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More candidate reactions to the Paris attacks — 45 Comments

  1. Trump had previously said we should bomb ISIS oil fields.

    The FT explains how ISIS uses oil to fund its operation.

    Oil is the black gold that funds Isis’ black flag – it fuels its war machine, provides electricity and gives the fanatical jihadis critical leverage against their neighbours.

  2. This is what happens when a country gets so delusional that someone can fight a war with it and it thinks it can pretend its not a war and not defend yourself so as to think your staying on the right side of unrealistic people that claim to be the most realistic.

    with all those terrorists, there were no one with any guns to oppose them. just a turkey shoot of people and not even a slight worry about encountering firearms until police show up.

  3. “We must wage & win this fight against Islamic terrorism.” C. Fiorina

    “Take note of the last two words, those of you who keep asserting none of the candidates other than Trump ever use that phrase.

    This is Marco Rubio’s very clear statement of a war between radical Islam and Western civilization:” neo

    Those who think that “Islamic terrorism” springs from ‘radical’ Islam, while less than most are still either in denial or demonstrating their ignorance.

    Islam itself is inherently and irreformably “radical”. The “radical Islamists” are the most devout of Muslims, following Islam’s dictates most diligently. Islam cannot be reformed either internally or externally because to do so requires rejecting Islam’s theological basis. As Muhammad’s claim as to the Qu’ran’s authorship must be rejected. Which would implicitly declare Muhammad to have either been a liar or deluded.

    With the possible exception of Rick Santorum, I have yet to see any candidate even imply that they get that.

    “Christendom [once] expanded by the sword, that doesn’t happen anymore … you don’t have any Baptist ministers going on jihad. The Western world has come to terms with religious liberty, freedom of conscience, and that persuasion is the way to spread the faith. [There is] a fundamental, foundational problem in Islam of embracing issues of freedom of conscience and religious persecution.” Rick Santorum

  4. Islam is nearly impossible to reform because of the infallibility of the Koran. It cannot be edited, and contains both peaceful and violent messages.
    The so-called moderates never rise up against the “radicals” because they know they don’t have a theological leg to stand on. They know that the Koran absolutely DOES support murder and mayhem.

  5. Rubio is correct, but I disagree with his choice of words. This is not clash between civilizations. It is a war between civilization and a 1400 year old death cult, aka islam.

  6. Pat D…

    You are wrong. As is the narrative.

    Oil is trivial — used to trade for Turkish food imports.

    The real lucre is coming via Qatar — which is the world’s worst kept secret. ISIS is getting Wahhabist funding.

    Both KSA and Qatar are simply giving ISIS stacks of money… on the down low.

    ISIS is getting its weapons — TOW missiles via Turkey from our own President.

    You can see the results on YouTube. TOW missile shots are uploaded to the Internet — constantly. No jihadist ever proclaims he’s a rebel. For every last shot is coming from ISIS or al Nusrah — BOTH AQ fronts.

    They used to be unified.

    Now, they have split. Dr. Zawahiri brokered their split. Hence they don’t fight so much, anymore.

    Division 30, every other fella we’ve trained has joined either ISIS or al Nusrah.

    This reality is open and on the record.

    Read “The Long War Journal.”

    All the ugly details are laid out as they went down.

    The minute we stop shipping weapons to AQ, ISIS and al Nusrah will run out of ammo.

    [ No ammo for the Kurds, of course. That would upset Ankara and Baghdad. ]

  7. As for ISIS — its neighbors are sitting atop far more oil and income than ISIS could dream of.

    Who wrote that blather ?

  8. PatD:

    How many times do we have to have the same conversation over and over?

    By “we” I don’t mean you and me, specifically. I mean on this blog. Carly’s post-9/11 speech has been discussed ad nauseam.

    Here are a few of the relevant comments and comment threads: this, this, this, and this.

  9. Those clips are powerful statements. The fact that Carly Fiorina linked Islam and terrorism is a move in the right direction. I’d like to hear more but it is a good start.

    Now, has anyone heard a statement from Hilary Clinton which links terrorism to Islam? How about this?

    “”We are not at war with Islam,” said the former secretary of state, choosing her words with care as she warned ordinary Muslims should not be viewed as a threat. “We are at war with violent extremism.”


  10. @NeoNeocon: Sorry. Just reminding newcomers of her sorry record.

    We can read Andy McCarthy and Daniel Pipes and Ayaan Hirsi Ali and learn what Islam is really about. We aren’t hearing about it from many of the candidates.

    When they are slaughtering Westerners and screaming “Allahu Akbar”, they are not saying “God is Great”. They are saying “Allah is greater’.

    Carson has been the most explicit in his criticism of Islam and I applaud him for it. Trump just wants to bomb the crap out of ISIS, especially their oil fields, which is probably a good idea.

