Home » Fighting Islamic terrorists: the French socialist Hollande vs. the American socialist Obama


Fighting Islamic terrorists: the French socialist Hollande vs. the American socialist Obama — 30 Comments

  1. I’d agree that Barry would LOVE more despotic power.

    The Fé¼hrerprinzip pretty much compels despotism.

  2. So far there has been no such thing as “terrorist attack on American soil” by Obama’s definition.

    I’m thinking we could have another plane take out a building with the pilot screaming Allua Akbar and Obama would call it “foreign pilot error” or something. Anything BUT a “terrorist attack on American soil.”

  3. Socialism in France has always been a bit out of synch with the norm. People have theorized why and one I recall was from Zeev Sternhell. His argument was it took an extended amount of time for Marx to get translated into French and back then not a lot of French speakers knew other languages / German… So; the French tended to make socialism up as they went along instead of conforming. So; if sometimes you find yourself agreeing with French socialists… another is that France is so big on culture… ah la something conservatives in the US think about and think is important… but the left generally denies the existence of…

  4. “Obama also would like to support Iran as the dominant power in the region” neo

    If so, then why the Obama administration’s insistence on Iran’s client Assad leaving and its refusal to actually fight ISIS, by far Iran’s dominant Muslim opponent?

    On the other hand, if Obama wishes to import both Shia and Sunni threats to America then his actions make sense. Insistence on Assad’s departure being mere political posturing.

  5. I think, just based on what we know about the Obama’s church and Michelle Obama’s college papers, that they both want to disrupt what they see as the ‘racist’ systems in place in our country.

    I do believe Obama would love some kind of ‘race war,’ such as we see now happening with Ferguson and on some of the college campuses, the releasing of federal prisoners, the instruction to schools to stop punishing certain bad behavior, etc. It is all geared to empower minorities and move them to act in ever more barbaric ways.

    Get ready for more of the same when Obama leaves office. He will be the new Al Sharpton but the teeth as former president that Sharpton never had. He will likely start some kind of ACORN-like non-profit that he will try to spread across the U.S. like Planned Parenthood. He will try to influence elections and stir up resentment.

    That is what I think is going on.

    He is taking this refugee crisis and ISIS to prove that conservatives (i.e. whites) are racist, bigoted people.

  6. GB,

    I am not one to assign the mannish boy (I refuse to refer to him as obama) with superior intelligence, but he is a cunning, vicious, and duplicitous sob. The narcissist in chief has a lot in common with many of the dark lords of the 20th century… adolf, joseph, benito, che, fidel, mao, etc.

  7. If so, then why the Obama administration’s insistence on Iran’s client Assad leaving and its refusal to actually fight ISIS, by far Iran’s dominant Muslim opponent?

    Actions. Not talk. Is why.

  8. . . . we could have another plane take out a building with the pilot screaming Allua Akbar . . .

    . . . and obviously that would be workplace violence. Violently extremist workplace violence.

  9. Yes, Hollande is a patriot. Above all else, the French love France. Americans love to make fun of the (ethnic) French, but they love their country. We often find them to be a pain in the a$$, but when it comes to love of country, culture, and cuisine the French are without equal. And they guard their language.

    They made a big mistake allowing muslims into their country; that is percolating now and I think from what I hear from friends in France (of very diference political POVs) is that there is a grass roots movement to stop the madness. Look for Le Pen to have a strong showing in the next election.

  10. People rightly tend to reciprocate actions done to them, as a matter of course. It’s intimately bound to our human sense of justice. Obama reaps what he sows. Get it, moron?

  11. MDL,

    Time to ride out on the high horse you rode in on. Your mannish (narcissistic) boy king is the one who is pathological, plus your brainwashed, pathetic a$$. Your reference to althouse is silly. You are pure OFA. How does it feel to be a running dog lackey?

  12. Oof, I see that accusatory comment I addressed has now been deleted, utterly decontextualizing my last. Just so future readers understand, the “moron” addressed in that last is what has now disappeared. Apologies for shouting.

