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The photographer versus the mob — 22 Comments

  1. Report that there are no photos of the Nazi symbol drawn in poop. How could that be when everyone has a phone in their pocket?

    Also reports that Soros is paying non-students to rouse the rabble.

    Grad student leader went to Omaha Central. Susie’s Buffett’s favorite school and her alma mater. Omaha Central is another liberal failure.

  2. Just the first few minutes I saw giggling and laughing. These are just kids who think they are ‘awesome’ for standing up to ‘the man.’ When really they are just free of their parents for the first time and don’t know how to behave. Giggling and laughing about abusing the press is strange and juvenile. If I were an employer, I would make note of these kids and never hire one of them. Demanding, spoiled brats.

  3. K-E

    If you were an employer? How about if you were the college administration? Any football player who refuses to play is off the team and if he has an athletic scholarship it is terminated. Any faculty member who refuses lawful direction from the school administration is either fired or put on unpaid leave immediately. The students and staff need to learn they are NOT in charge. Let them go.

  4. The not-so-stealth jihad is conquering Europe. Our college students can’t recognize the first amendment in action, even when it points a camera at them from close range and wears a sacred “minority” face. The war is upon us.

  5. Heather Mac Donald points out something very important about all this: the “sports-industrial complex”:

    University of Missouri president Timothy Wolfe resigned Monday morning in the face of a threatened boycott by black football players of an upcoming game. …

    The precedent set here is monumental. Any student protester who can convince his college’s football or basketball team to threaten a strike will be able to bring administrators to their knees even more quickly than usual. Administrative cupidity and alumni fanaticism have turned the collegiate sports-industrial complex into the most powerful force on campus. If that behemoth can be reliably persuaded to support the latest racial agitation–and there will often be a critical mass of black athletes to appeal to–then an already supine leadership class will discard the reality principle once and for all.

    Thirst for power combined with that sports fixation — deadly.

  6. These people’s future employers are not going to stand up to them because for the most part, they have no future employers. Certainly the black football players don’t. Few, if any of them are getting drafted by the NFL. As for the White students, few of them are majoring in anything that could ever possibly land them a job. They can be Commissars in the safe space of their little protected academic sandbox, but aren’t likely to make it in the real world. But a small percentage will find work as community organizers or whatever. And that’s a problem.

    There’s an issue here for anyone who wants to seize it. We have too many people going to college on the public dime and studying subjects for which society has no practical use. student aid and student loans need to be drastically reduced outside the STEM fields. When these people need to worry about their future employment prospects, this sort of behavior will be moderated.

    I have little sympathy for the academics who knotted this scourge for their own backs, but societal cost of producing this many useless, destructive, venomous intellectuals will be huge. It’s time to start draining this swamp, and that begins with drastically reducing Federal aid to higher education.

  7. When I was in college there were constant protests because of Viet Nam. No one was particularly interested in dying in a rice paddy far from home. It all went away when the draft was abolished. That was rational, but this? There hasn’t been genuine racism in the US for at least thirty years. Oppression of women? They get a leg up whatever they do. So why the sudden campus protests? Maybe this is just the usual campus nonsense but magnified by a lazy press and the internet grossly out of proportion to what life is really like on university campuses.

  8. Paul in Boston:

    Take a look at the post I just put up above this one. The answer to your question is, “because this is the left, and the left must have grievances, and the most sympathetic grievance is an accusation of racism.” If racism didn’t exist, the left would have to invent it.

  9. Effective campus activism requires student leadership up front, while faculty and alumni play key but comparatively background and more defined roles.

    It wouldn’t be accurate to call the faculty and alumni activist roles ‘support’ roles because they’re important. All the roles are important and they’re not redundant. ‘Co-starring’ roles is a more appropriate description for faculty and alumni while student activists must play the starring role.

    It’s critical for conservatives who react distastefully to activism to understand that the campus activist game is necessarily played by rules that were engineered by the 1960s protestors. The rules of the campus activist game have since been developed and entrenched by subsequent campus activist iterations.

    You can disagree with the nature of the campus activist game in your person, but if you want to mount an effective counter-Left campaign on campus, you don’t have a choice. You must play the campus activist game by rules that may chafe in order to counter the campus left and seize the metaphorical ground needed to reform the campus culture.

    That introduction is to bring up the practical example of the Ivy League student-veterans, perhaps boosted by the distinctive competitive mindset that they acquired from their military service during the last decade, who countered the same type of leftist campus vigilantism on display today in order to establish their group on campus with a high-profile, growth orientation and restore ROTC to the University.

    They changed their school’s reputation from having one of the famously worst anti-military legacies to being rated as one of the best military-friendly schools in the nation.

