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In non-news of the day… — 20 Comments

  1. What this means is Clinton is safe from prosecution for painfully obvious multiple felonies. Loretta the Lynch will “decide” not to file charges.
    But Hey! It’s all cool. Defining deviancy down at the Federal level continues entirely unabated.
    As to Biden and the constant media yammer about Beau’s deathbed wish and Biden’s struggle with it, it is obvious poppycock but the millions who follow Lamar Odom’s progress daily, back from near self-immolation after a 4 day continuous orgasm, they buy this poppycock too.
    I just love democracy.

  2. Hillary will only be safe from prosecution if she wins. I’m convinced that’s why she continues to run.
    I may have mentioned it before, but I find the example of Italy as useful foreshadowing for where this country is headed. Just look at the examples in their politics.

  3. Joe is a back-up in case Hillary gets indicted but that’s not happening.

    We have only a slight hint of the depth of her criminality.

    Bernie will make her sweat a little bit.

  4. The Tattaglia Family is not going to let the Corleone Family get the Iron Throne (to mix metaphors). My money is still on Mooch.

  5. Cornhead:
    What this means is, regardless of the FBI findings and recommendations to Loretta, the case will not be brought before a grand jury because the AG declines to do so (any poppycock reason presented to the public will suffice), so Hillary will not be indicted. No indictment, no trial.

    No Sloppy Joe backup needed.

    Remember “unindicted co-conspirator”, as in CAIR? Which is alive and thriving.

  6. Frog is correct. I also believe that she’s got something special up her sleeve for the testimony tomorrow. Chelsea and David Brock have really raised everyone’s expectations. And Bernie and Plugs Biden have now set the set the table for her. Plus, get this: It was just reported by Jamie Dupree (of Cox Communications, I think) on Hannity’s radio show that rumor has it that Trey Gowdy has “lost his voice”. Great. Just fine and dandy.

    For some good gallows humor see the headline over at Drudge this afternoon: No permalink that I can see but if it’s gone by the time you check out Drudge it was this photo over the headline, “BIDEN SCARED AWAY”. Pretty good.

  7. Today’s Biden announcement means the entire Hillary play script has been written and agreed to by Hussein and Hillary and Bill, all the way to next November and maybe beyond (e.g. 2015 year-end pardon for Hillary in the event she is not elected).

  8. Frog… I agree, my loony left aquaintances continually use the excuse that there is no legal case as there hasn’t been any indictment of Mizz Hillary, of which I reply the leftists have control of the Justice Dept and will cover for the old bag

    Therefore Mizz Hillary, AKA the Hilldebeast, is innocent of any wrong doing. Even if Indicted, Convicted and sentence to death, our 44th president will grant a full pardon so that she can continue the good work of the Clinton Global Initiative.

    We creep closure every year to a shooting second revolution. Why do you think the founders made it the second amendment. It wasn’t so that people could go hunting, it was placed to constrain Tyrrany in Government. Also known as Liberalism

  9. John Dough:
    Without a violent counter-revolution, we are done and done for. Not that Neo will agree with us. She remains ever hopeful. But she is new to our way of thinking, by her own admission!

  10. Along with Warren, I thought Biden was Obama’s pick, so I am a bit surprised. Especially as Obama’s past actions don’t make a lot of sense to me, now appearing to be, at best contradictory.

    Hillary’s chances now look better than ever. And I too see the distant, gathering clouds of conflict on the horizon.

    “Hillary says Australian-style gun confiscation program ‘worth considering’ in America”

  11. Frog:

    Not so new any more 🙂 —over ten years!

    I sometimes think maybe I should change my name.

  12. I too have thought that bho did not want hrc to be the 45th. The Chicago and Arkansas mafias are not exactly best of enemies. Making this announcement with bho at his side appears on the surface to be the equivalent of bho anointing hrc as his successor. That is difficult to accept as barry’s post presidential dream wish. So I still view this ‘non-news’ with suspicion.

  13. The alcoholic sobered up enough to drop out.

    Hillary still held a grip on the Super Delegates.

    That was enough to ruin his prospects.

    She’s also taken a page out of Barry’s script — and has locked in the party troupers in many caucus states.

    Hence, even a middling performance on super Tuesday ends the race to the nomination.

    Webb, O’Malley… were running for vice-president, I’d say.

  14. Just a reminder of how retarded this git Biden is:

    After September 11th, Biden Suggested Sending $200 Million To Iran, “No Strings Attached” As A Gesture Of Good Faith To The Arab World.

    “At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: ‘I’m groping here.’ Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction.

    ‘Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran’ Biden declares.

    He surveys the table with raised eyebrows, a How do ya like that? look on his face.”

    So his reaction to the worst attack on American soil since Pearl freakin’ Harbor is to reward our enemies with millions of dollars!!!

    He also had no freakin’ idea that the Persians AREN’T ARABS.

    This guy … I can’t say what he is on Neo’s blog! how about Traitor? how about World-Class Cretin?


  15. Honestly, my feeling is that Obama does not want a Democrat in the White House. And keeping Biden from running guarantees that won’t happen. He has control of the justice department, but he can also pretend that he has no control over this situation with Hillary.

    This is why I feel this way:

    Obama is looking at his post-presidency. He enjoys being in the middle of racial tensions and is deep-down a socialist. If Hillary were in office, he becomes a lot less noticeable. All eyes will be on having a Clinton back in the White House and having the first woman president. Obama will become an afterthought. He might try to rise above the Clinton noise, but it will be difficult. As we all know, Bill is a charismatic figure who would LOVE to be back in the White House…even as the ‘first husband.’

    If Hillary were to go down in flames, the election is all but secured for the Republicans. Obama can be an antagonistic figure. He can protect his ‘legacy’ by blaming all failures – financial or otherwise – on the Republicans. He loves to gin up anger and resentment, and without a Republican in office, that will be a lot harder to do.

    No, I think Obama wants to see a Republican in the White House. He would enjoy his post-presidency situation a lot more. Can you imagine him brutalizing the right in the news, on the stage, etc.? He would absolutely LOVE that.

  16. K-E,

    I have not considered your ‘theory’ but I can see that you may be onto something. Its true that the clintonistas will bask in the msm’s adoration if they control the oval office, and bho would be shy (for once) to criticize them in an attempt to commandeer the spotlight. Thanks for putting this out here for our consideration.

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