  13. So far there has been no such thing as “terrorist attack on American soil” by Obama’s definition.

    They’re waiting for the infrastructure and profile setup to trace it back to:

    1. biker clubs and armed militias
    2. patriots.
    3. Tea Party.
    4. Republicans.

    Various dry runs have been setup for Waco 2 and all these various shootings, for those with eyes to notice.

  14. Time to ride out on the high horse you rode in on.

    Horse would throw that sub human scum, Parker, and then step on the OFA scum for good measure.

  15. The Frogs they do not fool around – have you ever read the words of “La Marseillaise” in English? Amazing they’ve not been updated or sanitized.

    Arise children of the fatherland
    The day of glory has arrived
    Against us tyranny’s
    Bloody standard is raised
    Listen to the sound in the fields
    The howling of these fearsome soldiers
    They are coming into our midst
    To cut the throats of your sons and consorts

    To arms citizens
    Form you battalions
    March, march
    Let impure blood
    Water our furrows

    What do they want this horde of slaves
    Of traitors and conspiratorial kings?
    For whom these vile chains
    These long-prepared irons?
    Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage
    What methods must be taken?
    It is we they dare plan
    To return to the old slavery!

    What! These foreign cohorts!
    They would make laws in our courts!
    What! These mercenary phalanxes
    Would cut down our warrior sons
    Good Lord! By chained hands
    Our brow would yield under the yoke
    The vile despots would have themselves be
    The masters of destiny

    Tremble, tyrants and traitors
    The shame of all good men
    Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
    Will receive their just reward
    Against you we are all soldiers
    If they fall, our young heros
    France will bear new ones
    Ready to join the fight against you

    Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors
    Bear or hold back your blows
    Spare these sad victims
    Who with regret are taking up arms against us
    But not these bloody despots
    These accomplices of Bouillé
    All these tigers who pitilessly
    Are ripping open their mothers’ breasts

    We shall enter into the pit
    When our elders will no longer be there
    There we shall find their ashes
    And the mark of their virtues
    We are much less jealous of surviving them
    Than of sharing their coffins
    We shall have the sublime pride
    Of avenging or joining them

    Sacred Love for the Fatherland
    Lead and support our avenging arms
    Liberty, cherished liberty
    Join the struggle with your defenders
    Under our flags, let victory
    hasten to you virile (or manly) force
    So that in death your enemies
    See your triumph and our glory!

  16. France lost most of their warriors in WWI and WWII. What were left to inherit the power was Vichy, cowards, and traitors essentially.

  17. The vigor with which the French and Russians have responded to the ISIS terror attack puts Obama to shame. Today the Sec of Defense said they ROE have been too strict. All those oil trucks were off limits because of the driver who might be hurt. The Russians went in full bore and took out hundreds. Now the U.S. can hit trucks.

  18. K-E: You nailed it.

    Parker: France is getting the ultimate test of their Frenchness. If they want to defend and preserve their culture, they need to understand that it and Muslim culture are distinct entities that are inimical to each other. IOW, they need to jettison the whole “we’re all the same/all one people/planet” multiculti diversicrap.

  19. Ymarsakar
    and when the war ended the Vichy men were killed and the Vichy women had their heads shaved…

    [be warned recent articles try to make it unusual that a right wing practice was being played by socialists, and that the women were just poor prostitutes, and on and on in rehabilitation when they were collaborators, not all “collaboration horizontale” having sex and certainly not harmless as they told Germans a lot about what was going on among people]

  20. It may be that Obama (since everything is always all about him) literally experienced the Paris attacks as a narcissistic wound. Coming just hours after his televised pronouncement that ISIS has been “contained,” the attacks exposed him as a fatuous incompetent in foreign affairs.

    Even if Obama the Knave is secretly happy with the course of events, the face and voice of Obama the Fool are what now appears in a seemingly endless audiovisual loop. If the Paris attacks were indeed a narcissistic wound to Obama, that might be enough to account for his exceptionally (even for him) petulant, peevish, nasty performance in Antalya.

    But wait — there’s more!

    If the “Paris attacks as narcissistic wound” hypothesis holds water, then John Kerry’s comparison between the Charlie Hébdo massacre and the masscres of Friday the 13th may take on fresh nuance.