  11. Scott, you might not have expected the Spanish Inquisition (nobody does), but it did happen.

  12. I’d recommend that OPEC exporters be tariffed by $25 per bbl — world wide.

    Muslim OPEC exporters would pay $50 per bbl.

    Payable to America for the right to ship via our world ocean.

    Any ship attempting to subvert the tariff would be seized — entire.

    You won’t find Putin protesting — at all.

    Any Muslim land that ‘kicks’ will be blockaded — especially WRT to food and medicine.

    NATO power under the Charter would be invoked.

    The ummah would HAVE to pay for the repatriation of the Hijrah.

    Hence, this export tariff.

    Turkey is expelled from NATO, forthwith.

    Erdogan can swim with ISIS.

    Let’s see if he’s the mahdi. Heh.

  13. PatD Says:
    November 15th, 2015 at 2:00 am

    @Blert Did you even read the FT article?

    Regardless, it’s nonsense on stilts.

    ISIS can ONLY sell oil to Turkey, the rest is internal to its economy.


    The amount sold is pitiful — compared to all other powers.

    The REAL money is openly acknowledged by the international press to be coming via Qatar.

    That’s the world’s WORST kept secret.

    You must pull your head out of the Western media bubble. They are a pack of liars, and fools, all bobbing in unison — to the White House narrative.

    1) Only in the Western MSM do you find any blather about the so-called FSA. All Arabs, and others, realise it’s a propaganda construct. Putin’s telling the truth — this time.

    2) Only in the Western MSM do you find the blather about TOW missiles being given to ‘rebels.’ Hey, this isn’t Star Wars. There are NO secular rebels. EVERY rebel is a fanatical Islamist Jihadist.

    3) ALL of America’s proxy soldiers IMMEDIATELY hooked up with al Nusrah — the very second they crossed into Syria.

    Division 30 was invaded by al Nusrah moles.

    Vetting ? ‘Tis to laugh.

    WAKE UP.

    A prestigious London financial rag is totally lost in Muslim politics. A fool is still a fool, no matter who is publishing him.

    Say, YOU try running a military on $1,250,000 per day. Heh.

    ISIS oil income — what B.S.

    At least this meme has fooled Trump.

  14. Yackums Says at 7:13 am:
    “Scott, you might not have expected the Spanish Inquisition (nobody does), but it did happen.”

    Actually Spain was already Christian during the Spanish Inquisition. Next example?

  15. SCOTTtheBADGER Says:
    November 15th, 2015 at 2:49 am

    Mr. Santorum: When did Christianity spread by the sword?

    In Iberia it did take 700 years to kick the Muslim Moors back to Africa.

    You win.

    You do know that all of the legendary harems were ENTIRELY staffed with captured and raped Christian women. Irish, Italian and Slavic gals were particularly prized. Their families were slaughtered during the coastal ‘pick-up’ expedition.

    History records that a single Big Man Muslim would have well over 1,000 sex slaves — all White European.

    They would be minded by castrated Black Africans. To obtain these souls their families would be destroyed by Tuareg raiders. You can visit today’s Sudan for that practice as it is currently performed. It’s deemed genocide. BTW, the Black Africans are also Muslims. (!) The need for castrates is gone. Now it’s Black sex slaves.

    White sex slaves are now too dangerous. Liam Neeson might show up.

    Instead imported whores from Britain are much favored. They’re ‘imported’ for a month — and screwed silly. Then it’s time for ‘fresh ones.’ I’m not making that up.


    So you’re perfectly right. Events five centuries ago ought to paralyse self defense against the current Hijrah.

    I got cha.

  16. Dennis Says:
    November 15th, 2015 at 7:32 am

    Yackums Says at 7:13 am:
    “Scott, you might not have expected the Spanish Inquisition (nobody does), but it did happen.”

    Actually Spain was already Christian during the Spanish Inquisition. Next example?


    Not to get too picky, but I thought everyone knew that the Inquisition started in 1478. Yes, the Moors were still ‘in business.’


    Lest we forget after only five centuries, the Inquisition was aimed at the Sephardim. They were those Jews trapped inside the Muslim hyper-state — for centuries. Hence, they were allied with the Moors — with links usually going way, way, way back.

    As you might imagine, running with the hated Muslim Moors made such Jews objects of intense suspicion, paranoia, hatred. Those closest to the Moors didn’t wait around. They left with their buddies — straight across the strait.

    Sephardic Jews were so reviled that they were flatly denied the right to settle in Spanish Holland… by the Ashkenazis long living their in peace. Nasty-grams from that era are still extant in European libraries.

    Though the Ashkenazis were under the exact same monarchs, there was no Inquisition directed at them — up in Holland — at first. It didn’t last.

    Passion creep — it’s as bad as mission creep.

