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Open thread: Paris attacks — 19 Comments

  1. My guess is no. Or only for the idiots that warned us that this would happen if we didn’t do enough to fight climate change. RIP

  2. I think it’s too late for the Europeans. The enemy is inside the wire. And the citizens subjects are not armed.

  3. Baklava: About those Mizzou tweets, you can’t make this shit up. (they are under the link) What a bunch of losers and attention seeking cry babies! Unbelievable.

    I do believe that we are the relative beginning of this onslaught and there will be more. It is a war.

    Sadness today…

  4. Maria Le Pen will reap a lot of support from this. She will capture a seething mass of French resentment against the Muslim invasion and it will put the sh*ts up the establishment.

    c.f. Trump

  5. Will this be a wakeup call for Europe?


    The usual suspects will mouth the same platitudes as they have after every other terrorist attacks, and life will go on, perhaps with even more restricted freedom for law-abiding citizens, until the next attack.

  6. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The European left has been condemning Israel for occupying Muslim territory -Israel-, now it is Europe’s turn to be condemned in the same terms for occupying Muslim territory – Europe.

    Since the left loves Islam so much perhaps they could lead a BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) program against the European occupiers so that they will turn Europe over to its rightful owners. They can start by returning Andalusia and Greece to the Ummah immediately and to force the inhabitants to live under Sharia law as second class dhimmi to their new masters. Although the Ummah was unable to capture France in the past because Charles Martel the Hammer was a meanie and wouldn’t let the armies from Andalusia take the land and slaves which Allah had promised them France is now rightfully part of the Ummah since there are a huge number of Muslims living and praying in France.

  7. What is significant, I think, is that even while the guns were still firing, President Holland announced that France’s borders are now sealed.
    Why were they open, you might ask? It is a good question.
    Many of the apparently inexplicable events of this late summer and autumn become comprehensible when understood as an attempt by Chancellor Merkel to keep the Schengen Agreement alive. This treaty which guarantees free movement across the EU. has been under strain ever since the collapse of Libya opened the sea routes across the Med (Gaddaffi was the EU’s chief border guard, until we foolishly deposed him).
    It might seem perverse to fill Germany with a million migrants to keep the border between Belgium and the Netherlands open but Merkel is desperate. Remember the EU finds 50 per cent youth unemployment across southern Europe as an acceptable sacrifice to preserve the Euro.
    France’s closure of its borders might be the final nail in Schengen’s coffin, a somewhat late nail since the treaty is already buried six feet under.

  8. In practice, what does a sealed border mean? Every container must be inspected? Every train passenger interrogated? Every truck and car stopped? Every suspicious person detained?

    None of that is even remotely possible. It’s empty words.

  9. Caedmon Says:
    November 14th, 2015 at 4:46 am

    “Many of the apparently inexplicable events of this late summer and autumn become comprehensible when understood as an attempt by Chancellor Merkel to keep the Schengen Agreement alive. This treaty which guarantees free movement across the EU. has been under strain ever since the collapse of Libya opened the sea routes across the Med (Gaddaffi was the EU’s chief border guard, until we foolishly deposed him).”


    Let’s stop the revisionism right now:

    1) Gaddaffi was liquidated — not deposed.

    2) He was the EMPLOYER of the Black Muslim toughs that are invading Europe.

    Yes, he imported them — largely from Nigeria — as he couldn’t get a licks worth of work out of his fellow Arabs.

    That’s a universal truism, BTW. Arabs see them selves as camel jockeys — still very prestigious in Araby — definitely not an insult. They also see themselves as breeders, studs. They absolutely do NOT see themselves as workers.

    Work, in a Muslim society, is to be performed by slaves and hired hands.

    You won’t find Saudis working — in a true sense — even in professional roles. They may have the office. But the real work must be performed by Westerners, Indians, Pakistanis, — anybody but a Saudi. Hiring another Arab — ’tis to laugh.

    When Libya was broken ( Barry’s favorite term ) the Black Nigerian Muslims were wholly associated with the despot. Hence, they have been absolutely hounded by Libyan Arabs.

    ( As in killed at night, beaten, etc., etc. Real KKK stuff. )

    Hence, the boats from Libya are seething with Black Muslims. Not a whole lot of Arabs in the boat. ( Crazy-risky for an Arab to take such a segregated ark. )

    So Gaddaffi created the ‘problem’ as much as anyone.

    The REAL reason for the boat people is that Italy and Greece refuse to use their military assets — navies — to sink the boats while they are on shore. This would be easily done.

