs to be made a laughing stock.
He needs to be made a laughing stock.
Is that going to affect Ayers’ successor, the next Demoncrat leader?
I doubt it.
The damage needs to spread to the entire system, rather than just one person at the top of the system.
Everyone, just keep this Atkisson interview in mind the next time the Obama administration blames the intel community for some failure.
Nothing is ever Obama’s fault, you see. It will be an “intelligence failure.” The intel community that he wouldn’t listen to failed to warn him of this or that. How they were supposed to warn him when he wouldn’t give them the time of day, and more importantly how could they know if they tried to warn him when he had his fingers in his ears and his eyes clamped shut, is the better question.
I was a Naval intel officer for 20 years, and our unofficial motto was, “If we couldn’t take the blame, they wouldn’t keep us around.” I’ve never experienced anything like this, though.
I’ve never experienced anything like this, though.
It’s sort of like cracking the Soviet spy codes, and then realizing that your superiors are the Soviet spy masters themselves. If you report in, you get “disappeared” or in Hussein parlance, you get purged from the military intel community and replaced with a lemming or woman who sold her soul to the Left or some Leftist general officer.
If you don’t report in, they will charge you with insubordinate or something of that sort.
The Left is pretty powerful, in ways people don’t really understand. Learning about Islamic Jihad from 2001 to 2006 helped though, when I refocused on these American… traitors and trash scum. COIN, after all, makes it easy to figure out insurgencies one way or another. Even if the enemy became the occupation and we became the insurgency.