    The mass exodus out of Spain by the bulk of the Sephardic Jews ended up finding homes in Poland and even Bosnia. In 1492 both lands received and settled the first refugees.

    Wiki tells of Muslims converting to Catholicism. That’s a stretch. That’s a death sentence for Muslims. I should think that they fled across the strait, instead. I’ve never read of any Muslim mass conversion. Heck, I can’t imagine any quarter being long extended to them.

    BTW, the nasty Inquisition was trivial compared to the blood spilt by the Moors. For there was always an exit visa for any Jew that left for Poland or Bosnia. The vast bulk were immediately ‘hip’ and hit the road — sailing away that is — to Poland.

    Pretty soon the word got back. You’d be flat crazy to stay in Spain! ( Poland was a major (military) power at this time and its monarch laid out the welcome mat.) German military power was centuries into the future in 1492. Germany was where you went to fight. It was the punching bag.


    In sum, the Spanish Inquisition is over hyped.

    I won’t defend it. But, in the context of the times, it was small cheese. Compared to the repression of the Musilms, Nazis, Communists and Maoists, it appears trite. Compared to the brutality that was generally observed around the world — the Spanish come off as comparative liberals.

    Check out the religious ethos that the Spanish ran into in the New World. See “Apocalypto.”

    Everybody was bloody minded and nasty back then. Witch burning and more was considered fair play.

    Everyone got the brutal treatment — being non-Jewish was scarcely any exemption. Death sentences were handed out like Chicklets… just about everywhere.


    Lastly, the Spanish were correct in suspecting that many converted Jews were faking it. Their diaries also can be found in the records. The percentage faking Catholicism was very, very high… in their own words… in their own diaries. Their descendants reverted after the Inquisition.

    After 700 centuries — you bet the Queen was paranoid.

  17. There was a short overlap between the end of the Reconquista (718-1492) and the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) but they were not the same thing.

    The tit for tat between the Sephardic Jews and the Visigoths dates back from before the Muslim invasion. When the Muslims invaded some of the Sephardic Jews decided that they would rather live under Islam and aided the invaders. Unfortunately for those Sephardic Jews who collaborated with the Muslims, their Muslims masters were not always kind to them. According to reports by travelers into North Africa after the Reconquista the living conditions of Jews who followed the Muslims out of Spain was very bleak.

  18. Bert!!

    The idea of the campaign. When I see Rubio I will ask him about a tariff on OPEC oil. At $25 bbl, then WTI is at a price that the American oil and gas industry is fixed.

    And what can OPEC do to us? Nothing!
    They need the food, computers and movies.

    This is such a great idea!

  19. Do you think Americans are mad or sad over Paris?

    I see little anger and I think people should be insanely angry at Barack. He pulled out of Iraq. He did nothing against ISIS for months. The incredibly stupid “JV” comment. Beheadings of Americans and golf for Barack. And then pin prick responses.

    A leader president would have crushed ISIS before it grew to become strong.

    ISIS is Barack’s fault. ISIS was an avoidable error.

    I can’t believe more people don’t share my view.

  20. A Clash of Civilizations would presume that Islam has a civilization…. rather than merely being parasites and stealing the civilized products of their Dhimmis and jizya paying slaves.

  21. What slaves of Islam aren’t taught is that the Muslims occupied Spain for centuries, using that as a base to launch their sexual slaver raids.

    There are slaves of Islam even now, right here in the comments.

  22. As for Christianity spreading by the sword, the pro Islamic propagandists like to raise the Crusades and various other things.

    What they don’t mention is the Albigensia Crusade against the Cathar Perfects. Because it was much like the Shia vs Sunni heresy wars.

    That is because Islam already killed all the Christians in Anatolia, Middle East, and North Africa, or converted them to Jizya paying dhimmis from 7th century to 1400 AD. A main branch religion killing off heretics is assumed, under Islam, to be natural. That’s why Islam exterminates the Yazidi, their history links up with Islam in a “heretical” fashion.

    If people want an actual example of Christianity using the sword to stamp out different beliefs, the Albigensia crusade would be one of them. What it teaches, though, is not that Islam is superior. What it teaches is that if you are a pacifist, Quaker shaker, that refuses to fight slavers, they will Own You.

  23. The Christianity in the West, of France and Italy, after 900 AD was a shadow of the main branch Christianity from the apostles.


    Because Christianity had to fight tooth and nail against the Islamic Jihad for centuries. And Italian patricians and Jewish families participated in the slave trading of Africans and Europeans, to the Middle East.

    Christianity, the Pope’s institution at least, believed that force was the way because that was all they had ever known. All that had been left to them by the destruction of Middle East Christendom by Islam. To survive, the remaining Catholic Christians had to become warlike. Far exceeding the Byzantines and the Greeks.

