Home » The third debate: the one between the moderators and the candidates


The third debate: the one between the moderators and the candidates — 26 Comments

  1. ha ha vanderleun. i have no TV, so I am glad that in this sea of … well, whatever … there might be some intelligent observations and commentary here. if y’all can comment on body language as well as “message” that will be appreciated by those like me w/o tv. Seems it is not even on the radio!

  2. Dumb question: Who the heck agreed to have John J. Harwood and Becky Quick (sp?) and CNBC do this debate? Idiots. At least Cruz called them out for what they are. More of this, please!

  3. One good thing about the Mets being in the World Series is that I can pick up WOR on the radio pretty well. I haven’t had TV since 2012.

    I’m sort of rooting for KC, though.

  4. carl in atlanta:

    Not a dumb question.

    The GOP keeps agreeing to debating with enemy moderators. The problem, I think, is that nearly all the possible moderators are the enemy.

  5. Neo: Amen. These candidates are close to collaborating to the extent necessary to put these CNBC worms in their place.
    Another dumb question: Did CNBC bring Cramer in to save the discredited asses of the other three inquisitors?

  6. Still, the candidates are figuring out that they can own these talking heads. Now the audience is joining in; best live TV that I’ve seen in a long time.

  7. A commenter at Ace’s wrote, “Kasich looks like a chipmunk munching on acorns.” Exactly.

  8. Watching the msm ‘moderate’ a gop ‘debate’ to sort the wheat from the chaff all one needs to consider is which candidates attack the ‘moderators’. Cruz leads the way.

  9. Biggest loser of the night is CNBC. They were disgraced. Check out the Drudge headlines that just went up.

  10. The rest should just drop out now? Why? They’ve been treated like inconsequential shits by the RNC and the media interrogators and they should go quietly home?
    I wouldn’t. I would not answer their question. I’d say my piece and I’d give the interrogators hell, real hell, at every opportunity.

  11. The GOP candidates done broke the code. They will no longer let the moderators push them around. Thumbs up to all those who pushed back.

    Cruz and Rubio were on their games tonight. Both impressive debaters.

    Carly did well, but she didn’t stand out tonight like she did in the last debate. Still very polished in her answers.

    Kasich and Jeb are both competent governors, but they are out of their league in this Presidential race. They just don’t have “it.” (Charisma?) I can’t define “it,” but I know it when I see it.

    Carson is not a great debater or public speaker. I know he’s brilliant and his character is unimpeachable, but the President needs to be able to persuade people to follow him through thick and thin. IMO, Ben just doesn’t have that ability. I love the man, but not as the President.

    We saw the Christie that we used to love. He had some good moments tonight.

    Trump has changed his tactics. He is no longer running everybody down. He did attack Kasich a bit tonight, but managed to modulate himself a bit. He profited from John Harwood’s imbecilic attack on him. Cruz profited even more.

    Rand Paul is a good voice for fiscal conservatism. He should drop out and spend his time fighting those battles.

    Huckabee, a good and decent man, does not have much chance in this field.

    All in all, a good night for the GOP brand and a punch in the nose for the MSM.

    I watched the early debate. (I’m an old codger and can watch while I walk on my elliptical – killing two birds with one stone.) I was impressed by Lindsay Graham’s grasp of foreign and defense policy – an area they didn’t get into in the later debate. Pity, since the election is all about picking a C-in-C.

  12. When attakers approach, identify the strongest attacker, take him out swiftly, and the rest become jello. Cruz was the leader in the counter offensive, a few others quickly followed his lead. Cruz 1 msm less than zero.

    Jeb! Kasich, Lindsey, and Huckabee should exit the playing field. Let the hunger games begin.

  13. Paul, if he is a Libertarian, is part of an “organization” that the Left has several leverage points and strings on.

    While other Republicans accidentally attacked the Benghazi hearings vs Clinton, providing ammo for HRC’s defenders, Paul directly chose to provide cover for murdering Democrats. But that’s just one person and one incident, the Libertarian party has historically been on and off again, a propaganda appendage of the Leftist alliance.

    Don’t expect too much from them, they aren’t who they think they are.

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