    On the surface, of course, Kerry clearly said that the Charlie Hébdo staff was asking for it, and that the Friday the 13th victims were not.

    But the deeper structure of Kerry’s comparison may be that the innocence of the Friday the 13th victims is also vouched for by what is now their psychic enmeshment with, their absolute indistinguishability from, the narcissistic wound of the immaculate, victimized Obama.

    John Kerry, loyal if buffonish soldier.

  21. Obamas Destruction of America

    Since the 2008 Democrat primary campaign there has been questions about Obamas suitability for the office of President. It was Hillary Clinton who first opened the discussion on the Muslim background of Obama. Since that time, people have continually questioned Obamas credibility on the subject.
    There have been statements that Obama has made to reinforce this question. He has talked about the future not belonging to those who slander Islam, that he knows civilizations owes a debt to Islam, that Islam is tolerant and has always been a part of America. Obama has lectured the American people on the tolerance and dignity given to people under Islam. He has spoken of the innovation of the Muslim religion and was an important part of promoting peace through the world. It is clear that our President has a deep and abiding respect of the Islamic religion to the detriment of our culture, our religions and our way of life.
    It is also clear that Obama has no respect for the people of this nation, our laws, and our culture.
    It was to help further Islamic interests that Obama withdrew from Iraq as quickly as he did. With no status of forces agreement that Iraq was willing to discuss with us, he had an excuse to take our military out with the assistance of Iraq Prime Minister Maliki. Obama knew that Maliki was picked by Iran, specifically picked by Qasem Soleimani of the Iran Revolutionary Guard. Both Soleimani and Mailki wanted to United States out to further the takeover of Iraq by the Shiite majority of Iran. That has lead to the growth of ISIS and the outcome as it is today.
    One Democrat president, Jimmy Carter lost Iran. Obama is now attempting to do the same for all of the Middle East. Questions must be raised about the “Arab Spring” that was lauded by the media and Obama as the spread of democracy throughout the Middle East. I find it difficult to believe that this administration did not know that the jihadists would have the upper hand in the conflict.
    It is now clear that Obama has no credible reason for the passage of the Iranian deal, a deal with no real verification and has given Iran the ability to have the nuclear bomb. This will give Iran the opportunity to coerce its neighbors into agreements and to further proliferation of the nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
    Obama does not believe in any religion. Obama only believes in himself. He feels that the way that he looks at the world is correct and all those who disagree are met with a vehemence unseen in a president before. The 2012 Soul Train awards are telling that when Jamie Foxx stated that we should give honor to God, and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama. Meant to be funny, it appeared that Obama believed it. Brought up in a world of anti-colonialism, hatred for the West, and the destructive teachings of Frank Marshall Davis, and Bill Ayers, and the other socialists that surrounded him have turned Obama into a Manchurian President.
    In the years since his election there is no measure that Obama will not take to denigrate this country, and to force the United States into a third world country status. It is this hatred for all things of Western civilization that Obama has used to foment chaos around the world, including his primary Middle Eastern target, Israel.
    It was Obama who ignored the opportunity to overthrow the Iranian regime because he refuses to further the western ideals that have worked throughout the world. Obama doesn’t only feel his ideas are correct, he knows he is right, and know more than anyone else in the room. A Muslim narcissist is a combination that can lead to disaster. His superior morality and power of oratory (at least with a good speechwriter and teleprompter), surrounded by a vanity of never being wrong has lead to a disaster overseas and here at home, a legacy that Obama will turn to his advantage with the assistance of a willing media.
    Knowing that only he is right, and no one can know more than him, has led to conflicts that have been exacerbated by this administrations actions. In a country that was based on the Christian religion, it is sobering to have a President who states that the progressives in society needs to “help” those with deeply held religions to overcome their beliefs. This is from a supposedly Christian President, one who does not act or talk like a Christian, doesn’t go to church, and contrary to what his handlers have told the press, there is no proof that Obama was ever baptized in any church. There are notable and large lies that Obama has told the American people about both his Marxist and Muslim backgrounds. Obama believes his charisma and an insight into the human psyche that only he has will create an aura of comity that will allow his superior morality to quell all conflict.