    That is a stain from which people never recover. Spanish cruelty and slave trading, were customs they adopted from their Muslim overlords. What people think of as European Christendom, is a hacked off stump of a whole man, that was once peaceful and followers of the apostles of Christ.

    This is because Islam is Islam, not because of Christianity itself.

  24. Neo, I’m sorry to report this – and I know it’s early – but I have to agree:


    They can wait if they like until next November for the actual balloting, but Donald Trump was elected president tonight.

  25. The Left and Europe creates a crisis, then the Democrat/Leftist Trump proceeds to offer a solution for the crisis in return for Absolute Power.

    It is not all that far fetched a scenario, since the Left has been doing things like that for a century and more.

  26. Yes, the analogy between the emotionalism and irrationality of the Weimar Republic and modern day America has not escaped me. The hair comes up on the back of my neck when I hear Americans clamoring for a “strong leader” and not caring much about about his proposed solutions. I want a strong leader, too, but one who will work within the confines of the Constitution.

  27. Has anyone said the obvious in a while?

    If you want to stop this …I mean all this …cut off the head of the beast.

    The clerics.

    The “soldiers” are mental deficients and/or irrational psychos and/or immature misfits. Brainwashed followers. What they are not are leaders and promoters.

    …soldiers seldom are, especially in non-Western cultures.

    Specifically target the radical clerics of this death cult.

    When the West finally starts to engage in systematic extermination of the loci of the disease as policy, the infection will eventually …cease.

    Kill ’em all. Quietly by assassination, dramatically by drone, spectacularly by orbital rain …and without worrying about collateral damage (or make “collateral damage” the point just like these animals do).

    Those mosques and minarets are stationary targets. Immolate them.

    …sooner or later, unless the goal of our political elites is voluntarily walking the West off the stage of history, we’re going to have to merge tactic and strategy (i.e., grow a pair) and do what any fool can see needs done.

    Cut off the heads of the beast …before we reach the point when we have to employ methods that target statistically significant proportions of civilian populations of this death cult.

    I am just so done with all this crap.

  28. Edit:Those mosques and minarets and madrassas are stationary targets. Immolate them.

    …needful emendation.

  29. Ah, the sad left — In Paris Neighborhood Heavily Hit by Terrorists, Residents View Attackers as Victims:

    “It’s very personal, what’s happened,” said Stephan Byatt, an actor who lives on a nearby street. He has a hard time finding the words to describe what he’s feeling. His friend, Bruno Michlaud, a graphic artist, tries to help out. “It’s a symbol of Paris, a symbol of life. They hurt us in the center of our lives and each of us could have been one of those killed.”

    But they aren’t angry, at least not at the perpetrators. “They’re stupid, but they aren’t evil,” their friend Sabrina, an administrative worker in one of the theaters in the 11th arrondissement, said. “They are victims of a system that excluded them from society, that’s why they felt this doesn’t belong to them and they could attack. There are those who live here in alienation, and we are all to blame for this alienation.”

    That neighborhood is the 11th arrondissement, where most residents are “bohemian and bourgeois, middle-class academics in their 30s and 40s with clearly leftist leanings”.

  30. Ann:

    I wonder what on earth people like Sabrina would think IS evil, if not this.

    The oppressors of the West?

  31. It’s tempting to think someone like Sabrina is suffering from some sort of dissociative disorder. For instance, what does she mean by that “this” in her statement that the attackers “felt this doesn’t belong to them and they could attack”. Is she thinking merely of buildings, and not actual human beings? Sure sounds like that.

  32. Ann:

    I believe that what Sabrina meant by “this” was the restaurant, the concert hall, and the soccer game. Western culture and its amusements.

    Granted, the terrorists were free to go out to dinner or a concert or a soccer game. No one barred them. But if they either don’t have the money, or their religion forbids such frivolities, or their countries of origin aren’t as rich and don’t have a lot of fancy restaurants, or whatever might engender their rage and/or their envy—that’s the exclusion that Sabina’s talking about.

    She’s also talking about her own “white privilege,” the guilt she’s been convinced she should have because she has those things and they don’t.

  33. I’m also curious about whether Sabrina really thinks the ISIS folks want to take part in what she considers the good life of night clubs, etc. Does she not know that they actually want to forbid all that? Or is she in denial?

  34. Stv @ Nov 15th, 2015 at 1:20 pm
    What about [this] Mosque in Munich

    …if the intelligence agencies are gleaning useful info, case-by-case.

    Otherwise: No quarter. No sanctuary. No safe haven. No excuse.


    …the clerics have morphed islam into an active existential cultural threat to the West.

    Rules change during wars; time to change the rules.

  35. I’m not mad, and I’m not sad.
    These are simply the consequences of holding ideologies that aren’t true. What we’re witnessing is ideological natural selection.

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