    Think water cannons, fire boats, and frogmen.

    Problem solved.

    These are tiny craft.

    You could turn them back the second they left the coast — with water cannons. Just flood them before they even got going.

    Any boats out of the water — get torched.

    Wipe the invasion fleet out.

    This worked to block Napoleon and Hitler. It might work with Jihadis.

  10. …As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,

    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

    The craven Europeans will learn nothing from this. I just hope the Americans take action while there’s still time. My prediction is that the presidential candidate who promises to build the fence and terminate Muslim immigration will win in a landslide. Unfortunately, that’s probably Trump. But maybe it’s already too late. Mark Steyn writes: The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates

  11. A wake up call in lieu of a siren alarm. Close the borders after the invasion. Overcoming terrorists instead of Islam. Fear as opposed to loathing. Rationalized submission rather than rational push back.

    Islam and Western Civilization are, definitively, not the same — this is not a clash of civilizations. Western civilization is organic — living; Islam is inorganic — an affliction, a torment.

    And yet, Western leaders, Hollande, Merkel, Cameron, Obama, et al, will not hesitate to apply ever more torque to their native population, their own people, for the sole purpose of accommodating Islam. Is that not treason? Does that not call for requital?

    Free speech is greatly curtailed so as not to give offense to Islam, not to incite the Muslim.

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

    This we may refer to as the Charlie Hebdo Inference (once, the generic “Motoon” Inference.) Failure to comply may cost some lives. The Inference is the devising of the Western leaders, the treason class, Islamist apologists, in response to Islamic intimidation.

    The greater part of Allah’s will devotes itself to killing as many infidels, exterminating or enslaving the “people of the book”, eradicating everything not Islamic, obliterating every remnant and memory of it, and instilling fear through terror. This may be referred to as Islam and it is the devising of a Prophet/devil.

    Since it’s conception, Islam has been at war with ‘not Islam’. The very Islamic dichotomy of the world into “dar-al harb’ and ‘dar-al islam’ is a declaration of war. As long as we (‘not Islam’) fight terrorism, fight Muslims, fight radicalization, we lose — slowly but inevitably — inevitably because we have no longer a great Faith to fight a great faith. Until we find that Faith, until such time as we fight the enemy – Islam, we lose.

    The foot soldier was not the army; Alexander was, Napoleon was, Wellington was, Washington was. Our fight is with ‘dar-al ISLAM’.

  12. “Will this be a wakeup call for Europe? ”

    We can dream, but it would be a very bad wake up call anyhow. If Europe “wakes up”, the overcorrection may be terrible and a new fascism may ensue.

    People forget how bloody this continent has been historically. You can be cynical about the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the EU, but there _is_ something to it. It is nothing short of miraculous that things have been calm since WWII between the big countries and historical enemies. That is not Europe’s “default state”, in a historical perspective. If the EU project fails, and old nationalisms resurge to replace this artificial superimposed unity, and then visions start clashing over how to solve the shared problem and whose fault it is, we may see some very, very interesting times.

  13. Islam will never reform itself. It can’t. The very essence of Islam is death, destruction and conquest.

    And let’s stop calling it a religion. It’s not. It’s a social and political system to put a few clowns at the top.

    Good recent article at American Thinker describing Islam’s massive birth defect and low IQ problem due to inbreeding. As many Americans like to say, “You can’t fix stupid.”

    Finally, we need to quarantine Islam from the United States. They will never assimilate. They also add nothing to the Republic. Make them stay in their own shitholes. The good news is that we can become energy independent from them if only we would only dump the Green movement.

  14. The feds, the gov, and society will not save you.

    Enough pain and suffering is required before the “slaves wake up” and stop thinking they are Free.

  15. Sorry, but I am sure that Europe of people (not EU establishment, of course) is now much more ready for Great Awakening than USA. There are genuine conservative parties that already have won elections, it is less bound by ossified two-party system, and its population is fed up to the gills by nihilistic liberalism of elites. Anti-Islam sentiments here are much more strong at grass-root level (simply because they have much more numerous Muslim population), they know the enemy facing them in everyday life while most Americans know about them only from mass media trying whitewash jihadists and minimize the size of the problem.

  16. “That means there are networks they don’t know about, which are capable of Beirut-size operations.”-article on French attacks

    A bunch of Know Nothings there. Without Bush II’s intel results from non suborned FBI and Gitmo interrogations, the West is running blind, as usual.

    Pax Americana is dead. If European serfs wanted to be saved again, they might have not done their part in killing the Pax off.

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