    Notably, in contrast to conservatives who complain about leftist ‘Gramscian’ gains yet habitually refuse to play the activist game that’s necessary to counter leftists, the Ivy League student-veterans took it upon themselves to compete head-on against the campus left in the campus activist game that’s traditionally dominated by the left.

    Anyone can look dominant when the competition refuses to compete.

    The campus activist game can be won. They did it. But the game must be played to win.

  10. Time to bring in the SEC.,and by that I don’t mean the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    Missouri was only allowed to join the premier college football conference a couple of years ago (2012) and they have never really fit in.

    Time to boot ’em; we don’t have time for this crap (pun intended).

    Go dogs.

  11. At state universities the athletic department has a separate bag of money from the rest of the campus, funds generated by ticket sales and merchandise do not fund the campus, they fund the athletic department. Where athletic departments benefit the campus at large is through alumni support to the campus fund raising efforts. I think the boycott threats by athletes just shot the general Uof Mo campus in the foot. How will these antics influence state legislatures when it comes to appropriating tax dollars to university systems is the 64 million dollar question.

    Regarding these fine young cannibals in MO, I suggest diapers and a bottle of warm milk to assuage their angst.

  12. Whoo hoo! That video sure got my juices flowing.

    That, fellow commenters, was what it was like to be a Navy recruiter on many college campuses back in the 60s. No matter the provocation, (and there were many worse than in this video) we were under orders not to react, as TV cameras were always there and ready to document “barbaric” conduct by the military. Little was said or done about the conduct of the protestors. We got used to enduring this, although it was hard. We would not back down and let them drive us from the campus – that would have been an admission of defeat.

    The visits, which seemed a waste of time because few students approached us for recruiting info, actually bore fruit because many students from the STEM disciplines who might not have seen or noticed our presence saw us because of the demonstrations. They then contacted us at our recruiting office. They were our best candidates to be future Navy pilots and were against the student activism that was being driven by the Communists – the same sort of people who are behind BLM.

    This stuff is being funded by George Soros and there are trained professional agitators going around stirring things up. If the FBI is doing its job, it should know who these people are. However, with this DOJ and Obama in charge, who knows if they are on the job.

    I do know this, giving in to their demands is not the way to go. Some heads may have to be cracked or some blood may have to flow before it is over, but the productive citizens in this country are not going to stand for this if it gets much bigger.

  13. And people thought I was crazy to start training in H2H and martial arts after 2001…. heh, little did they know.

  14. So many zombies in that video, Neo. It’s like one stop short of Valhalla. So many… it’s like a wonderland.

  15. Also Parker, this is where magnifying the Voice into a weapon, would be pretty effective. If they escalate, they just fall into a trap.

  16. Y,

    I started in jujitsu in 1977, learned to break bones for 15 years, and have since then immersed myself in the more subtle and fluid art of aikido. I can, paraphrasing LC, kill you if I must or painfully correct you if I choose. I can also put a bullet in your chest at 200 yards with open sights, and at 600 with a scope. I know how to use a knife to silence a blabber mouth within 1 second. I can do these things because I trained over decades, and I continue to train. Ki-shin-tai.

    This is not to brag, its just the truth. The supple defeats the strong, timing defeats speed, wisdom acquired through patience defeats youthful vigor, calmness defeats anger. In combat, always allow the enemy to make the first move, in order to instantly recognize how to defeat him.

  17. I’m sure that the players were miffed that the fellow was

    1) A student

    2) Had no White privilege

    3) The cameras were rolling — lots of them

    This is what True Belief looks like — up close and personal.

  18. blert:

    He also is a member of one of the unfavored minorities. The only thing worse is a Jew.

  19. and I continue to train. Ki-shin-tai.

    I don’t doubt you. Spirit and mind, with body in true intent?

    It’s always useful to have non lethal tools to create space, because WMDeceptions and other such things can be used more and thus more militia resistance fighters can gain access to them, than relying on a small cadre of elite fighters.

    Currently the fight is still in the propaganda arena, though it is getting physical. We won’t need the shock troops except when Oathkeepers and others mobilize to hotspots. O K were also in Ferguson, on roof tops, keeping the businesses safe. The MSewerM didn’t see any of that, of course.

  20. Also, provoking the other side in striking first, when they think they have the “strength” to overpower some of their opponents, is a good opportunity for any shock troops lying in wait to attack with overwhelming power, then put that on youtube as a deterrence and lesson. Which would have multiplicative effects, instead of merely expending one’s cadre in ops.

  21. This is what True Belief looks like – up close and personal.

    It is pretty weak compared to the Willpower of a true believer though. Most of them are obeying orders and can only usher in some will when part of a mob, a herd, a zombie horde.

    The true believer takes action irregardless of what society tells them, because they are beholden to a higher Truth or higher Power.

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