    And now things have come to a head with the influx of non vetted refuges coming to the United States. Immigration into non Muslim lands has been an integral part of the colonization of those lands. We have a President and his lackeys in his administration that have claimed that these refugees have been and will be “robustly” vetted before they come to this country. The FBI director has already stated that they can’t be vetted because there is no database to use to process this operation. Who will the American people believe.
    Using common sense to decide, let’s look at some of the things this administration has done over the years.
    This administration left Iraq early, called ISIS and JV team not worth our time. The Islamic State now controls lands the size of Rhode Island and are creating atrocities against Christians and non Muslims on a scale not seen in decades, still with no response of merit from this President.
    This administration, because of its hatred of Western Ideals, and the fact that it was the Western powers that has controlled the Middle East since the 1900’s has decimated the area, and left any principles of democratic law in shambles.
    The weakness of this President, combined with his “leading from behind” has led to a resumption of the Cold War with Russia, assisted in fostering new relations with those countries considered enemies, and broke down the relationships grown over the years with our friends. It will be interesting to see what the outcome of the meeting with Hollande produces next week. I would advise that Hollande be prepared to be let down, all Obama has is words. And without a teleprompter, not many.
    We have an open border, with no control and no enforcement. Extremists may have already crossed, and the 26 Muslim training camps set up throughout this country have been put off limits by this administration and the State Department.
    The breakdown of racial, cultural, and associations of class and religion are on Obamas head, as will any terrorist attack on our homeland.
    This administration has appeased any and all Muslim terrorism. Not wanting to say “radical Islam” is just the start. They have said that the Taliban are not terrorists, those causing the carnage in Paris are not radical Islamists,, the Muslim Brotherhood is secular and Jihad is a legitimate part of Islam.
    The expansion of our national debt to a point that is unmanageable, and will be a stone tied around the neck of generations to come. A systematic and continuing press to spend even more and more is not only the Presidents fault, but the Congress as well.
    The Iranian deal has been called many things. There are those who say we have been fooled, and that this is the only way to put off the Iranian nuclear missile. The Iranians will have it within three years if not before. There is no verification of the agreement, and it appears that the hegemony of the Middle East under the Iranian regime is what Obama wants. Now, there is a new group that has been activated in the Gaza Strip called Al-Sabireen under Iranian control. Their leader Hisham Salem is former member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad , and is once again being supplied by Iran. I do not foresee our President doing anything about this group either.
    Obama has lied to the American people from the beginning. He has upheld his Muslim teaching in every decision he makes, and will continue to destroy our country from the inside out until he can hand it to the Islamic leaders in his administration and enforce sharia law. It will be backed by those in this administration and its agencies who have been buying arms within the administration for years.
    America needs to wake up, this is not a President of our country who cares about our country or who believes in the American exceptionalism. It is time for our representatives to rein in this narcissistic Marxist-Muslim. If not possible, impeachment may be the only answer.

  22. IMO the French are, when put to the test, more capable of unity than we. Vichy capitulation remains, after 60 years, a dark stain on the French sense of what it means to be French. They know that only a minority resisted nazi occupation where and when and how it mattered. These memories are awakening now. It remains to see if it is sustained.

  23. and when the war ended the Vichy men were killed and the Vichy women had their heads shaved…

    By collaborators who collaborated with the communists. It’s just a matter of whose rabbit population survived WWII. Notice, millions of communist sympathizers didn’t die nor did they institute a Reign of Terror on the Vichy.

    The gene pool is not going to get cleansed or reset in any other fashion.

  24. There isn’t the equivalent of the American right in France. It seems to me the US left is particularly dysfunctional and doesn’t really love this country. When Hayek visited the US in the 50s he found one party that loved Road to Serfdom and the other that refused to read it. In the UK the left would at least engage it.

  25. @John Velisek USN (Ret.)

    Brilliant post – I am saving this as a word doc to have ready to present to the leftists in my life.

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